• Bugs in .data file processing

    From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Sun Aug 16 14:24:49 2015
    Hello All!

    For many years if not since day one, there has been a bug in the processing of the mareas.data file (echo areas) in that if you have had any areas created high up the line for any reason (and no I do not recall doing so but have been running it since 0.33 times) and then deleted them, that are not cleaned up when saving the file at the end of editing the mail areas.

    Here is an example:

    mbsetup -> 9.2

    I show Record (1..572) but only the first 79 areas have anything in and all the rest show them as deleted / not active although there is some default setting in each.

    This problem appears for this one data file, so for some reason this is the only data file that is not automaticaaly cleaned up when saving.

    Needless to say it is the largest .data file in ~/etc .


    --- Mageia Linux v4/Mbse v1.0.4/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20130910
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK (2:250/1)