• RLFossil

    From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to Michel Samson on Wed Dec 15 12:07:00 2004
    There are three parameters found on these `RLFossil' command-lines:
    the 0-based Serial-Port number (0=COM1, 1=COM2, 2=COM3 and 3=COM4), next MS>we define the number of sessions possible (four ~TelNet~ connections are MS>supported simultaneously, in separate/virtual DOS sessions); the 3rd is MS>where we find the Application's Command-Line (DEFINED BETWEEN BRACKETS).

    Where does one find this RLFossil?

    * SLMR 2.1a * Keep your stick on the ice

    --- GTMail 1.26
    * Origin: Kentucky's Capitol City Online * 502/875-8938 (1:2320/105.0)
  • From MICHEL SAMSON@1:10/345 to MIKE POWELL on Wed Dec 15 19:20:00 2004
    Hi Mike,

    About "RLFossil" of December 15:

    Where does one find this RLFossil?

    That depends on the version you would like to get! `RLFossil v1.2'
    isn't hard to locate at all, i'd just try a Google query. If you'd like
    the patched version hard-coded with a "TCP/IP" string in it, there's the
    one on juge.com but i forgot how it's called, euh... If you want a more
    recent version which runs even on a venerable 8088 PC, using a definable "CONNECT" string instead of some hard-coded value, then i'm afraid you'd
    need to come to my place because i received it thru ~E-Mail~ and no link
    to a hosting site was provided at all. You'll find `RLFossil v1.23' at:

    (65039 Bytes, 1998-Apr-1)

    Salutations, :)

    Michel Samson
    a/s Bicephale

    ... Used: LEGACY DOS Packet-Driver + RLFossil + {Commo}/`ZMoDem' + .QWK
    --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - We could make TelNet OLMR BBSing UNIVERSAL!
    * Origin: BBS Networks @ www.bbsnets.com 808-839-6036 (1:10/345)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to Michel Samson on Thu Dec 23 11:50:00 2004
    That depends on the version you would like to get! `RLFossil v1.2'
    isn't hard to locate at all, i'd just try a Google query. If you'd like MS>the patched version hard-coded with a "TCP/IP" string in it, there's the MS>one on juge.com but i forgot how it's called, euh... If you want a more MS>recent version which runs even on a venerable 8088 PC, using a definable MS>"CONNECT" string instead of some hard-coded value, then i'm afraid you'd MS>need to come to my place because i received it thru ~E-Mail~ and no link MS>to a hosting site was provided at all. You'll find `RLFossil v1.23' at:

    (65039 Bytes, 1998-Apr-1)

    Thanks, I will have to look into that.

    * SLMR 2.1a * How can I escape this irresistable grasp?

    --- GTMail 1.26
    * Origin: Kentucky's Capitol City Online * 502/875-8938 (1:2320/105.0)