Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | 486TEST2.ZIP | 121.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | 486TEST (tm) v2.0 Test ALL of your system's resources - e 486TEST (tm) v2.0 Test ALL of your system's
resources -- evaluation good for 100 passes!
🔎︎ | 701TO704.ZIP | 249.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | This Patches QEMM 7.01 to 7.04 in one pass! |
🔎︎ | 702TO704.ZIP | 197.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | QEMM 702 to 704 patch. |
🔎︎ | 703TO704.ZIP | 170.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Upgrade QEMM v7.03 to 7.04 |
🔎︎ | _MOVEALL.ZIP | 31.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | MoveALL by Deric Benesch Now you can easily move entire di ░░▒█ MoveALL █▒░░ by Deric Benesch
Now you can easily move entire directories
and drives REAL FAST even to different
disk formats. CopyALL makes directories
on the destination drive/directory for
you and prompts you to change disks when
a disk runs out of memory! There are
tons of options that let you cleanup
your hard drive, gather files from
subdirectories, and much more.
CGA+ & 286+ required.
🔎︎ | _SUPRDEL.ZIP | 28.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | SuperDel by Deric Benesch Now you can easily delete entire ░░▒█ SuperDel █▒░░ by Deric Benesch
Now you can easily delete entire
directories and drives REAL FAST.
One of the most usefull utils I've
made so far, try it and you'll never
use anything else. There are tons
of options that let you cleanup
your hard drive.
CGA+ & 286+ required.
🔎︎ | ALLMYFIL.ZIP | 12.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | DOS util creates file listing of entire drive |
🔎︎ | AMISE260.ZIP | 289.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | AMIsetup 2.60 - External Setup (new AMI BIOS required). S AMIsetup 2.60 - External Setup (new AMI
BIOS required). If you ever considered
your built-in setup as incomprehensible,
boring, inconvenient or incomplete, you
have been waiting for AMIsetup. AMIsetup
can save your configuration on disk and
restore it. You can even change setup
options missing in your BIOS! AMIsetup
cracks your password, auto-detects hard
disks, runs in batch mode & much more.
🔎︎ | ASET13.ZIP | 10.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Advanced Set v1.3: Enhancement of DOS SET command. Contai Advanced Set v1.3: Enhancement of DOS SET
command. Contains over 100 functions which
cover: mathematical calculations, info about
file and disks, retrieving info from CONFIG.
string handling, user and file interaction,
time/date handling, more.
🔎︎ | BBX400.ZIP | 17.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | BRKBOX 4.00 04/18/94 Foley Hi-Tech BRKBOX 4.00 04/18/94
BRKBOX is a software version of a hardware
breakout box. It displays the status of a COM
or LPT port inside your PC. From Foley
Hi-Tech Systems (ASP).
🔎︎ | BLOG11.ZIP | 11.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | BOOTLOG version 1.1 - automatically maintains a log of sys BOOTLOG version 1.1 -- automatically
maintains a log of system startups, with
"stealth" feature for confidential boot
tracking when you're away from the computer.
A small, useful utility for your desktop (or
laptop, for that matter).
🔎︎ | BOOTR203.ZIP | 305.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | BOOR'R v2.03 - manages multiple DOS config urations on a s BOOT'R v2.03 - DOS Configuration Manager
BOOT'R is a utility that allows the
management of multiple configurations on
a single machine. BOOT'R not only allows
the modification of the CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT files, but any other files
that might be needed. Version 2.03 is a
maintenance release.
🔎︎ | BT400.ZIP | 23.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | BOOT 4.00 04/18/94 Foley Hi-Tech BOOT 4.00 04/18/94
BOOT is a utility which can be called from
the command line or from a batch file. It
will reboot your PC either emulating a soft
boot [CTRL][ALT][DEL] or a hard boot such as
pressing the reset key. Shareware
registration forms and manual included. From
Foley Hi-Tech Systems (ASP).
🔎︎ | CAT30.ZIP | 39.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | CAT.EXE v3.0, Replacement for DOS's DIR. Centered listing, CAT.EXE v3.0, Replacement for DOS's DIR.
Centered listing, pausing, redirect to file,
lists file size in bytes, K-bytes, and
M-bytes if => 1 Megabyte. Shows how much
space used, in how many files, and how much
space is free on disk from the total disk
space available. Shows ALL files (system &
hidden). Doesn't list the '.' & '..' files in
Subdirectories. 30 day Trial, $10.00 fee.
🔎︎ | CATT594.ZIP | 118.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | CATT - transparent TSR runs BAT files from a list, edit, l CATT - transparent TSR runs BAT files from a
list, edit, list, sort, more - Magik Dialer
program, keeps list & database
🔎︎ | CCC119.ZIP | 185.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Shareware Utilities for Thrustmaster Joystick and Throttle Shareware Utilities for Thrustmaster
Joystick and Throttle controls.
🔎︎ | CFG231.ZIP | 61.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | CFG v2.31: device driver or cmd line driven collection of CFG v2.31: device driver or cmd line driven
collection of utilities designed to give you
some system control; supports Beep, Cls
(with color), ComHide, Com-Swap, VGA43, etc.
🔎︎ | CHIPLIST.ZIP | 15.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Listing of CPU chips with descriptions |
🔎︎ | CLRV240.ZIP | 48.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | COLOR VIEW v2.40 - Colorful DOS "DIR" replacement. Very F ╓───────────────────────────────────────╖
║ COLOR VIEW Version 2.40 - +Features ║
Color View is an excellent replacement
for the dos "dir" command. Now have a
colorful directory listing makeing it easy
to locate files at a quick glance. Some
features include up to 30 extensions with
its own color, several modes of display,
several sorting switches and its easy to
configure. FAST! Compiled 06-07-94
🔎︎ | CLRV250.ZIP | 59.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | COLOR VIEW v2.50 replaces DOS "dir" command Fast and easy ░░▒ COLOR VIEW Version 2.50 ▒░░
MANY Added Features!
Color View is an excellent replacement
for the dos "dir" command. Now have a
colorful directory listing makeing it easy
to locate files at a quick glance. Some
features include up to 30 extensions with
its own color, several modes of display,
several sorting switches, review mode to
display those files which have scrolled
off the screen. Comes with an easy to
use configuration program. FAST!
Compiled 07-25-94
🔎︎ | CONF715E.ZIP | 96.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | PC-CONFIG V7.15e - Detects all the hardware in your PC and PC-CONFIG V7.15e - Detects all the hardware
in your PC and displays it on the screen.
One of the best sysinfo-programs ever. Finds
Local-Bus and PCI boards, Cyrix486 and
Pentium CPUs, detects lots of VGA-chips
and all the standard stuff. This is the
english version. A german version is also
🔎︎ | CSP.ZIP | 73.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | An unusual but supposedly very powerful CPU/Memory benchma An unusual but supposedly very powerful
CPU/Memory benchmark from Softwin
🔎︎ | CYXTEST.ZIP | 8.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Util detects presence of bug in Cyrix 486dx chips Util detects presence of bug in Cyrix 486dx
🔎︎ | DATEVR01.ZIP | 78.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Datever (tm) calendar calculator is a small DOS program de Datever (tm) calendar calculator is a small
DOS program designed to compute the weekday
and date for a given number of days added to
or subtracted from a given date.
Alternatively, Datever (tm) will return the
number of days since or until an input date.
The computed date is the default reference
for a subsequent calculation.
🔎︎ | DD401A.ZIP | 40.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | GREAT Replacement For DOS's 'DIR' Command FULLY FUNCTIONAL GREAT Replacement For DOS's 'DIR' Command
- Shows Files In 1, 2, 3, 4, Or 6 Columns!
- Sorted By Name, Extension, Size, Or Date In
Ascending Or Descending Order!
- Multiple Date/Time Formats!
- Support For OS/2 & DESQview!
- Configurable Colors For Each File Type!
- TONS Of Options!
- Much, Much More!
🔎︎ | DE10.ZIP | 28.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | DOS EXPAND and FORFILE utilities v1.0 |
🔎︎ | DELX130.ZIP | 15.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | DELETE-X v1.30 The Best Deletion Utility Available For DOS DELETE-X v1.30 The Best Deletion
Utility Available For DOS. 1000%
Better Than The Old DOS Del Command.
Allows Exclude/Verify Deletes.
Delete Files Older/Newer/Bigger/
Smaller Than A Specified Amount.
Lets You Delete Files That Are
Hidden/Read-Only/System. Only
$10.00 To Register! Check It Out!
🔎︎ | DFKUNR30.ZIP | 13.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | DOS-F-KEY v3.0 Assign your personal macros DOS-F-KEY v3.0
By Mark Linehan
Now you can assign your own macros
to your F1-F10 keys, for use at
the DOS PROMPT! No more typing
DIR /W a million times a day!
You can easily EXCLUDE the F3 key
for those that like to get the
LAST command with it!
🔎︎ | DIECURS.ZIP | 13.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Die Cursor v 1.00 Media Soft Do you hate when a program ha Die Cursor v 1.00 Media Soft
Do you hate when a program
hangs and you press Ctrl-C
and it breaks but no cusor!!
well this little program will
fix it. It kills the cusor
and gets it back!
🔎︎ | DISKHACK.ZIP | 49.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Norton/PC Tools lookalike. Edit File/directory. Hex/Bin/O Norton/PC Tools lookalike. Edit
File/directory. Hex/Bin/Oct/Dec calculator.
Sector/cluster/absolute cluster. File
🔎︎ | DOS_622.ZIP | 6.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | MS Dos ver 6.22 is presently available on the Microsoft BB MS Dos ver 6.22 is presently available on
the Microsoft BBS The SFX file is 2,552,585
bytes !! It can be D/L'd & used by any
registed MS Dos user, but cannot be given to
anyone else, so you have to get it yourself.
🔎︎ | DOS_LOG.ZIP | 4.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Handy, small TSR logs all DOS commands. With ASM source. Handy, small TSR logs all DOS commands.
With ASM source.
🔎︎ | DOSCID63.ZIP | 111.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | PC DOS Configuration, Installation and Distribution (CID) PC DOS Configuration, Installation and
Distribution (CID) install utility provides
the capability for remote installation of
the base PC DOS 6.3 operating system.
🔎︎ | DOSIMPR1.ZIP | 11.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | DOS Improvement 1 - 5 new commands to make DOS work harder DOS Improvement 1 - 5 new commands
that make DOS work harder and smarter.
From a better and easier way to view
a text file to a speed dial list for your
hard drive, DOS Improvement will speed
up many routine tasks you find yourself
doing at the C:\> prompt. Shareware ($10)
🔎︎ | DOSPLUS.ZIP | 9.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | 4 freeware DOS enhancement utils, file viewer, enhanced ty 4 freeware DOS enhancement utils, file
viewer, enhanced type, print commands, and
screen color control
🔎︎ | DT122.ZIP | 12.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | DT, v1.22: DOS utility: file date/time stamp. Freeware, ( DT, v1.22: DOS utility: file date/time stamp.
Freeware, (c) 1994, [94/05/22] by DDA - Reign
Ware. W/ Pascal source. Formerly REDATE!
🔎︎ | EBAK11.ZIP | 129.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | EASY BACKUP VERSION 1.1 EASY BACKUP VERSION 1.1 |
🔎︎ | EDCON221.ZIP | 26.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | EDCON PRO v2.21 - EDIT/VIEW your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.B EDCON PRO v2.21 - EDIT/VIEW your CONFIG.SYS
and AUTOEXEC.BAT, side by side and now with
Horizontal editors on the same screen. Up
to 200 lines of text with up to 128 char's
in each, for both files. Command line
drive select. Built in screen blanker with
time and date. The quick and easy way to
get the job done.
🔎︎ | EDITFEM.ZIP | 66.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | How many times have you brought up the MS-DOS EDIT program How many times have you brought up the
MS-DOS EDIT program, and cursed because of
theTXT file pattern mask? THIS program
🔎︎ | EXC34.ZIP | 67.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | EXC v3.4: script processor for DOS apps that works like yo EXC v3.4: script processor for DOS apps that
works like your communications scripts w/key
on timing, data on the screen, data not on
the screen, etc; enter programmed keystrokes
w/loop processing/branching.
🔎︎ | EXC35A.ZIP | 69.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | EXC.EXE v3.5a - A script processor for DOS apps that works EXC.EXE v3.5a - A script processor for DOS
apps that works like your comm scripts. NOT
A TSR! Great for backups and automated disk
🔎︎ | EXCR10A.ZIP | 51.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | EXCR.EXE v1.0a - Users of the EXC script processor can now EXCR.EXE v1.0a - Users of the EXC script
processor can now record scripts with EXCR,
the EXC Script Recorder. Run EXCR just as
you would EXC and your keystrokes and timing
are recorded in a modifiable script for
playback with EXC.
🔎︎ | EZBOOT20.ZIP | 83.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | EZBOOTER 2.0 is a very simple multi- reboot program. You EZBOOTER 2.0 is a very simple multi-
reboot program. You can choose from
9 different autoexec and config.sys
to reboot your computer. You can edit
the sets and reboot from the program.
The program can also be controlled with
a mouse. Newest version. Shareware $5.
🔎︎ | EZENGLSH.ZIP | 301.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | EasyEnglish DOS 1.1 - The only DOS enhancement powered by EasyEnglish DOS 1.1 - The only DOS
enhancement powered by ARTIFICIAL
ENGLISH to perform dozens of file
and directory operations (and much
more). For example, type something
like "search every drive for files
that end in bat or sys" -- it will
understand! No more worrying about
DOS syntax because you phrase your
commands ANY way you want. This
DEMO version has many great fully-
functional features. Developed by
Natural Language Solutions.
🔎︎ | FD15.ZIP | 8.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | Fancy Directory v1.5: DOS DIR replacement; displays a colo Fancy Directory v1.5: DOS DIR replacement;
displays a color-coded (by file type) and
alphabetically sorted list of files and
dirs; accepts most DIR cmd line parameters.
🔎︎ | FEDIT12.ZIP | 42.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Font Editor v1.2 - Edit DOS screen fonts. Requires VGA and ┌────────────────────────────────────┐
│ The Font Editor, V1.2 │
│ Utility that allows editing of DOS │
│ screen fonts. It features easy to │
│ use graphical interface, character │
│ design, and more. Requires VGA and │
│ mouse. Shareware, by Dario Vlah. │
🔎︎ | FEED10A.ZIP | 6.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | Feed v1.0A: pgm that enables you to feed data to your BATc Feed v1.0A: pgm that enables you to feed
data to your BATch files; w/TP source;
🔎︎ | FORK33.ZIP | 4.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | Fork 3.3 - A DOS utility which allows you to redirect stan Fork 3.3 - A DOS utility which allows you to
redirect standard output to multiple devices
🔎︎ | GETBACK.ZIP | 286.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | GETBACK V 2.5 GETBACK, v2.5 |
🔎︎ | GLOW.ZIP | 6.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | It's a Program to Make your Dos colors Glow Very Nice :) It's a Program to Make your Dos colors Glow Very Nice :)
🔎︎ | GO312.ZIP | 63.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | GO! V3.12 - "The way CHDIR should have been written." Sear GO! v3.12 - "The way CHDIR should have been
written." Searches for directories matching
command line argument on all logged drives &
automatically goes there. For example, to go
to a directory named H:\WIN\WORD\DOCS\QUOTES
instead of having to type two commands, an H:
then CD \WIN\WORD\DOCS\QUOTES, you only need
type GO QUOTES. "Desqview aware" and MORE !
Author: Steve Ryckman - SHAREWARE ($5 reg)
🔎︎ | HIV203.ZIP | 10.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | HiVIDEO v2.03: uses the unused graphics memory of the VGA/ HiVID! v2.03 |
🔎︎ | HPFSDS04.ZIP | 32.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Read HPFS files system for MSDOS (beta) |
🔎︎ | INTER41A.ZIP | 353.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 41 1/4 A Comprehensive listi MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 41
A Comprehensive listing of interrupt
calls, both documented and undocumented.
Contains almost 6400 entries (plus more
than 2100 tables) in INTER41A to
INTER41C, and conversion programs to
create hypertext databases as well as
other miscellaneous programs in INTER41D.
🔎︎ | INTER41B.ZIP | 353.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | MSDOS Interrupt List Release 41 2of4 2/4 |
🔎︎ | INTER41C.ZIP | 215.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 41 3of4 3/4 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 41
A Comprehensive listing of interrupt
calls, both documented and undocumented.
Contains almost 6400 entries (plus more
than 2100 tables) in INTER41A to
INTER41C, and conversion programs to
create hypertext databases as well as
other miscellaneous programs in INTER41D.
🔎︎ | INTVL197.ZIP | 59.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | INTERVAL v1.97 - runs a DOS command or progrm once during INTERVAL v. 1.97 is a program which
will run a DOS command or program once
during a user defined period of time.
INTERVAL will keep logs on activity and
is batch file friendly. INTERVAL can
also set an errorlevel to indicate its
completion status. Registration is
only $10.00. SMSnet
🔎︎ | KDR402.ZIP | 28.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | KillDir 4.02 04/18/94 utility to facilitate eliminating a KillDir 4.02 04/18/94
KILLDIR is a utility that will make
eliminating a directory and all of it's
contents a lot easier. KILLDIR will remove
all files and file types including hidden or
system files. Shareware registration forms
and manual included. From Foley Hi-Tech
Systems (ASP).
🔎︎ | LETTER15.ZIP | 10.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | Letter v1.50: util that will tell you which drive letters Letter v1.50: util that will tell you which
drive letters are assigned by DOS, either by
fact of drive partitions, or by use of the
SUBST command; 06/08/94; Jeff Bankston.
🔎︎ | LOCKP161.ZIP | 8.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | LockUp v1.61: easy system locking for the terminally lazy LockUp v1.61: easy system locking for the
terminally lazy (formerly called LockIt)
🔎︎ | LOGIT230.ZIP | 21.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Logit v2.30c - log system date/time w/a one line descripti Logit v2.30c - log system date/time w/a one
line description to a new file w/DOS redir
🔎︎ | MAINT104.ZIP | 10.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | MAINTINI is a small DOS based prg. Which lets you modify a MAINTINI is a small DOS based prg. Which
lets you modify any kind of INI-Files from
the DOS commandline. Usefull for networks,
just place it in the login-script. ! New
Version 1.04 ! send author a small email if
you find this utility useful.
🔎︎ | MAINT105.ZIP | 12.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | MAINTINI is a small DOS based prg. Which lets you modify a MAINTINI is a small DOS based prg. Which
lets you modify any kind of INI-Files from
the DOS commandline. Usefull for networks,
just place it in the login-script! New
Version 1.05
🔎︎ | MAM1_0.ZIP | 65.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Memory Allocation Manager v1.09uc: Display info about memo Memory Allocation Manager v1.09uc: Display
info about memory usage, incl conventional,
UMB and EMS. Can also give hardware/comm
port info and mark/release TSRs.
🔎︎ | MCSHELL.ZIP | 160.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | Mac Shell - Mac like shell for DOS Files |
🔎︎ | MEGCHECK.ZIP | 62.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Nifty system info reporter - HD space, CPU. MEG 3.2 - Disk space and System info.
Large EZ to read Pie and 3-D bars show your
space. Total, used, and free space are shown
in megabytes or KB if less than 2 meg.
Also %Free space, Dos version, CPU type,
and CPU speed in Mhz, Extended memory,
CD-ROM, and the time and date.
After one minute becomes a screen saver
with five different savers included.
Mouse support and autoscan mode.
Requires VGA. by Jim Tolliver
🔎︎ | MEMSZ231.ZIP | 171.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | System Resources v2.31 (Rick Papo, 8 June 1994, Free). A System Resources v2.31 (Rick Papo,
8 June 1994, Free). A simple utility
for monitoring system activity and
resources. Source included. English,
Spanish, German and Catalan texts
🔎︎ | MKPRT101.ZIP | 4.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | MAKEPORT v1.01 Small util corrects problem of BIOS losing MAKEPORT v1.01
Small util corrects problem of BIOS losing
your COM ports or LPT1 after warm reboot.
🔎︎ | MONCAL.ZIP | 2.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | A short CIS thread discussing how to use MONCAL.GIF in the A short CIS thread discussing how to use
MONCAL.GIF in the process of calibrating
your monitor. Also read GAMUT.ZIP.
🔎︎ | MORTUTIL.ZIP | 334.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | Morton Utilities - Collection of DOS Tools And Utilities. Morton Utilities - Collection of DOS Tools
And Utilities.
🔎︎ | MOSUTILS.ZIP | 73.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Mosquito Hawk Utility Pack - five utils for DOS - SPAR The Mosquito Hawk Utility Pack - five utils
for DOS - SPARKS (screen saver), CODIFY
(security), CRC (fingerprint), and GO
(directory util)
🔎︎ | MOUSKY13.ZIP | 21.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | MouseKey V1.30 (c) 1993,94 by Andreas Furrer With MouseKey MouseKey V1.30 (c) 1993,94 by Andreas Furrer
With MouseKey you can assign key combi-
nations or commands to mouse buttons.
Now you can use your right or middle mouse
button in applications that doesn't support
the use of the right or middle mouse button.
All mouse buttons can be combined with a com-
bination of |
🔎︎ | MOVEALL.ZIP | 31.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | Directory and File move utility. DOS. ░░▒█ MoveALL █▒░░ by Deric Benesch
Now you can easily move entire directories
and drives REAL FAST even to different
disk formats. CopyALL makes directories
on the destination drive/directory for
you and prompts you to change disks when
a disk runs out of memory! There are
tons of options that let you cleanup
your hard drive, gather files from
subdirectories, and much more.
CGA+ & 286+ required.
🔎︎ | MREPORT.ZIP | 5.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | MReport v1.0: small TSR pgm that continually reports memor MReport v1.0: small TSR pgm that continually
reports memory usage at the top of your PC's
screen; displays info on conventional,
expanded & extended memory; uses 560 bytesRAM
🔎︎ | MSWINOS2.ZIP | 17.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | Allows you to use WINDOWS or OS2 from MSDOS. replaces fix- Allows you to use WINDOWS or OS2 from MSDOS.
🔎︎ | PCOPY93C.ZIP | 120.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | PCOPY v9.3 - the ultimate DOS COPY - try it! PCOPY version 9.3C from Norm Patriquin
PCOPY is the ultimate COPY program - a
super advanced alternative to the DOS
COPY command. PCOPY will copy, move,
split files, copy files with a certain date,
and much more. The only way that you will
believe it is to see it! Now with Last Access
Date Support!
🔎︎ | PHTM29K.ZIP | 214.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | DOS PHANTOM v2.9k DOS PHANTOM v2.9k |
🔎︎ | PKPK____.ZIP | 14.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | Poke and peek bytes to and from your IBM PC's memory. Goo Poke and peek bytes to and from your IBM
PC's memory. Good for the recreationally
challenged. "C" source included.
🔎︎ | PMIPS.ZIP | 31.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Measure & compare your pc's MIPS to others nice program fr Measure & compare your pc's MIPS to others
nice program from C&T
🔎︎ | RCD22.ZIP | 31.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Change disk/directory: "do what I mean" Does it's best to Change disk/directory: "do what I mean"
You can specify all or part of the name of
the directory you want to go to, and RCD will
do it's best to figure out which directory
you mean, and on which disk. If several
possibilities, a selection window pops up.
🔎︎ | RDMEM107.ZIP | 8.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | Upgrade to READMEM, the RAM dump program. |
🔎︎ | SMARTR10.ZIP | 2.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | SmartRepeat v1.0 - by Gary Chanson Keyboard enhancment TSR SmartRepeat v1.0 - by Gary Chanson
Keyboard enhancment TSR which makes typematic
key repeats smart. Prevents build-up of
keystrokes in the keyboard buffer while
running slower programs.
🔎︎ | SSINF323.ZIP | 48.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | SysInfo v3.23 - Display Info about CPU/ /Boards/Mem, etc. SysInfo v3.23 - Display Info about CPU/
/Boards/Mem, etc.
🔎︎ | STATRAM3.ZIP | 3.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Stat-ram v3.0 - a very fast recoverable ram drive. Stat-ram v3.0 - a very fast recoverable ram
🔎︎ | TCDIR11.ZIP | 11.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | TC Directory v1.0 - Color directory program Replace that p TC Directory v1.0 - Color directory
program. Use to replace that plain DOS
DIR command. Automatically breaks the
directory into multiple formatted
🔎︎ | TLB_A241.ZIP | 201.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | A set of ADVANCED UTILITIES to go with THE LAST BYTE MEMOR A set of ADVANCED UTILITIES to go with
Requires the companion standard package,
🔎︎ | TLB_T240.ZIP | 37.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | A small program to test compatibility with THE LAST BYTE M A small program to test compatibility with
If successful, you may want to download
TLB-V240.ZIP and (perhaps) TLB-A240.ZIP.
🔎︎ | TLB_V241.ZIP | 242.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | THE LAST BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.41) Loads device dri THE LAST BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.41)
Loads device drivers, TSRs, and more
between 640k and 1 meg. Compatible w/DOS
6, Win 3.1, & all prot. mode software.
Requires 8088 or above and a supported
shadow ram controller, EMS, or R/W ram
in the UMA. Registration fee: $29.95
🔎︎ | TTS30.ZIP | 172.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Torok Scheduler will automatically run a program of yo The Torok Scheduler will automatically run a
program of your choice on either a day of the
week, or interval number of days, schedule
during boot-up. Ideal for scheduling routine
disk maintenance, virus scanning, back-up
operations, and much more!
🔎︎ | TXT2COMA.ZIP | 9.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | Q&D utility to convert an ASCII text file to a comma delim Q&D utility to convert an ASCII text file to
a comma delimited file. Useful for
converting report output for input to other
🔎︎ | V13N08.ZIP | 291.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | Vol. 13 No. 08 PC Magazine Utilities |
🔎︎ | V13N09.ZIP | 121.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | PC Magazine Utilities Volume 13 no 09 |
🔎︎ | V13N10.ZIP | 65.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | PC Magazine Utilities Diskette vol 13 no 10 |
🔎︎ | V13N12.ZIP | 127.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Vol. 13 No. 12 PC Magazine Utilities |
🔎︎ | WIZ29.ZIP | 30.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Lightning fast, multi-disk file finder. Full wildcards-be Lightning fast, multi-disk file finder.
Full wildcards--better that DOS's.
Scans multiple disks, and within archives.
Can quality files by size, date, class --
executable, archive.
Approx 5 times FASTER than any other whereis
program. Works with DUBLSPACE, CD-ROMs and
on networks, incl. Novell & Lantastic.
🔎︎ | X10XT200.ZIP | 59.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | XT V2.0 - TSR FOR THE X10 COMPUTER INTERFACE DOS Terminate XT V2.0 - TSR FOR THE X10 COMPUTER INTERFACE
DOS Terminate-Stay-Resident utility for the
CP-290 allows sending ON-OFF-DIM commands to
any X-10 device from instant pop-up menus.
XT continously monitors the CP-290 for X10
activity and saves the status in its internal
database. A utility program called XTS has
access to this data and can display status
of indiv modules, housecodes, or all 256
modules. Registration enables "errorlevel"
returns for creating state-based programs.
🔎︎ | XDIR10SP.ZIP | 38.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | Place the file xdir.exe in your dos path to to find the si Place the file xdir.exe in your dos
path and you will be able to find the
size of any directory and all of its
subdirectories listed on your screen.
Execute the file from the directory
you wish to size. Freeware.
🔎︎ | XLIB40.ZIP | 206.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | DOS Extender Library for Protected-Mode DOS XLIB is a library of procedures which
can greatly simplify protected mode
programming under DOS. XLIB provides
the simplest and most reliable method
for accessing extended memory from real
mode languages. A tutorial on protected
mode is included. XLIB procedures handle
mode switching, extended memory,
memory-mapped IO, interrupts, and files.
Version 4.0 also handles CPU exceptions,
and performs debugging functions.
XLIB operates under DPMI, VCPI, XMS and
clean configurations. Both Microsoft
🔎︎ | ZCOPY25.ZIP | 32.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | V2.5 XCOPY Replacement - 300% faster! FREE ZCOPY V2.5 XCOPY replacement, copies whole
directories and/or files, can skip same
files, copies attributes/date and time,
copies read/only, hidden and system files,
FAST (about 300% faster then XCOPY), and
gives more information about the copy
process. *FREEWARE*
🔎︎ | ZCPY25.ZIP | 32.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | ZCOPY V2.5 - XCOPY replacement, copies whole directories a ZCOPY V2.5 - XCOPY replacement,
copies whole directories and/or
files, can skip same files,
copies attributes/date and time,
copies read/only, hidden and
system files, FAST (about 300%
faster then XCOPY), and gives
more information about the
copy process. *FREEWARE*
100 files listed
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