• 12:16 P.M. PST

    From Manley Hubbell@1:105/55 to All on Mon Aug 19 14:22:16 2002
    On page 42 of the August 2002 Computer bits [free] mag.
    www.computerbits.com ? Theres an artical by Carla Schroder
    carla@bratgrrl http://www.bratgrrl.com about FreeSCO. ------------------------------------------------------
    i've read randomly in the article on page 42. And conclude
    that Linux 2.0.38 may be worth my time to look for?
    let me say I do have DOS Ver. 1.1 `82 bio=5k dos=17k com=5k ===========================================================
    acording to the article my 386 should have 16megs of memory
    in order to work, but MY 386 only has 6 so i guess the big
    1 would be something for me to look for also {see DOE} :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    other string's from page 42, DHCP, DNS, ??
    http://www.freesco.org ?/? freesco-027 /?/ modules-027
    well i've gone the rawRITE route before and i know its
    Int 00h Divide by Zero Int 04h Overflow [IRET]
    Int 05h Print-Screen Int 06h Reserved .. .. .. 2knNOw
    | ------ |
    | - DO \ UN |86box 16Meg ? 386
    | 0 DUP \ DOD | Dos Linux 2.0.38.HU
    | 1 dup \ DOE <doe?> |winDo ? Int 5.ABC's
    | 2 pup \ DEQ |netsc
    | 3 tcp \ FCC DOI |Trump
    | 4\ ggp \ AFT |Slip
    | 5 \ igmp \ FBI |Lib
    | 6 \ icmp \ CIA |casC
    | 7 \ IP \ Justic |page 42 Aug 2002 computerbits --------------------------------------
    LOOKIE COOKIE:: I cannot explain this
    it was my attempt to make some head way
    in understanding various protocals
    what government agents might be most involved ?
    and where in my computer system complex
    i might find the ini for there proper function ==============================================
    listen i failed, it was a given, back in 2000
    when i was thinking about such concepts :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: also included below
    ip 0 IP # internet protocol, pseudo protocol number
    icmp 1 ICMP # internet control message protocol
    igmp 2 IGMP # internet group multicast protocol
    ggp 3 GGP # gateway-gateway protocol
    tcp 6 TCP # transmission control protocol
    pup 12 PUP # PARC universal packet protocol
    udp 17 UDP # user datagram protocol ????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    theres just no way for me to say my view of these ideas
    have any merit whatever. Nor that IP goes on page
    or that UDP can be found in DOS! it may be reverse
    UDP may be on a page & IP could be in DOS {on DOS}

    _Line 55 12:17 P.M. PST

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