• Z4 nodelist changes.

    From Henri Derksen@2:280/1208 to mark lewis on Sun Jul 15 00:52:00 2018
    Hello Mark,

    See FRL-1017.
    See also the CM flag under section 5.1

    By the described above, as we don't have PSTN-enabled mailers on R80,
    we can't have CM flags...

    you missed section 5.11, Flag Redundancies... pay special attention to
    the very last list item at the very bottom ;)

    ==== Begin "5.11. Flag Redundancies" ====

    May be that file section should be updated, see here below inserted:

    V22B implies V22
    V26B implies V26
    V26T implies V26 V26B
    V27 implies V26
    V27B implies V26 V26B V27
    V27T implies V26 V26B V27 V27B
    I am not sure if this last one also implies V26T, but I think so.
    V29 implies V26 V27

    V32 implies V22
    V32B implies V22 V32

    V32B implies V22 V22B V32
    VFC implies V22 V22B V32 V32B

    V34 implies V22 V32 V32B

    V34 implies V22 V22B V32 V32B

    V90C implies V22 V32 V32B V34

    V90C implies V22 V22B V32 V32B V34

    V90S implies V22 V32 V32B V34

    V90S implies V22 V22B V32 V32B V34 V90C
    V92C implies V22 V22B V32 V32B V34 V90C
    V92S implies V22 V22B V32 V32B V34 V90C V92C

    V42 implies MNP
    V42B implies V42 MNP

    V44 implies MNP V42 V42B

    V32T implies V22 V32 V32B

    V32T implies V22 V22B V32 V32B

    VFC implies V22 V32 V32B

    VFC implies V22 V22B V32 V32B MNP V42 V42B

    HST implies MNP
    H14 implies HST MNP
    H16 implies HST H14 MNP V42 V42B


    X2C implies V22 V32 V32B V34

    X2C implies V22 V22B V32 V32B V34

    X2S implies V22 V32 V32B V34

    X2S implies V22 V22B V32 V32B V34 X2C

    ZYX implies V22 V32 V32B V42 V42B MNP

    ZYX implies V22 V22B V32 V32B V42 V42B MNP

    Z19 implies V22 V32 V32B V42 V42B MNP ZYX

    Z19 implies V22 V22B V32 V32B V42 V42B NMP ZYX

    Very old stuff: MAX, PEP and CSP

    IP implies IBN IFC ITN IVM
    IBN implies IP
    IFC implies IP
    ITN implies IP
    IVM implies IP

    XA implies XW XR XP XB XC XX
    XB implies XW XR XP
    XC implies XW XR XX
    XR implies XW
    XX implies XW

    CM implies ICM
    CM implies T??

    You mostly forgot V22B and some new protocols like V92 and V44.
    So there's a lot to correct in that redundancy list.
    Work for the FTSC.

    I also reported these redundancies to the Z2C at the second of January 2018
    for his ERRORFLAGS listing in the ENET.SYSOP EchoMailArea.
    Even if some protocols are not used anymore, they should still be stayed documented in full for the case some one wants to use that protocol (again). I.e. error checking and correcting is very important at weak lines.
    Remember PEP ?
    That's why that robust fax protocol was so beloved in African counties.
    I.e. FAXes at V17, V29, V27T and V21ch2 uses HDLC in Full Duplex even at HalfDuplex connections by time shifting Rx and Tx.
    So send data, change direction, listen to ACK or NACK, change direction
    send data again etc.
    Also my ZyXEL 2864L analogue modem at UniCorn BBS supports it.
    So you still can fax my BBS at the same number mentioned in the FidoeNet NodeList. Strange why the FAX flag is removed.
    For the hard of hearing fax was a handy protocol until e-mail came.
    Only some corporations still use Fax.


    * Origin: Connectivity is the Future; UniCorn BBS 31 26 4425506 (2:280/1208)