• Synchronet on Mac

    From Digital Man to All on Sat Nov 23 00:41:46 2024
    Deuce has been supporting SyncTERM on MacOS (Intel x86 for a while and more recently Apple-silicon/ARM based systems) and even got Synchronet building from our Gitlab CI pipelines for both platforms.

    I bought a Mac Mini (the new M4 powered system) today and built and am now running (and typing this message!) on a Synchronet node on Vertauen (sorry, no public access yet).

    I hope to be running some full time Vertrauen nodes on this system soon which will be my testing platform to hopefully support Synchronet for MacOS officially for the next release of Synchronet (v3.20)!

    Yes, I'll continue to support Synchronet for Windows and Linux as well.
    digital man (rob)

    This Is Spinal Tap quote #35:
    Jeanine Pettibone: You don't do heavy metal in Dubly, you know.
    Norco, CA WX: 50.9°F, 73.0% humidity, 0 mph ESE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
  • From Ragnarok@DOCKSUD to All on Sat Nov 23 16:48:36 2024
    El 23/11/24 a las 05:41, Digital Man escribió:
    Deuce has been supporting SyncTERM on MacOS (Intel x86 for a while and more recently Apple-silicon/ARM based systems) and even got Synchronet building from our Gitlab CI pipelines for both platforms.

    I bought a Mac Mini (the new M4 powered system) today and built and am now running (and typing this message!) on a Synchronet node on Vertauen (sorry, no public access yet).

    I hope to be running some full time Vertrauen nodes on this system soon which will be my testing platform to hopefully support Synchronet for MacOS officially for the next release of Synchronet (v3.20)!

    Yes, I'll continue to support Synchronet for Windows and Linux as well.

    Very good , I'm not mac user, but I like to see sbbs running on another

    ■ Synchronet ■ Dock Sud BBS TLD 24 HS - bbs.docksud.com.ar