• Monthly stats, September 2024

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Wed Oct 2 10:54:15 2024
    Monthly Statistics, September 2024
    Conference participation stats for conference: 172 (Cooking)
    Number of participants: 9
    Public messages posted: 754, average number per day = 25.1

    Rank Name Sent Oldest Newest Days Avg.
    ----- ------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ---- -----
    1: Dave Drum 537 09-01-24 09-30-24 30 17.90
    2: Ben Collver 85 09-01-24 09-30-24 30 2.83
    3: Shawn Highfield 39 09-04-24 09-29-24 26 1.50
    4: Sean Dennis 32 09-01-24 09-30-24 30 1.07
    5: Ruth Haffly 25 09-02-24 09-30-24 29 0.86
    6: Mike Powell 18 09-04-24 09-26-24 23 0.78
    7: Carol Shenkenberger 16 09-01-24 09-16-24 16 1.00
    8: Nigel Reed 1 09-24-24 09-24-24 1 1.00
    9: Matthew Munson 1 09-01-24 09-01-24 1 1.00
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)