• Add ssl support for server to server connections.

    From Rob Swindell to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Fri Jul 19 22:15:06 2024

    Looks like you've removed the default value (an empty object) for the `aliases` property here.
  • From Rob Swindell to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Fri Jul 19 22:15:06 2024

    What does this change have to do with SSL?
  • From Rob Swindell to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Fri Jul 19 22:15:06 2024

    Probably should have echicken review this first.
  • From Nigel Reed to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Fri Jul 19 22:30:56 2024

    Ah ok, you're right. I'll fix that in the next version.
  • From Nigel Reed to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Fri Jul 19 22:35:36 2024

    Nothing. I pushed another commit after the first one, this was part of that commit. The first commit did not have any change to mrc-client.example.ini

    commit 812ca46b1a63f72c57d3ad981b9c9dc08c94ba77
    Author: Nigel Reed <nigel@nigelreed.net>
    Date: **Fri Jul 19 21:03:59** 2024 -0500

    Add ssl support for server to server connections.

    Something new for Keyop to play with. I'll maybe add client to
    server ssl support over the weekend. It's not too difficult.

    M xtrn/mrc/mrc-connector.js
    M xtrn/mrc/readme.txt

    commit d227fcff976589fbc92c6b25db5f7fc382a9a2fb (HEAD -> mrc_ssl, origin/mrc_ssl)
    Author: Nigel Reed <nigel@nigelreed.net>
    Date: **Fri Jul 19 21:34:53** 2024 -0500

    More MRC changes.

    js-connector.js - fixed a typo.
    Added ssl config examples to mrc-connector.examples.ini
    Added show_nicks to js-client.js and js-client.example.ini
    For Keyop. This allows the sysop to turn nick lists on when
    connecting to MRC.

    M **xtrn/mrc/mrc-client.example.ini**
    M xtrn/mrc/mrc-client.js
    M xtrn/mrc/mrc-connector.example.ini
    M xtrn/mrc/mrc-connector.js
    M xtrn/mrc/readme.txt
  • From echicken to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Fri Jul 19 23:33:58 2024

    Removing the default value would break the client if `[aliases]` doesn't exist in the ini file, or exists but isn't followed by a blank line (which makes the difference between `iniGetObject` returning `null` instead of `{}`). So line 27 should be left as:

    aliases: f.iniGetObject('aliases') || {},

    Not a big problem for this merge since it would only affect people on first run with a particular bad `mrc-client.ini` but should be fixed.
  • From echicken to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Fri Jul 19 23:38:10 2024

    I haven't paid any attention to MRC in years, but assuming SSL on 5001 is indeed a thing and this is tested and working, I don't see a problem (apart from my comment re: aliases object).
  • From Nigel Reed to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Sat Jul 20 03:11:44 2024

    Yup, Digital Man noted that and I've fixed it in my next commit.
  • From Nigel Reed to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Sat Jul 20 03:14:08 2024

    ![image](/uploads/f46885779744eeb1f220aa28121e978e/image.png){width=816 height=127}

    I'm connected on port 5001 and it's showing as ssl in the bbs list so I think it's tested.
  • From Dave Cloutier to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Sat Jul 20 09:44:26 2024

    Ohh, I didn't see nigel had made that change.
    I've just pushed a PR myself too, feel free to use the one that fits best. Sorry for the extra work. :)
  • From Rob Swindell to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Sat Jul 20 12:14:55 2024

    I like Stackfault's change better (it's cleaner), but since Nelgin's came in first and I am able to get a pipeline to run against it (because his branch in the sbbs project, not a personal project), I'll merge it first.
  • From Nigel Reed to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Mon Jul 22 11:43:58 2024

    These are my last commits. If StackFault wants to have at it once merged, then that's fine. I'll let him know.
  • From Rob Swindell to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Mon Jul 22 12:40:42 2024

    I don't think this would accomplish anything - `js.time_out` is not a property used by sbbs.
  • From Nigel Reed to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Mon Jul 22 14:24:03 2024

    That line has been deleted. We'll check in with Keyop to see if it's still working.