• 2024 ARRL Field Day is Here!

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@WLARB to QST on Fri Jun 21 20:56:00 2024

    This weekend, June 22 - 23, is 2024 ARRL Field Day! The premier amateur radio event of the year is meant to be ham radio's open house as well as a time for the amateur community to get together and practice operating under unusual conditions. ARRL wants this to be a memorable and safe year for your club. All the resources a club needs to have a successful operation are on www.arrl.org/field-day[1].

    Top Ten Things Your Club Should Do during ARRL Field Day

    1. Have a GOTA station

    It stands for Get On The Air and that's exactly what it's meant for people to do. Visitors -- both licensed and prospective hams -- should be given the chance to have fun on the radio.

    2. Have a designated greeter

    If you've done things right in the publicity area, you should have visitors (from local officials to people curious about radio) at your activation site. Make them feel welcome. "This is ham radio's time to shine," said ARRL Contest Program Branch Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE. "Make sure people feel welcome and know that their presence is appreciated."

    3. Have a sign-in sheet

    You've gotten them to show up - now find out who they are to follow up. Have your guests fill out a sign-in sheet to get their name and contact information. Follow up with these folks, and invite them to future club activities. 

    4. Ensure proper hydration!

    Much of the country is experiencing a heat wave this week. Make sure everyone at your location is drinking plenty of water. This can be a function of the Safety Officer in addition to their duties of making sure that trip, fall, and electrical hazards are well managed.

    5. Make sure you've read the ARRL Field Day Rules

    Don't miss out on opportunities for points.

    6. Have a copy of the 2024 Field Day Guide[2] from the June 2024 issue of QST

    This handy guide includes tips for making the event go well, as well as useful checklists you can follow.

    7. Double-check your equipment before the event starts

    If it can go wrong, make sure it doesn't.

    8. Keep a good log

    While ARRL Field Day is not a contest, it is still a fun way to get a taste of radiosport. Keeping a solid contact log will ensure your club gets credit for each point it earns.

    9. Take and share photos and videos

    This is a great opportunity to show your friends, family, and community what amateur radio is all about. Take photos and videos you can share on social media - both from the club's accounts and your own. Show your followers what it's like and where you're set up. Invite them to come be a part of it. To be featured on the ARRL Facebook page, send a photo of you operating at your site to socialmedia@arrl.org[3]

    10. Remember to have fun!

    "If you're not enjoying it, what is the point?," retorted ARRL Field Services Manager Mike Walters, W8ZY. Field Day is the highlight of many amateurs' operating year. Bring a fun, positive attitude to the event and it will become contagious. This is meant to be an enjoyable hobby. Keep that in perspective and enjoy it.

    [1] http://www.arrl.org/field-day
    [2] https://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&edid=73a2cb5d-9ec3-4f91-985a-80970cbfaa8c
    [3] mailto:socialmedia@arrl.org?subject=socialmedia%40arrl.org

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