• 2000 emails a day

    From August Abolins@1:229/390 to Sean Dennis on Fri Aug 20 00:12:00 2004
    Hi Sean (of 1:18/200),
    On <Thu, 19 Aug 04, 17:10 o'clock>, in a message to Joe Schweier you wrote:

    Check your email. I get 2000 emails a day. I'm also moving. Takes
    me a while to get to it! ;)

    Do I see that correctly... "2000 emails a day" ??? I'd be likely to unplug the
    pc and throw it out the window if ever I kept getting that many!


    --- FMail/Win32 1.60
    * Origin: . (1:229/390)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to August Abolins on Sat Aug 21 10:59:45 2004
    Hello, August.

    On 19 Aug 04 at 23:12, August Abolins wrote to Sean Dennis:

    Do I see that correctly... "2000 emails a day" ??? I'd be likely to unplug the pc and throw it out the window if ever I kept getting that many!

    It's called "I've never found a mailing list I can't refuse". :P

    Honestly, all of the mailing lists go into folders automatically, but I do have
    to sort through spam, et al, when I get in to PMMail.


    // hausmaus@darktech.org | http://midnightshour.org | AIM: eekahausmaus

    --- GoldED+/EMX 1.1.5-21020
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12 to August Abolins on Sat Aug 21 12:17:54 2004
    Check your email. I get 2000 emails a day. I'm also
    moving. Takes me a while to get to it! ;)

    Do I see that correctly... "2000 emails a day" ??? I'd be
    likely to unplug the pc and throw it out the window if ever
    I kept getting that many!

    that's not all that many, hahaha... i used to carry several mailing lists that carried 500+ messages a day each... four such lists is 2000+ a day... reminds me of the old fido days <wipes tear from eye>


    * Origin: (1:3634/12)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to mark lewis on Sat Aug 21 19:49:48 2004
    Hello, mark.

    On 21 Aug 04 at 11:17, mark lewis wrote to August Abolins:

    that's not all that many, hahaha... i used to carry several mailing
    lists that carried 500+ messages a day each... four such lists is
    2000+ a day... reminds me of the old fido days <wipes tear from eye>

    Yep, yep, it does, doesn't it?!


    // hausmaus@darktech.org | http://midnightshour.org | AIM: eekahausmaus

    --- GoldED+/EMX 1.1.5-21020
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12 to Sean Dennis on Sat Aug 21 22:39:38 2004
    Do I see that correctly... "2000 emails a day" ??? I'd be likely to
    unplug the pc and throw it out the window if ever I kept getting that

    It's called "I've never found a mailing list I can't refuse".


    Honestly, all of the mailing lists go into folders
    automatically, but I do have to sort through spam, et al, when
    I get in to PMMail.

    ewwwww... that spam filtering should be being done before the messages are filed...


    * Origin: (1:3634/12)
  • From August Abolins@1:229/390 to Mark Lewis on Fri Aug 27 17:24:00 2004
    Hi mark (of 1:3634/12),
    On Sat, 21 Aug 04 at 11:17 o'clock, you wrote me:

    Do I see that correctly... "2000 emails a day" ??? I'd be
    likely to unplug the pc and throw it out the window if ever
    I kept getting that many!

    that's not all that many, hahaha... i used to carry several mailing
    lists that carried 500+ messages a day each... four such lists is
    2000+ a day... reminds me of the old fido days <wipes tear from eye>

    Hey.. then you need to keep an eye on this ambitious project (coming soon!):



    --- FMail/Win32 1.60
    * Origin: . (1:229/390)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12 to August Abolins on Mon Aug 30 17:46:22 2004
    Do I see that correctly... "2000 emails a day" ??? I'd be
    likely to unplug the pc and throw it out the window if ever
    I kept getting that many!

    that's not all that many, hahaha... i used to carry several mailing
    lists that carried 500+ messages a day each... four such lists is
    2000+ a day... reminds me of the old fido days <wipes tear from eye>

    Hey.. then you need to keep an eye on this ambitious project
    (coming soon!):


    i've been by there numerous times... even sent in a fix about some stuff that was goofed WRT RemoteAccess, IIRC...


    * Origin: (1:3634/12)
  • From Benny Pedersen@2:237/53 to mark lewis on Fri Oct 15 05:03:36 2004
    Hello mark!

    21 Aug 04 11:17, mark lewis wrote to August Abolins:

    likely to unplug the pc and throw it out the window if ever
    I kept getting that many!
    that's not all that many, hahaha... i used to carry several mailing
    lists that carried 500+ messages a day each... four such lists is
    2000+ a day... reminds me of the old fido days <wipes tear from eye>

    yes and no single url or spam mails in fidonet at that time, whats the world upto :(

    Regards Benny

    ... there can only be one way of life, and it works :)
    --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/2.4.20-35_39.rh8.0.at (i686))
    * Origin: http://fidosql.sf.net/ (2:237/53)