• [VOICENWS] SW: bww bitwise works GmbH progress update August 2016

    From VOICE News Service@1:3634/1000 to All on Fri Aug 19 08:53:32 2016

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: silvan.scherrerDESPAM@DESPAMbitwiseworks.com

    *bww bitwise works GmbH progress update August 19, 2016*

    In the last couple of week/month we have been working on the tasks below (among
    a lot more).

    * LIBCx
    * Samba Server 3.6
    * Binutils
    * Coreutils
    * Bison
    * DASH
    * GNU gettext
    * HPLip
    * kLIBC

    LIBCx - kLIBC Extension Library*
    The kLIBC Extension Library extends the functionality of the kLIBC libraryhttp://trac.netlabs.org/libc> by adding a number of high demand features
    required by modern applications.

    Currently, LIBCx provides the following extensions:

    * Improved advisory file locking using the |fcntl()| API. The
    implementation provided by kLIBC uses |DosSetFileLocks| and is
    broken as it does not guarantee atomicity of lock/unlock operations
    in many cases (like overlapping lock regions etc.) and does not have
    deadlock detection.
    * Improved positional read/write operations provided by |pread()| and
    |pwrite()| APIs that guarantee atomic behavior. kLIBC emulates these
    functions using a pair of |lseek| and |read()/write()| calls in
    non-atomic manner which leads to data corruption when accessing the
    same file from multiple threads or processes.
    * Improved |select()| that now supports regular file descriptors
    instead of returning EINVAL (22) on them as kLIBC does. Regular
    files are always reported ready for writing/reading/exceptions (as
    per POSIX requirements).
    * Implementation of |poll()| using |select()|. kLIBC does not provide
    the |poll()| call at all.

    Samba Server 3.6*
    **Samba is a free implementation of the CIFS/SMB protocol for Unix, which allows LAN-Server style file and printer sharing among machines running Windows, Mac OS, Unix or OS/2 and OS/2-based systems. The goal of this project is to port the Samba server and create Samba clients for OS/2 and OS/2-based systems in order to replace the functionality of the outdated IBM-LAN-Requester/Peer/Server components.

    We fixed a whole lot of longstanding issues in Samba Server 3.6 like:

    * Max logfile size does not work (Ticket #36)
    * Adding exceptQ support (Ticket #236)
    * SIGABRT on some situations (Ticket #189)
    * TDBBackup does not work (Ticket #225)
    * All remaining TDB Problems (Ticket #208)

    We updated the Binutils port to version 2.25.
    Binutils is a collection of binary utilities, mostly needed to develop applications.

    We updated the Coreutils port to version 8.25.
    These are the GNU core utilities. This package is the combination of the old GNU fileutils, sh-utils, and textutils packages.

    *We updated the Bison port to version 3.0.4.
    Bison is a general purpose parser generator that converts a grammar description
    for an LALR(1) context-free grammar into a C program to parse that grammar.**Bison can be used to develop a wide range of language parsers, from ones used in simple desk calculators to complex programming languages.

    *Because our ASH shell shows it's age we have been in the need of a more modern
    one. So we decided to use DASH as our new shell and ported version 0.5.9.
    DASH is a POSIX-compliant implementation of /bin/sh that aims to be as small as
    possible. It does this without sacrificing speed where possible. In fact, it is
    significantly faster than bash (the GNU Bourne-Again SHell) for most tasks.

    GNU gettext*
    We updated the GNU gettext port to version 0.19.8.
    The GNU gettext package provides a set of tools and documentation for producing
    multi-lingual messages in programs.

    *We portet HPLip version 3.16.3
    The Hewlett-Packard Linux Imaging and Printing Project provides drivers for HP printers and multi-function peripherals. It is used in our case as a addon to the CUPS printing subsystem.

    *We released a new version of kLIBC as RPM with an important fix. The fix prevents a possible crash when a app uses fork().
    See Ticket #363 for more details. We now hope Knut will integrate this fix soon
    in his main branch.

    If you want to support us or a specific project then please check out our online shop http://www.bitwiseworks.com/shop>.
    You are one of the people making the future possible!

    We at bww bitwise works GmbH would like to thank our development partners, Arca
    Noae and http://Netlabs.org for their continued contribution to the OS/2 platform.
    Especially without Arca Noae the Firefox port would not be possible. They help us out when we are short on sponsorship.

    With regards, the bww bitwise works GmbH Team

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