• There's not so much rat in the rat ratatouille!

    From Adam Funk@1:379/45 to All on Wed Dec 21 10:20:42 2005
    From: Adam Funk <a24061@yahoo.com>


    WEST NANTICOKE ? Heather Brennan thought her fiancé,
    Travis Nickel, was a perfect match ? until she learned he
    fed her rats, was engaged to another woman and had a child
    from a prior relationship, she alleges in a federal lawsuit.
    Brennan, 21, of George Avenue, insists she has evidence to
    support her claims ? including the admittedly bizarre
    allegation that Nickel began mixing boiled, blended-up rats
    into her food some time after she moved to Arkansas with him
    in November 2004.

    And now for the recipe...

    Brennan said she began having severe abdominal pain and
    other symptoms in March. Doctors couldn?t figure out what
    was wrong, until she moved back to Pennsylvania and
    uncovered e-mail conversations Nickel had with someone
    through an Internet forum.

    Brennan said she found the information while cleaning out
    the e-mail account she shared with Nickel. Instructions
    advised to boil the rat, which would ?help bring out the
    poisons,? and to cut off its head before blending it up.

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From pete@1:379/45 to Adam Funk on Wed Dec 21 12:08:14 2005
    From: pete <pfiland@mindspring.com>

    Adam Funk wrote:

    Brennan said she found the information while cleaning out
    the e-mail account she shared with Nickel. Instructions
    advised to boil the rat, which would ?help bring out the
    poisons,? and to cut off its head before blending it up.

    What poisons?
    Rats aren't poisonous, unless they've been poisoned.



    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From TimC@1:379/45 to Adam Funk on Thu Dec 22 08:06:50 2005
    From: TimC <tconnors@no.spam.accepted.here-astro.swin.edu.au>

    On 2005-12-21, Adam Funk (aka Bruce)
    was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:

    WEST NANTICOKE ? Heather Brennan thought her fiancé,
    Travis Nickel, was a perfect match ? until she learned he
    fed her rats, was engaged to another woman and had a child
    from a prior relationship, she alleges in a federal lawsuit.

    I was wondering what she had against him feeding her pet rats.

    I quite appreciated when I didn't have to feed my cats because someone else fed
    them for me.

    Modus Ponens in action:
    - Nothing is better than world peace.
    - A turkey sandwich is better than nothing.
    ==> Ergo, a turkey sandwich is better than world peace. --unknown

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)