• Peach Panzanella (Easy Bread Salad)

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Wed Sep 25 11:19:43 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Easy Bread Salad (Peach Panzanella)
    Categories: Salad, Italian
    Yield: 4 Servings

    1/2 Red onion; thinly sliced
    2 tb Red wine vinegar; or any
    -fruit forward vinegar
    1 lg Heirloom tomato
    3 cl Garlic; peeled and crushed
    4 c Day old bread; cut into 1"
    6 Basil leaves; up to 7
    2 Persian cucumbers; thinly
    2/3 c Yellow peach; chopped
    1/2 c Cherry tomatoes; halved
    1/2 ts Sea salt
    1/2 ts Black pepper
    3 Fresh basil leaves; torn
    -into pieces
    1/2 tb Italian seasoning
    2 tb Extra virgin olive oil

    Preparation time: 10 minutes

    The perfect way to use up that stale bread!

    Place your red onion into a small bowl, together with vinegar and
    1/2 cup of cold water.

    Grate your heirloom tomato until you have approximately 1 cup of
    tomato juice. Add this to a very large bowl, together with your
    garlic. Cut the remaining heirloom tomato into large chunks and add
    to bowl.

    Next, add stale bread (cut into 1" cubes) into large bowl with
    tomatoes, together with cucumber, peach, cherry tomatoes, and fresh
    basil. Add the red onions.

    Season with salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning. Drizzle with olive
    oil. Mix all the ingredients until well combined.

    Recipe by Joanne Molinaro

    Recipe FROM: <https://thekoreanvegan.com/

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