• Damm mbsebbs

    From Gert Andersen@2:230/150 to All on Tue Dec 27 23:49:00 2016
    Hello All!

    I just say bad mbsebbs on my third linux system there now not got down of error
    and it scripts file init.gentoo where it is the /etc/init.d/mbsebbs file there
    got bad to things for use of ebegin and eend not like to work self if I have added {PATH}: in the script file.
    Soe there have a solution for that there is that it has worked before. So it can be helped out to work on gentoo.

    Take care,

    - Get the best with linux -

    --- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 (Linux/2.6.39-gentoo-r1 (x86_64))
    * Origin: KofoBBS at ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk (2:230/150)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to Gert Andersen on Wed Dec 28 18:09:00 2016
    Hello Gert!

    Tuesday December 27 2016 23:49, you wrote to All:

    Hello All!

    I just say bad mbsebbs on my third linux system there now not got down
    of error and it scripts file init.gentoo where it is the
    /etc/init.d/mbsebbs file there got bad to things for use of ebegin and
    eend not like to work self if I have added {PATH}: in the script file.
    Soe there have a solution for that there is that it has worked before.
    So it can be helped out to work on gentoo.

    When reporting problems please specify :

    Exactly what version you are installing.
    What Linux distro / version / hardware if not Intel.


    --- Mageia Linux v5/Mbse v1.0.6/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.501-b20150715
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Tony Comandini@2:250/5 to Vince Coen on Wed Dec 28 18:47:00 2016
    Hello Gert!
    Tuesday December 27 2016 23:49, you wrote to All:
    Hello All!
    I just say bad mbsebbs on my third linux system there now not got down
    of error and it scripts file init.gentoo where it is the
    /etc/init.d/mbsebbs file there got bad to things for use of ebegin and
    eend not like to work self if I have added {PATH}: in the script file.
    Soe there have a solution for that there is that it has worked before.
    So it can be helped out to work on gentoo.
    When reporting problems please specify :
    Exactly what version you are installing.
    What Linux distro / version / hardware if not Intel.

    If I well understood he tried to install a new node on GenToo...or I mess something?


    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: = Laser BBS = London, UK = bbs.laserbbs.co.uk:2424 (2:250/5)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to Tony Comandini on Wed Dec 28 19:12:00 2016
    Hello Tony!

    Wednesday December 28 2016 18:47, you wrote to me:

    Hello Gert!
    Tuesday December 27 2016 23:49, you wrote to All:
    Hello All!
    I just say bad mbsebbs on my third linux system there now not got
    down of error and it scripts file init.gentoo where it is the
    /etc/init.d/mbsebbs file there got bad to things for use of ebegin
    and eend not like to work self if I have added {PATH}: in the
    script file. Soe there have a solution for that there is that it
    has worked before. So it can be helped out to work on gentoo.
    When reporting problems please specify :
    Exactly what version you are installing.
    What Linux distro / version / hardware if not Intel.

    If I well understood he tried to install a new node on GenToo...or I
    mess something?


    Pass - I gave up guessing in my teens when it comes to s/w support.


    --- Mageia Linux v5/Mbse v1.0.6/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.501-b20150715
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Gert Andersen@2:230/150 to Vince Coen on Wed Dec 28 21:53:36 2016
    * Reply to message originally in area CarbonArea

    Hello Vince!

    Wed Dec 28 2016, Vince Coen wrote to Gert Andersen:

    I just say bad mbsebbs on my third linux system there now not got down
    of error and it scripts file init.gentoo where it is the
    /etc/init.d/mbsebbs file there got bad to things for use of ebegin and
    eend not like to work self if I have added {PATH}: in the script file.
    Soe there have a solution for that there is that it has worked before.
    So it can be helped out to work on gentoo.

    When reporting problems please specify :

    Exactly what version you are installing.
    What Linux distro / version / hardware if not Intel.

    The problem was when I on my gentoo linux pc3 was run as root /etc/init.d/mbsebbs start was mbsebbs comes out with report error in script file mbsebbs in line line as ebegin and eend and that it was bad command.
    But now after some time and 12 hours nothing done got I it to work by had done a full pc reboot and it works again.

    Take care,

    - Get the best with linux -

    --- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 (Linux/2.6.39-gentoo-r1 (x86_64))
    * Origin: The KofoBBS at http://www.kofobbs.dk (2:230/150)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to Gert Andersen on Wed Dec 28 22:51:17 2016
    Hello Gert!

    Wednesday December 28 2016 21:53, you wrote to me:

    Well that is a little odd unless that you having installed mbse (with sudo make
    install or equiv.) forgot to exit the terminal and then login again using a fresh terminal so that the env. settings would be in effect.

    I take it that you are using mbse v1.0.9 and have followed the instructons for installing on a gentoo type distro.

    * Reply to message originally in area CarbonArea

    Hello Vince!

    Wed Dec 28 2016, Vince Coen wrote to Gert Andersen:

    I just say bad mbsebbs on my third linux system there now not got
    down of error and it scripts file init.gentoo where it is the
    /etc/init.d/mbsebbs file there got bad to things for use of ebegin
    and eend not like to work self if I have added {PATH}: in the
    script file. Soe there have a solution for that there is that it
    has worked before. So it can be helped out to work on gentoo.

    When reporting problems please specify :

    Exactly what version you are installing.
    What Linux distro / version / hardware if not Intel.

    The problem was when I on my gentoo linux pc3 was run as root /etc/init.d/mbsebbs start was mbsebbs comes out with report error in
    script file mbsebbs in line line as ebegin and eend and that it was
    bad command. But now after some time and 12 hours nothing done got I
    it to work by had done a full pc reboot and it works again.

    Take care,

    - Get the best with linux -


    --- Mageia Linux v5/Mbse v1.0.6/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.501-b20150715
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12.73 to Tony Comandini on Wed Dec 28 21:05:16 2016

    On 2016 Dec 28 18:47:00, you wrote to Vince Coen:

    If I well understood he tried to install a new node on GenToo...or I
    mess something?

    in all these years, i have never truely been able to understand gert's postings... some few, yeah, but 99%? nope :( :( :(


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... Reality? I'll only go as a tourist!
    * Origin: (1:3634/12.73)
  • From Gert Andersen@2:230/150 to Vince Coen on Thu Dec 29 14:30:42 2016
    * Reply to message originally in area CarbonArea

    Hello Vince!

    Wed Dec 28 2016, Vince Coen wrote to Gert Andersen:

    Well that is a little odd unless that you having installed mbse (with
    sudo make

    I have use th old way of gentoo distro install by th 3 steps as
    first checked and modified /opt/mbse/mbsebbs-1.0.6/scripts/init.gentoo file path line so I have added it with ={PATH}:
    su + make install
    cd ..
    so I was back at mbse root for user mbse.

    install or equiv.) forgot to exit the terminal and then login again
    using a
    fresh terminal so that the env. settings would be in effect.

    I take it that you are using mbse v1.0.9 and have followed the
    instructons for
    installing on a gentoo type distro.

    I have only find mbse v1.0.6 for any download as I not have seen either a version 1.0.8 or 1.0.9 free for download.
    so it there is a newer versions free for download is it then how to get it.

    * Reply to message originally in area CarbonArea

    Hello Vince!

    Wed Dec 28 2016, Vince Coen wrote to Gert Andersen:

    I just say bad mbsebbs on my third linux system there now not got
    down of error and it scripts file init.gentoo where it is the
    /etc/init.d/mbsebbs file there got bad to things for use of ebegin
    and eend not like to work self if I have added {PATH}: in the
    script file. Soe there have a solution for that there is that it
    has worked before. So it can be helped out to work on gentoo.

    When reporting problems please specify :

    Exactly what version you are installing.
    What Linux distro / version / hardware if not Intel.

    The problem was when I on my gentoo linux pc3 was run as root
    /etc/init.d/mbsebbs start was mbsebbs comes out with report error in
    script file mbsebbs in line line as ebegin and eend and that it was
    bad command. But now after some time and 12 hours nothing done got I
    it to work by had done a full pc reboot and it works again.

    Take care,

    - Get the best with linux -


    -+- Mageia Linux v5/Mbse v1.0.6/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.501-b20150715
    + Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)

    Take care,

    - Get the best with linux -

    --- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 (Linux/2.6.39-gentoo-r1 (x86_64))
    * Origin: http://www.kofobbs.dk (2:230/150)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to Gert Andersen on Thu Dec 29 15:12:00 2016
    Hello Gert!

    Thursday December 29 2016 14:30, you wrote to me:

    The latest version is 1.0.9 and here is the content of the changelog file from 1.0.6:

    v1.0.6.9 28-Sep-2016 - Andrew Leary

    1. Fixed compiler warnings while building the BBS. Thanks to
    Ken Bowley for the patches.

    2. Fixed a bug with the use of an external editor, and removed
    a limitation that forced a message to have at least two lines.
    Thanks to Ken Bowley for these patches as well.

    v1.0.6.8 20-Jul-2016 - Andrew Leary

    1. Fixed the SETUP.sh script to handle installing on fresh
    installations of Ubuntu 12.04+. These versions do not install
    an admin group, which MBSE uses to enable the mbse user to run
    sudo. SETUP.sh will now add the admin group if it doesn't
    exist, to prevent useradd failing to create the mbse user.
    This change only affects first time installations on Ubuntu
    12.04 or later.

    v1.0.6.7 28-Jun-2016 - Andrew Leary

    1. Added the ability to disable cross-zone SEEN-BY
    stripping to mbfido. This is currently a global toggle,
    defaulting to strip SEEN-BYs when crossing zone boundaries.
    In situations where this behavior is not desired, toggle the
    SBstrip option to "No" in mbsetup 1.11.20. If there is
    enough call for it, I will consider making this configurable
    on a group and/or area basis.

    It is available in the CODE area of SF at :


    Just select 'Download snapshot' or if you have the git tools installed run :

    hg clone ssh://vcoen@hg.code.sf.net/p/mbsebbs/hg mbsebbs-hg

    changing //vcoen with your SF logon name.

    Or if you do not have hg but only git then you can use :

    git clone ssh://vcoen@git.code.sf.net/p/mbsebbs/code mbsebbs-code

    again changing //vcoen for your logon name.

    or as in above go to :


    and select Download snapshot.

    The code bases look the same for both (code and hg).


    --- Mageia Linux v5/Mbse v1.0.6/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.501-b20150715
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Gert Andersen@2:230/150 to Vince Coen on Mon Jan 16 11:08:00 2017
    * Reply to message originally in area CarbonArea

    Hello Vince!

    Thu Dec 29 2016, Vince Coen wrote to Gert Andersen:

    Each time I just try the link from linux and is trying to download the latest tarball file is I only get file named tarball.
    And no any kind of a file as mbsebbs- or later name, and when I try to view this file is it look kid of strange to me.
    I got in at sourceforge.net/mbsebbs/p/ and what you write the right to download
    snapshot and hit d for download from linux.
    So a full file could like to be put in at my inbound with a connect poll.

    The latest version is 1.0.9 and here is the content of the changelog
    file from

    v1.0.6.9 28-Sep-2016 - Andrew Leary

    1. Fixed compiler warnings while building the BBS. Thanks to
    Ken Bowley for the patches.

    2. Fixed a bug with the use of an external editor, and removed
    a limitation that forced a message to have at least two lines.
    Thanks to Ken Bowley for these patches as well.

    v1.0.6.8 20-Jul-2016 - Andrew Leary

    1. Fixed the SETUP.sh script to handle installing on fresh
    installations of Ubuntu 12.04+. These versions do not install
    an admin group, which MBSE uses to enable the mbse user to run
    sudo. SETUP.sh will now add the admin group if it doesn't
    exist, to prevent useradd failing to create the mbse user.
    This change only affects first time installations on Ubuntu
    12.04 or later.

    v1.0.6.7 28-Jun-2016 - Andrew Leary

    1. Added the ability to disable cross-zone SEEN-BY
    stripping to mbfido. This is currently a global toggle,
    defaulting to strip SEEN-BYs when crossing zone boundaries.
    In situations where this behavior is not desired, toggle the
    SBstrip option to "No" in mbsetup 1.11.20. If there is
    enough call for it, I will consider making this configurable
    on a group and/or area basis.

    It is available in the CODE area of SF at :


    Just select 'Download snapshot' or if you have the git tools
    installed run :

    hg clone ssh://vcoen@hg.code.sf.net/p/mbsebbs/hg mbsebbs-hg

    changing //vcoen with your SF logon name.

    Or if you do not have hg but only git then you can use :

    git clone ssh://vcoen@git.code.sf.net/p/mbsebbs/code mbsebbs-code

    again changing //vcoen for your logon name.

    or as in above go to :


    and select Download snapshot.

    The code bases look the same for both (code and hg).


    -+- Mageia Linux v5/Mbse v1.0.6/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.501-b20150715
    + Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)

    Take care,

    - Get the best with linux -

    --- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 (Linux/2.6.39-gentoo-r1 (x86_64))
    * Origin: * One bird in hand is better than 10 on the roof * (2:230/150)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to Gert Andersen on Tue Jan 17 16:36:00 2017
    Hello Gert!

    Monday January 16 2017 11:08, you wrote to me:

    Yes you end up with a archived file containing the sources.

    You run the extract in the right path and go from there.

    Hello Vince!

    Thu Dec 29 2016, Vince Coen wrote to Gert Andersen:

    Each time I just try the link from linux and is trying to download the latest tarball file is I only get file named tarball. And no any kind
    of a file as mbsebbs- or later name, and when I try to
    view this file is it look kid of strange to me. I got in at sourceforge.net/mbsebbs/p/ and what you write the right to download
    snapshot and hit d for download from linux. So a full file could like
    to be put in at my inbound with a connect poll.

    The latest version is 1.0.9 and here is the content of the
    changelog file from 1.0.6:

    v1.0.6.9 28-Sep-2016 - Andrew Leary

    1. Fixed compiler warnings while building the BBS.
    Thanks to
    Ken Bowley for the patches.

    2. Fixed a bug with the use of an external editor, and
    a limitation that forced a message to have at least two
    Thanks to Ken Bowley for these patches as well.

    v1.0.6.8 20-Jul-2016 - Andrew Leary

    1. Fixed the SETUP.sh script to handle installing on
    installations of Ubuntu 12.04+. These versions do not
    an admin group, which MBSE uses to enable the mbse user to
    sudo. SETUP.sh will now add the admin group if it doesn't
    exist, to prevent useradd failing to create the mbse user.
    This change only affects first time installations on
    12.04 or later.

    v1.0.6.7 28-Jun-2016 - Andrew Leary

    1. Added the ability to disable cross-zone SEEN-BY
    stripping to mbfido. This is currently a global toggle,
    defaulting to strip SEEN-BYs when crossing zone
    In situations where this behavior is not desired, toggle
    SBstrip option to "No" in mbsetup 1.11.20. If there is
    enough call for it, I will consider making this
    on a group and/or area basis.

    It is available in the CODE area of SF at :


    Just select 'Download snapshot' or if you have the git tools
    installed run :

    hg clone ssh://vcoen@hg.code.sf.net/p/mbsebbs/hg mbsebbs-hg

    changing //vcoen with your SF logon name.

    Or if you do not have hg but only git then you can use :

    git clone ssh://vcoen@git.code.sf.net/p/mbsebbs/code mbsebbs-code

    again changing //vcoen for your logon name.

    or as in above go to :


    and select Download snapshot.

    The code bases look the same for both (code and hg).


    -+- Mageia Linux v5/Mbse v1.0.6/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.501-b20150715
    + Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire

    Take care,

    - Get the best with linux -


    --- Mageia Linux v5/Mbse v1.0.6/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.501-b20150715
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)