• Monthly stats, September

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to Ben Collver on Thu Oct 3 09:53:00 2024
    Ben Collver wrote to All <=-

    Monthly Statistics, September 2024
    Conference participation stats for conference: 172 (Cooking)
    Number of participants: 9
    Public messages posted: 754, average number per day = 25.1

    Rank Name Sent Oldest Newest Days Avg. ----- ------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ---- -----
    1: Dave Drum 537 09-01-24 09-30-24 30 17.90
    2: Ben Collver 85 09-01-24 09-30-24 30 2.83
    3: Shawn Highfield 39 09-04-24 09-29-24 26 1.50
    4: Sean Dennis 32 09-01-24 09-30-24 30 1.07
    5: Ruth Haffly 25 09-02-24 09-30-24 29 0.86
    6: Mike Powell 18 09-04-24 09-26-24 23 0.78
    7: Carol Shenkenberger 16 09-01-24 09-16-24 16 1.00
    8: Nigel Reed 1 09-24-24 09-24-24 1 1.00
    9: Matthew Munson 1 09-01-24 09-01-24 1 1.00

    I see you have assumed the task that the late Dale Shipp used to perform
    every month before he gave BBSing and the Cooking Echo. Thanks

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Sauce for Fireside's General Tso
    Categories: Sauces, Oriental, Chilies
    Yield: 3 Ounce

    1 tb Hosin sauce
    1 tb Siracha sauce
    1 ts Soy sauce
    1/4 ts Chili garlic sauce
    1/8 ts Ginger paste
    1/8 ts Garlic paste

    This is a sauce we made by experiment to spice up the
    Riderwood's Fireside Restaurant's General Tso. It could
    be used on other Chinese dishes as well.

    It is sweet and hot spicy.

    Recipe by Dale Shipp

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen


    ... Paper clips are the larva stage of wire hangers!
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)