• Forwarded from SF

    From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Thu May 1 13:51:18 2014
    Hello All!

    These are posting in https://sourceforge.net/p/mbsebbs/tickets/2

    The nodelist compiler does not fill in the url field of the node record for nodes that only support IFC or ITN connections, thus making it impossible for mbcico to call out to these nodes.


    Please provide examples of each (IFC and ITM) and specifiy the nodelist.nnn.
    So far as I can see both are NOT related to an url (INA) but cannot spot possible entries.

    21 hours ago

    I am also having a problem with MBSE compiling the nodelist.115 from Fidonet. Every entry is missing the URL so when mbcico tries to call out it give an error of "No dialmethod available in nodelist". Even are coding it in mbsetup gives the same error. When I use mbout n f1.n1.z1 it gives this as it's

    MBOUT: MBSE BBS 1.0.1 Outbound Manager
    Copyright (C) 1997-2013 Michiel Broek, All Rights Reserved

    System : FidoNews Editor
    Sysop : Jon Justvig@f1.n1.z1.fidonet.org
    Location : Wichita KS
    Phone : -Unpublished-
    Speed : 300
    Flags : CM,ITN,IFC,IBN
    P Flag :
    Uplink : 1/0
    Region : 0
    URL : (null)


    Have you checked the nodelist you are trying to use to ensure it is a
    valid file?

    Have you looked at the error.log and debug.log files to see if there are
    any messages regarding the compile?

    What was the command you used to compile the list?

    That will do for starters


    I downloaded the nodelist from www.filegate.net. I'm logged in as the mbse user and run mbindex with no options. It outputs the following in the system.log:

    30-Apr-2014 11:29:14 mbindex[5734] MBINDEX v1.0.1
    30-Apr-2014 11:29:14 mbindex[5734] Command line: mbindex
    + 30-Apr-2014 11:29:14 mbindex[5734] Compiling "NODELIST.115" (0)
    + 30-Apr-2014 11:29:14 mbindex[5734] 2694 entries
    + 30-Apr-2014 11:29:14 mbindex[5734] Compiled 2694 entries
    30-Apr-2014 11:29:14 mbindex[5734] MBINDEX finished in 0.00s

    Nothing shows up in the error.log and debug.log. When I compiled mbsebbs I used ./configure with no options and this was the output:

    -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Configuration Complete =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    Configuration summary :

    Version : ..................... 1.0.1
    Hydra/Binkp zlib compression : Yes
    Binkp bzlib compression : ..... Yes
    Full newsgate : ............... No
    GeoIP support : ............... No
    Delete key : .................. default

    Tools :

    Compiler is GCC : ............. yes

    Installation directories :

    Main directory : ........... /opt/mbse
    Owner and group : ........... mbse.bbs

    Did the make then make install as root.

    From Vincent

    15 hours ago

    In debug and I have the first two settings on for all log options in utils,
    mbse mailer etc, I show in the debug file:

    30-Apr-2014 18:56:32 mbindex[21448] MBINDEX v1.0.2
    30-Apr-2014 18:56:32 mbindex[21448] Command line: mbindex
    + 30-Apr-2014 18:56:32 mbindex[21448] Compiling "nodelist.115" (0)
    + 30-Apr-2014 18:56:32 mbindex[21448] 2693 entries
    + 30-Apr-2014 18:56:32 mbindex[21448] Compiling "pointlst.999" (1)
    + 30-Apr-2014 18:56:32 mbindex[21448] 0 entries
    + 30-Apr-2014 18:56:32 mbindex[21448] Compiled 2693 entries
    30-Apr-2014 18:56:32 mbindex[21448] MBINDEX finished in 0.00s

    Ignoring the pointlst stuff as no entries I and one node less.
    In the terminal box running the mbindex command I get:

    MBINDEX: MBSE BBS 1.0.2 Nodelist Index Compiler
    Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Michiel Broek, All Rights Reserved

    Zone 4 Region 90 Net 904 Node 13 Point 0 2693 entries
    0 entries
    MBINDEX finished in 0.00s

    Now run mbout n for my address :

    -bash-4.2$ mbout n f1.n250.z2
    MBOUT: MBSE BBS 1.0.2 Outbound Manager
    Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Michiel Broek, All Rights Reserved

    System : Air Applewood
    Sysop : Vince Coen@f1.n250.z2.fidonet.org
    Location : Roydon Essex
    Phone : -Unpublished-
    Speed : 300
    Flags : XA,ITN,IBN
    U-Flags : SDS,NEC,ENC
    P Flag :
    Uplink : 250/0
    Region : 25
    URL : binkp://applewoodbbs.dtdns.net:24554

    This is the important one do you get the same results?
    Now I tried mbout n f1.n1.z1 but the last line shows up:

    System : FidoNews Editor
    Sysop : Jon Justvig@f1.n1.z1.fidonet.org
    Location : Wichita KS
    Phone : -Unpublished-
    Speed : 300
    Flags : CM,ITN,IFC,IBN
    P Flag :
    Uplink : 1/0
    Region : 0
    URL : binkp://vintagebbsing.com:24554

    Now if you do not see my URL its a Huston we have a problem time so:

    First need to check that the ./configure;make did not produce any errors and any warnings are non important.

    so do:

    make clean

    Check the output in full for any warnings/errors or other msgs that say it cannot find libraries. If not then do:

    make > build.log 2>build.err

    now check the contents of build.err and see if there are any errors reported and check for any warning that are related to mbindex.

    Let me know.


    Thanks for the instructions. Quite a few warnings while building. No errors
    that stopped it from completing. The only one that I see that might be a problem is with nodelist.c. I've attache the entire build.err file for reference.

    [[ Attached file shows the 'normal' warnings when compiling with a current gcc compiler ]]

    less than 1 minute ago

    Got your file. No, there is no difference in warnings than for my own build on that version 1.1.1 (I run 1.1.2 and the only difference from 1.1.1 is that mbse
    will install to /home instead of /opt.

    As I run multi boot configs and to aid any distro upgrades I have a separate partition for /home and this way I do not have to rebuild mbse every time I upgrade.
    Of course you in theory just pass a param to configure to do the same but ...

    Now back to cases please advise exactly what distro & version you are running?

    Confirm that you have installed ALL of the suggested extra libraries including the -Dev ones.

    At the moment I am clutching a straws a bit, so please send me your email address to vbcoen at gmail and I will send you a copy of nodelist.z55 (155) that I use, for you to try against mbindex. I want to rule out any problems with the US version of the nodelist as I am NOT having the same problems although for f1.n1.z1 it is the same (see later). Make sure that the address you use is one that accepts file attachments.

    I will also start adding these posts to the fidonet echo mbse to see if anyone else has any clues, which is really where they should go.

    I am also 'assuming' that Andrew the original poster for this problem is also using a US origin nodelist.

    Also could you do a mbout n f1.n250.z2 and see if you get this and yes that's me):

    -bash-4.2$ mbout n f1.n250.z2

    MBOUT: MBSE BBS 1.0.2 Outbound Manager
    Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Michiel Broek, All Rights Reserved

    System : Air Applewood
    Sysop : Vince Coen@f1.n250.z2.fidonet.org
    Location : Roydon Essex
    Phone : -Unpublished-
    Speed : 300
    Flags : XA,ITN,IBN
    U-Flags : SDS,NEC,ENC
    P Flag :
    Uplink : 250/0
    Region : 25
    URL : binkp://applewoodbbs.dtdns.net:24554

    Why, well two reasons, the 1st is that the nodelist layout has changed in that it now allows '-unpublished-' to be present without pvt at the start - that could be upsetting mbindex and even the golded version so will need to check that !!

    2nd it is another bug not related but still in mbindex but I want to rule out any differences between the USA version of the nodelist eg Zone 1 and that from
    Europe eg Zone 2.

    I don't think this is the case just want to rule it out of the equation.

    The above test will also rule out (or in) to some extent the original posted issue but I am beginning to think it is the same problem because of the change.

    Why no-one else is reporting it is somewhat amassing or should it be, I mean how often do sysops need to run mbout n unless their message editor is not giving correct address info when creating a msg from scratch as against replying to one!


    Any one else seeing this?

    As I said above on thinking about it, it could be because of the nodelist changes that have taken place of the last few months regarding pvt pre-flag and
    the '-Unpublished-' entry in place of '000-000-0000' type contact number field within the nodelist.

    If you are suffering from this have you checked (if used) the golded index linking tool, does that have the same issues?


    --- Linux/Mbse v1.1.02/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20120229
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK (2:250/1)