• Seeking British Assistance in getting the Michael Palin travel series

    From Harry Bowman@1:379/45 to All on Tue Nov 29 08:09:14 2005
    From: Harry Bowman <hbowman@usc.edu>

    I don't know where else to turn on this. I am a Python fan, but this particular
    request is about the Michael Palin DVD Collection available from the BBC Shop: http://www.bbcshop.com/invt/bbcdvd1258&source=744.

    I live in the USA and cannot buy this from BBC Shop (they won't ship) or BBC America Shop (they don't carry it).

    If anyone is willing to help me on this score, please email me at hbowman@usc.edu. I will pay for the Collection and all shipping, of course - perhaps we can work something out on PayPal, etc.

    Thank you,

    Hal Bowman

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  • From Erno Simila@1:379/45 to Harry Bowman on Wed Nov 30 18:25:52 2005
    From: Erno Simila <ersimila@paju.oulu.fi>

    Harry Bowman <hbowman@usc.edu> wrote:
    I don't know where else to turn on this. I am a Python fan, but this particular request is about the Michael Palin DVD Collection
    available from the BBC Shop:

    I wonder why don't you just order it from Play.com:


    They ship world-wide (without any shipping charges).

    Erno Similä

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
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  • From Erno Simila@1:379/45 to Harry Bowman on Wed Nov 30 18:44:54 2005
    From: Erno Simila <ersimila@paju.oulu.fi>

    Harry Bowman <hbowman@usc.edu> wrote:
    I don't know where else to turn on this. I am a Python fan, but this particular request is about the Michael Palin DVD Collection [...]

    I live in the USA and cannot buy this from BBC Shop

    You should also make sure that you can play Region 2 DVD's if you order the box
    from Europe. Typically the DVD players that are sold in the USA play only R1-discs, and it may also be that your television supports only NTSC format, whereas in Europe PAL is used (most European televisions today support both formats, but I've heard that this is not the case in the United States).

    Erno Similä

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
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  • From Harry Bowman@1:379/45 to Erno Simila on Wed Nov 30 14:18:42 2005
    From: Harry Bowman <hbowman@usc.edu>

    They may ship worldwide, but when I tried to register an account, I could not pick USA as a country for my address. Only European locations showed up.

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
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  • From Erno Simila@1:379/45 to Harry Bowman on Thu Dec 1 01:36:34 2005
    From: Erno Simila <ersimila@paju.oulu.fi>

    Harry Bowman <hbowman@usc.edu> wrote:
    They may ship worldwide, but when I tried to register an account, I
    could not pick USA as a country for my address. Only European
    locations showed up.

    OK, it seems that I was wrong. This may be due the fact that they might get some legal problems if they sold discs to other then R2 area (although I have ordered a R1-disc from www.playusa.com to Finland without any problems). However, you could try Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk

    At least they list North America delivery rates:

    <URL:http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/tg/browse/-/ 11072991/ref=w_h__brbx_c_1_2/203-2860552-7114315>

    Hope this helps.

    [If your news-reader does not recognize the preceding link automatically, please remove the letters "URL:" and brackets (<>), and assemble the content on
    one line.]

    Erno Similä

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
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  • From Harry Bowman@1:379/45 to Erno Simila on Thu Dec 1 11:47:52 2005
    From: Harry Bowman <hbowman@usc.edu>

    Thanks for the Amazon.co.uk tip. The collection is ordered. I have access to Region 2/PAL equipment hear from friends. Just needed the DVDs themselves.

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From Cardinal Fang@1:379/45 to Harry Bowman on Fri Dec 2 23:48:52 2005
    From: "Cardinal Fang" <latinum_no_spam@yahoo.co.uk>

    "Harry Bowman" <hbowman@usc.edu> wrote in message news:dmhug0$nk$1@gist.usc.edu...
    I don't know where else to turn on this. I am a Python fan, but this >particular request is about the Michael Palin DVD Collection available from >the BBC Shop: http://www.bbcshop.com/invt/bbcdvd1258&source=744.

    I live in the USA and cannot buy this from BBC Shop (they won't ship) or
    BBC America Shop (they don't carry it).

    If anyone is willing to help me on this score, please email me at hbowman@usc.edu. I will pay for the Collection and all shipping, of
    course - perhaps we can work something out on PayPal, etc.

    I'm presuming you've tried eBay?

    Cardinal Fang

    Cardinal Fang's Python Site

    No Spam please - I hate the stuff.
    Please contact me at "latinum" at "hotmail" dot "com"

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
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  • From Harry Bowman@1:379/45 to Cardinal Fang on Mon Dec 5 07:44:22 2005
    From: Harry Bowman <hbowman@usc.edu>

    I did try eBay - no luck that day.

    Note: since posting, I have been able to order from Amazon.co.uk and the collection is on the way. Thanks!

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)