Have you setup gkermit... ...synchro.net/docs/kermit.txt
...i wonder if you will agree to remove all mentions relative to me
on `SynchroNet's ~WEB~ site... ...it makes more sense to just point
at the UpDate: http://public.sogetel.net/bicephale/MSK.INI
Sure, no problem. Unfortunatley, this .INI file is not a "drop-in" replacement for the kermit.ini I've provided for Synchronet sysops.
These instructions are specifically not authorized, approved,RS} condoned, or verified by Michel Samson, the self-appointed Kermit
...incompatible with Wayne Warthen's `Kermit for Windows'...
...this point is moot. ...no "transfer recovery" is possible.
invoke Kermit with a TAKE command... Communication parametersalong with the file transfer commands. Real Kermit... ...can
should be given on the Kermit command line for each session,
Character Translation which makes it possible to use ~ASCII~ UpLoad
for pre-writen text from a foreign environment isn't available.
Perhaps we have different definitions of "ASCII Upload", but my
definition is just raw ASCII, terminated by a Ctrl-Z char usually.
http://cvs.synchro.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/docs/kermit.txt http://cvs.synchro.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/exec/kermit.ini http://cvs.synchro.net/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/exec/kermit.ini http://synchro.net/docs/kermit.txt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
http://public.sogetel.net/bicephale/Vert-801.QWK.ZIP (284 Kb)
About "Pure DOS TelNet ZMoDem" of October 16:
Have you setup gkermit... ...synchro.net/docs/kermit.txt
...i wonder if you will agree to remove all mentions relative to me
on `SynchroNet's ~WEB~ site... ...it makes more sense to just point
at the UpDate: http://public.sogetel.net/bicephale/MSK.INI
Sure, no problem. Unfortunatley, this .INI file is not a "drop-in" replacement for the kermit.ini I've provided for Synchronet sysops.
It appears you got much more than just a Drop-In Replacement issue:
__________________________________________________[ `Kermit.TXT v1.5' ]_
These instructions are specifically not authorized, approved,RS} condoned, or verified by Michel Samson, the self-appointed Kermit
RS} expert and evangelist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This single sentence is flawed, just like the rest. The person who could request action regarding Winston Smith is Winston Smith himself so
i have to wonder: did he ask not to be associated with this SABOTAGE as well?!
Regarding your "Evangelist" token, some readers might ask who's who
in the long run! You're favourite game is "break the toys of others" so
my quote below, from `Kermit.UPD', "GENERAL SETUP" (26.2), euh... would sound quite appropriate at this time: "Kermit commands appearing in the BBS's MSKERMIT.INI file might be..." - yes, read MIGHT as in OPTIONAL or SUGGESTED -
why keep refering to it, euh... almost "religiously" then?!
...incompatible with Wayne Warthen's `Kermit for Windows'...
...this point is moot. ...no "transfer recovery" is possible.
What's "moot" is your decision not to take into account suggestions such as the following which comes from `Kermit.UPD' (same 26.2 section):
The BBS software should invoke MS-DOS Kermit with "command-
line arguments", i.e. commands to be executed, given on the
same line... If you need to issue more commands than will fit
on the command line, simply collect them into a file, and then
invoke Kermit with a TAKE command... Communication parameters
should be given on the Kermit command line for each session,
`Kermit' as installed on `SBBS/W32' is real SABOTAGE; `Kermit.UPD' shows macro examples in this very same passage (26.2) and yet i've never seen any macro in your own .INI setup versions, which is coherent with a lack of experience - and objectivity - to say the least! :(
Your over-
simplified setup makes it COMPLICATED to create any `Kermit.INI' Drop-In Replacement which would render `Kermit' as "straightforward" as `ZMoDem' otherwise - and it makes the *1* `Win-16/32' FreeWare client USELESS!...
That's only a sample of what you chose to ignore, i have a few more features waiting. Oh, by the way... I meant D/L Recovery for *BBSers*!
Self-centered SysOps would wait long enough for the fog to clear up
and remind themselves that no users will be left to argue, eventually...
In the meantime, even if BBSers living in remote locations can hope
for High-Speed INet access, someday, i have to warn against `Kermit.INI' since it imposes your own preference ("Send" vs "ReSend")
and `WWKfW-16/
32' is made to hang the session! This situation lasted for over a year,
who did this SABOTAGE serve, exactly?... Yes, our whole lives are moot,
but BBSers must be FREE to evaluate `Kermit' for their own, nonetheless.
Character Translation which makes it possible to use ~ASCII~ UpLoad
for pre-writen text from a foreign environment isn't available.
Perhaps we have different definitions of "ASCII Upload", but my definition is just raw ASCII, terminated by a Ctrl-Z char usually.
I'd call it ~ASCII~ UpLoad on *ONE* side only, obviously.
I repeat
the request that you remove my name from your ~WEB~ site including here:
In addition, my late revision built from what you rejected is here:
Should you ever come to care to open the door to long-term projects
...you will agree to remove all mentions relative to me...
Sure, no problem.
It appears you got much more than just a Drop-In Replacement issue: `Kermit.TXT v1.5' "...Samson, the self-appointed Kermit expert
and evangelist". The person who could request action regarding
Winston Smith is Winston Smith himself so i have to wonder:
did he ask not to be associated with this SABOTAGE as well?!
The sentence you quoted has nothing to do with Winston Smith.
If you or your BBS users find Kermit support useful, you can thankRS} Michel Samson and Winston Smith for their promotion of Kermit and
help with testing Kermit support in Synchronet.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
These instructions are specifically not authorized, approved,RS} condoned, or verified by Michel Samson, the self-appointed Kermit
Why are you bringing any innocent bystander into this?
Regarding your "Evangelist" token... `Kermit.UPD'... ...(26.2)...
You don't need to teach me how to read a document. If anyone "keeps referring" to things "religiously", it's you, you weirdo.
...Michel will think I don't know what I'm doing!!!
Your over-simplified setup makes it COMPLICATED... ...it makes the
*1* `Win-16/32' FreeWare client USELESS!...
I'll have to download this client and test for my self someday.
...HyperTerminal (FreeWare), and Kermit-95 works just fine.
Self-centered SysOps would wait long enough for the fog to clear...
blah blah blah
...you have 2 different command-lines for SEND and RESEND (yuck).
...point out the exact items... Otherwise, leave me alone.
Perhaps we have different definitions of "ASCII Upload"...
I'd call it ~ASCII~ UpLoad on *ONE* side only, obviously.
I have no idea what you mean. Which side only?
I repeat the request that you remove my name from your ~WEB~ site...
Your request has been noted.
...point out the exact items... Otherwise, leave me alone.
Let me remind you that YOU are the one who made contact with me
i clearly stated that your intervention wasn't welcome. You insisted by trying to move the discussion in the `SynchroNet SysOps' area
Let me remind you that YOU are the one who made contact with me and
i clearly stated that your intervention wasn't welcome. You insisted by trying to move the discussion in the `SynchroNet SysOps' area where your disciples were waiting to take over and obscure the `Kermit' topic using more personal attacks - oh, and they like to believe they can attack 1st
(as a hurd) while their target is expected to behave, like a victim! It seems you only retain the few words which lead to more controversy and i can't hope for all my explanations to be heard, LEAVE ME ALONE YOURSELF.
...point out the exact items... Otherwise, leave me alone.MS} ...YOU are the one who made contact... You insisted by trying to
move the discussion in the `SynchroNet SysOps' area where your^^^^^^
disciples were waiting to take over and obscure the `Kermit' topic
using more personal attacks... ...you only retain the few words
which lead to more controversy... LEAVE ME ALONE YOURSELF.
No, it was *you* who posted *my name* in this echo.
From Michel Samson to Andy Alt about "BBBS UpLoad":http://fidonet.sensationcontent.com/echomail/linux_bbs/dece560207ffc3a6.html ____________________________________[ `Linux BBS', September 28, 2004 ]_
From Michel Samson to Maurice Kinal about "BBBS UpLoad":http://fidonet.sensationcontent.com/echomail/linux_bbs/4723804a66064a90.html _________________________________________[ `Windows', October 3, 2004 ]_
From Michel Samson to Gregg Somes about " SBBS/W32 Kermit Install":http://fidonet.sensationcontent.com/echomail/windows/6b87e2f6ba3744f8.html _______________________________________[ `Fido Util', October 5, 2004 ]_
From Michel Samson to Win-32 SysOps about "SBBS/W32 Kermit Setup":http://fidonet.sensationcontent.com/echomail/fido_util/ea3e65b5f4965796.html ______________________________________[ `Fido Util', October 11, 2004 ]_
From ROB SWINDELL to MICHEL SAMSON about "SBBS/W32 Kermit Setup":http://fidonet.sensationcontent.com/echomail/fido_util/ae182661df4c2ec6.html ______________________________________[ `Fido Util', October 12, 2004 ]_
From MICHEL SAMSON to ROB SWINDELL about "SBBS/W32 Kermit SABOTAGE":http://fidonet.sensationcontent.com/echomail/fido_util/a45a83c398a620bd.html
...A long time ago, the author of `SynchroNet' made me post a
`Kermit' configuration-file only to reject it... As a result, it's
the 2nd time this year i hear of some BBS where the SysOp failed to
obtain suitable `Kermit' support... ...Wayne Warthen's `Kermit for Windows'... ...abort pronto and users have their session hanged...
I didn't "make" you do anything. If you have a suggested change to
the default kermit.ini included with Synchronet (and *not* a
completely new, totally different .ini file), then I'm all ears.
I don't move messages or discussions between areas.
Perhaps you have multiple personality disorder?
...you will agree to remove all mentions relative to me...
Sure, no problem.
It appears you got much more than just a Drop-In Replacement issue: `Kermit.TXT v1.5' "...Samson, the self-appointed Kermit expert
and evangelist". The person who could request action regarding
Winston Smith is Winston Smith himself so i have to wonder: did he
ask not to be associated with this SABOTAGE as well?!
The sentence you quoted has nothing to do with Winston Smith.
Check what you'll find simply by feeding Google... "kermit.txt synchro.net". BEFORE ... AFTER ...you couldn't care less about
what you had cut... ...it was too tempting to remove it all...
Support for a platform has to come from users of that platform.
However, he seems to want a free utility for DOS that does telnet,
http, ssh, https, rlogin and who knows what else. Because the only
free one he could find that handles telnet is Kermit, he then rips
into myself and DigitalMan for not supporting it in Synchronet.
Synchronet has NEVER had internal protocols.
So, DM whips up support for kermit, adds it to the default...
...it turns out that MS wants something else...
He gets mad at DigitalMan for not spending hours configuring Kermit
exactly in the manner MS wants it.
Yes, it works, yes, it's part of the default install, but it's not
the way MS wanted it. From there, MS gets mad at DM and I...
...for moving to existing standards and not supporting him who is
using outdated non-standards on an unsupported OS.
It's gone downhill from there.
Fifteen months have just past and they add to years of indifference
(a decade!) during which `MS-KERMIT' WAS READY FOR ~TELNET~ ALL ALONG...
Support for a platform has to come from users of that platform.SH} into myself and DigitalMan for not supporting it in Synchronet.
However, he seems to want a free utility for DOS... ...the only
free one he could find that handles telnet is Kermit, he then rips
...i REPEAT, the `MS-Kermit' terminal is OK on `SBBS'... ...`MS-
Kermit' is free but few newbies would know how to use it, i believe;
Wayne Warthen's `Kermit for Win-16/32' is free too but there was a
major issue, the last time i was able to try it on `SBBS' systems...
Rob Swindell FORCED eventual `Kermit' users to run $hareWare, which
isn't a suitable way to promote it as an alternative to `ZMoDem'...
...MS-Kermit comes without any documentation whatsoever, and the
manual costs something on the order of $45 US.
(677 Kb, November 7, 2002 - updated documentation).-^^^^^^^^^^^^^
My goal isn't to promote Kermit as an alternative to ZModem, it's to support kermit users who for some reason cannot use ZModem.
...Kermit isn't a usefull alternative to ZModem for BBS use...
...MS gets mad at DM and I for moving to existing standards andSH} not supporting... ...outdated non-standards...
`MS-Kermit' is as standard as it can get... ...my DOS setup gets me `Kermit' transfers as good as 13 Kcps - compared to 4-5 Kpcs...MS} I don't request your support, i provide my own! Fifteen months have
just past and they add to years of indifference (a decade!) duringSH} ...FreeBSD, Linux... ...NetBSD, and OpenBSD...
to do was to read and wonder why my setup is like this: ...MSK.INI
...MS-Kermit doesn't run on ANY of the systems comprising my BBS
Vert, the OFFICIAL Synchronet BBS includes one Linux system...
again, for some odd reason, MS-Kermit fails to run correctly.
I am interested however in pointing out and correcting any
misinformation you accidently or purposely post.
I have ignored Rob Swindell's `Kermit' SABOTAGE for over a year, in hope the situation would improve somehow. I couldn't avoid the need for
an UpDate since at least two SysOps complained about Rob's setup lately,
not to mention the BBSers who are completely mystified by this SABOTAGE.
...the `MS-Kermit' terminal is OK on `SBBS'... ...`MS-Kermit' isMS} `Kermit for Win-16/32' is free too but there was a major issue...
free but few newbies would know how to use it... Wayne Warthen's
This text is taken from the .INI you managed not to read all along: "ftp://kermit.columbia.edu/kermit/archives/msk314.zip (677 Kb,MS} November 7, 2002 - updated documentation)" ...information, directly
from the source, gets distorted even when it's put under your nose!SH} ...MS-Kermit doesn't run on ANY of the systems comprising my BBS...
Perhaps if you had read `MSK.INI' and paid attention to my 1st lineMS} you would have noticed that it says: "`SBBS/W32' support...
It's been tested with Kermit95, C-Kermit and G-Kermit.
There is a Windows version... I think (but am not sure) thatSH} the Windows version is not available without paying for it.
I'm fairly certain that even you have managed to transfer files
using that setup and MS-Kermit... ...This is based on memory...
I'm *positive* that Winston Smith... another MS-Kermit user, has
managed to transfer files using the Kermit protocol as included...
I'm still waiting to hear exactly what "$hareWare" Rob is "forcing"SH} sysops to use.
I am interested however in pointing out and correcting anyMS} VERY WEAK INTERFACE between `SynchroNet' and `MS-Kermit'
misinformation you accidently or purposely post.
...you and your guru remain consistently silent relatively to the
(on `SBBS/W32' BBS systems, mind you)! ...misinformation? LikeMS} LESS INTERFERENCE? I have ignored Rob Swindell's `Kermit' SABOTAGE
when you argue i'm expecting hours of work from you and I ASKED FOR
for over a year... I couldn't avoid the need for an UpDate since at
least two SysOps complained about Rob's setup lately, not to mention
the BBSers who are completely mystified by this SABOTAGE.
I still fail to see how including a setup that happens to do the
job (ie: transfer files) using Kermit is a form of sabotage.
Most other protocols are designed to work only on certain kinds or qualities of connections, and/or between certain kinds of computers,
and therefore work poorly (or not at all) elsewhere and offer few if
any methods to adapt to unplanned-for situations. Kermit, on the
other hand, allows you to achieve successful file transfer and the
highest possible performance on any given connection. HyperTerminal supports Kermit. Haven't tried it with HyperTerminal though...
Microsoft will now allow you all to use... ... Kermit ...
I already explained where the sabotage is: `Hyper-Terminal' (which
is included in `Win-32') can make `Kermit' transfers at least twenty-six times slower than they should be while Wayne Warthen's `Kermit for `Win- 16/32' (which is FreeWare) just hangs the session and reveals how *WEAK* `SBBS's *INTERFACE* to external (`Kermit') protocol drivers can be! So, `Kermit.INI' by Swindell does the job: a `SynchroNet/W32' SABOTAGE job.
Hi everybody,
About "Microsoft 0wnz U!" of November 6:
Sometimes a SysOp who pretends to correct misinformation happens to open the door to more misinformation, as for the following text & ~URL~:
Microsoft will now allow you all to use... ... Kermit ...
Quoting the whole text for better clarity was hardly appropriate in
a case where it called for even more misleading content, most obviously:
we're NOT going to spend days plugging away at it. You do... share
your knoledge with us.
...pointing out and correcting any misinformation...
...you and your guru remain consistently silent relatively to the
VERY WEAK INTERFACE between `SynchroNet' and `MS-Kermit'... ...misinformation? ...I ASKED FOR LESS INTERFERENCE... I couldn't
avoid the need for an UpDate since at least two SysOps complained
about Rob's setup lately, not to mention the BBSers...
I still fail to see how including a setup that happens to do the
job (ie: transfer files) using Kermit is a form of sabotage.
I already explained where the sabotage is: `Hyper-Terminal'...
...can make `Kermit' transfers at least twenty-six times slower...
...Wayne Warthen's `Kermit for `Win-16/32'... ...just hangs the
session and reveals how *WEAK* `SBBS's *INTERFACE* to external
(`Kermit') protocol drivers can be! ...SABOTAGE...
1) Hyperterminal does kermit poorly.
2) Wayne Warthen's "Kermit for Win-16/32" does not interoperate
correctly with some other unspecified kermit implementation.
3) Because of these facts, Rob has shown himself to be purposely
breaking "kermit" because the interface is somehow "weak".
It's well know that Hyperterminals Kermit... ...frankly sucks.
Every other protocol implemented in Hyterminal works better...
I have no data on Wayne Warthen's implementation. I ignore anything^^^^^^^
I'm not interested in arguing about... Learn to deal with it.
Rob Swindell FORCED eventual `Kermit' users to run $hareWare...
...MS-Kermit comes without any documentation whatsoever...
I'm the one who'll do misinformation? And topic steering perhaps?!
I'm still waiting to hear exactly what "$hareWare" Rob is "forcing"
sysops to use.
Forcing who!?
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by accusing me of topic
steering... I talk about things which interest me...
Mostly, this is because I'm not being paid to talk to you.
The interference which you ask Rob to stop consists of including...^^^^^^^^^
...gives you the opportunity to tell... ...here's how you fix it...
Time after time... Your goal as the kermit evangelist is...
...here's my late revision of the .INI Rob Swindell rejected...
When there's a "Ready-Made kit" please let us know...
Sometimes a SysOp who pretends to correct misinformation happens to
open the door to more misinformation, as for the following text...
Perhaps you missed the generous slathering of sarcasm...
You are offering a GPL incompatible licence to use protocols they
didn't develop or have an IP rights with.
Microsoft IS ON THAT PAGE offering you the right to implement the
Kermit protocol... ...yet another misunderstanding...
All that is needed is plain and simple instructions... ...I'd be
willing to do it for you. ...neither one of us is interested in
carrying on a running battle on FidoNet... All the SysOp will have
to do is add the protocol driver. Share your knowledge with us.
`MSK.INI' was more "Ready-Made" in 2003 than Rob's setup is now!...
To provide instructions regarding SysOp BBS SoftWare was never part
of the deal, as far as i'm concerned: each person, SysOp and BBSer, was supposed to contribute with what he knew best... In any case, i'll take your word for what it is and see how it goes; don't miss the next post.
...each... ...was supposed to contribute with what he knew best...
Not sure what the deal was...
...I only know of two people with any real hands-on kermit...^^^^^^
My use of kermit... ...faster to use something else.
...provide a useable Kermit file transfer to those people who use
Kermit because they want to. Personally, I would believe that these
are the people who would have a sane Kermit... not people using HyperTerminal for example which has a terrible Kermit...
If HyperTerminal is their terminal of choice, it would be silly...
...I have a bit of resistance to providing a 7-bit slow kermit...
...there is no reason to use a 7-bit paranoid Kermit.
...I personally feel the best bet would be to have the choices
something like this: ...Compatible... ... ...Modern... So the
new user has a resonable chance of picking the appropriate protocol.
`MSK.INI' was more "Ready-Made" in 2003 than Rob's setup is now!...
I didn't bother reading the .INI file at all...
...I'm wondering about users... Could it be reduced...
...I'm wondering about users... Could it be reduced...
Stop wondering, Winston and i are the only `Kermit' users you heard
of, right?... Don't expect me to add an ~APC~ remote configuration or a "8.3" to ~LFN~ FileName reconversion mechanism in a breeze, i'm sorry if assymetry fails to meet esthetical standards but those comments below my "Suggested Presentation" also display when `UlProt.ASC'/`DlProt.ASC' are used and i cared to COLOUR-diffentiate too! See `Kermit' documentation.
It's mission accomplished for me so i'll be leaving Borg space soon since there's no opportunity to discuss issues related to `Protocol.LOG'
or else and you've required too much of my patience, if you ask me! The http://public.sogetel.net/bicephale/MSK.INI setup will remain available, refer to it any `SBBS' SysOp (or BBSer) who requires help - if you mind.
We're NOT going to spend days plugging away at it.
If you're interested...
...a setup I have that works with Maximus for Synchronet...
Kermit.Exe -p%p -b%W -t%k -m%d -f%D -r%t ...that's verbatim...
If you want the actual KERMIT.EXE, let me know and I'll send it...
own draft, nonetheless... I also informed him that hanged sessions fail MS>to be detected (the "CARRIER" signal may be stuck), that message-pointer MS>UpDating may be wrong and/or that users are at risk to be kept out of an MS>`SBBS' system for a day. This matter of a weak external protocol-driver MS>interface only makes things worst as he won't even try to address it but MS>`Kermit' was made crippled because of "fluff" he has rejected, actually.
Some people appear to find a lot more motivation in diminishing the work of others than in testing it. Take Rob Swindell, and more recently Stephen Hurd, for example... they've kept insulting me thru their ~WEB~
...I'm wondering...
Stop wondering... http://public.sogetel.net/bicephale/MSK.INI
refer to it any `SBBS' SysOp (or BBSer) who requires help...
...I added a link to the kermit docs as shipped with Synchronet.
Some people appear to find a lot more motivation in diminishing the
work of others than in testing it. Take Rob Swindell, and more
recently Stephen Hurd, for example... they've kept insulting me...
I made the change after you added something rather similar to your MSK.INI... All I added was a direct quote...
...I'm perfectly willing to remove both DMs editorial and reduce my
quote to just the URL should you remove the editorial content...
...you and your guru remain consistently silent relatively to theMS} Wrong, he's been warned of the consequences of rejecting my .INI on
VERY WEAK INTERFACE between `SynchroNet' and `MS-Kermit'...
...breaking "kermit" because the interface is somehow "weak". [?]
I also informed him that hanged sessions fail to be detected (the
"CARRIER" signal may be stuck), that message-pointer UpDating may be
wrong and/or that users are at risk to be kept out of an `SBBS'
system for a day. This matter of a weak external protocol-driver
interface only makes things worst as he won't even try to address it
but `Kermit' was made crippled because of "fluff" he has rejected...
If goofing up the setup could result in these things, they sound
like good reasons not to risk setting up Kermit at all.
I have no idea how `Opus Kermit v1.05' is behaving on `BSD~
systems but don't forget that Vince Perriello built it from `C-Kermit' code that dates back to 1985-1986. `OKermit' was released before 1988 arrived!...
Remember `Kermit.INI v1.5' of October 17?... It's still unchanged: http://cvs.synchro.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/docs/kermit.txt?rev=1.5 - and
i only used Rob's own medecine much later, in a post of November 9 where `MSK.INI' was published *SIMULTANEOUSLY* on `FidoNet' and my ~WEB~ site:
That's why i refer to Rob Swindell's `Kermit.INI' as SABOTAGE! The `MS-Kermit.EXE' external file-transfer protocol-driver isn't involved, a
"NO CARRIER" condition would make it react (*IF* only one occured) and i also tried to manage with Error Trapping relative to it but Rob rejected
my contribution... It's his task to ensure that his SoftWare remains in control, `SBBS' is responsible for supporting the ~FOSSIL~ interface and
it runs the drivers, not the opposite, after all! I'd most probably get
the same results reproduced using ANY OTHER EXTERNAL PROTOCOL-DRIVER, do
you see the larger picture now? This `SBBS' issue is out of my hands...
We're NOT going to spend days plugging away at it.
If you're interested... ...works with Maximus for Synchronet...
Kermit.Exe -p%p -b%W -t%k -m%d -f%D -r%t If you want the actual KERMIT.EXE, let me know and I'll send it...
To hope that individuals with such a biased background can be
interrested hardly sounds realistic... ...nothing objective is interresting enough... Nice to see you try though: it's not often
that i can read posts which don't follow the main stream. ...don't forget... `OKermit' was released before 1988 arrived!...
I bet it still works. I'll find out soon enough.
...I'm wondering...
Stop wondering... http://public.sogetel.net/bicephale/MSK.INI
...I added a link to the kermit docs as shipped with Synchronet.
This economy of words tells a lot about your so called "honesty"... Remember `Kermit.INI v1.5' of October 17?... ...still unchanged...
That will be there forever. It's CVS. Are we done with this now?
...breaking "kermit" because the interface is somehow "weak". [?]MS} Wrong... ...his decision made him responsible for disabling some of
This matter of a weak external protocol-driver interface only makesMS} That's why i refer to Rob Swindell's `Kermit.INI' as SABOTAGE!
things worst as he won't even try to address it but `Kermit' was
made crippled because of "fluff" he has rejected...
If goofing up the setup could result in these things, they sound
like good reasons not to risk setting up Kermit at all.
The `MS-Kermit.EXE' external file-transfer protocol-driver isn't involved... This `SBBS' issue is out of my hands...
I can't seem to make sense out of this statement...
SBBS must retain control of the socket... Sockets have no concept
of a carrier... ...Honest, that's how TCP works...
If the problem is in fact a carrier hang, the problem is with the
FOSSIL driver not the kermit setup.
More on this later... ...given that a largeish number of Synchronet
BBSs run a largeish number of FOSSIL doors regularily...
That will be there forever. It's CVS. Are we done with this now?
How convenient... I'm supposed to believe you have no control over
the content of your Hard-Disks and there's no way to erase any *TRASH*?!
...I added a link to the kermit docs as shipped with Synchronet.
This economy of words tells a lot about your so called "honesty"... Remember `Kermit.INI v1.5' of October 17?... ...still unchanged...
That will be there forever. It's CVS.
How convenient... I'm supposed to believe you have no control...
You know nothing of CVS or RCS apparently.
That will be there forever. It's CVS.
How convenient... I'm supposed to believe you have no control...
You know nothing of CVS or RCS apparently.
Vas donc chier ostie de niaiseux. Tu peux ben te la s'couer un bon coup si tu te sens fier de sortir une lesson ~TCP~/~IP~ hors-contexte de
ton chapeau lorsqu'il est devenu clair que t'avais le ciboulot ailleurs!
As for RCS... it's effectively impossible to manually edit an RCS
file. If you knew anything about RCS (Which CVS uses for local files) you'd know that.
Vas donc chier ostie de niaiseux. Tu peux ben te la s'couer un
bon coup si tu te sens fier de sortir une lesson ~TCP~/~IP~
hors-contexte de ton chapeau lorsqu'il est devenu clair que t'avais le ciboulot ailleurs!
You speak French? :)
Not anymore, but I can still read it to a degree.
...I added a link to the kermit docs as shipped with Synchronet.
This economy of words tells a lot about your so called "honesty"...
That will be there forever. It's CVS.
How convenient... I'm supposed to believe you have no control...
You know nothing of CVS or RCS apparently.
Vas donc chier ostie de niaiseux. Tu peux ben te la s'couer...
Je ne comprends pas un simple mot... Peut-être si j'apprenais...
Every other protocol implemented in Hyterminal works better...MS} That may be true now but i observed a strange improvement...
...HyperTerminal... ...has a terrible Kermit...MS} unfit for `Kermit' sessions until further notice but it doesn't mean
When Swindell wrote about `HyperTerminal' he didn't care to mention *NUMBERS*; the chances are he was getting below 600 cps... ...i
tested the `C-Kermit 5A(189)'/`HyperTerminal' duo side-by-side via
`VSPD XP v4'... ...i observed transfer rates which went FAR BEYOND
MY EXPECTATIONS (3K5 cps), nonetheless! ...`HyperTerminal' remains
...si tu te sens fier de sortir une lesson ~TCP~/~IP~ hors-contexte
de ton chapeau...
It's relevent.
D'habitude j'avais Babelfish pour traduire...
You speak French?
Not anymore, but I can still read it to a degree.
Support for a platform has to come from users of that platform.MS} steering attempt?... ...Wayne Warthen's `Kermit for `Win-16/32'
...the `MS-Kermit' terminal is OK on `SBBS'... Was this a topic-
I have no data on Wayne Warthen's implementation.MS} will be better than an hesitating `ZMoDem'... ...i'm not liable
...it can fly at over 25K7 cps... It's a mid-nineties 3rd-party
version where the `Kermit' packet-size is a thousand bytes...
...provide simple instructions... All the SysOp will have to do is
add the protocol driver. We are not knowingly sabotaging kermit.
`MSK.INI' was more "Ready-Made" in 2003 than Rob's setup is now!...
Cut here --> -------[ http://public.sogetel.net/bicephale/MSK.INI ]-
Not sure what the deal was...
...clues... http://public.sogetel.net/bicephale/Vert-801.QWK.ZIP
...there is no reason to use a 7-bit paranoid Kermit.
...SysOps (like Gregg...) can't manage... ...even if using Control Character Escaping costs a lot in terms of overhead... ...transfer
...the only* protocol that I could use with Telnet uploads was
kermit (the slow original), as Zmodem only worked for downloads...
I was very thankful to findNB} that ["that"=`MSK.INI' Nov. 9 "Kermit [7]-Bits Binary" item!?]
7-bit paranoid Kermit available...
...I can now use Zmodem for my telnet uploads as well...
Choices are good.
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