• Whatever

    From Steve Kemp@1:123/789 to All on Wed Apr 28 02:35:08 2010
    I love my Martin 6 string!

    It's a DX1 Dreadnought.

    The mysterious "they" say it's a cheaper guitar because it's composite...but I find this thing perfect (in price and quality).

    It sounded sweet in the store and it's sweet in hand.

    It was $600 NEW! Well worth the Martin sound.
    Yep, I'm the Atheist. I'm chock full of Ath!

    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100317
    * Origin: Fidonet Via Newsreader - http://www.easternstar.info (1:123/789.0)
  • From Richard Webb@1:116/901 to Steve Kemp on Wed Apr 28 12:57:23 2010
    HI Steve,

    On Wed 2038-Apr-28 02:35, Steve Kemp (1:123/789) wrote to All:

    I love my Martin 6 string!

    It's a DX1 Dreadnought.

    SAme model here. Love mine, great sound! Plays nice.

    The mysterious "they" say it's a cheaper guitar because it's composite...but I find this thing perfect (in price and quality).

    IT has held up for me well even if it is composite
    construction. Granted, it's been babied though, gets moved
    in a hard shell case, etc. I use Martin amrquis lights to
    string it.

    Usually my preferred capture technqieu for recording it is a small diaphragm condenser mic aimed at where the neck joins
    the body.

    --- timEd 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: (1:116/901)
  • From Steve Kemp@1:123/789 to Richard Webb on Sun May 2 02:45:27 2010

    I love my Martin 6 string!

    It's a DX1 Dreadnought.

    SAme model here. Love mine, great sound! Plays nice.

    Really! Cool.

    Yeah, it's a nice "machine".
    It RANG in my ear the first time I picked it up.

    The mysterious "they" say it's a cheaper guitar because it's
    composite...but I find this thing perfect (in price and quality).

    IT has held up for me well even if it is composite

    Actually, I've heard (from no one in particular) that the composite is apt to endure for quite a while.

    I see zero neck arch over the time I've had mine.

    Granted, it's been babied though, gets moved
    in a hard shell case, etc. I use Martin amrquis lights to
    string it.

    I use an Martin Acoustic SP (light) set.

    Usually my preferred capture technqieu for recording it is a small diaphragm condenser mic aimed at where the neck joins
    the body.

    I don't record. At least much any more. I got all my junk stolen a while back. I had EVERYTHING!

    It's sad.
    Yep, I'm the Atheist. I'm chock full of Ath!

    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100317
    * Origin: Fidonet Via Newsreader - http://www.easternstar.info (1:123/789.0)
  • From Richard Webb@1:116/901 to Steve Kemp on Sun May 2 14:43:07 2010
    HI Steve,

    On Sun 2038-May-02 02:45, Steve Kemp (1:123/789) wrote to Richard Webb:

    SAme model here. Love mine, great sound! Plays nice.

    Really! Cool.

    Yeah, it's a nice "machine".
    It RANG in my ear the first time I picked it up.

    The mysterious "they" say it's a cheaper guitar because it's
    composite...but I find this thing perfect (in price and quality).

    IT has held up for me well even if it is composite

    Actually, I've heard (from no one in particular) that the composite
    is apt to endure for quite a while.

    Yep, and iirc the neck is still a solid piece.
    FUnny how I found mine. WE were out getting me a pair of
    good working shoes, was my birthday. I had to run into the
    local guitar center to get a couple of things, I rarely go
    in those places, the din drives me crazy. I went in, just
    looked around a bit, and ended up in their little guitar
    room. SAw this thing sitting there, quite a bit knocked off the price of a usual Martin. I picked it up, sat down on
    one of those padded benches and started to play it.

    I was sort of looking for another 6 string anyway, I had an
    Alvarez 12 that I'd use on recordings, but I like to record
    a 6 and then a 12 doing adifferent part. Still I like the 6 as the foundation. IN 2001 when preparing to move to NEw Orleans from IOwa I'd
    sold an Ovation look alike at a yard sale for $50, and that
    was all it was worth. Bought it at a pawnshop for little
    more than that, because I wanted something to play now and
    then on a bandstand without the hassle of trying to mic it
    Anybody who read this echo back in the heyday can remember
    that our friendly echo mod at the time said that flaming an
    Ovation guitar was quite appropriate for this echo, in fact
    real flames and ovation guitars were a good match <g>.
    Still this thing served me for some gigging, even if I did
    have to rebuild the pickups and the wiring. AS I said, sold it at a yard sale,
    and had given a cheap Yamaha 6 to a buddy of mine for his kid to learn on. THis left me without a 6.

    sO I"m looking at this thing, liked the price. WE put some
    money down on it, and I told 'em to hold that one, guy said
    he would, told him I'd be back the next day with the

    gO back in, guy tells me that one was already sold to
    somebody else and shouldn't have been out on display, but he had others, same model. HE brought out five or six until I
    found one I liked the neck on as well as I'd liked that
    first one.

    Usually my preferred capture technique for recording it is a small diaphragm condenser mic aimed at where the neck joins
    the body.

    I don't record. At least much any more. I got all my junk stolen a
    while back. I had EVERYTHING!

    I do a remote truck now, lost my whole rig in the after
    Katrina fire when they turned on the juice to my
    neighborhood, no insurance, paying the wife's cobra and
    copays instead. three Fostex hard disk machines synced,
    ROland sound canvas, Alesis d-4 drum module, a Peavey bass
    module for bass sounds, Hammond porta-b type organ with
    midi, two port midi interface and a fairly good mic locker.

    NOw I've got this remote rig, 32 chan mci console, lots of
    signal processing by dbx and LExicon, JBL and Yamaha
    monitors, whole nine yards.
    WAnt to see it have a look at


    It's sad.
    Yah sure would be. I miss the old rig in NEw ORleans. I
    mixed to dat or Alesis master link, used to do some on hold
    music, voice-overs, all sorts of stuff, none of them big
    money projects, but at times I'd be quite busy.
    Feast or famine business. THe gigs in N.O. the quarter etc. kept me going though even when it got lean.

    ... Creationism is to science what storks are to obstetrics.
    --- timEd 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: (1:116/901)
  • From Steve Kemp@1:123/789 to Richard Webb on Wed May 5 01:43:52 2010

    Anybody who read this echo back in the heyday can remember
    that our friendly echo mod at the time said that flaming an
    Ovation guitar was quite appropriate for this echo, in fact
    real flames and ovation guitars were a good match <g>.


    Trying to replace my stolen Takamine 12 string on the fly,
    I had an Ovation 12 FOR A SECOND! It blew donkey!

    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100317
    * Origin: Fidonet Via Newsreader - http://www.easternstar.info (1:123/789.0)
  • From Richard Webb@1:116/901 to Steve Kemp on Wed May 5 13:47:25 2010
    HI Steve,

    Anybody who read this echo back in the heyday can remember
    that our friendly echo mod at the time said that flaming an
    Ovation guitar was quite appropriate for this echo, in fact
    real flames and ovation guitars were a good match <g>.

    Trying to replace my stolen Takamine 12 string on the fly,
    I had an Ovation 12 FOR A SECOND! It blew donkey!

    I know, the plastic body sounds funky, the round back makes
    it awkward as hell if you try to sit and play it.

    THe whole point of the Ovation was the pickups, and if it
    didn't have supposedly that round back heped it project
    AS I said, the one I had came from a pawnshop, and I bought
    it just because it had pickups I could use when playing with some of these bar bands that were always asking me to "sit
    in for a set."

    --- timEd 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: (1:116/901)
  • From Steve Kemp@1:123/789 to Richard Webb on Sat May 8 02:58:52 2010
    On 5/5/2010 10:47 AM, Richard Webb -> Steve Kemp wrote:
    HI Steve,

    Anybody who read this echo back in the heyday can remember
    that our friendly echo mod at the time said that flaming an
    Ovation guitar was quite appropriate for this echo, in fact
    real flames and ovation guitars were a good match <g>.

    Trying to replace my stolen Takamine 12 string on the fly,
    I had an Ovation 12 FOR A SECOND! It blew donkey!

    I know, the plastic body sounds funky, the round back makes
    it awkward as hell if you try to sit and play it.

    THe whole point of the Ovation was the pickups, and if it
    didn't have supposedly that round back heped it project

    It's all hype over "blow".

    In a real hardcore stage setting an Ovation can be kept from feeding back, is all.

    And that's the only reason I'd use one.

    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100317
    * Origin: Fidonet Via Newsreader - http://www.easternstar.info (1:123/789.0)
  • From Richard Webb@1:116/901 to Steve Kemp on Sat May 8 14:03:53 2010
    HI Steve,

    On Sat 2038-May-08 02:58, Steve Kemp (1:123/789) wrote to Richard Webb:

    Anybody who read this echo back in the heyday can remember
    that our friendly echo mod at the time said that flaming an
    Ovation guitar was quite appropriate for this echo, in fact
    real flames and ovation guitars were a good match <g>.
    <snippety dooh dah>
    THe whole point of the Ovation was the pickups, and if it
    didn't have supposedly that round back heped it project

    It's all hype over "blow".

    In a real hardcore stage setting an Ovation can be kept from feeding
    back, is all.

    And that's the only reason I'd use one.

    YEp, and mine worked well enough for that. YEt, a friend of mine bought a nice
    Martin, can't recall the pickups he had
    installed in it, ah man, name ain't coming to me, but a very popular system with the little preamp, etc. I loved that
    system. AT first I dreaded it when he brought it to gigs
    where I was doing sound, but ah there we go, FIshman. THat
    FIshman system was great. I could get him dialed in, feed
    him direct to the board, let him establish his working
    position (usually sitting on an inverted bucket) and eq his
    monitor a bit. NIce tone. I could often suplement the
    FIshman system with a sd condenser to get a little more air, especially when he
    was playing sans drummer. I don't play
    out in electric band situations enough to make it worth
    installing such a system in my Martin though, but if I were

    --- timEd 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: (1:116/901)