• 15-Minute Spicy Vegan Tteokbokki

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Tue Oct 1 10:18:46 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: 15-Minute Spicy Vegan Tteokbokki
    Categories: Korean
    Yield: 4 Servings

    4 Dashima (2x2")
    2 Scallions; whites and greens
    -separated and chopped
    1 tb Toasted sesame oil; plus
    -more for garnish
    16 oz Korean rice cakes
    1 ts Cracked black pepper; plus
    -more for garnish
    2 tb Gochugaru
    1/4 c Gochujang
    2 tb Brown rice syrup
    2 tb Toasted sesame seeds

    Cooking time: 15 minutes

    A super simple, delicious recipe for spicy Korean rice cakes!

    Add dashima and scallion whites to 2-1/2 cups of water in a deep pan
    or pot and bring to a boil.

    While water is coming to a boil, add sesame oil, black pepper,
    gochugaru, and 2 tb of gochujang to the rice cakes (they should be
    thawed if you're using frozen). Stir until the rice cakes are evenly
    coated and set aside.

    When the water has come to a boil, add your rice cakes to the water,
    along with remaining gochujang. Cook for about 5 minutes, until the
    rice cakes are tender and the sauce has reduced to a thick stew
    consistency. Add your maple syrup and continue stirring until

    Garnish with scallion greens, sesame seeds, black pepper, and a
    drizzle of sesame oil.

    Recipe by Joanne Molinaro

    Recipe FROM: <https://thekoreanvegan.com/korean-fire-cakes-ddukbokee/>

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