• Minor D'Bridge update available

    From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to All on Sun Dec 26 00:08:53 2021
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    █ D'Bridge EMAIL System █
    Copyright (c) by Nick J. Andre, Ltd.

    VERSION 4 - DECEMBER 26 2021

    A few things... likely the last update of the year.

    - All shutdowns now write to the system log file correctly upon ALT+X,
    CTL+C, any errorlevel-exit triggered by semaphore/dummy files or EXIT-type
    scheduled events, as well as the "watchdog" restart condition.

    NOTE: Errorlevels 250, 251 and 252 are reserved by D'Bridge and cannot be
    used for the *X macro-code or the DBEXIT dummy files.

    - Messages written by an editor or BBS software and scanned out should
    correctly update the "last accessed" field in Config-Echomail Areas.

    - Echofile/TIC files scanned out should correctly update the "last accessed"
    field in Config-Echofile/TIC areas.

    - When D'Bridge is ran in multi-line operation, the format of the log file
    slightly changes to indicate which line instance wrote what log entry.

    - Minor improvement for D'Bridge running "on the line" from a Telnet server
    such as Zoob or Net2BBS/NetFOSS.

    - When an OTL file contains a baudrate, then D'Bridge will use that for the
    *B macro-code.

    - Mail is NOT processed when received when ran in the OTL mode, because
    it is assumed that you have a "normal" instance running.

    - Bug fix for THISCALL.TXT not appended for modem-calls.

    - Minor updates to the F1-Help system and the user manual.

    Nick Andre
    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Dean Galloway@1:114/709 to Nick Andre on Sun Dec 26 13:10:30 2021

    VERSION 4 - DECEMBER 26 2021

    Installed and running fine.

    --- D'Bridge 4
    * Origin: Buckeye Telegraph (1:114/709)