• the house on the moor ?

    From mrcreosote@1:379/45 to All on Thu Mar 22 03:41:52 2007
    From: "mrcreosote" <daniel_pettersson75@yahoo.se>

    Does anybody know where they filmed the scene in " meaning of life" where the grim reaper comesto the dinnerparty? I think that lonely house out on the spooky moor looks so great. Where is that ?

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From On-Liner@1:379/45 to mrcreosote on Fri Mar 23 16:01:26 2007
    From: "On-Liner" <me@yadder.co.uk>

    Probably Ilkley Moor, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, UK. It's listed at http://imdb.com/title/tt0085959/locations as one of the locations used.

    "mrcreosote" <daniel_pettersson75@yahoo.se> wrote
    Does anybody know where they filmed the scene in " meaning of life"
    where the grim reaper comesto the dinnerparty? I think that lonely
    house out on the spooky moor looks so great. Where is that ?

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)