++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
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Dear bootAble users,
It has been a long time since I was able to really work on bootAble (the previous release was from March 2013…). I am therefore very pleased to
be able to announce the a new release today!
Version 6.10 contains quite a number of new features and improvements.
Most notably it now has support for QSINIT, Air-Boot, and MiniLVM and
Firefox and Seamonkey seem to work quite well using the latest available release for OS/2 (though some websites, most notably the google
homepage, still crash the application when run from a bootAble environment).
Thanks go especially to Doug Bissett. His perseverance and help to get
eCS to run in a VirtualBox VM on my Mac have given me the ability to
continue developing bootAble in a much more productive environment than
The new version can be downloaded from the bootAble website
Bug reports and feedback are most welcome!
Hayo Baan
v6.10 (15/01/2016)
* Added support for QSINIT (|QSINIT|);
* Added support for QSINIT's ram disk (|HD4DISK|);
* Added support for Air-Boot (|AIRBOOT|);
Note: As a convenience, an |airboot2.cmd| command is created that
will allow you to start the air-boot installer (|airboot2.exe|)
without having to first go to the directory where the |airboot.bin|
file is located.
* Added support for the Maintenance & Installation Volume Manager
* Added a setting for the Virtual Address Limit
(|VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT|, default taken from the user's |config.sys|
* Changed the default for |TCPIPLEAN| to |No| as the lean versions of
the TCPIP code do not work with all software (most notably not with
the mozilla software);
* When unzipping archives any file matching is now done case insensitive;
* Adding the |b2z.dll| that is part of the newer unzip versions. Note
too that the newer zip and unzip require |GCCRT| which is NOT
enabled by default;
* Added config file for the INI file editor (|bootAble.initor|);
Note: when started from the command-line Initor might give an
ΓÇ£ErrorΓÇ¥ and refuse to close, killing the process still works though.
When started from the Initor program object, this issue does not occur…
* Updated |bootAble.firefox|, |bootAble.thunderbird|, and
|bootAble.seamonkey| to support the latest & known to be working
versions (31.8.0b5, 31.8.0, and 2.28b5r2 respectively).
* Adapted |bootAble.dfsee| to the latest dfsee distribution (13.x) and
change of the location of the os/2-only files to |bin| instead of
* Adapted |bootAble.pmview|, it now prefers version 3 over version 2.
It will furthermore ask for the source directory if PMView isn't
installed (or a version different from 2 or 3 is installed);
* Adapted |bootAble.amouse| to include all found language versions and
made sure that it doesn't override the system version of the USB
Mouse driver with aMouse's version if this should not be done
* The XWorkplace settings are now taken over from the current
installation instead of defaulted.
* Improved support for VirtualBox additions;
Files are now always placed on the ΓÇ£CDΓÇ¥ to maintain the long file
names and into their own |\OS2Additions| directory (just as with the
normal installation).
Enabling the VirtualBox additions also enforces |GCCRT|.
* Now including /all/ |gcc| and |libc| dlls when |GCCRT| is enabled
(the source is set using |GCCRTSOURCE|);
* You can now force asking a question using |defaultIfNotSet()| even
if a default value is given (previously it would only ask if the
variable was not previously set /and/ the provided default value was
empty. To do this, use |'ASKIFNOTSET'| as the third parameter to
* Major cleanup of html documentation.
Hayo Baan
hayo.baan@xs4all.nl hayo.baan(at)xs4all.nl>
http://hrbaan.home.xs4all.nl http://hrbaan.home.xs4all.nl>
Hayo Baan ΓÇô IT Services
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