• Signed photo

    From Sheila@1:379/45 to All on Mon Mar 12 21:26:00 2007
    From: "Sheila" <GChapfan1@aol.com>

    I have a photograph of the Pythons, that is autographed by all six of them. I got it way back in 1979 when I wrote a fan letter to the Python office, telling
    them how much I liked the movie "Life of Brian".

    Does anyone know what this is worth now? I would like to sell it, and am thinking of putting it on ebay but I since I don't have a COA, or anything to prove that it's their authentic signatures, I don't know what to expect. I heard that back then they DID sign all of these photos and the office kept them
    on hand to send to fans.

    I also have another group photo that is more recent. It's the six of them taken
    in the late 80's (Graham is in the picture) but it is signed by the remaining five.

    And I have a photo of Michael Palin, signed.

    Any ideas where to find out the value? I have no idea where to start.


    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From P@1:379/45 to Sheila on Tue Mar 13 21:46:10 2007
    From: "P" <pnj6@hotmail.com>

    I have a photograph of the Pythons, that is autographed by all six of
    them. I got it way back in 1979 when I wrote a fan letter to the
    Python office, telling them how much I liked the movie "Life of

    Does anyone know what this is worth now? I would like to sell it, and
    am thinking of putting it on ebay but I since I don't have a COA, or
    anything to prove that it's their authentic signatures, I don't know
    what to expect. I heard that back then they DID sign all of these
    photos and the office kept them on hand to send to fans.

    I also have another group photo that is more recent. It's the six of
    them taken in the late 80's (Graham is in the picture) but it is
    signed by the remaining five.

    And I have a photo of Michael Palin, signed.

    Any ideas where to find out the value? I have no idea where to start.


    They're worth what someone is prepared to pay for them. There are few ways of finding that out. It all depends on who is aware of it on the day, how badly they want it and how much money they have to spend.

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)