• [VOICENWS] SW: File Manager/2 3.23.1 released on Hobbes

    From VOICE News Service@1:3634/1000 to All on Mon May 25 16:29:49 2015

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: ygkDESPAM@DESPAMqwest.net

    An error existed in the original upload and I was not able to rename the zip file on Hobbes. I reuploaded it as FM/2 3.23.1 has been released. The file name
    is fm2-3-23-1.zip

    It has been uploaded to Netlabs and to Hobbes.

    Initially uploaded to:
    Eventual location:

    Search for it at:
    http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/h-search.php?sh=1&button=Search&key=fm2-3-23-1.zip&di r=%2Fpub>
    Initially uploaded to:
    Eventual location:

    3.23.0 Changes:
    * Rework FM/2 Lite Config menu. Add drag&drop dialog toggle. (Steven)
    * Rework FM/2 Lite Config menu. Add confirm delete toggle. (Steven)
    * Correct View, Sort and Filter button initialization. (Steven)
    * Rework FM/2 Config menu. Add confirm delete toggle. (Steven)
    * Fix hang on scanning in FM/2 lite when drive tree is hidden (Steven)
    * Fixed code errors identified by CPPCheck (Gregg)
    * Fixed archive directory failure retry code (Gregg)
    * Stopped using FM2Play to open multimedia files since MMOS/2 misidentifies many
    file types (caused by mmioMP3 ioproc which claims it can play most anything)
    Ticket 541 (Gregg)
    * Unlock fixes (removed redundant error messages, now only try to unlock exes and dlls)
    Ticket 549, 542 (Gregg)
    * Suppress redundant error messages on answering no to deleting R/O files. Ticket 548
    * Update the dialog box type for "suggest dialog" Ticket 538 (Gregg)
    * Newview mailto changes: improved identification of email addresses in text files;
    fixed a buffer overflow trap; cut trailing punctuation from addresses; limited
    to 3 characters. Tickets 543, 544 (Gregg)
    * Newview now recognizes https:// as a url. Cut trailing punctuation from urls. (Gregg)
    * Fixed failure to remove leading quote from extract directory in some cases Ticket 495
    * Fixed details view column allocation for drives that failed drive check (Gregg)
    * Fixed a trap in Filter occurring with rescan or close while scan was in progress.
    Ticket 535 (Gregg)
    * Fixed rare tree container draw errors Ticket 545 (Gregg)
    * JAVA objects can now be made by selection "Real object" on a .jar file. Ticket 37 (Gregg)
    * Added support for critical EAs (Steven)
    * Limited help auto open in quick settings to once per session. Ticket 520 (Gregg)

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    * Origin: Waldo's Place USA Internet Gateway (1:3634/1000)