• Re: Holy Grail stock music cues?

    From fnxtr@1:396/4 to All on Sat Apr 19 22:30:05 2008
    From: fnxtr <fnxtr@asifhotmail.com>

    Analda Anglin <analda@nospam.hiwaay.net> wrote in news:fbd0b321ff28ca404bb0ad3b26@news.hiwaay.net:

    Does anyone have a list of the stock library music cues (from
    DeWolfe, etc.) for all the songs used in Holy Grail? (Plus anything
    from Flying Circus or other Python works.)

    deWolfe Music will be releasting a CD later this year that contains
    various music cues from Flying Circus. It's the first time this music
    (aside from "The Liberty Bell") will have been made available.

    Analda aka Sergeant of the FAQ

    I cut and pasted from a google link:

    Von: mrcreosote (daniel_pettersson75@yahoo.se) [Profil]
    Datum: 14.05.2007 19:03
    Message-ID: <1179162192.115426.326540@u30g2000hsc.googlegroups.com>
    Newsgroup: alt.fan.monty-python


    i e-mailed Dewolfe and asked about the music in Holy grail.

    They replied:

    "Dear Daniel,

    The epic, grand and heroic cuts from holy grail are all from LP's.

    HMC 509 - Wide Horizon
    DW/LP 3188 - Countrywide
    DW/LP 3188 - Big Country
    DW/LP 3188 - Homeward Bound
    DW/LP 3237 - Ode To Edward
    DW/LP 2977 - The Promised Land

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