• D'Bridge 3.99/SR29 released and availabl

    From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to All on Sun May 20 17:48:55 2018
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    █ D'Bridge EMAIL System █
    Copyright (c) by Nick J. Andre, Ltd.

    VERSION 3.99 - SERVICE RELEASE 29 - MAY 20 2018 -----------------------------------------------

    Bugfixes only.

    WARNING: If you are upgrading, please take a FULL BACKUP of your existing
    installation before installing this update.

    - The internal message editor should no longer crash on exit.

    - Problems with some random number jibberish added to the description
    of Echomail areas marked as Local between EXPORT's and IMPORT's should
    be fixed, but if the descriptions in the areas have that problem, they
    will need to be corrected manually in CONFIG-ECHO AREAS.

    - This release further solidifies and consolidates TIC file processing,
    and is entirely managed in the CONFIG-PACKET/MAIL control screen,
    instead of having somewhat confusing or convoluted questions.

    - The description for "Packet passwords" has been changed to Packet/TIC
    Password Override in CONFIG-PACKET/MAIL. This is because by default,
    D'Bridge will first check the "Session passwords" in ADVANCED-MISC/
    SECURITY. If if it finds a session password defined there, it assumes
    this also applies as the password for packets and TIC files.

    The behavior now, is that if the system is defined in PACKET/TIC
    OVERRIDE with a password, the packet or TIC file password will be
    changed to what has been defined.

    If a system has been listed in the OVERRIDE but there is no password,
    then it implies that the TIC file has no password; yet packet security
    still applies.

    - Memory usage has been slightly reduced and the code has been cleaned up
    in several places.

    - Problems with low "WorkRAM" should be fixed.

    - A bug with a possible file handle left open after an Areafix/Filefix
    transaction completes during a toss cycle has been fixed.

    - A bug affecting long term stability/reliability with a fair amount of
    TIC files and "Actions" taken on them should be fixed now.

    - A bug with TIC request forwarding has been fixed.

    - A "confusing" bug in CONFIG-BASIC - ALIAS ADDRESSES should be fixed.

    - A problem with In-transit Areafix routing has been fixed.

    - For security reasons, D'Bridge will now only auto-add areas from systems
    you specify only. It will no longer support the option to add areas from
    just anyone.

    - Once again the F1-Help system and manual have been revised and updated.

    Nick Andre

    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Roger Nelson@1:3828/7 to Nick Andre on Mon May 21 04:22:43 2018

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    █ D'Bridge EMAIL System █
    Copyright (c) by Nick J. Andre, Ltd.

    VERSION 3.99 - SERVICE RELEASE 29 - MAY 20 2018 -----------------------------------------------

    Bugfixes only.

    WARNING: If you are upgrading, please take a FULL BACKUP of your existing installation before installing this update.

    - The internal message editor should no longer crash on exit.

    I can't comment on the others yet, but the internal message editor has never crashed here.

    ... "Everything that has a beginning has an end."



    --- Klaatu barada Nickto
    * Origin: NCS BBS - Houma, LoUiSiAna (1:3828/7)