Wow - In the past 9 days, there have been 85 messages in this echo..
Good to see this echo has some traffic.. Shame that a lot of it was
bashing me.. Ah well.
And it looks like I died.. There was even an obituary for me online.
Yaks, wasnt it?
I've been busy, in some regards.. Had a bunch of personal life stuff
going on - family, work, etc. Have recently gotten a new job (One I
love, yay!).. My 5 year wedding anniversary was lat April.. My son
turned 3 last March, and my daughter turns 1 on the 25th of July (16
days from now.. damn.).. Oh, and I had a birthday July 3rd.
Last summer some time, I got myself a Linux box.. It had an 80gig hdd in
it and 2 gigs of ram.. I used it as a linux dev box and storage computer/drive.. Moved all of my sources, compilers, tools, etc to it.. Unfortunately, that hdd died a couple of months ago. Well. I think it
died.. It seems the MBR and/or FAT are gone. Since I've been unable to
rescue the data, I'll be sending the drive along to a friend soon to see
if he can do anything with it. If he can, yay. If not, not that big a
deal.. I have backups. Will be a pain to restore the backups and
reinstall compilers and stuff.. But is doable.
Anyway. Time to reply to some of the messages in this echo.
--- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
* Origin: Data Stream -
telnet:// - (1:124/7013)