• Replacing An Aquarium Top

    From Jeff Snyder@1:345/3777 to All on Thu Jul 8 13:00:00 2010
    Replacing An Aquarium Top

    Another "How-To" By Jeff Snyder...and he ought to know! :)

    So you've got the fish bug, and decide to pull out your old aquarium that's been collecting dust in the garage for a number of years. Upon doing so, to your dismay, you discover that the aquarium cover is broken. Now what do you do?

    Well, obviously, you need to replace it, but with what -- glass, plexiglass,
    or some other material?

    Based on my own experiences over the years, while glass is heavier than plexiglass, and is also more easily broken, in the end, I believe that it is the better choice for two reasons.

    First, over time, if it is subjected to enough heat -- such as from aquarium lights, for example -- plexiglass will eventually begin to slowly warp.

    Second, being as it is a type of plastic, over time, plexiglass will also
    begin to turn yellow, which will of course inhibit light from entering your aquarium, and it may give your aquarium an ugly yellow overcast.

    My advice is that you go to a local glass company -- unless you have
    experience with glass cutting yourself -- and have them cut the right-sized panes for you, making sure that they smooth the edges properly, and glue handles on to each piece with non-toxic aquarium silicone.

    Rather than make just one large lid to cover the entire top of the aquarium, two panes -- or more, depending on the front-to-back width of your tank --
    is advisable. That way, you can remove only what is necessary while cleaning out the tank.

    Another option -- which I personally use on my main four-foot tank -- is to
    not use a glass cover at all. This approach serves several positive

    First, the aquarium water will stay cooler being as heat is not being
    trapped between the glass lid and the water surface, or being transmitted to the water through the glass lids, which can conduct heat from your light sources.

    Second, you will have a better gaseous exchange at the air/water interface, being as there is nothing there to trap the gases.

    Of course, not using a glass cover also has its negative points as well,
    such as:

    1. Your livestock could possibly jump out if water conditions are poor, or
    if they are excessively frightened or threatened by another tank mate.

    2. The level of evaporation will be higher, which means you will have to top off the tank more frequently, particularly if the tank is situated in an air-conditioned room.

    In the end, it is really your choice. The above are just some ideas for you
    to consider.

    Jeff Snyder, SysOp - Armageddon BBS Visit us at endtimeprophecy.org port 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Download Center 4 Mac BBS Software & Christian Files. We Use Hermes II

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