• Wikipedia and PDF-XChange

    From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to All on Tue Aug 29 22:49:00 2017
    I use PDF-XChange DoPDF to save pages I see on Firefox as .PDF files.

    Occasionally (maybe regularly) when I save a Wikipedia page who's Name
    begins with the word "Microsoft" DoPDF doesn't show the Page Name and
    the word "Wikipedia", it only shows "Wikipedia" and I must insert the
    pages name in DoPDF before I click the button to save it.

    This happened to me tonight and I thought I'd ask if anyone else has
    had this happen when saving a Wikipedia page.

    I can't remember the first time I noticed it dropping the pages name
    but it has been doing this off and on for years.

    It happens when I want to save a file with DoPDF and the filename has
    already been used in the Sub-Directory I want to save it to.
    There already is a file Named "Wikipedia.PDF" so XP alerts me that
    it can't save to that name.

    Such things happen regularly here.
    I hope it doesn't happen to You.

    Thanks for reading.

    ... Ask me about my vow of silence.
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From Paul Quinn@3:640/1384 to Ed Vance on Wed Aug 30 20:05:13 2017
    Hi! Ed,

    On 08/30/2017 12:49 PM, you wrote:

    It happens when I want to save a file with DoPDF and the filename has already been used in the Sub-Directory I want to save it to.
    There already is a file Named "Wikipedia.PDF" so XP alerts me that
    it can't save to that name.

    I'm writing to lend moral support, Ed. I no longer use PDF-XChange since I dumped Win8.1, back on 12 September last year, after a love/hate relationship for just on the one year mark.

    I might have dumped DoPDF, etc earlier than then but I can't remember what I ended up using to read PDFs with or when; I just remember uninstalling whatever
    it was that HP plonked on the PC. I do remember that I saved roughly 200Mb of HDD real estate. I already had a 'network printer' PDF creation solution going
    for nearly a decade.

    Such things happen regularly here.
    I hope it doesn't happen to You.

    Yep. Don't feel out of step with that. I do it all the time, though I was lucky with a couple of Wikipedia-originated docs today. They came named as I needed.

    OTOH, I am suffering a Linux error of some sort where the date of creation on every page footer is reporting 1/1/1970; the time is correct. Weird.[shrug] I
    think it may be the Xubuntu version I'm running causing that; it needs replacing but I can't for quite a while.

    I used to think I was the only one afflicted with such problems. I am glad to hear of your battles with these ornery machines. Don't stop writing. ;-)


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.4.0
    * Origin: Quinn's Rock vBox - sunny side up on the bookcase (3:640/1384)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to Paul Quinn on Thu Aug 31 22:34:00 2017
    08-30-17 20:05 Paul Quinn wrote to Ed Vance about Wikipedia and PDF-XChange Howdy! Paul,

    @MSGID: <59A6D39F.15204.windowsa@capitolcityonline.net>
    Hi! Ed,

    On 08/30/2017 12:49 PM, you wrote:

    It happens when I want to save a file with DoPDF and the filename has already been used in the Sub-Directory I want to save it to.
    There already is a file Named "Wikipedia.PDF" so XP alerts me that
    it can't save to that name.

    I'm writing to lend moral support, Ed. I no longer use PDF-XChange
    since I dumped Win8.1, back on 12 September last year, after a
    love/hate relationship for just on the one year mark.

    I might have dumped DoPDF, etc earlier than then but I can't remember
    what I ended up using to read PDFs with or when; I just remember uninstalling whatever it was that HP plonked on the PC. I do remember that I saved roughly 200Mb of HDD real estate. I already had a
    'network printer' PDF creation solution going for nearly a decade.

    I was thinking when I wrote earlier that DoPDF and PDF-XChange were from
    the same Company.
    I just looked and learned they aren't. Lesson Learned.

    What Program do You use to read PDF's when You use Windows in a VM?
    To Me PDF-XChange does real good.
    I have noticed when I Read or Print some pages from PDF-XChange sometimes
    there is missing text between pages in the file, but I can live with that.

    CutePDF is another Program I was told could make PDF Files from pages
    I see in Firefox but I chose to used DoPDF because it has a Option
    to make a Small File.
    Hmmmm, maybe it's DoPDF cutting the lines off when I make a PDF instead of PDF-XChange? Hmmmmm. Maybe all this time it's "ED DID IT!!!!!!!!"?

    Such things happen regularly here.
    I hope it doesn't happen to You.

    Yep. Don't feel out of step with that. I do it all the time, though I was lucky with a couple of Wikipedia-originated docs today. They came named as I needed.

    Hey! You and Me probably balance out the World from tumbling because
    the Computer Errors I make are cancelled out by Your Error. ????

    OTOH, I am suffering a Linux error of some sort where the date of
    creation on every page footer is reporting 1/1/1970; the time is
    correct. Weird.[shrug] I think it may be the Xubuntu version I'm
    running causing that; it needs replacing but I can't for quite a while.

    Need new Clock Battery on Motherboard?

    I used to think I was the only one afflicted with such problems. I am glad to hear of your battles with these ornery machines. Don't stop writing. ;-)

    I didn't know that I'd like Typing until I learned how to use a Typewriter
    when I was in Navy Radiomans School listening to Morse Code and typing
    what I heard on a piece of paper.

    BTW, My handwriting is turible. <-- so is my English

    ... Plagiarism prohibited, derive carefully.
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Ed Vance on Fri Sep 1 14:07:36 2017
    What Program do You use to read PDF's when You use Windows in a VM?

    I'm not Paul -- sorry to butt in uninvited -- but I've used Foxit Reader for
    many years now (presently on my virtual XP machines), and it has always worked very well for me.

    Even with interactive PDF files downloaded from various Swedish government sites. After my wife died a year and a half ago and then my mother three months
    later, I was faced with a shitload of documents to complete, many of them in the PDF format. Foxit really saved me a lot of hazzle.

    Maybe it's not the Swiss Knife that you want, but at least try it out, OK?


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)
  • From Paul Quinn@3:640/384 to Ed Vance on Sat Sep 2 10:17:00 2017
    Hi! Ed,

    On Thu, 31 Aug 17, you wrote to me:

    What Program do You use to read PDF's when You use Windows
    in a VM? To Me PDF-XChange does real good.

    I'm glad you asked, Ed. (Basically because I don't do much PDF-related work in
    them unless I'm sending stuff to the creator-printer doover.) I got two surprises:

    * on my wife's XP SP2 I found PDF-XChange reader! Version 2.5 from 2014 (~35Mb). :)

    * on my games & Fidonet (tools) base-grade XP I found Foxit Reader, version from 2012 I think (~43Mb on HDD). That was a real surprise as I didn't expect to find any reader at all!

    I have noticed when I Read or Print some pages from
    PDF-XChange sometimes there is missing text between pages
    in the file, but I can live with that.

    I see that sometimes in print previews, so I switch scaling factors or sometimes even paper (dimension) sizes. E.g. I've dabbled a little with 'tabloid' or A3 output, since a lot of my PDF library is just for reference or photo layouts, never for printing.

    CutePDF is another Program I was told could make PDF Files
    from pages I see in Firefox but I chose to used DoPDF
    because it has a Option to make a Small File. Hmmmm, maybe
    it's DoPDF cutting the lines off when I make a PDF instead
    of PDF-XChange? Hmmmmm. Maybe all this time it's "ED DID

    Yeah, I've heard the name. File size isn't a problem for me any longer with the ~1Tb HDD. It was with the ~500Gb on my Dell 560... still under the house, doin' wonderful Fido stuff...

    Such things happen regularly here. I hope it
    doesn't happen to You.

    Oh, I have enough gear running to have the blood pressure 'up' most every morning. ;-)

    OTOH, I am suffering a Linux error of some sort where
    the date of creation on every page footer is reporting
    Need new Clock Battery on Motherboard?

    Nup. It's software. (That date is as significant as 1/1/1980 is to DOS old-timers.) The hardware is only just three years old, since I bought it around the end of 2014.

    BTW, My handwriting is turible. <-- so is my English

    So is mine. I have a GIF of the last time I wrote something on real paper. It's a diagram of how I wanted three Fido programs to co-operate with their settings... dated 1 July 2006. :)


    --- Paul's Win98SE VirtualBox
    * Origin: Quinn's Post - Maryborough, Queensland, OZ (3:640/384)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to Björn Felten on Sat Sep 2 15:38:00 2017
    09-01-17 14:07 Bj.rn Felten wrote to Ed Vance about Wikipedia and PDF-XChange Howdy! Bjorn,

    @MSGID: <59A9768A.15208.windowsa@capitolcityonline.net>
    What Program do You use to read PDF's when You use Windows in a VM?

    I'm not Paul -- sorry to butt in uninvited -- but I've used Foxit Reader for many years now (presently on my virtual XP machines), and it has always worked very well for me.

    No problem butting in, I do it quite often when Lurking through messages
    in the .QWK packets.

    Echos, in my opinion are like the Party Line the Telephone Company used
    to have in Rural areas.
    Pick up the Phone Handset and if You hear no one is talking, the line is
    all yours (sorta).

    I used the Foxit Reader but started using PDF-XChange, but I can't remember
    why I switched PDF Programs, its been a couple of years since I've used


    ... Where did Noah keep his bees? In the archives.
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to Paul Quinn on Sun Sep 3 23:50:00 2017
    09-02-17 10:17 Paul Quinn wrote to Ed Vance about Wikipedia and PDF-XChange

    @MSGID: <59AA1F4B.15209.windowsa@capitolcityonline.net>
    Hi! Ed,

    On Thu, 31 Aug 17, you wrote to me:

    What Program do You use to read PDF's when You use Windows
    in a VM? To Me PDF-XChange does real good.

    I'm glad you asked, Ed. (Basically because I don't do much PDF-related work in them unless I'm sending stuff to the creator-printer doover.)
    I got two surprises:

    I just use DoPDF to keep pages I find interesting, I haven't tried
    to Write anything in a PDF.

    * on my wife's XP SP2 I found PDF-XChange reader! Version 2.5 from
    2014 (~35Mb). :)

    * on my games & Fidonet (tools) base-grade XP I found Foxit Reader, version from 2012 I think (~43Mb on HDD). That was a real surprise as I didn't expect to find any reader at all!

    I have noticed when I Read or Print some pages from
    PDF-XChange sometimes there is missing text between pages
    in the file, but I can live with that.

    I see that sometimes in print previews, so I switch scaling factors or sometimes even paper (dimension) sizes. E.g. I've dabbled a little
    with 'tabloid' or A3 output, since a lot of my PDF library is just for reference or photo layouts, never for printing.

    Reference, is the word I couldn't think of typing in the last line I typed.

    CutePDF is another Program I was told could make PDF Files
    from pages I see in Firefox but I chose to used DoPDF
    because it has a Option to make a Small File. Hmmmm, maybe
    it's DoPDF cutting the lines off when I make a PDF instead
    of PDF-XChange? Hmmmmm. Maybe all this time it's "ED DID

    Yeah, I've heard the name. File size isn't a problem for me any longer with the ~1Tb HDD. It was with the ~500Gb on my Dell 560... still
    under the house, doin' wonderful Fido stuff...

    I recently cloned the XP HDD to a bigger one but haven't changed DoPDF's
    small size Setting, Yet, maybe I'll try unchecking it to see if the Line Dropping problem is cured.

    Such things happen regularly here. I hope it
    doesn't happen to You.

    Oh, I have enough gear running to have the blood pressure 'up' most
    every morning. ;-)

    Oh, it's no longer "SUPRISE! SUPRISE!" when some gear misbehaves?

    OTOH, I am suffering a Linux error of some sort where
    the date of creation on every page footer is reporting
    Need new Clock Battery on Motherboard?

    Nup. It's software. (That date is as significant as 1/1/1980 is to
    DOS old-timers.) The hardware is only just three years old, since I bought it around the end of 2014.

    I've only tinkered with U'U and Mint, and haven't used them enuf to have
    any idea of what the trouble would be.
    I'm not the only one here, maybe Mark or someone else has an idea for You.

    BTW, My handwriting is turible. <-- so is my English

    So is mine. I have a GIF of the last time I wrote something on real paper. It's a diagram of how I wanted three Fido programs to co-operate with their settings... dated 1 July 2006. :)

    ELEVEN YEARS?????, If You don't start using paper down there the TREES
    are going to take over the whole Country down there.

    You got to help keep them thar Trees in control.

    If I Print something on my Printer and after a while don't need it anymore,
    I use the back side of it to scribble notes on it before it goes in the shredder or waste paper basket.

    When the writing on the paper gets cold at times I have no idea what I
    wrote down.

    You too?

    ... What goes up and goes down but does not move? - The temperature.
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From Paul Quinn@3:640/384 to Ed Vance on Mon Sep 4 19:46:00 2017
    Hi! Ed,

    On Sun, 03 Sep 17, you wrote to me:

    Oh, I have enough gear running to have the blood
    pressure 'up' most every morning. ;-)
    Oh, it's no longer "SUPRISE! SUPRISE!" when some gear

    Nah, it's usually the same stuff... just a different day.

    The hardware is only just three years old, since I bought
    it around the end of 2014.

    I've only tinkered with U'U and Mint, and haven't used them
    enuf to have any idea of what the trouble would be.
    I'm not the only one here, maybe Mark or someone else has
    an idea for You.

    They would say the same thing as if from MS... update your software, and see if
    that fixes your problem. :)

    When the writing on the paper gets cold at times I have no
    idea what I wrote down.

    You too?

    Nope. I just create PDFs. ;-)


    --- Paul's Win98SE VirtualBox
    * Origin: Quinn's Post - Maryborough, Queensland, OZ (3:640/384)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to Paul Quinn on Mon Sep 4 13:13:00 2017
    09-02-17 10:17 Paul Quinn wrote to Ed Vance about Wikipedia and PDF-XChange Howdy! Paul,

    I remembered that I have made some PDF files.

    I've used the Scanning program that came with my AIO Printer to scan
    things, like the forms that a Doctor sent me to fill out.

    After I filled them out instead of just scanning the pages to print
    a copy for myself, I make a PDF file and print that.

    ... RAM = Rarely Adequate Memory.
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From Paul Quinn@3:640/384 to Ed Vance on Tue Sep 5 09:40:00 2017
    Hi! Ed,

    On Mon, 04 Sep 17, you wrote to me:

    After I filled them out instead of just scanning the pages
    to print a copy for myself, I make a PDF file and print

    I've done the same, to a .jpeg file, initially. Then, filled them out with PaintShop Pro. A bit tedious but at least the reciever doesn't have to decipher my handwriting. With my old Canon MX320 I can then fax them back as well.

    Oh, and the printer has been 'out of ink' for over three years. :)


    --- Paul's Win98SE VirtualBox
    * Origin: Quinn's Post - Maryborough, Queensland, OZ (3:640/384)
  • From Ed Vance@1:2320/105 to Paul Quinn on Tue Sep 5 23:06:00 2017
    09-05-17 09:40 Paul Quinn wrote to Ed Vance about Wikipedia and PDF-XChange Howdy! Paul,

    @MSGID: <59AE13CE.15215.windowsa@capitolcityonline.net>
    Hi! Ed,

    On Mon, 04 Sep 17, you wrote to me:

    After I filled them out instead of just scanning the pages
    to print a copy for myself, I make a PDF file and print

    I've done the same, to a .jpeg file, initially. Then, filled them out with PaintShop Pro. A bit tedious but at least the reciever doesn't
    have to decipher my handwriting. With my old Canon MX320 I can then
    fax them back as well.

    I never tried doing that.
    I have typed characters on a image file with Irfanview but never thought
    to try filling out a Form in Irfanview.

    Before I learned that the Scanning Program that came with my AIO Printer
    had an option to scan multiple pages into one PDF file I too used the
    scanner to make JPG images of some pages, I like the PDF option now.

    If I wanted to make a print out of several pages I saved as JPG files
    I have to open several JPG files, whereas if I saved it as a PDF I open
    one file, and can print all of the pages or select individual pages to

    Oh, and the printer has been 'out of ink' for over three years. :)

    You use the printer on Your Wife's system???? ?? < G R I N >

    AH, the joys of Networking.

    ... Midnight snack: that bonus meal between dinner and breakfast
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux
    * Origin: CCO BBS - capcity2.synchro.net - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105)
  • From Paul Quinn@3:640/1384 to Ed Vance on Thu Sep 7 08:45:20 2017
    Hi! Ed,

    On 09/06/2017 01:06 PM, you wrote:

    Before I learned that the Scanning Program that came with my AIO Printer had an option to scan multiple pages into one PDF file I too used the scanner to make JPG images of some pages, I like the PDF option now.

    I was never that limited. With Linux there's a generic package called SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy), which I recall has/had a command-line utility to convert to & from different file formats at will. Ha! I think its name was 'convert'! ;-)

    Oh, and the printer has been 'out of ink' for over three years. :)
    You use the printer on Your Wife's system???? ?? < G R I N >

    Absolutely. (Mostly as a coffee table these days.) She always thought it was hers because she paid for it.

    AH, the joys of Networking.

    Yep, there is that too. E.g. my Win98SE vBox thinks it prints to a fancy HP Laserjet when it creates PDF files. :)

    .. Midnight snack: that bonus meal between dinner and breakfast

    Oh yeah. If there is something in the reincarnation thing I wanna come back as
    a Portuguese citizen. I heard somewhere that their culture allows for four extra meal times per day, beyond the usual three. I.e. up to seven meals a day
    without feeling guilty!


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.4.0
    * Origin: Quinn's Rock vBox - sunny side up on the bookcase (3:640/1384)