• Possible bug using mbfido no

    From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to All on Fri Feb 14 17:35:26 2025
    Hello everybody!

    Just did a notify using mbfido no 2:263/1

    Node reports that the netmails come from 2:263/0

    Now my AKAs are as set up :

    1 2:250/1@fidonet 11
    2 2:25/21@fidonet 12
    3 2:250/0@fidonet 13
    4 2:25/0@fidonet 14
    5 2:263/0@fidonet 15

    This is because I am the Host for region 2:25 and therefore 2:250 and 2:263

    My primary node is 2:250/1 and 2:25/21 is used for the Elist software.
    As region 25 is the UK including Northern Ireland but Southern Ireland is an independent country it has its own net as 2:263 and there are 2 nodes present .1 and .5. and I am the host at 2:263/0 as that has to be defined in the nodelist.

    I have had a look at the source code at mbfido / notify.c and I cannot see where it obtains system AKA from but at a guess it is the last one so how do I tell mbfido no to use the first entry (2:250/1) ?

    I did a mbfido no 2:250/1 but that did not produce anything, then did a mbfido
    no 2:25/21 then unpacked the archive being sent to that address as the system reported all AKA's are locked - reasonably as it was trying to send to itself. So moved over the pkt and let mbse deal with it into my netmail inbox area for 250/1 (I have 2 more one for 25/21 and one for 25/0 & 25/21 and no I have no idea who two different akas are being used as :
    NETMAIL is set Fido Aka 2:250/1 all traffic to/from me at 250/1.
    NETMAIL2 is set Fido Aka 2:25/0 for Z2 netmail traffic.
    NETMAIL3 is set Fido Aka 2:25/21 for the Elist AKA 25/21.

    The only conclusion I can draw is that the problem netmail sent from MBFIDO NO uses the Last AKA but I cannot define what one is used so the question is how do I fix it without breaking the other two Netmail msg areas.

    Hope I have made this clear but if you have a query regarding all this, fire away.


    --- Mageia Linux v9 X64/Mbse v1.1.0/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Andrew Leary@1:320/219 to Vincent Coen on Sat Feb 15 01:13:42 2025
    Hello Vincent!

    14 Feb 25 17:35, you wrote to all:

    Just did a notify using mbfido no 2:263/1

    Node reports that the netmails come from 2:263/0

    Now my AKAs are as set up :

    1 2:250/1@fidonet 11
    2 2:25/21@fidonet 12
    3 2:250/0@fidonet 13
    4 2:25/0@fidonet 14
    5 2:263/0@fidonet 15

    This is because I am the Host for region 2:25 and therefore 2:250 and 2:263

    My primary node is 2:250/1 and 2:25/21 is used for the Elist software.
    As region 25 is the UK including Northern Ireland but Southern Ireland
    is an independent country it has its own net as 2:263 and there are 2 nodes present .1 and .5. and I am the host at 2:263/0 as that has to
    be defined in the nodelist.

    I have had a look at the source code at mbfido / notify.c and I cannot
    see where it obtains system AKA from but at a guess it is the last one
    so how do I tell mbfido no to use the first entry (2:250/1) ?

    I did a mbfido no 2:250/1 but that did not produce anything, then did
    a mbfido no 2:25/21 then unpacked the archive being sent to that
    address as the system reported all AKA's are locked - reasonably as it
    was trying to send to itself. So moved over the pkt and let mbse deal
    with it into my netmail inbox area for 250/1 (I have 2 more one for
    25/21 and one for 25/0 & 25/21 and no I have no idea who two different akas are being used as : NETMAIL is set Fido Aka 2:250/1 all traffic to/from me at 250/1. NETMAIL2 is set Fido Aka 2:25/0 for Z2 netmail traffic. NETMAIL3 is set Fido Aka 2:25/21 for the Elist AKA 25/21.

    The only conclusion I can draw is that the problem netmail sent from MBFIDO NO uses the Last AKA but I cannot define what one is used so
    the question is how do I fix it without breaking the other two Netmail
    msg areas.

    Hope I have made this clear but if you have a query regarding all
    this, fire away.


    MBSE defaults to using the closest AKA to the destination. For 2:263/1, that would be 2:263/0. There currently isn't a way to override which AKA is used. I am considering adding support for this, but it'll take a while to get that done and debugged.

    I do recommend that you setup a NetMail area for every AKA your system has. This insures that MBFIDO has a place to put incoming netmail for any of your system's AKA addresses.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240209
    * Origin: Phoenix BBS * phoenix.bnbbbs.net (1:320/219)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Andrew Leary on Sat Feb 15 15:29:36 2025

    Hello Andrew!

    15 Feb 25 01:13, you wrote to me:

    Hello Vincent!

    14 Feb 25 17:35, you wrote to all:

    Just did a notify using mbfido no 2:263/1

    Node reports that the netmails come from 2:263/0

    Now my AKAs are as set up :

    1 2:250/1@fidonet 11
    2 2:25/21@fidonet 12
    3 2:250/0@fidonet 13
    4 2:25/0@fidonet 14
    5 2:263/0@fidonet 15

    This is because I am the Host for region 2:25 and therefore 2:250

    My primary node is 2:250/1 and 2:25/21 is used for the Elist
    software. As region 25 is the UK including Northern Ireland but
    Southern Ireland is an independent country it has its own net as
    2:263 and there are 2 nodes present .1 and .5. and I am the host
    at 2:263/0 as that has to be defined in the nodelist.

    I have had a look at the source code at mbfido / notify.c and I
    cannot see where it obtains system AKA from but at a guess it is
    the last one so how do I tell mbfido no to use the first entry
    (2:250/1) ?

    I did a mbfido no 2:250/1 but that did not produce anything,
    then did a mbfido no 2:25/21 then unpacked the archive being sent
    to that address as the system reported all AKA's are locked -
    reasonably as it was trying to send to itself. So moved over the
    pkt and let mbse deal with it into my netmail inbox area for
    250/1 (I have 2 more one for 25/21 and one for 25/0 & 25/21 and
    no I have no idea who two different akas are being used as :
    NETMAIL is set Fido Aka 2:250/1 all traffic to/from me at 250/1.
    NETMAIL2 is set Fido Aka 2:25/0 for Z2 netmail traffic. NETMAIL3
    is set Fido Aka 2:25/21 for the Elist AKA 25/21.

    The only conclusion I can draw is that the problem netmail sent
    from MBFIDO NO uses the Last AKA but I cannot define what one is
    used so the question is how do I fix it without breaking the
    other two Netmail msg areas.

    Hope I have made this clear but if you have a query regarding all
    this, fire away.


    MBSE defaults to using the closest AKA to the destination. For
    2:263/1, that would be 2:263/0. There currently isn't a way to
    override which AKA is used. I am considering adding support for this,
    but it'll take a while to get that done and debugged.

    I do recommend that you setup a NetMail area for every AKA your system
    has. This insures that MBFIDO has a place to put incoming netmail for
    any of your system's AKA addresses.

    My problem is with the AKA being used that may get a reply by a node to the posted notify message. The one instance I had this week is node was confused what address to use for sending a areafix, filemgr request too as my system normally expects all to go to 250//1 - at least as far as I know, but I could be wrong :)

    I would be a lot easier if I can specify what AKA is used for all such notify messages as an override, may be as a added param to mbfido ne which would help make any change easier to do for yourself, etc. Failing that, then the first one on the list of AKA's but that might not suit everyone as it would 'assume' that every one uses first AKA in the list as their primary one.


    --- Mageia Linux v9 X64/Mbse v1.1.0/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Andrew Leary on Fri Feb 28 20:43:32 2025

    Hello Andrew!

    15 Feb 25 15:29, I wrote to you:

    As a follow on from previous msg regarding issues when using mbfido no on a secondary fido address at 2:263/1 where the infor sent is - well broken such as :

    Dear Sean Rima:

    The following is a flow report of all message areas

    Group @G @J (@I)
    P O S T E D R E C E I V
    E D Message area Last week Last month Last week
    Last Month - ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
    ---------- ----------

    With the rest blank I suspect that it relates to the address of the node is not
    in 2:25 or 2:250.

    I am going to try and allocate a new node address 2:0/101 as an aka to 263/1 and see if that fixes it - just have to remember to route such to 2:263/1 though.

    Will advise.


    --- Mageia Linux v9 X64/Mbse v1.1.0/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Andrew Leary on Sat Mar 1 16:45:34 2025

    Hello Andrew!

    28 Feb 25 20:43, I wrote to you:

    I have now added Sean Rima to the (so far) Z2DAILY nodelist as it was sent in too late for entry to the main NODELIST system, but that will happen for next Friday's one.

    So Sean has added the AKA 250/101 and sent in requests for linking in to some ECHO areas and it seams to be working - no real surprises there.

    I do not follow the logic being used in mbse here as I am not the only one running more that one net as there are a few around both in the USA and Europe.

    That said Michael may not have thought of that being a possibility when coding the notify and areamgr / filemgr routines.

    To my mind have the primary AKA in my case 250/1 at position 1 in the AKA lists
    should not be in the way of processing these requests as it would still be valid for all connected nodes, yes ?

    Clearly the fact that I have an AKA in the net the same as the subject node is where mbse is confusing it but do not see why !

    Ideas ?


    Hello Andrew!

    15 Feb 25 15:29, I wrote to you:

    As a follow on from previous msg regarding issues when using mbfido no
    on a secondary fido address at 2:263/1 where the infor sent is - well broken such as :

    Dear Sean Rima:

    The following is a flow report of all message areas

    Group @G @J (@I)
    P O S T E D R E C E I
    V E D Message area Last week Last month Last week
    Last Month - ------------------------------ ----------
    ---------- ---------- ----------

    With the rest blank I suspect that it relates to the address of the
    node is not in 2:25 or 2:250.

    I am going to try and allocate a new node address 2:0/101 as an aka to
    263/1 and see if that fixes it - just have to remember to route such
    to 2:263/1 though.

    Will advise.



    --- Mageia Linux v9 X64/Mbse v1.1.0/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)