• The Secret Life of Brian

    From admin@1:379/45 to All on Wed Jan 3 23:08:06 2007
    From: admin@ng2000.com


    (Channel 4) Monty Python's seminal comedy Life of Brian , made in 1979, is one of the most controversial films ever produced. This Channel 4 documentary examines how the movie caused a global furore amongst religious groups, who saw
    it as blasphemous, disgusting and 'made in hell'.

    Top 10 Monty Python News Stories:

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    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From Captain Ozone@1:379/45 to admin on Thu Jan 4 09:00:18 2007
    From: "Captain Ozone" <CallMe@Home.Big.Girl>

    MIne eyes have seen the glory of these words from *admin@ng2000.com*:


    (Channel 4) Monty Python's seminal comedy Life of Brian , made in 1979,
    is one of the most controversial films ever produced. This Channel 4 documentary examines how the movie caused a global furor amongst
    religious groups, who saw it as blasphemous, disgusting and 'made in

    Top 10 Monty Python News Stories: http://www.ng2000.com/fw.php?tp=monty-python

    At the time of the release of "LOB", I was what one might call a holy-roller, evangelical, fundamentalist, etc., whatever...(I've dialed it down a bit since then.)

    I saw this movie, ignoring the idiocy of those who had not, got the "joke", and
    laughed my glutes off.

    I even gave them points for being somewhat historically and politically accurate
    in that, at the time of Jesus' appearance, the Hebrews were desperately hoping for the coming of a /political/ Messiah (to relieve them from Roman oppression)
    and anyone who came with a message of hope of deliverance was met with (for the
    most part) undue adulation. When Brian is mistaken for such a messiah by these
    desperate adherents ("a sign, a sign from the Lord!"), the joke gets rolling, and in my not-so-humble opinion, there is nothing egregiously blasphemous, sacreligious or otherwise about this movie.

    OK, maybe the part where (one of ) Cleese's character says, "How shall we f*** off, O Lord?", and another where we get the full Monty (har!) from Chapman at the window.....but /really/, some people *must* lighten up.

    The *Original* Captain Ozone

    ...and I approved this message.

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From George Kincaid@1:379/45 to Captain Ozone on Sun Jan 21 11:37:22 2007
    From: "George Kincaid" <gkincaid000@centurytel.net>

    I remember the commotion the Life of Brian caused in my hometown by some of the local "holy rollers" or just generally uptight people. As I recall, the main theater downtown was picketed by a few sanctimonious people who shouted "blaphemer" and other such epithets at the moviegoers. (None of these folks had, of course, deigned to actually see the picture!) I think the Pythons would
    have howled with laughter--the picketers could have been a scene from the movie! Some of the saner religious folks really thought it was a good spoof on
    "Captain Ozone" <CallMe@Home.Big.Girl> wrote in message news:459d16a7_3@x-privat.org...
    MIne eyes have seen the glory of these words from *admin@ng2000.com*:


    (Channel 4) Monty Python's seminal comedy Life of Brian , made in 1979,
    is one of the most controversial films ever produced. This Channel 4
    documentary examines how the movie caused a global furor amongst
    religious groups, who saw it as blasphemous, disgusting and 'made in

    Top 10 Monty Python News Stories:

    At the time of the release of "LOB", I was what one might call a
    holy-roller, evangelical, fundamentalist, etc., whatever...(I've dialed it down a bit since then.)

    I saw this movie, ignoring the idiocy of those who had not, got the
    "joke", and laughed my glutes off.

    I even gave them points for being somewhat historically and politically accurate in that, at the time of Jesus' appearance, the Hebrews were desperately hoping for the coming of a /political/ Messiah (to relieve
    them from Roman oppression) and anyone who came with a message of hope of deliverance was met with (for the most part) undue adulation. When Brian
    is mistaken for such a messiah by these desperate adherents ("a sign, a
    sign from the Lord!"), the joke gets rolling, and in my not-so-humble opinion, there is nothing egregiously blasphemous, sacreligious or
    otherwise about this movie.

    OK, maybe the part where (one of ) Cleese's character says, "How shall we f*** off, O Lord?", and another where we get the full Monty (har!) from Chapman at the window.....but /really/, some people *must* lighten up.

    The *Original* Captain Ozone

    ...and I approved this message.

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)