• Name of MP skit?

    From xeplode@1:379/45 to All on Mon Nov 14 01:06:14 2005
    From: xeplode <me@here.com>

    A few years ago, I saw a skit with patients from a hospital that were made to do physical fitness and exercise. My wife still busts out when she thinks of the guys in bandaged from head to toe having to jump over a fense. Any idea the name of it and if it is available to buy?


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    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From jessicapickles@1:379/45 to xeplode on Mon Nov 14 03:50:20 2005
    From: jessicapickles@hotmail.com

    The sketch is called "Hospital Run By RSM" and is from episode 26, the last in the second series. You can buy the Flying Circus episodes from A&E, either as a
    megaset (which includes every episode) or in individual sets of 3 or 4 episodes
    (it varies). The set with episode 26 is the 8th, which contains the last three episodes of the second series:

    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0767018923/104-1164795-8428742?v=glance&n=130& s=dvd&v=glance

    Hope that helps!

    xeplode wrote:
    A few years ago, I saw a skit with patients from a hospital that were made
    to do physical fitness and exercise. My wife still busts out when she
    thinks of the guys in bandaged from head to toe having to jump over a
    fense. Any idea the name of it and if it is available to buy?


    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From xeplode@1:379/45 to jessicapickles on Mon Nov 14 23:30:36 2005
    From: xeplode <me@here.com>

    Thanks your the best.

    jessicapickles@hotmail.com wrote in news:1131969020.493280.318500@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com:

    The sketch is called "Hospital Run By RSM" and is from episode 26, the
    last in the second series. You can buy the Flying Circus episodes from
    A&E, either as a megaset (which includes every episode) or in
    individual sets of 3 or 4 episodes (it varies). The set with episode
    26 is the 8th, which contains the last three episodes of the second


    Hope that helps!

    xeplode wrote:
    A few years ago, I saw a skit with patients from a hospital that were
    made to do physical fitness and exercise. My wife still busts out
    when she thinks of the guys in bandaged from head to toe having to
    jump over a fense. Any idea the name of it and if it is available to


    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)