• D'Bridge 4 update available

    From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to All on Thu May 19 19:20:45 2022
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    █ D'Bridge EMAIL System █
    Copyright (c) by Nick J. Andre, Ltd.

    VERSION 4 - MAY 19 2022

    - A serious problem with the May 11th and May 17th releases will cause
    problems downgrading to prior versions. If you absolutely must do this,
    you must first export your configuration, install the downgrade, then
    import that configuration. Do NOT run the installer of a prior version
    against these versions wihout performing these steps first.

    - This release addresses the May 11th/17th config-problem and problems with
    upgrading systems with large configurations. For example, a busy Hub with
    large routing tables or a system with a large BBS, function-key or DOS
    setups, many thousands of Echomail areas, etc...

    - Addresses a privately reported problem with Areafix and Filefix not
    accepting requests for any areas by a system under certain conditions or
    the requesting system receives a confirmation that he is connected to an
    area but really he is not.

    - Potential nodelist-lookup problems resolved in the internal editor
    because the index record definition was out of sync with the mailer.

    - Junk-filtering From/To/Subject/Body is not applied to NETmail messages.

    - Adds AREAS.JAD (Just Areas & Descriptions) to Config-Echomail Areas-Xport
    Areas, which is a simple textfile containing the Echomail area, padded
    with some spaces, then the description. This could be useful if one
    decides to manipulate this for creating BBS/Othernet infopacks or ".NA"


    - Adds three new DBUTIL commands: POST, COMMIT and NETMAIL. Currently
    there is only support for Fido *.MSG areas. Other formats will be
    addressed in a future release.

    - DBUTIL POST [Area] [From] [To] [Subject] [File with body] [MsgID Y/N]

    This command will write the contents of a text-file to an Echomail
    area of your choice. The Echomail area must not be a Passthru area.
    Any spaces in From, To or Subject must be replaced with underscore
    characters, ie. Test_Subject_Line to become Test Subject Line. If
    you do not want a MSGID kludge, specify "N" as the last parameter.

    ie. DBUTIL POST 229426HS Nick_Andre All Hourly_Stats ECHOMAIL.LOG

    But note that this doesn't mean the mailer will scan it out right
    away. Posting Echomail messages is done when you "commit" to this as
    per the new option explained below.

    - If you want the messages posted to scan-out right away, you should
    run DBUTIL COMMIT afterwards. This will tell D'Bridge to only scan the
    areas that had the POST command executed. Alternatively you may create
    the dummy file DBRIDGE.RSE to force a complete outbound-scan or in the
    mailer use ESC-Utilities-Process Mail.


    DBUTIL POST 229426HS Nick_Andre All Hourly_Stats ECHOMAIL.LOG
    DBUTIL POST 229426HB Nick_Andre All beep..._beep..._beep... HBEAT.TXT
    DBUTIL POST Z1C Nick_Andre All Weekly_Nodelist_Status Z1OUTPUT.LOG

    This sortof follows the logic of the internal message editor when its
    configured for not "Scanning on exit". It may also happen that you did
    not mean to do something and need to kill/delete those messages instead
    of sending them out... hence why outgoing Echomail should only be
    scanned/packed when you give the word to do so.

    - DBUTIL NETMAIL [FromAddr] [ToAddr] [From] [To] [Subject] [File with body]

    This will send a NETmail message much like the DBUTIL POST command. And
    just like POST, NETmail messages will NOT be scanned unless you COMMIT
    the operation, create the dummy file DBRIDGE.RSN, or go ESC-Utilities-
    Process Mail manually.

    ie. DBUTIL NETMAIL 1:229/426 2:292/854 Nick_Andre Ward_Dossche
    A_Funny_Joke FUNNY.TXT

    Note that FromAddr and ToAddr can be *any* valid Fidonet address,
    not just ones defined on your system. This may be useful for testing
    in-transit message routing or "tracker" software.

    ie. DBUTIL NETMAIL 1:555/1212 1:555/1234 Emperor_Ping Bouncing_Test
    Testing_In-Transit_#1 TEST1.TXT
    DBUTIL NETMAIL 1:555/1212 1:555/1234 Emperor_Ping Bouncing_Test
    Testing_In-Transit_#2 TEST2.TXT

    If you create this on your Fidonet D'Bridge system and is host-routed
    through someone else, it most likely will result in a bounce from someone
    (ultimately me) because Net 555 doesn't exist.

    WARNING: Abusing the in-transit routing or tracker robot of someone
    else's system might be construed as "annoying behavior" in
    Fidonet Policy.

    - DBUTIL POST and NETMAIL From, To and Subject fields are case-sensitive.
    Keep this in mind when writing scripts or batch files.

    - DBUTIL NETMAIL is created with "normal" priority, that is, when the
    mailer builds the Queue entry it will treat the message with the same
    priority as what is defined in the currently scheduled event... or the
    Un-event if we're bored.

    - In a network of all-D'Bridge systems or with certain BBS software, it is
    not necessary to use MSGID or REPLY kludges. You may create the file
    DBRIDGE.NMK (No MSGID Kludge) to ignore creating these.

    - Other various source-code improvements to DBUTIL.

    - Remember, DBUTIL DESCFILE can be used to import/refresh descriptions from
    any textfile. Any matching area in the specified file will be updated.

    - Minor updates to the F1-help system and the user manual.

    Nick Andre

    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Nick Andre on Fri May 20 10:39:49 2022
    VERSION 4 - MAY 19 2022



    --- DB4 - 20220519
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)