• Bizarrely, Vertrauen might be my best option for socializingintermittently online

    From Ash@ash@vert.synchro.net to Main.General on Thu Sep 7 00:25:08 2023
    I came to realise recently that modern day online does not work well for
    my use case. I have been getting into sailing and quickly found that a
    lot of software, social systems are utterly terrible if you have
    intermittent connectivity. Plus, when roaming, you have various caps of bandwidth or required to pay some rather stupidly high rates against
    data usage.

    People have been strongly suggesting to me I should use software like
    Discord, Telegram, Reddit app etc. But, if you've ever tried to use that software offline, you quickly discover that they barely cache any data
    for offline usage. If you write messages to people, you better not turn
    off your device or the drafts are gone.

    Older Internet was somewhat better for this situation considering there
    was a time you do dial up, then retrieve your e-mails, conference/posts,
    send any queued up items and disconnect immediately after. Then go
    through stuff offline.

    Vertrauen supporting stuff like NNTP and having gateways to various
    networks is pretty much letting me do that today, which is pretty
    awesome! I'm tunneling the traffic over a compressed SSH tunnel, which
    both helps reduce my traffic/speeds it up but also helps against MitM on
    the more less secure networks.

    Being able to download all these messages, then go offline, so while at
    sea when I have time to spare to be able to go through it, read, reply
    as wanted, and submit when near civilisation is great.
  • From Digital Man to Ash on Thu Sep 7 10:29:13 2023
    Re: Bizarrely, Vertrauen might be my best option for socializingintermitte
    By: Ash to Main.General on Thu Sep 07 2023 12:25 am

    I came to realise recently that modern day online does not work well for
    my use case. I have been getting into sailing and quickly found that a
    lot of software, social systems are utterly terrible if you have intermittent connectivity. Plus, when roaming, you have various caps of bandwidth or required to pay some rather stupidly high rates against
    data usage.

    Awesome! Glad you got the NNTP access figured out!
    digital man (rob)

    Rush quote #84:
    Looming low & ominous, twilight premature t-heads rumbling a distance overture Norco, CA WX: 75.3°F, 69.0% humidity, 0 mph E wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
  • From anthk@anthk0@synchro.net to Ash on Mon Nov 13 02:20:10 2023
    On 2023-09-06, Ash <ash@vert.synchro.net> wrote:

    I came to realise recently that modern day online does not work well for
    my use case. I have been getting into sailing and quickly found that a
    lot of software, social systems are utterly terrible if you have intermittent connectivity. Plus, when roaming, you have various caps of bandwidth or required to pay some rather stupidly high rates against
    data usage.

    People have been strongly suggesting to me I should use software like Discord, Telegram, Reddit app etc. But, if you've ever tried to use that software offline, you quickly discover that they barely cache any data
    for offline usage. If you write messages to people, you better not turn
    off your device or the drafts are gone.

    Older Internet was somewhat better for this situation considering there
    was a time you do dial up, then retrieve your e-mails, conference/posts, send any queued up items and disconnect immediately after. Then go
    through stuff offline.

    Vertrauen supporting stuff like NNTP and having gateways to various
    networks is pretty much letting me do that today, which is pretty
    awesome! I'm tunneling the traffic over a compressed SSH tunnel, which
    both helps reduce my traffic/speeds it up but also helps against MitM on
    the more less secure networks.

    Being able to download all these messages, then go offline, so while at
    sea when I have time to spare to be able to go through it, read, reply
    as wanted, and submit when near civilisation is great.

    I mostly do the exact same, among RSS', Usenet and BBS threads.
    On bandwidth, I remember that when I was data-capped at maybe 2GB speeds,
    which was almost as fast as something between ISDN and DSL, (or close),
    I just used Mosh (SSH alternative with a hardcore keepalive and bw
    shaving feature) against a public Unix server and spawned slrn from that machine. It ran really fast and with zero lag.