++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
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Zippy is the most advanced archive manager for IBM OS/2 and eComStation operating systems. It allows browse and extract files from any archive (all popular formats are supported). It helps you create standard Zip and 7z archives.
Zippy Homepage:
New version 0.06.01 of Zippy is available.
The functionality of command line was extended significantly.
Start "zippy /?" to see help.
You can manipulate archive files from REXX scripts now, use Zippy library for REXX (name of library: eZip).
Don't forget install the latest version of eCo Software runtime (includes important fixes)
P.S. Tricks&tips:
File Commander/2, add to User menu (F9->Commands->Edit User Menu) this lines:
A: Create Zippy archive
zippy /C !x !f
Now select files and directory, press F2 -> A to archive selected files.
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