Vertrauen Information

[root] / CDROM: Simtel MS-DOS Archive (May 1993)

1SGATHTX.ZIP209KMar 30, 1992Seagate tech support's disk ref (needs HHV20)
401BUGS.ZIP3KJun 08, 1991bugs found in MSDOS 4.01, with test programs
640XTMOD.ZIP2KJul 18, 1987Put 640K on an IBM 256K motherboard
896K_MEM.TXT9KDec 12, 1988Expand IBM PC-XT motherboard memory to 896K
ADDHELP.ZIP8KAug 19, 1991Change or add to the DOS 5.0 help file
ALSNUTT1.ZIP1KJan 26, 1991Big Al's Norton util tech tips, vol 1 num 1
ALTMPX35.ZIP5KSep 13, 1992Alternate multiplex interrupt spec, v3.5
AMIREL.ZIP20KMay 23, 1990Info on AMI BIOS releases, some technical info
ARCTST01.ZIP189KFeb 20, 1993Compares 28 archiver/compressor/storage utils
ASP6402.ZIP467KApr 09, 1993Association of Shareware Professionals catalog
AUTHOR16.ZIP17KApr 16, 1993List of MS-DOS PD & SW author e-mail addresses
BBSTIP12.ZIP6KOct 26, 1992Effective Shareware distribution via the BBS
BESTPR25.ZIP6KFeb 21, 1993Timo Salmi's list of the best PC programs
BIOSDOS.ZIP22KSep 14, 1987List of BIOS error codes and what they mean
BKACHE56.ZIP186KJan 24, 1993Tutorial discusses back pain relief
BORL_AT.ZIP2KAug 19, 1991Borland buys Ashton Tate: Press Release
CHAP32.ZIP15KOct 21, 1989Brief summary of copyright laws
COM1234.ZIP2KNov 26, 1991Mod will allow you to use all four COM ports
COM3COM4.TXT5KFeb 01, 1991Notes on using COMM ports 3 and 4
CONCTTY.INF2KJun 11, 1989Cable info: using another PC as the console
COPRO15A.ZIP71KJan 15, 1993Article on numeric coprocessors for PCs
CUSER26A.ZIP133KJan 31, 1992Cyclopedia for users, authors/distributors 1/2
CUSER26B.ZIP162KJan 31, 1992Cyclopedia for users, authors/distributors 2/2
DATEROLL.FIX11KSep 17, 1988How to fix the DOS date roll-over problem
DB25_36C.ZIP843Jun 28, 1991DB-25 to 36 pin Centronics adapter diagram
DCC9224.ZIP138KJan 24, 1993List of over 1,000 computer clubs nationwide
DDPAT33.ZIP522Jun 12, 1988Patches for DoubleDOS PC-DOS 3.3
DEVDRIV.ZIP4KOct 05, 1991Tutorial on DOS device drivers
DHAMP.C6KMay 10, 1988The dhampstone benchmark
DHRY0217.ZIP18KMay 11, 1990Dhrystone benchmark as of 17 Feb 86
DIAGTXT.ZIP10KOct 27, 1988PC error diagnosis and memory error list
DISK_ART.ZIP21KJul 19, 1990Articles discussing disks by Steve Gibson
DOS32V4.ZIP4KApr 25, 1987Patches to MS-DOS version 3.2
DOS33HLP.ZIP69KJan 29, 1988Help for DOS commands -- Pop up or stand alone
DOS33PAT.ZIP1KDec 04, 1988Patch for DOS 3.30 - IBM supplied file
DOS3BUGS.ZIP4KMar 25, 1987Bug reports for DOS 3.0
DOS3SRC.ZIP8KSep 21, 1986ASMGEN .SEQ files for DOS/BIOS disassembly
DOS400UN.ZIP2KOct 26, 1990Undocumented commands in PC-DOS 4.00 and 4.01
DOS401.ZIP9KOct 23, 1988More errors/fixes for new version of PC-DOS
DOS40DSK.ZIP2KApr 12, 1990DOS 4.0 large file support tech explanation
DOS41PAT.ZIP8KJan 17, 1990MS/PC-DOS version 4.01 patches through 12/89
DOS4NOTE.ZIP1KSep 14, 1988Tips and tricks for DOS4
DOS5BUG1.ZIP4KJul 02, 1991Program demonstates, documents bug in DOS 5.0
DOS5PATS.DOC4KJul 12, 1991Patches for DOS5 COMMAND.COM echo off/envsize
DOSIMP10.ZIP256KAug 31, 1991New DOS 5.0 tutorial, for new and oldtimers
DOSMNUAL.ZIP10KFeb 22, 1987DOS manual for beginners. Printable
DOSREF22.ZIP221KMar 12, 1992List of interrupts, memory locations, IO ports
DOSTIPS.ZIP12KJul 24, 1988Helpful hints on some DOS functions
DOSTIPS1.ZIP63KSep 25, 1988DOS tips from various magazines - part 1 of 6
DOSTIPS2.ZIP56KSep 27, 1988DOS tips from various magazines - part 2 of 6
DOSTIPS3.ZIP44KSep 25, 1988DOS tips from various magazines - part 3 of 6
DOSTIPS4.ZIP57KSep 25, 1988DOS tips from various magazines - part 4 of 6
DOSTIPS5.ZIP58KSep 25, 1988DOS tips from various magazines - part 5 of 6
DOSTIPS6.ZIP42KSep 25, 1988DOS tips from various magazines - part 6 of 6
DOSTRAIN.ZIP144KSep 06, 1988MS-DOS class notes, tests
DOSTUTOR.ZIP95KFeb 11, 1988Learn MS-DOS - an interactive tutorial
DPBU.ZIP26KDec 11, 1988Dalton Porter benchmark utility
DRDOSTIP.ZIP63KJan 15, 1992DR DOS 6.0 Tech Tips (1/2/92) from DRI BBS
DRIVPARM.FIX864Aug 17, 1989Trick to make PC-DOS 3.3 recognize DRIVPARM
DRIVPARM.ZIP2KJun 14, 1988Undocumented CONFIG.SYS 'DRIVPARM' parameter
DSPTCH.ZIP8KJun 14, 1989Patches MS-DOS 4.0 & 4.1 to fix bug
DTAREV1.ZIP17KNov 05, 1989Review of SpinRite & Disk Technician Advanced
EMAILGUI.ZIP7KApr 08, 1991How to send E-Mail from one network to another
EXT_RAM.ZIP5KFeb 25, 1990Good discusion of extended vs expanded RAM
FAQP9307.ZIP52KApr 22, 1993comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ from Usenet
FPOTEST.ZIP22KMay 09, 1992Tests speed of floating pt. operations devices
FTP2UK23.INF69KApr 28, 1992Pulling files from Internet to JANET
FTP2UK23.ZIP9KApr 28, 1992Unix scripts (2) for JANET FT-RELAY
FTPLIST.ZIP62KMar 29, 1993List of Internet sites with FTP & mail access
GAMEPORT.INF3KMay 20, 1990How to: read game port, schematic, hookup info
GLOS2.ZIP64KMar 20, 1990Glossary of Telecomputing terms
GLOSRY51.ZIP314KMar 31, 1993Microcomputer terminology glossary 5.1. 930101
HACK92FA.ZIP47KFeb 21, 1993The Hack Report - 1992 Full Archive Edition
HACK9304.ZIP47KApr 05, 1993The Hack Report for April, 1993
HELP201.ZIP86KJul 21, 1988Pop-up help for MS-DOS
HELPPC21.INF6KMay 10, 1991Description of HELPPC21.ZIP
HELPPC21.ZIP258KMay 10, 1991Extensive PC Programmer's information database
HELPSB.ZIP267KSep 20, 1989VMS-style help pgm for DOS 3.x, 4.x, and OS/2
HHGDINET.ZIP19KApr 19, 1991Text: HitchHiker's Guide to the Internet
HHV20.ZIP111KMar 31, 1992Hyper Helper viewer for 1SGATHTX.ZIP
HIMEMBUG.ZIP6KAug 20, 1991Explains bug in HIMEM.SYS for Windows 3.0
HOF0692.ZIP31KJul 08, 1992HOF Freeware Hall of Fame, June, 1992
IBM0509.ZIP23KMay 24, 1989IBM announcements and application notes, May89
IBMERRS.ZIP2KJun 29, 1987Listing of 'IBM' error codes and their meaning
INFO_PC.ZIP178KAug 24, 1990Index of all Info-IBMPC issues before Aug 1990
INTER33Q.ZIP1MFeb 19, 1993List of interrupt calls in MS Quickhelp format
INTER34A.ZIP340KApr 03, 1993Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 1of2
INTER34B.ZIP308KApr 03, 1993Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 2of2
INTER34C.ZIP206KApr 03, 1993Int. list viewers, hypertext converters, utils
INTSHARE.ZIP7KJan 15, 1992Info on software interrupt-sharing protocol
IP_HOOK.ZIP31KMar 27, 1991Information on hooking up a PC to the Internet
JAR_2911.ZIP457KJan 03, 1993Jargon list 2.9.11, computer slang dictionary
LAPTUT58.ZIP245KJan 24, 1993Laptop Tutorial, tips/tricks for laptop users
LEGAL11.ZIP105KAug 22, 1990Collection of 150+ legal forms, with index
LIMEMS41.ZIP65KAug 05, 1990Updated LIM EMS 4.0 documentation
MF2.ZIP3KDec 23, 1990TSR shows program's memory usage while running
MODER22.ZIP7KMar 23, 1993List of MS-DOS FTP sites and their moderators
MRDOS231.ZIP148KJan 19, 1990DOS tutorial, beginner to hard disk, text/quiz
MS_OS.ZIP2KOct 28, 1990Microsoft and other support phone numbers
MSDOSANN.ZIP3KMar 21, 1993Info on MS-DOS uploads announce mailing list
MURPHYS.ZIP3KApr 21, 1990Murphy's Law, as applied to Computing!
NEATCHIP.ZIP11KApr 02, 1990Describes Chips and Technologies' NEAT chipset
NETW92PR.ZIP334KMay 04, 1992NetWORLD 1992 Boston press releases (text ref)
NEWLAW.ZIP4KDec 03, 1990New copyright legislation, shareware problems
NEWS0392.ZIP226KJun 04, 1992PC press release archive - March 1992
NEWS0492.ZIP292KJun 04, 1992PC press release archive - April 1992
NEWS0592.ZIP295KJun 04, 1992PC press release archive - May 1992
NEWS0692.ZIP337KAug 20, 1992PC press release archive - June 1992
NEWS0792.ZIP202KAug 20, 1992PC press release archive - July 1992
NEWS0892.ZIP258KOct 16, 1992PC press release archive - Aug 1992
NEWS0992.ZIP449KOct 24, 1992PC press release archive - Sep 1992
NGLIM10.ZIP7KJul 19, 1990Norton Guides for LIMSIM. Installation guide
NULCABLE.ZIP4KJan 21, 1992How to make serial/parallel null modem cables
PCEXPO92.ZIP659KAug 20, 1992PC-EXPO June 1992 press release archive
PCHLP201.ZIP49KApr 26, 1992TSR online help program for MS-DOS
PCIERRAT.ZIP10KJan 31, 1992Errata/notes for PC Interrupts by Brown & Kyle
PCL57.ZIP317KJan 24, 1993PC-Learn 5.7: Computer/MS-DOS tutorial system
PCM105.ZIP29KJul 13, 1991PostCode Master: Power On Self Test codes
PCXT640K.ZIP4KFeb 22, 1987PC-XT 64/256K to 640K system board upgrade
PINS.ZIP2KSep 21, 1988Text shows RS232C & parallel pins layout
PKLITE.WRN3KOct 07, 1990Message from PKWare about bogus PKLite
POPADBUG.ZIP878Nov 23, 1990Tests for bug in some 386 processors
PROBDESC.ZIP163KJul 15, 1992Info about 386/486 external cache flaws
PROGUIDE.ZIP112KMay 12, 1992Programmer's Guide: Tips on writing Shareware
PS2_REF.ZIP17KAug 01, 1989Reference manual for IBM PS/2 configurations
QHCOMPIL.ZIP44KMay 07, 1988Quick Help compiler - makes help screens
QHELP.ZIP23KMay 07, 1988User definable popup help program
QHELP135.ZIP8KJan 05, 1988User definable popup help program
QUES40.ZIP7KSep 11, 1988Questions and answers of new PC-DOS 4.0
QUIKHELP.ZIP93KJul 20, 1988Create & compile own help screens
QWKLAY16.ZIP17KJan 06, 1993QWK off-line mail format specification
QWKP9304.ZIP24KApr 03, 1993List of QWK format readers & BBS mail doors
RAMEMS.ZIP956Sep 07, 1988Critique - Expanded Memory Simulator
RBHELP31.ZIP74KMar 16, 1991Online help for MSDOS commands, including 4.01
RBNG33.ZIP639KFeb 24, 1993Ralf Brown's Interrupt List, v33 in .NG format
READBACK.ZIP5KDec 24, 1991Reads back all its args. Diagnostic. w/C src
REDIRECT.ZIP9KAug 29, 1990Advanced DOS tips on rerouting, piping, edlin
RELATIVE.ZIP2KAug 29, 1988Graphs relative speed of CPU
ROMDATES.ZIP665Jan 20, 1990List of IBM BIOS ROM dates
RS232EXP.ZIP16KAug 24, 1989Helps solve RS-232 comm interfacing problems
RS232GID.ZIP8KOct 21, 1989A Practical Guide to RS-232 Interfacing
RSTUTOR.ZIP97KNov 06, 1988Tutor for communications, serial interface
SHAREBK1.ZIP239KJan 07, 1993The ShareWare Book - First Edition
SP120.ZIP215KJan 24, 1993SmartPhone: International phone/geography ref.
STACTEC.ZIP38KMay 03, 1992Stacker Technical Notes #0-30
SUT56.ZIP45KJan 24, 1993Tutorial on how to use and enjoy Shareware
SWEDISH.STD2KAug 25, 1991Information on Swedish VDU radiation standards
THEREF42.ZIP126KOct 17, 1991Technical list of HDs,controllers,cables,mfgrs
TIPS0792.ZIP8KJul 15, 1992TIPS: QEMM, DESQview, LANtastic, RBBS-PC, etc.
TSFAQ33.ZIP99KMar 23, 1993T.Salmi: Frequently asked questions & answers
TSQLPC10.ZIP11KOct 02, 1989Info on home computer <--> PC file transfer
TUTDOS1.ZIP127KMar 21, 1990Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 1 of 4
TUTDOS2.ZIP106KMar 21, 1990Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 2 of 4
TUTDOS3.ZIP103KMar 21, 1990Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 3 of 4
TUTDOS4.ZIP76KMar 21, 1990Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 4 of 4
TUTOR44.ZIP230KSep 23, 1988Tutor System for DOS
TUTORII.ZIP134KJan 31, 1992DOS 5.0 TUTOR ver 2.0
UNDOCDOS.ZIP17KMay 24, 1991Errata for the book UNDOCUMENTED DOS - 910309
UPD6402.ZIP44KApr 09, 1993Association of Shareware Professionals updates
USEFUL25.ZIP81KMar 31, 1993Useful MS-DOS programs at SIMTEL20 and Garbo
USPSINFO.ZIP144KNov 23, 1991USPS explains addressing, rates & automation
VENDOR16.ZIP362KMay 16, 1992computer vendors phone/FAX/800/BBS
VL920803.ZIP194KAug 25, 1992VendorList 92.08.03: Lists about 3800 vendors
WARMCOLD.INF693Feb 11, 1989How to do warm or cold boot from software
WRAPLUGS.ZIP943Feb 24, 1990How: Make wrap plugs to diagnose LPT/COM ports
XFDISK.ZIP48KSep 09, 1991Tutorial and useage of FDISK to best advantage
XHLST122.ZIP9KSep 24, 1992Show XMS handles, HMA space above DOS and more
XT_640K.UPD7KMar 27, 1988Expand XT's RAM to 640Kb
XWINDOWS.INF30KNov 20, 1991Where to get commercial X-Windows for MS-DOS

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