• MontyPythonPages.com will be closing down

    From On-liner@1:379/45 to All on Fri Jan 13 11:03:04 2006
    From: "On-liner" <GoogleGroups@ctlsoftware.co.uk>

    This is advanced notice of the closure of my Monty Python site.

    Due to a lack of funding and too many other financial commitments, I shall no longer be keeping the site going. Once the domain name costs and hosting costs
    come up for renewal, they will be allowed to lapse.

    This will mean that the John Cleese mini site which is hosted at the same location will shut too.

    Please enjoy the site/s while you can.

    Damian Steele

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From Analda Anglin@1:379/45 to On-liner on Fri Jan 13 22:01:36 2006
    From: Analda Anglin <analda@nospam.hiwaay.net>

    This is advanced notice of the closure of my Monty Python site.

    Well, darn it. I'm sorry to hear about it. Can you tell us what the shutdown date will be?

    I understand though. I'm tempted every month to shut down www.pythonfan.com. There's just not much interest any more.

    Analda aka Sergeant of the FAQ

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From On-liner@1:379/45 to Analda Anglin on Fri Jan 13 20:27:00 2006
    From: "On-liner" <GoogleGroups@ctlsoftware.co.uk>

    The hosting is up for renewal in April this year. Unless a miracle happens (or
    lots of donations) then the site will close soon after that.

    It's a shame really. The site gets plenty of hits and loads of positive comments in the guest book. I have a huge number of other places linking to the site - including the BBC - and appear in the top 10 in most major search engines for the majority of Python related searches, but no one seems willing to help me pay for it all. In the years from 2000 to 2006 I've had just two small donations. So the reality now is that I can't justify funding it any more.

    I shall also have to sell my Python books, videos, mugs, CDs, etc etc etc. I'm
    not sure yet, but I may put up a page on the site or sell them via eBay. I'd be much happier to sell them in bulk to a real Python fan, though it would need
    to be someone in the UK or postage would be prohibitive.

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From Cardinal Fang@1:379/45 to On-liner on Sat Jan 14 18:09:52 2006
    From: "Cardinal Fang" <latinum_no_spam@yahoo.co.uk>

    Awww. Thats bad news.

    How about a free site (like I'm on?)


    How about donating all your Python goodies to the Cardinal Fang retirement fund
    and Python archive?


    Cardinal Fang's Python Site

    No Spam please - I hate the stuff.
    Please contact me at "latinum" at "hotmail" dot "com"

    "On-liner" <GoogleGroups@ctlsoftware.co.uk> wrote in message news:1137212821.046122.294930@g47g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
    The hosting is up for renewal in April this year. Unless a miracle
    happens (or lots of donations) then the site will close soon after

    It's a shame really. The site gets plenty of hits and loads of positive comments in the guest book. I have a huge number of other places
    linking to the site - including the BBC - and appear in the top 10 in
    most major search engines for the majority of Python related searches,
    but no one seems willing to help me pay for it all. In the years from
    2000 to 2006 I've had just two small donations. So the reality now is
    that I can't justify funding it any more.

    I shall also have to sell my Python books, videos, mugs, CDs, etc etc
    etc. I'm not sure yet, but I may put up a page on the site or sell
    them via eBay. I'd be much happier to sell them in bulk to a real
    Python fan, though it would need to be someone in the UK or postage
    would be prohibitive.

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From AchterQuack@1:379/45 to On-liner on Sun Jan 15 17:12:00 2006
    From: AchterQuack@gmail.com

    It seems to be offline already! Although http://www.montypythonpages.com/index1.htm still seems to be going somewhere. Or maybe you are working on it. Anyway, thank you for all your enhusiasm so far!

    I recommend that you keep your items yourself, unless you canoot bear to live with them any longer.


    Spiny Norman

    On-liner schreef:

    The hosting is up for renewal in April this year. Unless a miracle
    happens (or lots of donations) then the site will close soon after

    It's a shame really. The site gets plenty of hits and loads of positive comments in the guest book. I have a huge number of other places
    linking to the site - including the BBC - and appear in the top 10 in
    most major search engines for the majority of Python related searches,
    but no one seems willing to help me pay for it all. In the years from
    2000 to 2006 I've had just two small donations. So the reality now is
    that I can't justify funding it any more.

    I shall also have to sell my Python books, videos, mugs, CDs, etc etc
    etc. I'm not sure yet, but I may put up a page on the site or sell
    them via eBay. I'd be much happier to sell them in bulk to a real
    Python fan, though it would need to be someone in the UK or postage
    would be prohibitive.

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From On-liner@1:379/45 to AchterQuack on Sun Jan 15 17:52:50 2006
    From: "On-liner" <GoogleGroups@ctlsoftware.co.uk>

    The site is still online and has no problems at this time.

    However, having announced that it is to close, I expect some people will be trying to copy as much of the contents as they can, while they can. This will lead to huge slow-downs for other visitors.

    Much as I can understand that folks might want to grab the whole site, I'd really rather they didn't do it in one huge download. Please, if you intend to
    do this folks, think of other visitors and be considerate.


    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From James St. John-Pynchon@1:379/45 to On-liner on Fri Jan 20 05:57:56 2006
    From: "James St. John-Pynchon" <jsp@somedomain.com>

    Carved in mystic runes upon the very living rock, the last words of On- liner of alt.fan.monty-python make plain:

    This is advanced notice of the closure of my Monty Python site.

    How much bandwidth do you use? I may be able to host you.


    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From mrcreosote@1:379/45 to On-liner on Mon Jan 23 03:15:34 2006
    From: "mrcreosote" <daniel_pettersson75@yahoo.se>

    On-liner skrev:

    The site is still online and has no problems at this time.

    However, having announced that it is to close, I expect some people
    will be trying to copy as much of the contents as they can, while they
    can. This will lead to huge slow-downs for other visitors.

    Much as I can understand that folks might want to grab the whole site,
    I'd really rather they didn't do it in one huge download. Please, if
    you intend to do this folks, think of other visitors and be


    How does one download an entire webpage in one huge download ? And can one be sure that one also gets ALL sections and subpages?

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From Simon Kellett@1:379/45 to mrcreosote on Mon Jan 23 20:04:26 2006
    From: Simon Kellett <zoxed_p@arcor.de>

    "mrcreosote" <daniel_pettersson75@yahoo.se> writes:

    How does one download an entire webpage in one huge download ? And can
    one be sure that one also gets ALL sections and subpages?

    (I am guessing you mean a website and not a single webpage!)

    What you need is a "mirroring" tool:

    If you use Linux or another UNIX variant you can simply use the "wget" command,
    with appropriate qualifiers.

    Or you can go to your favourite Windows download site and get a Freeware tool to do it.

    Aside: on a point of etiquette for "hobby" sites you may wish contact the website owner: one download of the whole site (in this case 50Mb) may exceed her/his bandwidth allowance !! Or you could consider requesting the owner make a CD for you for a suitable consideration !!

    Simon Kellett, Darmstadt, Germany
    Email: simonk@nexgo.de
    WWW: http://home.arcor.de/zoxed

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)