++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
http://www.os2voice.org ++
Within the next couple of days we plan to deliver a Java Plugin (Beta version) based upon IcedTea and OpenJDK 6. We are sorry that we had to change the priorities and release Java 6 GA2 without the plugin. But we thought that updating the core and all the fixes we did, was worth a new release. We believe
GA2 came along very nicely. The GA3 (including the plugin) should also be available within the next couple of days. In order to watch progress and see what we plan in GA3 (this is still subject to changes) visit:
As the Java project is, at least partially, a donation based project, we welcome everyone to sponsor us. The sponsor link is:
http://www.mensys.com/shop/NetlabsJava6100% of these funds are used for Java exclusively. On
http://svn.netlabs.org/java you see also a sponsor barometer.
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