• Gmail

    From Jean Parrot@3:640/384 to Holger Granholm on Sat Feb 27 00:32:41 2016
    A nice morn to you, Holger.

    Well, I didn't count the days, but I was a bit surprised at "already", remembering vaguely your (the post office's) statement of the time it would take to get here.

    The postie had mentioned a full week.

    I'll look out for that "remember me".

    That tick goes in at the left bottom corner of the log-in dialogue.

    Now, as you have noted, I finally got my resting, 3½ years, local ISP account opened again, to the tune of 1784 messages waiting to be DL'd.

    Did you read them all ?

    --- Paul's Win98SE VirtualBox
    * Origin: Quinn's Post - Maryborough, Queensland, OZ (3:640/384)
  • From Holger Granholm@2:20/228 to Jean Parrot on Sat Feb 27 11:04:00 2016
    In a message on Saturday 02-27-16 Jean Parrot said to Holger Granholm:

    A nice morn to you, Holger.

    And a GN to you, according to the time stamp on your message.

    The postie had mentioned a full week.

    That may be the case of a parcel, but this one was apparently handled as
    a letter.

    I'll look out for that "remember me".

    That tick goes in at the left bottom corner of the log-in dialogue.

    OK, nice to know.

    Now, as you have noted, I finally got my resting, 3½ years, local ISP account opened again, to the tune of 1784 messages waiting to be DL'd.

    Did you read them all ?

    No, but during my deleting old messages, I thought that to "Archive"
    some, did mean to save them for later reading/replying, but I can only
    find the headers and subject in the "Junk" folder. Any attempts to get
    them to show the contents, have failed so far.

    Have a good nite,

    CU L8ER, Sam, OH0NC

    aka Holger

    * MR/2 2.30 * As for me, all I know, is that I know nothing.

    --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
    * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)