• Libyan Communications Amateur Society (LCAS) Admitted to IARU Membersp

    From TheCivvie@21:1/229 to All on Tue Feb 11 14:41:54 2025
    On 21 January 2025, voting was completed on Proposal No. 266 concerning the admission of the Libyan Communications Amateur Society (LCAS) to IARU membership.

    The following member-societies voted in favor of Proposal 266:

    Region 1
    ARA (Algeria), URA (Andorra), OeVSV (Austria), BARS (Bahrain), UBA (Belgium), ARABiH (Bosnia & Herzegovina), BFRA (Bulgaria), CARS (Cyprus), CRK (Czech Republic), EDR (Denmark), ERASD (Egypt), SRAL (Finland), DARC (Germany), RAAG (Greece), MRASZ (Hungary), IRA (Iceland), IRAS (Iraq), IRTS (Ireland), ARI (Italy),
    ARSK (Kenya), KARS (Kuwait), RAL (Lebanon), AFVL (Liechtenstein), RL (Luxembourg), CRAM (Mali), ARM (Monaco), MRSF (Mongolia), ARRAM (Morocco), VERON (Netherlands), RSM (North Macedonia), ROARS (Oman), PZK (Poland), FRR
    (Romania), SARS (Saudi Arabia), ARAS (Senegal), SARA (Seychelles), ZRS (Slovenia),
    SARL (South Africa), URE (Spain), SARU (Sudan), SSA (Sweden), USKA (Switzerland),
    ARAT (Tunisia), TRAC (Turkey), and EARS (United Arab Emirates)

    Region 2
    BARC (Belize), RCB (Boliva), LABRE (Brazil), RAC (Canada), CARS (Cayman Islands),
    LCRA (Colombia), FRC (Cuba), VERONA (Curacao, Dutch Caribbean), CRAG (Guatemala), RCH (Haiti), RCP (Peru), RCU (Uruguay) and ARRL (United States).

    Region 3
    ARSI (India), JARL (Japan), PARA (Philippines), and PIARA (Pitcairn Island)

    With 52 affirmative votes required for approval there were 61 votes in favor of the proposal, no votes in opposition, and no abstentions. accordingly, the proposal was adopted.

    ... BBBS: https://binkd.rima.ie

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    * Origin: TCOB1: https/binkd/telnet binkd.rima.ie (21:1/229)