Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | AGREE_.ZIP | 67.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | AGREE! can help to limit liability PCBoard AGREE! forces AGREE! can help you to limit liability by getting an agreement in
place before the user has access to your system. For PCB ver.15
&15.1 systems. AGREE! forces users to type AGREE to your user
contract then it upgrades the user to a security code determined
by you. AGREE! maintains a log of names address, date and time
etc. of those how agree. AGREE! also automatically flags your
user agreement for download by the user. Can be added to
easily to PCB systems. A this is a PPE so it will not slow
🔎︎ | ALF_BBSL.ZIP | 3.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | BBS Lister PPE For PCBoard BBS Lister PPE
A Great BBS Lister For PCB
🔎︎ | ALF_NUP.ZIP | 3.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | NUP v1.0 New User Password For PCBoard NUP v1.0 New User Password For PCB
🔎︎ | ALF_REV.ZIP | 2.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | REVOLVE.PPE v1.0 - PPE Rotator for PCBoard REVOLVE.PPE v1.0 - PPE Rotator
🔎︎ | ALF_WOM.ZIP | 3.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | Wheel Of Morality PPE Fully configurable! Includes Cool Ha Wheel Of Morality PPE
Fully configurable!
Includes Cool HangUp Option
🔎︎ | ALFBBS3.ZIP | 4.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | BBS Lister 3.0 For PCBoard w/extended bbslist BBS Lister 3.0 A Great BBS Lister For PCB New
Version Includes Lightbar Menus and An
Extended BBS List
🔎︎ | ALLSTAT.ZIP | 7.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | ALLSTAT [PPE] v1.0 Caller Statistics Bulletin Generator fo ╒═════════╡ ALLSTAT [PPE] v1.0 ╞═══════════╕
█ ALL Caller Statistics Bulletin Generator █
█ for PCBoard v15.1. Compiled in PPLC v2.0. █
█ no registraion. FREEWARE Source available █
█ By Al Segura Sysop SBG Online! █
🔎︎ | AMARQ10E.ZIP | 21.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | Aqmarqee is a Pcboard PPE that will display predefined rol Aqmarqee is a Pcboard PPE that will display
predefined rolling text to the caller, on the
top line of your Menu screen. Support for a
different display each day, a security level
display, a File Import Display. Beta Release
E. PCBoard 15.1 required. Authors: AQUILA BBS
🔎︎ | APRS503A.ZIP | 990.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Automatic Packet Report system V5.03 by WB4APR. Automatic Packet Report system V5.03 by
🔎︎ | AREAS07B.ZIP | 5.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | File Area Lister PPE v0.7B for PCBoard ╒═════════════════════════════════════════╕
│ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ │
│ The Ultimate File Area Lister PPE v0.7B │
│ ─────────────────────────────────────── │
│ │
│ ▄█████▄ ██████▄ ▄██████ ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ │
│ ██▄▄▄██ ██ ██ ██▄▄▄▄ ██▄▄▄██ ██▄▄▄▄ │
│ ██▀▀▀██ ██████ ██▀▀▀▀ ██▀▀▀██ ▀▀▀▀██ │
│ ██ ██ ██ ▀██ ▀██████ ██ ██ ▀█████▀ │
│ │
│ Is For You! │
│ ───────────────
🔎︎ | AUTSGPWA.ZIP | 5.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | AutoSig V1.1 Automatic User's Signature PPE For PCBoard. ┌─ AutoSig V1.1 [ By Dark Creation ]───────┐
│ PCBOARD 15.1 PPE That provides the users │
│ to maintain a SIGNATURE and have it put │
│ at end of message automatically. │
🔎︎ | BADBOY.ZIP | 5.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | BADBOY!.ppe Version 1- punish a user for performing action BADBOY!.ppe Version 1- punish a user for
preforming actions you don't want him to do.
Used as a direct replacment for a Door or
menu command so simple to write & use.
Reduces his security level, sends him a msg
and logs him off. Fully configurable. Source
and example included. A Banana Republic PPE
release. Sole member: gorilla of 516
🔎︎ | BBANK2.ZIP | 18.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | BBANK v2. All-in-One Logoff Update PCBoard ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ BBANK v2. All-in-One Logoff Update [PPE] │
│ Non-expiring ! Pawleys BBS (803)237-4547 │
│This PPE has: a time bank, gambling, note │
│on the wall, and allows comments to mul- │
│tiple sysops. Event-aware, allows choice │
│of logging, allows choice of note in PSA, │
│Can be set up to not break scripts for │
│automated users. Very Configurable !!! │
│Compiled PPLC v2.0, tested on PcBoard 15.1│
🔎︎ | BBS_PR16.ZIP | 38.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Computer Bulletin Board Guide to Public Relations ver The Computer Bulletin Board Guide to
Public Relations ver 1.6. Several text
files Sysops can use to help improve the
image of their BBS and the BBS community
as a whole.
New in this version: Market Research and
expanded Crisis Management Information.
🔎︎ | BCON110.ZIP | 54.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | FREEWARE] PCB 15.1 Logon PPE v1.10 Configurable logon/logo [FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ Logon PPE v1.10
Configurable logon/logoff enhancer.Includes
lastcallers, oneliners, broadcast, last
caller message and more.
🔎︎ | BCTB110.ZIP | 11.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | FREEWARE] PCB 15.1 ByteBank PPE v1.10 Lightbar menu driven [FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ ByteBank PPE v1.10
Lightbar menu driven byte bank, uses TPAs.
Security definable maximum deposit KB and
maximum daily deposit/withdraw KB.
🔎︎ | BIRTH101.ZIP | 8.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | BIRTHDate PPE for PCBoard 15.1 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ The Birth Date Utility v1.01 - PPE v2.00 │
│ Now you can prompt your users for their │
│ birth date information with PCBoard. Use │
│ this program as a prompt replacement, │
│ new users program, or an executed text │
│ command. Completely configurable color │
│ and text. Provides a slash (/) for the │
│ user to keep the date information in a
🔎︎ | BLTEND1.ZIP | 3.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | BLTEND.PPE v1.0 - A new bulletin prompt replacement in PCB BLTEND.PPE v1.0 - A new bulletin prompt
replacement in PCBTEXT #224 and #611.
Download, search, and now EDIT comfortable
any bulletin.
🔎︎ | BOGLOGOR.ZIP | 3.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | LoGoN RuNNeR] PPE Logon runner PCBoard Random Run, Securit [LoGoN RuNNeR] PPE
Logon runner for ppe's/ansi/pcb
Special features - Random Run,
Security Run, Query Run
🔎︎ | CALLID22.ZIP | 16.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | CALLERID [PPE] v2.2 - p/o BBS SecurityPAK. CALLERID [PPE] v2.2 - p/o BBS SecurityPAK
Caller-ID utility PPE - for PCBoard 15.x
Performs user Verification/monitoring on
every call. SysOp configurable for display
files, record logging, and much more. Must
have callerid capable modem such as Supra,
PPI, or ZyXEL. Checks user record phone
#s against CallerID info. Now supports
Deluxe CID Name logging. By Al Segura
FREEWARE Source Available.
🔎︎ | CARDPLAN.ZIP | 288.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | CardPlan provides affordable Credit Card processing for no CardPlan provides affordable Credit Card
processing for non-merchant Sysops.
🔎︎ | CFLIST21.ZIP | 246.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Custom File List Builder PPE v2.1 (CL) for PCBoard v15.1 i Custom File List Builder PPE v2.1 (CL) for
PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow
your callers to construct custom Allfiles
listings and download them. Options include:
- Selected file directories
- New files (since last scan date)
- Keyword search (like Zippy scan)
- Cross conference scanning
- Any combination of these
Fully functional Shareware - no delays.
🔎︎ | CIS0719.ZIP | 11.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | CompuServe local-access #'s, all speeds, as of 7/19/94. C CompuServe local-access #'s, all speeds, as
of 7/19/94. CP_213.ZIP 129673 07-20-94*
cPoing v2.13 Comple
🔎︎ | CMFL_110.ZIP | 9.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | CMFL v1.10: Custom Master File List PPE. [MS] CMFL v1.10: Custom Master File List PPE
▐│ [CMFL.PPE]: A Master File List Creator │▌
▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs │▌
▐│ FREEWARE! A program to create/archive │▌
▐│ an *up-to-the-minute* master file list │▌
▐│ on demand. The user selects the DIRs, │▌
▐│ conf specific configs and MORE! - [MS] │▌
🔎︎ | CNAV_300.ZIP | 21.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | CNAV v3.00: Custom Node Activity Viewer. PPE for PCBoard [MS] CNAV v3.00: Custom Node Activity Viewer
▐│ [CNAV.PPE]: A Node Activity Viewer PPE │▌
▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs │▌
▐│ FREEWARE Color/Option Configurable WHO │▌
▐│ replacement. Tiny, Brief, Verbose and │▌
▐│ RealTime Active Modes. Shows activity, │▌
▐│ XFerring Files, User Stats & MORE [MS] │▌
🔎︎ | CNFS_110.ZIP | 7.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | CNFS v1.10: Custom New File Scanner PPE. [MS] CNFS v1.10: Custom New File Scanner PPE
▐│ [CNFS.PPE]: --- A New File Scanner PPE │▌
▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs │▌
▐│ FREEWARE! Color & Option Configurable │▌
▐│ 'N'ew Scan replacement. Allows input │▌
▐│ of a # of days to scan, flag files, or │▌
▐│ screen capturing scans and MORE! [MS] │▌
🔎︎ | CODE10.ZIP | 4.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | Gamble Time PPE for PCBoard systems. --------------------------
------The CODE PPE--------
--- Wiz-Ware Software ---
---(c) 1994, Brett Lucey--
This PPE lets users
gamble time, based on a
generated code. Users
enter their guess on a
security "panel".
🔎︎ | CREATR10.ZIP | 10.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | PCBNewsCreator By DynaSOFT for PCBoard ┌────── PCBNewsCreator By DynaSOFT ───────┐
│ PCBNewsCreator is a very flexible PPE │
│ allowing sysops to write news without │
│ having the work of editing the NEWS │
│ file, making a header, etc. Total │
└───────────── Version 1.00 ──────────────┘
🔎︎ | CSSC_220.ZIP | 12.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | CSSC v2.20 Custom Split Screen Chat PPE. [MS] CSSC v2.20 Custom Split Screen Chat PPE
▐│ [CSSC.PPE]: -- A Split Screen Chat PPE │▌
▐│ written in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs │▌
▐│ FREEWARE Color Configurable SysOp/User │▌
▐│ split-screen interface to replace the │▌
▐│ internal F10 PCBoard chat. Comes with │▌
▐│ full featured User Editor & MORE! [MS] │▌
🔎︎ | CW_MM_33.ZIP | 12.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | MainMenu v3.3 Great replacement for PCB's BRDM menus. Sho ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
│MainMenu v3.3 Great replacement for PCB's│
│BRDM menus. Shows available commands, un-│
│available as well "all on the fly", never│
│draw another BRDM again! Nice little PPE!│
│Free to all registered ConfJoin SysOps!!!│
🔎︎ | CW_SL_32.ZIP | 6.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | SpeedLim v3.2! Limit callers access based on his/her conne ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
│SpeedLim v3.2! Limit callers access based│
│on his/her connection speed! Just add the│
│names to list, and regardless of security│
│level the user can access at speeds lower│
│than others of same sec level. Convenient│
🔎︎ | CW_SP_32.ZIP | 14.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | SubscriP v3.2 Part of the PCB PPE PowerPack Don't take c.c SubscriP v3.2 Part of the PCB PPE PowerPack
Don't take c.c.'s? Offer instant subscriber
upgrades to your users anyway! It will keep
track of who paid and who did not, upgrades
and downgrades automatically, badnames.lst,
"flag a file" function, and much much more!
🔎︎ | CW_WM_32.ZIP | 7.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | WelcoMat v3.2 If you know who is going to call your board, ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
│WelcoMat v3.2 If you know who is going to│
│call your board, you can have PCB upgrade│
│them when they do! Small/fast/convenient!│
🔎︎ | DBM12.ZIP | 17.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Deluxe Bulletin Menu v1.2. The best bulletin menu PPE avai Deluxe Bulletin Menu v1.2. The next
add on to 4D's Conference menu! This
is what most people have been asking
me for, so here it is! The best
bulletin menu PPE available for
PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color
configurable, easy to setup and
🔎︎ | DCLAIM10.ZIP | 4.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | DCLAIM v1.00: DISCLAIMER Display PPE. PCBoard Displays a d DCLAIM v1.00: DISCLAIMER Display PPE
compiled with PPLC 2.0 for PCBoard v15.1+
FREEWARE! An expansion on other PPE's
that will display a disclaimer to a user.
DCLAIM will also adjust user security to
a definable level if answer is NO. Prompt
is configurable and will also allow you
to display a definable file to users who
answer NO. Allows you to weed out the
losers. Will also log the response typed,
maybe helping with that entr
🔎︎ | DCM32.ZIP | 29.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Deluxe Conference Menu v3.2. The power of C+ and CDC's PP Deluxe Conference Menu v3.2. The
power of C++ and CDC's PPL unite to
give you the best PCBoard conference
menu yet! Check it out, Non Crippled!
Formatted list of all conferences for
user to download, faster, and smaller
code size! Requires the use of EMS
memory. Security specific networks.
🔎︎ | DDESCR10.ZIP | 3.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | DoorDescribe! PPE v1.0 for PCBoard - Descriptions up to 25 *** DoorDescribe! PPE v1.0***
Not enough room on your door menu screen to
display descriptions? This will take care of
that for you. Descriptions up to 255
characters. Registration $10.00.
🔎︎ | DEMO400.ZIP | 806.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Searchlight BBS 4.0 Demo Version Working Demo of Searchlig Searchlight BBS 4.0 Demo Version
Working Demo of Searchlight 4.0, the BBS
software with Integrated RIP Graphics and
local RIP support. Includes built-in RIP
features like dialog boxes, menus and scroll
bars. Full featured BBS software includes
DigiBoard and CD-ROM support, unlimited
message & file areas, and much more. Full
documentation provided.
🔎︎ | DLDCO21A.ZIP | 48.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | DLDCOUNT v.2.1a Download Counter for PCBoard ┌=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=-=─=─=─=┐
║ DLDCOUNT ver 2.1a ** BUG FIX!!!! ║
│ This release allows you to configure│
║ the number of header lines to skip! ║
│ Download Counter updates you PCB │
║ DIRs with: Downloaded xx Time(s) ║
║ Incredibly fast - Runs in Event ║
║ The PEGASUS PROJECT [813]481-5575 ║
🔎︎ | DLRK30.ZIP | 69.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Download Recordkeeper v3.0 keeps Telemate users from downl Download Recordkeeper v3.0 keeps Telemate users from
downloading files more than once. It reads the Telemate
Usage Log, pulls out the names of downloaded files, and
stores them on disk in alphabetical and extension order.
The lists can be easily displayed or printed, making
for quick reference while you're on-line. Also includes
filename search and useful new features. DLRK can also
be made available for terminal programs other than Telemate.
See info in DLRK30.DOC, contained in DLRK30.ZIP.
🔎︎ | DN_EMAIL.ZIP | 2.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | This Is Graphic Message & EMail PPE for PCB This Is Æ Graphic Message & EMail PPE
This PPE Makes Entering Public &
Private Messages VERY Simple, With
Kick Ass Grafix. EMail Menu Can Be
Changed To Suit Your Needs.
🔎︎ | DOCS400.ZIP | 213.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Searchlight 4.0 BBS Demo Documentation Program has filenam Searchlight 4.0 BBS Demo Documentation
Program has filename DEMO400.ZIP
🔎︎ | DOD_NS11.ZIP | 5.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | NEW FILES SCAN 1.1 [PPE] for PCBoard NEW FILES SCAN 1.1 [PPE]
🔎︎ | DOD_PL10.ZIP | 3.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | PPE LOADER v1.0. Best one ever for PCBoard PPE LOADER v1.0. Best one ever for PCB!
🔎︎ | DOD_SYSG.ZIP | 2.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Sysgods.ppe for multi-sysop comment. PCBoard SYSGODS.PPE FOR MULTI-SYSOP COMMENT
🔎︎ | DPA_DI11.ZIP | 5.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | V 1.10 PPE - (W) COMMAND replacement PCBoard ┌─── DiOXiNE iNFO V 1.10 PPE ───┐
│ - 100% CONFiGURABLE │
🔎︎ | DT_SYC11.ZIP | 28.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | PPE for PCBoard - Security oriented <■> SYSOP COMMANDS REPLACEMENT 1.1 WiTH
🔎︎ | EDSBK121.ZIP | 178.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | EDSBack v1.21 [PPE] Call-Back verifier for PCBoard v15.1. EDSBack v1.21 [PPE] Call-Back verifier
for PCBoard v15.1. Supports multi-lingual
prompts, user trashcans, number trashcans,
caller-ID searching, automated messages,
powerful ONLINE configuration, timetables,
file flagging, international support, call
back only mode, user upgrading, MUCH MORE!
🔎︎ | EUNION20.ZIP | 7.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Eastern Union Time Transfer PPE for PCBoard Shareware Vers ---====Eastern Union Time Transfer====---
Designed to allow your users to transfer
time from their own account to another
user's!! This is the FIRST and ONLY time
transferring system ever available for
PCBoard!!! |
🔎︎ | FDC_422.ZIP | 82.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | File Download Counter - FDC will count the number of times File Download Counter - FDC will count the
number of times a file has been downloaded
from your system and update your directory
listings with that number. This makes it easy
for users and sysops to see which files and
file areas are the most popular on their
system. Easy to install, works great in a
nightly event.
🔎︎ | FDTN_003.ZIP | 5.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Front Door tech note on using USR v32 modems |
🔎︎ | FNP110A.ZIP | 169.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Feathernet pro! - v1.10 shareware 1/4 One of the most powe FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.10 SHAREWARE [1/4]
One of the most POWERFUL, Full Featured BBS
Packages To Be Found. User & SysOp Friendly.
Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
Utilities, and Superb Documentation. ANSI/RIP
CD-ROM, 115k baud/Non-Standard IRQ ports, and
UNCRIPPLED! Built in QWKMail & Upload Check.
Part 1: Install Program & Docs
UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
🔎︎ | FNP110B.ZIP | 365.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Feathernet pro! - v1.10 shareware 2/4 FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.10 SHAREWARE [2/4]
One of the most POWERFUL, Full Featured BBS
Packages To Be Found. User & SysOp Friendly.
Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
Utilities, and Superb Documentation. ANSI/RIP
CD-ROM, 115k baud/Non-Standard IRQ ports, and
UNCRIPPLED! Built in QWKMail & Upload Check.
UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
🔎︎ | FNP110C.ZIP | 267.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Feathernet pro! - v1.10 shareware 3/4 FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.10 SHAREWARE [3/4]
One of the most POWERFUL, Full Featured BBS
Packages To Be Found. User & SysOp Friendly.
Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
Utilities, and Superb Documentation. ANSI/RIP
CD-ROM, 115k baud/Non-Standard IRQ ports, and
UNCRIPPLED! Built in QWKMail & Upload Check.
UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
🔎︎ | FNP110D.ZIP | 321.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Feathernet pro! - v1.10 shareware 4/4 FEATHERNET PRO! - v1.10 SHAREWARE [4/4]
One of the most POWERFUL, Full Featured BBS
Packages To Be Found. User & SysOp Friendly.
Fantastic Performance and Capabilities, Great
Utilities, and Superb Documentation. ANSI/RIP
CD-ROM, 115k baud/Non-Standard IRQ ports, and
UNCRIPPLED! Built in QWKMail & Upload Check.
UPLOADED BY: FeatherNet Software, Inc.
🔎︎ | FONLR100.ZIP | 54.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | CiA PPL customizable for PCBoard ┌─[ CiA PPL ]───────── ─── ── ─ ─
│ Fuckin' OneLiners @X07v1.00b
│ @X07Includes the best features of
│ @X07all the other plus more! Now
│ @X07a PPL that is CUSTOMIZABLE!
│ @X07Includes a CONFIGURATION program!
└─────────────────── ─── ── ─ ─
🔎︎ | FUD_ULT1.ZIP | 5.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | Upload Thanker 1.0 [PPE] for PCBoard Upload Thanker 1.0 [PPE]
For PCBoard 15.1+ Allows Display
of multiple (up to 999) Ansi or
Ascii Screens after user has
completed uploading. Coded By:
The Prophecy. [3/15/94]
🔎︎ | FULOGN10.ZIP | 7.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | LOGON.PPE Version 1.2 A PPE for PCB 15.1 ░░░░▒▒ LOGON.PPE Version 1.2 ▒▒░░░░
│ A PPE for PCB 15.1 that give PCB a FULL │
│ SCREEN logon procedure. The sysop can │
│ display a file and then ask for the │
│ users name and password anywhere on the │
│ screen. │
🔎︎ | GAMBLE11.ZIP | 12.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Ultimate Time Gambler v1.1 A PPE for PCBoard ==============================
Ultimate Time Gambler v1.1
A PPE for PCBoard 15.1+ which
will allow your users to gamble
time by playing one of the
following games:
1) Dumb Luck
2) Blackjack (21)
3) Safe Cracker
4) more to come
🔎︎ | GAP0794.ZIP | 6.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | GAP BBS Sysop & System Listing July 1994 This is the begin GAP BBS Sysop & System Listing July 1994
This is the beginning of our own official
BBS listing. Updates will be published on
a quarterly basis unless the need for more
frequent promulgation is necessary.
Revision Listing: 01 July 1994
🔎︎ | GIFCOL30.ZIP | 117.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | GIF Collage builder PPE v3.0 for PCBoard v15.1 - lets call GIF Collage builder PPE v3.0 for PCB v15.1.
This PCBoard v15.1 PPE command allows your
callers to dynamically build single GIF
images that each contain up to 9 pictures
extracted from GIF files posted on your BBS.
This gives them the opportunity to preview
the larger GIF files before downloading
them. Interactive and quick, your callers
will love this one! This is a fully
functional Shareware release.
🔎︎ | GIVETIME.ZIP | 3.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Give Time PPE for PCBoard - to give users a small amou - The Give Time PPE- === TechnoDork Software
=== - Copyright (C) 1994- This program will
give a user a specified time added to theirs.
This is so that users who need 2 or 3 more
minutes to download something or need time to
get time out of the timebank can do so. I
reccoment making the password at least four
alpha-numeric characters long. This program
is very simple to use. First you need to
create a configuration file, name
🔎︎ | GPAPER54.ZIP | 24.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Compu-Paper Generator - GPAPER.EXE v5.40 Now supports Sync Compu-Paper Generator - GPAPER.EXE v5.40
Now supports Synchronet BBS color codes.
Adds computer paper effect to text
files. SysOp configurable as to
background color. Creates ANSI, WC!3.x,
Synchronet and PCB color coded files. Set
environment variables for different BBS
systems and file extensions.
Registration : FREE
🔎︎ | GRAPHC12.ZIP | 3.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | Graphics Prompt Replacement PPE replacement for the PCBtex ┌─ Graphics Prompt Replacement ───┐
│ PPE replacement for the PCBtext │
│ files Prompt #149 for use by │
│ sysops using the Planet Connect │
│ Satellite Downlink service... │
│ Auto Rip/Ansi/Nonansi Detect │
│ Contains Version 1.1 also... │
└──── Version 1.2 03-27-1994 ──────┘
🔎︎ | HORSES01.ZIP | 9.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | HORSES! 1.0 [PPE] A day at the races for your callers. Fu HORSES!! 1.0 [PPE]
A day at the races for your callers.
Full horse racing PPE, quick and
simple setup, no sysop maintenance.
Colorful, Great animation, heart
pounding thrills!
A GO/4 Software release
🔎︎ | HOTCHT30.ZIP | 18.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | HOTCHAT PPE V3.0 for PCBoard ─────────[ HOTCHAT PPE V3.0 ]──────────────
Multi line chat PPE replacement for PCBoard.
Supports multiple chat area's and
sysop defineable action commands, sysop
defineable private actions, public messages,
private messages, user definable Hot Tub
topics, user paging inside PCBoard, complete
customization with its own PCBtext style
prompt file, and action command file.
full multi-language support for PCBoard.
Joe's BBS (317) 849-0561
🔎︎ | HP_NS100.ZIP | 5.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | New Files Scan v1.0 for PCBoard 15.1 New Files Scan v1.0 for PCB 15.1
This programm is very easy in installation
and very convinient in scanning new files
in all conferences.
🔎︎ | IBBS10.ZIP | 58.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Inter-BBS Door Tookkit for C/C. |
🔎︎ | IHANG221.ZIP | 22.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | IMAGinE HangUp PPE v2.21 by José De Almeida This PPE progr IMAGinE HangUp PPE v2.21 by José De Almeida
This PPE program is an automatic logoff
prompt replacement, that will truely
enhance the PCBoard's "Goodbye in 10
seconds..." prompt, giving to this
procedure the professional look you have
been asking for so long. Besides counting
down the seconds, it provides a nice and
precise graphical time bar, accurated in
half seconds. Full multi-language support.
Colors and other features can be specifyed
thru a configuration file. Freeware.
🔎︎ | IMG_ENTR.ZIP | 3.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Press Any Key To Continue PPE . This PPE is 100 % Color Co ┌─∙· Press Any Key To Continue PPE ·∙──┐
│ This PPE is 100 % Color Configurable │
│ The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is │
│ Made To Replace That Disgusting More │
│ Prompt │
🔎︎ | JETBBS20.ZIP | 312.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | BBS, easy to install, multi-line capable |
🔎︎ | KALBK500.ZIP | 21.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Kallback.ppe v5.00 for PCBoard ░░▒█ @X0BKallback.ppe @X0Fv5.00@X07 █▒░░@X0F
│ Allow your BBS to call back your users │
│ to verify their phone and then increase │
│ their access automatically. Also includes│
│ an optional subscription mode. Built in │
│ config file creator/editor - language │
│ file support. First and best call back │
│ verifier. - Now uses registration number │
│ for easier upgrade - expires 5/1/94. │
│ From: ░░▒ DM Soft ▒░░ │
🔎︎ | KBBS20G1.ZIP | 291.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00G. File 1 of 4 1/4 Some of the feature KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00G. File 1 of 4
The most advanced Bulletin Board System
ever, developed by Anderson-Williams.
This is still part of the Phase 1 release
process, with a lot of bug fixes and
additions since the last release. Some
of the features:
- Local RIP viewing,
- Advanced ANSI and RIP graphics
- A tree-like structure for organizing
Files, Conferences, doors and bulletins
- Built in QWK mail networking
- Includes source code and compiler for
complete c
🔎︎ | KBBS20G2.ZIP | 352.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00G. File 2 of 4 2/4 KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00G. File 2 of 4
- Complete suite of internal file
transfer protocols, including Kermit
and Zmodem.
- Built-in thread level multitasking
- Support for CD-ROM drives and other
storage media types
- Online spell checker checks your
spelling as you type
- Built in file compression engine
saves you a lot of disk space
🔎︎ | KBBS20G3.ZIP | 353.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00G. File 3 of 4 3/4 KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00G. File 3 of 4
- Multi-node ready, no extra charge for
more support
- Supports over 32000 conferences
- Runs in Alias mode or Real Name mode,
each conference configured separately,
and each node configured separately
- Built in upload processor
- Built in encryption for security
- Built in call-back verifier
- Support several door drop-file types
🔎︎ | KBBS20G4.ZIP | 335.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | KBBS/Shareware v2.00G. File 4 of 4 4/4 KBBS/SHAREWARE v2.00G. File 4 of 4
- FTS (fidonet) support with an invisible
front door and a lot of utilities
- Multi-language support
- OS/2 version
- Internet connectivity
This software is developed by a company
that listens to SysOps and works hard to
deliver what YOU want in a BBS.
🔎︎ | LBPK10.ZIP | 10.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | PPE] Lightbar Production Kit) Create custom prompt (oo) re [PPE] Lightbar Production Kit ───── (__) ─┐
│ Create custom prompt (oo) │
│ replacements using a /-------\/ │
│ simple config process / | || │
│ SOURCE included. Also * ||----|| │
│ More? prompt and help ^^ ^^ │
│ screen examples included. by Mr. Data │
🔎︎ | LC060.ZIP | 3.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | LastCallers ver 0.60 PPE for PCBoard 15.0+ LastCallers ver 0.60 LC060.ZIP
This is a PPE written for PcBoard 15.0+
to display the last callers on your BBS.
The number of callers and the display
format are configurable. Written
by Paul Naylor
🔎︎ | LIES2.ZIP | 7.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | LIES Entertaining PPE for PCBoard ┌─ LIES, The whole truth.......────┐
│ Add this PPE to any Display file │
│ and get a smile out of your users.│
│ this version now supports RIP. │
│ Add this one to your Script0 File │
│ Your callers will think before │
│ they tell another lie. :) │
│ A White dragon PPE PRODUCTIONS │
│ Formerly Cyber Realms Productions │
🔎︎ | LOGOFF11.ZIP | 4.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | LogOff v1.1 - Automatic Logoff PPE for PCB track your user █▒░░ LogOff v1.1 - Automatic Logoff ░░▒█
│ LogOff is a PPE to help in penalizing │
│ your users who allow a keyboard timeout. │
│ This PPE uses a config file to get │
│ security, and amt. of time to deduct from │
│ the user. Will also send a message to the │
│ user, of your choice..Or you can use the │
│ one already supplied. Makes entry to LOG. │
│ Programmer: Richard Stewart │
╘═ (c) 1994 - The North Shore BBS
🔎︎ | M2001PWA.ZIP | 111.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | MATRIX 2000 v1.0 by CALCULUS Productions. For PCBoard MATRIX 2000 v1.0 by CALCULUS Productions
PCBOARD 15.1 Matrix Login [Bug Fixes]
🔎︎ | MADTHC80.ZIP | 8.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | THCDOS 8.0: PCB 15.1 PPE. DOS Login Matrix THCDOS 8.0: PCB 15.1 PPE. DOS Login Matrix
Like GNSDOS, but much better and bugfixed!
🔎︎ | MAFPCB11.ZIP | 43.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | PCB 15.1 Top monthly uploaders/ downloaders bulletin gener PCB 15.1+ Top monthly uploaders/
downloaders bulletin generator v1.0β.
🔎︎ | MAKEBN10.ZIP | 36.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | MAKEBLTN [EXE] v1.0 TOP Caller Bulletins Generator for PCB ╒═════════╡ MAKEBLTN [EXE] v1.0 ╞═══════════╕
█ PCBoard TOP Caller Bulletins Generator - █
█ VERY Sysop configurable to generate one or█
█ four Bulletins complete with defined color█
█ codes. Top x Callers, Top x Downloaders, █
█ Top x Uploaders, Top x Cities. Written in █
█ C for more speed. Source Available. █
█ By Al Segura Sysop SBG Online! █
🔎︎ | MAXCID02.ZIP | 64.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | Maximus Called ID a0.2 - Autologin, Security for OS/2 and MaxCID a0.2 - Maximus Util for OS/2 and
DOS which uses the Caller ID technology
to automatically log in users, secure
BBS's, block out numbers, and validate
new users. Requires Caller Display,
Max, a front end, Caller ID equipped
🔎︎ | MERGE215.ZIP | 41.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | MERGEFILE v2.15 - merges two sorted files, removes duplica MERGEFILE v2.15 - merges two sorted files;
options: order, select multiple merge keys,
case sensitivity, remove duplicates, error
checking & more (4/20/94), includes Public
Domain v1.15 with Pascal source code
🔎︎ | MICVFAST.ZIP | 3.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Text On how to Configure a MicroCom V.FC with PCBoard @X05─┬──── ────┬─
│ @X0DSome helps to configure @X05│
│ @X0Dany microcoms vfast @X05│
│ @X0Dmodems with Pcboard 15x @X05│
─┼─ ─┼─
│ @X0CHelps from Microcom bbs @X05│
─┴──── ────┴─
🔎︎ | MNET210.ZIP | 44.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | MNET V2.10 QWK- REP network conversion utility. Permits a MNET V2.10 QWK->REP network conversion
utility. Permits any bbs with QWK/REP
handling capability to participate in
QWK-based networking with other boards. Now
includes MNETCFG utility to automate creating
program configuration files.
🔎︎ | MONI10.ZIP | 7.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | UltraMoni - v1.0 - PCBMONI PPE replacement for the busy PC UltraMoni - v1.0 - PCBMONI .PPE replacement
for the busy PCBoard Sysop. User definable
update and scroll interval. View online user
record. Update node info. Full and compact
display mode. Fully functional. Shareware
only $10. This is a must see!!
🔎︎ | MPS_UL10.ZIP | 7.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | UserList v1.0 PPE from MPS! (03-09-94) The MOST ADVANCED U UserList v1.0 PPE from MPS! (03-09-94)
│ ██ █ ██▀▀ ██▀▀ ██▀▀█ ██ ██ ██▀▀ ▀██▀▀ │
│ ██ █ ▀▀▀█ ██▀ ██▀█▀ ██ ██ ▀▀▀█ ██ │
│ ██▄█ ██▄█ ██▄▄ ██ ██ ██▄▄ ██ ██▄█ ███ │
│ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ │
│ The MOST ADVANCED UserList Available!!! │
│ │
│ o Alias / Address PSA Support │
│ o SmartFields(tm) Formatted output │
│ o FAST! BOYER-MOORE Searching │
│ o Fully Configu
🔎︎ | MTHPROT1.ZIP | 10.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | Protocol [ppe] v1.0 for pcboard 15.1 [ source included ]. PROTOCOL [PPE] V1.0 FOR PCB 15.1
🔎︎ | NEWCOUNT.ZIP | 2.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Newcount PPE v1.0B Show your PCBoard users how many new up Newcount PPE v1.0B From WizWare Software
This PPE will count the number of files
that are dated the current date from the
DIR file. This means you can show your
users how many uploads for the day
INCLUDING your local uploads!
Another 1st from The Wizard's BBS
🔎︎ | NG060494.ZIP | 52.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | List of Active USENET Newsgroups 06/04/94 |
🔎︎ | NMREP106.ZIP | 52.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | NetMail/Reply v1.6 This combination of PPEs replace your ( ┌──────────────────────────────────┐
│ NetMail/Reply v1.6 │
│ This combination of PPEs replace │
│ your (E) command and the (RE)ply │
│ lines in your PCBTEXT. They │
│ assist your user in writing and │
│ replying to NetMail. They are │
│ designed to work with QFRONT by │
│ Rob Kittredge. Both PPE's are │
│ FreeWare but included in this │
│ archive is a ShareWare program │
│ called EXTRACT. │
🔎︎ | NOLOCAL.ZIP | 30.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | NOLOCAL.EXE V1.0 Spitfire BBS utility |====== NOLOCAL.EXE V1.0 ======|
Deletes ALL Local Log-In's From
Spitfire BBS's CALLERS.LOG! Fast,
Simple & Possibly FREE!
🔎︎ | NUSCAN4.ZIP | 9.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | NEWSCAN 4.0 Will ask your callers if they would like to se ╔═══════════════════════════════════╗
║ NEWSCAN 4.0 ║█
║Will ask your callers if they would║█
║like to see a list of the new files║█
║added to the system since there ║█
║last file scan. (If there are any) ║█
║As soon as they logon. ║█
║ (C)1994 Bill Masuka ║█
🔎︎ | NUSCAN5.ZIP | 3.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | NewScan v5.0 PCBoard new files scan = FREE ╔═══════════════════════════════════╗
║Will ask your callers if they would║█
║like to see a list of the new files║█
║added to the system since there ║█
║last file scan. (If there are any) ║█
║As soon as they logon. ║█
║ (C)1994 Bill Masuka ║█
OCCPS is a PPE program to allow online
registration processing via credit cards or
optionally to download a REGISTER.ZIP file
for mail-in registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOG
file with all the information needed to
verify and process credit card transactions.
Also writes program usage information to the
CALLER log for tracking purposes. Specify
your own security levels, term of sub-
scription, and which credit cards you accept.
Now compabible with Canadian r
🔎︎ | OLDB.ZIP | 13.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | OLDB.PPE - On-Line DataBase v1.0 PCBoard! OLDB.PPE - On-Line DataBase version
1.0 - Written using version 2.00
of the PCBOARD PPL language.
Either a single data base or
multiple data bases. Each with
it's own record headings. Each
data base can have aspecial
instruction screens.
🔎︎ | PCBBBL16.ZIP | 19.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | PCBBBL v1.6 - Bulletin Board List Maker PCB █▒░░ PCBBBL v1.6 - Bulletin Board Lister ░░▒█
│ PCBBBL is a PPE to help in the creation │
│ of master bulletin board lists. This │
│ PPE sorts the lists by board name. Also │
│ has an option for flagging the lists. Will│
│ also check to make sure that the phone │
│ number dosn't exsist in the data base. │
│ Interface is seamless, and easy for your │
│ users to follow. │
│ Programmer: Richard Stewart
🔎︎ | PCBCM12.ZIP | 156.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | PCBConferenceMenu Utility v1.2 03/21/94. Makes PCBoard con PCBConferenceMenu Utility v1.2 03/21/94
PCBConferenceMenu is a PCBoard 15.x Utility
that will make a conference menu automatic-
ly. It reads the CNAMES.@@@ file and builds
the menu (CNFN). It has sort 4 options and
it reads a CFG file for NetWork def.
Requires PCBUtility v1.0. Now with PPE
display and conference selection control.
Unlimited Conferences! Part of the
PCBUtility 1.0 Package from Casto Software.
🔎︎ | PCBDE400.ZIP | 87.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | The PCB Door Executive ver. 4.00β Creates *1* Menu for all The PCB Door Executive ver. 4.00β
Creates *1* Menu for all your Doors & PPE
programs. Run PPE & Doors from 1 menu!
Totally Sysop Configurable. Optionally
categorizes your doors for easier access.
display by category or all at once!
Quick Setup, Zero Maintenance!
GO/4 Software Release!
🔎︎ | PCBFX21.ZIP | 125.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | PCBFX 2.1 PCBoard File History/Profile Door. Reports times PCBFX 2.1 PCBoard File History/Profile Door.
Reports times downloaded, who uploaded, date
of upload, last date downloaded, are time or
bytes charged, enough time or bytes and more.
Number of files in ZIP & oldest/newest dates.
Conference block on 'who uploaded'. SEAMLESS.
Creates DOWNLOAD.TXT database, INSTANT scans.
Compiles a "top 50 downloads" profile report.
Networks, DESQview, PCBoard /M, fossil, and
non-standard asynch com ports are supported.
---------- A YCS PCBoard Accessory ----------
🔎︎ | PCBPTEXT.ZIP | 10.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Portuguese Translation of PCBoard prompts. |
🔎︎ | PCULOGON.ZIP | 2.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | Logon.ppe for PCBoard v15.x Multinode Will notify all user ▐██████▐██████▐██████ Creators United
▐██▄▄██▐██▄▄██▐██▄▄ ...present...
▐██ ▐██ ▐██████ Logon Broadcaster
>> LOGON.PPE for PCBoard v15.x MultiNode <<
- Will notify all users online when someone
logs into another node.
- Will show Username, Node Number and Time.
- Simple to set up - and totally *FREEWARE*
🔎︎ | PEGAND2Z.ZIP | 43.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | PEGANODE v2.1a WHO REPLACEMENT PPE !NOW SHOWS time left fo ┌=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=─=-=─=─=─=┐
🔎︎ | PFED_017.ZIP | 257.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Deluxe PCBoard File Area Manager. ┌─────────────────────────────────┐
│ BOOMER's PFED v0.17β - 04/05/94 │
Deluxe PCBoard File Area Manager - Local
uploads, move, delete, & sort files. Great
archive viewer, description & DIZ editing,
🔎︎ | PIC_LT4.ZIP | 14.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Fast Transfers Version 1.03. Creates a bulletin which tell Last Transfers Version 1.03
🔎︎ | PIC_PCEW.ZIP | 2.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Pcxpress style Write Personal InfoPPE v1.0. Pcxpress style Write Personal Info .PPE v1.0
🔎︎ | PIC_PLOG.ZIP | 20.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | PCElogon.ppe - PCexpress Style - a bit crazy PCElogon.ppe - PCexpress Style
🔎︎ | PIC_STAT.ZIP | 2.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | PCE Style - Personal stats PPE - a bit crazy PCE Style - Personal stats PPE
🔎︎ | PIC_TB2.ZIP | 10.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | Time Bank PPE 2.0 Config by Sec Levels, and even acct. Ed ■ Time Bank PPE 2.0 ■
Config by Sec Levels, and even acct.
Editing. Scroll Bar or Non-Scroll
🔎︎ | PNEWS130.ZIP | 46.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | PCBoard News Editor/Updater program v1.30 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
│░░▒█ PCB News Editor v1.30 █▒░░│
│ This program will allow a simple program │
│ for a sysop to update news on his BBS. │
│ simple setup. Now allows Sysop to create │
│ news from a input file, multiple config │
│ files, and more! Registration: $5 │
🔎︎ | POWRPK10.ZIP | 31.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | DynaSOFT PowerPack! Collection of PPEsPCBoard ┌─────────── DynaSOFT PowerPack! ───────────┐
│The best quality pack of PPE programs ever │
│ created! You must see this! Download it │
│ today! All freeware! Courtesy of │
│ DynaSOFT Support BBS and DynaSOFT. │
└──────────────── Update 1.0 ───────────────┘
🔎︎ | PPENET96.ZIP | 7.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | PPEnet Info/APP Pack Node List also. Dir 4 ┌ ───── ─ ────── ┐
PPEnet Info/APP Pack 96
Nodelist,Echolist,App. │
Released April 6th,1994
├ ─ ─ ─── ┤
▄ ▀▀██▄ ▄ ▀▀██▄ ▄ ▀▀██
│ ▀█▄ ▀█▌ ▀█▄ ▀█▌ ▀█▄ │
▐█▌ ▐▌ ▐█▌ ▐▌ ▐█▌
│ ▄██▌▄▀ ▄██▌▄▀ ▄██▌▄▀
│ ▀███ ▀███ ▀███ │
▐█▌ ▐█▌ ▐██▄██
└ ▀ ─── ▀ ── ▀ ── ┘
🔎︎ | PPEPAKTS.ZIP | 23.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | PPE games - Blackjack, Card Sharks & Slots They all play l PPE games - Blackjack, Card Sharks & Slots
They all play like the real games. PCBoard
🔎︎ | PR100.ZIP | 3.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | PPERUN.PPE - v1.00 - PPE Menu PPE. Checks security levels PPERUN.PPE - v1.00 - PPE Menu PPE. Checks
security levels before running the PPE in
the menu. Great for keeping those pesky
unregistered users out of your bank or lotto
PPE's! SHAREWARE by Rob Borek.
🔎︎ | PRFL100.ZIP | 12.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | User Profile Version 1.0 for PCB15.1 This PPE will allow f User Profile Version 1.0 for PCB15.1
This PPE will allow for your Users to
see information about other Users that
are on your BBS. Includes Favorite's,
Phone numbers etc. Fully Functional.
Will save up to 15 people per Index in
the UNREGISTERED form. Unlimted people
when Registered. Try it out. Will also
work while in chat when used with the
CHATMENU PPE available from TSCNet BBS.
🔎︎ | PULLD2_0.ZIP | 23.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | PullDown v2.0 pull-down menus for PCBoard15.1 Supports run << |
🔎︎ | PWA_AA1.ZIP | 2.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | ASKALL PPE V0.1 for pcboard ASKALL PPE V0.1 by DRIZZT/PWA
🔎︎ | QUOTE_ME.ZIP | 20.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | Quote-Me PPE v2.0, Quote of the day PCBoard █▒░░ Quote-Me PPE v2.0, Quote of the day ░░▒█
│ This PPE program is a quote of the day │
│ generator. That displays a random quote │
│ everytime a user logs on. It also has │
│ the ability to allow your users to add │
│ their own quotes. Uses a key file to │
│ restrict access from adding a quote. │
│ Quote-Me also displays the last caller. │
│ * And now uses a key file for upgrades * │
│ Programmer: Richard Stewart
🔎︎ | QWK_AXY1.ZIP | 3.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | [PPE] Qwk-Bar v1.0 QWK command replacement Lightbar Moveme [PPE] Qwk-Bar v1.0 ───────────────────────┐
│ PCBoard v15.1 QWK command replacement. │
│ * Lightbar Movement │
│ * Configurable Colors │
│ * Configurable Menu Screen │
🔎︎ | QWKQWK1.ZIP | 3.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | QWKQWK.ppe- Ver 1- Basic QWK system. PCBoard QWKQWK.ppe- Ver 1- Basic QWK system. Displays
menu, allows user to UL/DL & stay on-line or
log-off, select bases. Automatically detects
and defaults to users transfer protocol. Easy
interface to other PPE's. Next release will
incorporate sysop-definable reward system for
QWKing. A Banana Republic Simple PPE. By:
Francis "gorilla" Amato.
🔎︎ | QWKSTAT3.ZIP | 9.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | QWKSTATS v3.1 Last caller+Stats PPE PCBoard ╔%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%╗
║│ QWKSTATS v3.1 Last Caller + Stats PPE │║
║ A unique display shows your last caller ║
║ info along with the current users stats ║
║ combined - in one elegant screen! Shows ║
║ between WELCOME & NEWS. FREE, PPS incl. ║
🔎︎ | QXL10.ZIP | 36.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | QXL - QWK Upload Translation Utility QXL is a QWK upload t QXL - QWK Upload Translation Utility
QXL is a QWK upload translation utility
which converts a REP (QWK upload) from
one hub to another. Primarilly inten-
ded when download are obtained from a
satellite, and uploads are sent to a
dial up hub. Prevents need for conf-
iguring a second hub or extra exports.
FAST! and automatic. If you are part
of a satellite net, you need QXL!
🔎︎ | REPORT15.ZIP | 36.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | REPORT.EXE v1.5 Sysop's USERS record Report Generator - Ge ╒═══════════╡ REPORT.EXE v1.5 ╞═════════════╕
█ Sysop's USERS record Report Generator - █
█ Generates reports of user record informa- █
█ tion, showing users with matching password█
█ phone numbers, CallerID info, etc. Helps █
█ identify abusive users, multiple records, █
█ etc. Directly supports CALLERID.PPE info. █
█ By Al Segura Source Available. █
🔎︎ | REPORT18.ZIP | 38.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Sysop's USERS record Report Generator PCBoard Sysop's USERS record Report Generator -
Generates reports of user record informa-
tion, showing users with matching password
phone numbers, CallerID info, etc. Helps
identify abusive users, multiple records,
etc. Directly supports CALLERID.PPE info.
By Al Segura ver. 1.8 Source Available
🔎︎ | RH_CONF1.ZIP | 10.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Protected Conference v1.0 [PPE]. PCBoard The Protected Conference v1.0 [PPE]
🔎︎ | RH_LOGN1.ZIP | 6.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Full Screen Login Replacement v1.0 [PPE]. Full Screen Login Replacement v1.0 [PPE]
🔎︎ | RLIST007.ZIP | 5.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | THE RIPBBSLIST : RELEASE #007 - JULY 1994 The Bulletin Boa * THE RIPBBSLIST : RELEASE #007 - JULY 1994 *
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
█ ▄▄▄ █ █▄ ▄█ █ ▄▄▄ █ █ ▄▄ █▄ █ ▄▄ █▄ █ ▄▄▄▄█
█ ▄ ▄▄█ ▄█ █▄ █ ▄▄▄▄█ █ ▄▄▄ █ █ ▄▄▄ █ █▄▄▄▄ █
█▄█▄▄▄█ █▄▄▄█ █▄█ █▄▄▄▄▄█ █▄▄▄▄▄█ █▄▄▄▄▄█
▄ ▄
█ The Bulletin Board Listing of Systems █
█ that Support the RIP Graphics Emulation █
█ █
🔎︎ | SAT110.ZIP | 103.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | SAT v1.10 - Handles the influx of files from the Planet Co SAT 1.10, a PCBoard Professional Sysop Series
program, handles the influx of files from
the Planet Connect service for PCBoard
Sysops. Features include: File moving,
copying, deleting and tracking, network
copies, Usenet BAG culling, important file
alert messages, TIC file processing to
PCBoard directories, with optional DIZ
inclusion (many other options), definable
logging levels. *FREE REGISTRATION*
🔎︎ | SEC_PAK.ZIP | 2.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | BBS Security PAK Announcing the Sysop's BBS Security PAK - ╒══════════╡ BBS Security PAK ╞════════════╕
Announcing the Sysop's BBS Security PAK -
Composed of 3 PPEs (CALLBLOC, VULGARID and
CALLERID) and a USERS file Report Generator
(REPORT.EXE). Combined together to offer a
complete BBS Security System. This is the
info file explaining the basic system and
the components and where to get them.
By Al Segura Source Available.
🔎︎ | SF34_35.ZIP | 10.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Up grade from Spitfire 3.4 to 3.5 |
🔎︎ | SF35_1.ZIP | 233.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | SPITFIRE Bulletin Board System ] v3.5 1/2 System Disk ╒═[ SPITFIRE Bulletin Board System ]═╕
│ Version 3.5 - Disk 1 - System Disk │
🔎︎ | SF35_2.ZIP | 266.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | SPITFIRE Bulletin Board System ] v3.5 2/2 Utililty/DOC Dis ╒═[ SPITFIRE Bulletin Board System ]═╕
│ v3.5 - Disk 2 - Utililty/DOC Disk │
🔎︎ | SFROM13H.ZIP | 155.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | SF-ROM 1.30h * The Spitfire CD-ROM Door * Enforces Limits/ SF-ROM 1.30h * THE SPITFIRE CD-ROM DOOR *
Keeps Own Database, Enforces Limit/Ratio,
Multi-Disk, Multi-Node, File Tagging,
Text Search, Offline Requests, ZIP and
Text Viewer, Inserts BBS Ads, Supports
Pioneer Disk Changers, By Mike Robinson
🔎︎ | SKCHAT10.ZIP | 4.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | X0ESy Kopath Chat v1.0 - PCBoard PPE. A fun fake chat prog @X0ESy Kopath Chat v1.0 - PCBoard PPE.
A fun fake chat program. Quick and easy
install in CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST.
No configuration file, no maintenance!
Shareware $10. Free BBS support.
Compiled 03/16/94. Check it out today!
🔎︎ | SMB_110A.ZIP | 265.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Synchronet Message Base Specification v1.10 BBS package cr Synchronet Message Base Specification v1.10
Released 03/28/94. Designed for high volume,
high speed, multi-network, multimedia e-mail
storage and retrieval. Attention Developers:
Includes 79 page technical specification,
34 function royalty free C library, C source
code to message base utility program, and
C source code to conversion programs from
QWK, Fido (FTSC-1), Internet (RFC-822), and
Synchronet (v1c) message formats.
🔎︎ | SPOTV100.ZIP | 187.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | SpotChek v1.o PCB v15+ Upload File Processor. Includes Fi █▒░░ SpotChek v1.o ░░▒█
PCB v15+ Upload File Processor.
Includes File_id,Archive Conversion,
Message Posting,Dupe Check,TrashCan,
Virus Scan,Comments,Ad Files,Strip
Files,CRC Check,Configurable Screens,
Move File to offline dir etc....
Too many features to mention.
Free Eval. Key Included!
Exciting new Product by company
░ called Dynagrafix Developments. ░
░ ░
█▒░░ [ 1∙1 ] ░░▒█
🔎︎ | SRCH200A.ZIP | 12.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | SEARCH 2.0 [PPE] Use this great PPE as a shell type progra ░░▒ -=* S E A R C H - 2.0 *=- ▒░░
[PPE] Compiled for PCBoard 15.1.
Use this great PPE as a shell type
program for your users to locate
that certain file of interest! Can
be used as an additional command as
on Salt Air, or used to replace the
L command on your BRDM screens.
🔎︎ | SUPRT408.ZIP | 20.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Support BBS list v4.08 Technical Support BBS List for August 1994
Lists over 500 BBS's that are ran by
Commercial & Shareware Hardware/Software
Manufacturers for the support of their
products. Also included is a list of
Faxback services.
Created by Gary Barr of the Digicom BBS
812-479-1310, FREQ Updates at 1:2310/200
🔎︎ | SV_100.ZIP | 5.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | A PPLC v2.0 PPE - SURVEY.PPE v1.0 This PPE lets the sysop A PPLC v2.0 PPE -- SURVEY.PPE v1.0 This
PPE lets the sysop ask a couple of survey
questions at LOGOFF and record the users
answers in the NOTES PSA. For example
you could aske your users "Where did hear
of this BBS?" and "What is your primary
purpose in calling?" Putting their
responses in the NOTES PSA allows the
the sysop to review there responses when
they look at their user record. Source
code included.
🔎︎ | SVOTE400.ZIP | 102.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Super Vote v4.00 for PCBoard 15.1 and Above. Unlimited Vot .Super Vote v4.00 for PCBoard 15.1 and Above.
* ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ *
* █ ▄▄▄▄█ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▄▄ █ █▄▄ ▄▄█ █ ▄▄▄▄█ *
* █▄▄▄▄ █ █ █▄█ █ █ █▄█ █ █ █ █ ▄▄▄█▄ *
* █▄▄▄▄▄█ █▄▄▄▄▄█ █▄▄▄▄▄█ █▄█ █▄▄▄▄▄█ *
* *
* Unlimited Voting Booths. Unlimited voting *
* options. Censor Trashcan File. Unvoted *
* voting booth notifier. Setup program *
* emulating PCBoard setup program. Online *
* help. Multi-Lingual Operation Support.
🔎︎ | SWHO10.ZIP | 4.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | SuperWho [PPE] - v1.0 - GO/4 Software. A fun replacement f @X0ASuperWho [PPE] - v1.0 - GO/4 Software. A
fun replacement for your WHO command that
will show fake users on your system. Limited
only by your imagination. Free BBS and voice
support for registered users! No delays or
beg screens. Fully functional. Released on
04/18/94. Check it out today!
🔎︎ | TAGD27.ZIP | 129.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | T.A.G. BBS Version 2.7 Documentation Package. T.A.G. BBS Version 2.7 Documentation
🔎︎ | TAGFAM24.ZIP | 137.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | File Area Manager for T.A.G. BBS 2.7. |
🔎︎ | TAGM27.ZIP | 391.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | T.A.G. BBS Version 2.7 Main Programs. |
🔎︎ | TAGR27.ZIP | 28.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | TAG BBS message C, Pascal structures. |
🔎︎ | TB51_1.ZIP | 272.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | TriBBS 5.1 - The hottest and best shareware BBS available. TriBBS 5.1 - The hottest and best shareware
BBS available. Features multinode support,
RIPScrip graphics, Zmodem, full-screen
editor, extensive netmail support, extensive
door support, compressed message base, alias
support, indexed file areas, and more. This
has many new features and enhancements. Try
the easiest to use BBS there is, try TriBBS
today! Part 1 of 2.
🔎︎ | TB51_2.ZIP | 209.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | TriBBS 5.1 - The hottest and best shareware BBS. Part 2 o TriBBS 5.1 - The hottest and best shareware
BBS. Part 2 of 2. Try TriBBS Today!
🔎︎ | TCP_INFO.ZIP | 1.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Information file for BBS in New Hampshire that provides in Information file for BBS in New Hampshire that caters to the traveler. Get
vacation information on hundreds of camping, lodging, skiing, attractions,
dining, etc. We also cater to After Dark screen savers for Windows. If you
are looking for After Dark programming info we have that too!
🔎︎ | THD10BET.ZIP | 117.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | THD ProScan Version 10m BETA Includes THDPRO.EXE / THDINST THD ProScan Version 10m BETA
and THDTERM.EXE betas.
A functional preview of things to come.
Fixes some problems with 9.1 as well as
including a few features of the upcoming
version 10.0. Very limited documentation.
See THD10BET.TXT for details.
Feedback is encouraged, but not required.
🔎︎ | THTMNU12.ZIP | 8.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | This PPE will create a list of all PPE's and Door's you ha This PPE will create a list of all PPE's and
Door's you have on your System and then you
Will be able to run all of these from One
Command and Menu, I use this as the OPEN
Command for my System. The Master @ < |
🔎︎ | THTUP118.ZIP | 10.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Full Screen Upload PPE for PCBoard Full Screen Upload PPE for PCB 15.0
& PCB 15.1 Many new enhancment's in this
version more ERROR Checking for Valid
FileNames, Configurable as far as Where
the Box will display on the Screen and
some Colors. Now with Random Screens.
Added Support For RoBoCom user's now
if this is found to be true the ppe exits
and uses the stock PCB Prompts.
Now Support's Local Uploads!!!
FREEWARE from < |
🔎︎ | TIMEV110.ZIP | 3.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Time.ppe for PCBoard that reports time utilitzation of you @X0ETime.ppe @X0Fv1.10
░░ ░░
░░ @X0FA small @X0BPPE @X0Fthat reports the current @X0B ░░
░░ @X0Ftime of day on your BBS, the amount of@X0B ░░
░░ @X0Ftime that the user has been online, @X0B ░░
░░ @X0Fand the time remaining online. Also @X0B ░░
░░ @X0Fallows the user to @X0Ewager @X0A10 minutes @X0Fof@X0B ░░
░░ @X0Ftime remaining to gain 20 minutes @X0B ░░
░░ @X0Fadditional time online. Free
🔎︎ | TLOCK_11.ZIP | 10.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | TRUELOCK [PPE] v1.1 RELEASE! PPE designed to TRULY LOCK ou ╒═════╡ TRUELOCK [PPE] v1.1 RELEASE! ╞══════╕
│PPE designed to TRULY LOCK out UNWANTED│
│callers. Logs to caller's log, a log-file│
│and/or sends a message. Multi-node support│
│with debugging and diagnostics mode. Not│
│the 1st caller-ID blocker but the MOST│
│PPI and non-CID modems supported. │
│PCB v15.1 and caller-ID service required.│
╘═╡ Fully Functional Shareware (Reg: $15) ╞═╛
🔎︎ | TNTD075G.ZIP | 16.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | Tnt Software T.A.G. BBS Developer's Kit 0.75 |
🔎︎ | TRIAL1.ZIP | 5.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Trial.PPE v1.0 Nice expired user PPE. Gives user choice of ***** Trial.PPE v1.0 *****
Nice expired user PPE. Gives
user choice of killing own
account. Sysop definable
menus/displays, File d/ls,
and PPE execution. Will also
TCAN user name & alias to
help deter leeches.
🔎︎ | TRISIM1.ZIP | 49.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | TriSim v1.0 -If you are having problems with TriBBS Bullet -- TriSim v1.0 --
If you are having problems with TriBBS
Bulletin Board System. This Program will
Help you in all the options that are
available to you on your Local BBS without
Dialing the Modem and waste your valuable
time on the BBS.
🔎︎ | TSCV06.ZIP | 139.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Spiro Collection v0.6 [PPE] New User Password and Voti The Spiro Collection v0.6 [PPE]
■ New User Password and Voting
■ Oneliners
■ Everything configured in a GUI
🔎︎ | TVIEW34.ZIP | 28.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | TextView PPE 3.4 by Joseph Sheppard. For PCBoard BBS V15.x TextView PPE 3.4 by Joseph Sheppard. For
PCBoard BBS V15.x. Used for displaying text
information to your callers in a format
similar to the PCBoard Bulletin section.
Great for Online Magazines. TextView menu
items can launch other Text Features or
PPE's! Many improvements! This release
allows more configuration options, and
seamless operation (no program ID) for
registered users!
🔎︎ | UC2DIZ10.ZIP | 44.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | UC2DIZ 1.0 - UCIIDiz Catcher For PCB Whoomp quickest. FIL UC2DIZ 1.0 - UCII / Diz Catcher For PCB
░ Whoomp Here It Is! ░
░ The first, the only, the quickest.. ░
░ FILE_ID.DIZ extractor for the new ░
▒ UltraCompressor II archive utility! ▒
░ Better than SPAM! ░
░ Brought to you by Stimpy.. ░
░ Peace To All In 1994 ░
🔎︎ | ULP107B.ZIP | 229.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | UpLoadProcessor 1.07b for PCBoard. Detects all file format UpLoadProcessor 1.07b for PCBoard. Detects
all file formats by SIGNATURE. Converts
archive formats. Processes uncompressed
files, nested archives and imbedded paths.
Integrated CRC dual duplication detection
system, ZDCS supported. Inserts FILE_ID.DIZ
and adds info lines. Supports non-standard
ports and FOSSIL drivers. Includes both event
and online programs. Menu-driven
configuration. Maintenance release...
🔎︎ | ULTHED19.ZIP | 47.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | THE ULTIMATE File Directory System for PCBoard! Processes UltraHeaders v1.9 for PCBoard - The Ultimate
File Directory System. It processes your
file directories and creates nice looking
graphical outputs. Processes 15 Gigabytes
in under 5 seconds! Many choices to choose
from. For PCBoard v14.x/v15.x. This update
makes single screen listings look nicer.
🔎︎ | UPCHK401.ZIP | 78.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | UPCHECK 4.01, This program will check your uploads for vir ┌─┬─────────────────────────────────────┬─┐
│°│UPCHECK 4.01, This program will check│°│
│°│your uploads for viruses, old files,│°│
│°│CRC duplicates and remove unwanted│°│
│°│files, as well as let you add an│°│
│°│advertisement of your own. For all│°│
│°│BBS Types, however if using Remote│°│
│°│Access 2.00, this program will also│°│
│°│insert the FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI and│°│
│°│DESC.SDN files automatically into│°│
│°│your filebase and write the user an│°│
│°│explanation m
🔎︎ | USERBLOT.ZIP | 9.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Userlister 2.0 for pcb 15.1 USERLISTER 2.0 FOR PCB 15.1+
🔎︎ | USRPRF11.ZIP | 51.1K | Jan 31, 2003 | User Profiler (the MatchMaker PPE) Ver 1.1 A user Bio, Mat User Profiler (the MatchMaker PPE)
Ver 1.1
A user Bio, MatchMaking PPE that
is lightining Fast, very flexible,
zero sysop maintenance. Fully
definable sysop question set.
(sample question set included)
Users love this PPE, give it a
try today.
GO/4 Software Release.
🔎︎ | VBBS614A.ZIP | 745.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | VBBS 6.14 MULTINODE/MULTINETWORK BBS This 4-channel versio VBBS 6.14 MULTINODE/MULTINETWORK BBS
This 4-channel version of VBBS has an
integral front end mailer and tosser.
Completely customizeable look and
feel. Supports an unlimited number of
conferences and messages. Compatible
with FIDO, UUCP, WWIV, and local type
networks. DEMO VERSION.
Registration: $99.
Virtual Technologies: 210-787-2443.
🔎︎ | VOTE300.ZIP | 31.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Voter+ v3.0 - User Voting [PPE] for PCBoard Unlimited Voti Voter++ v3.0 - User Voting [PPE]
*Many New Options For You!*
A full featured Voting door for your PCB
15.1 (or better) system. Complete sysop
control on all questions and answers.
Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics!
Two minute setup, no maintenance!
View results in Chart or Text format!
**GO/4 Software** *Download today!*
🔎︎ | VSL_PHUN.ZIP | 9.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | Very Strange Lines 1.OO PPE PCBoard oneliner Very Strange Lines 1.OO [PPE]
🔎︎ | WC391_S.ZIP | 129.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Upgrade from Wildcat 3.90 to Wildcat 3.91. This will ONLY Upgrade from Wildcat 3.90 to Wildcat 3.91.
This will ONLY work with a true registered
version of Wildcat BBS software.
🔎︎ | WHOSON12.ZIP | 17.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Sysop utility for DOS based BBSs running under Windows 3.1 Sysop utility for DOS based BBSs running
under Windows 3.1. Reqs VBRUN300. Works
with most standard DOOR.SYS BBS's.
🔎︎ | WHOV036.ZIP | 12.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | WHO [PPE2] V0.36 for PCBoard 15.1 DOS/NETWARE/DV aware WHO [PPE2] V0.36β - PCB 15.1+ ──═╡ TB ╞═──
- NEW: Support TB_Q_PPE format (info in!)
- SelfUpdateMode monitor (kbd check OFF!)
- NEW: during SUM - scroll up to 250 chars
(YOU enter!) through the bottom screen!
- NEW: display names/infos of PPE's being
used on other nodes!
- full functioning - no cripple ware!
- up to 99 lines
- design YOUR own header (max 4 lines)
- design YOUR own tail (max 4 lines)
- chose YOUR colours
- design YOUR own sy
🔎︎ | WI_11.ZIP | 137.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | WhatIs 1.1 THE definitive file description utility for sys LiveSystems WhatIs 1.1 (bugrelease)
The final filedescription utility. Usable
from DOS (WI.EXE), from within Norton
commander (NC_WI.EXE) or from within any
other program. (EXT_WI.EXE) Has special
support for RAMgr and 4dos. Imports
VENDINFO.DIZ. Recognises and gives info
about GIF, PCX, TIF, TGA, JPG, BMP, FLI and
all other AutoDesc animator formats, DBF, NG,
TrueType fonts, MID, MOD, ROL, CMF, BNK, TRI,
JUM, PCK, EXE (and exe compressors) Windows
EXE and
🔎︎ | WIPEV073.ZIP | 50.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Wipe [ppe2] v0.73β - pcb 15.1 Wipe can create and destroy WIPE [PPE2] V0.73β - PCB 15.1+ ──═╡ TB ╞═──
- Delete/Move Fake Files
- Create DUMMY files to prevent double U/L
- Adjust Bytes for all USER(S) downloaded a
faked file!
- Adjust Bytes for faked USER(s).
- Write all changes to filelist
- Easy-to-use DUMMY-file(s) creator editor
- Fully configurable for each user.
- Fast: access all matchdata in a 1 MB file-
list on a 386sx25/NOVELL System in 4 secs.
- De
🔎︎ | WORLD06.ZIP | 22.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | BBS World Magazine, June 1994 Shadowland Software's monthl BBS World Magazine, June 1994 Shadowland
Software's monthly BBSing magazine on disk!
🔎︎ | WTHRV118.ZIP | 327.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | WEATHER - Weather Report Generator for BBS WEATHER - Weather Report Generator for Your BBS!
A great program for Sysops to provide additional
functionality to their systems.
Downloads weather information and optionally places
Sysop-specified headers and footers in the text,
creating bulletins, newsletters, or online text files
for users to view.
Up-to-date and accurate too. WEATHER uses a 1-800
number to call out on, so it costs the system NOTHING
in phone charges.
Uses COM ports 1-4 and/or allows DIGIboard users to
use WEATHER on t
🔎︎ | WTU_NEWC.ZIP | 2.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | NewFile Count PPE for PCBoard by date by dir Newcount PPE v1.0β From WizWare Software
PCB 15.1 PPE will count the number of files
that are dated at the current date from the
DIR file. You can show your users how many
uploads for the day including local uploads
🔎︎ | WXMAN23.ZIP | 46.7K | Jan 31, 2003 | WxMan v2.3 WEATHER BULLETIN GENERATOR Generates bulletins WxMan v2.3 WEATHER BULLETIN GENERATOR
Generates bulletins formats for many
different BBS packages using data from
the DUAT weather information service.
Requires FOSSIL driver. Multitasker
support, configurable color codes, and
minimal system requirements make this
the best weather package out there!
Shareware - Registration $15
🔎︎ | WXNERD24.ZIP | 90.4K | Jan 31, 2003 | WxNerd v2.4 WEATHER BULLETIN MODIFIER This is weather bull WxNerd v2.4 WEATHER BULLETIN MODIFIER
This is the 2nd. public release of
WxNerd , the weather bulletin
modifier for your BBS! WxNerd
strips the advert. lines generated
by WXMAN. Tired of seeing the program
authors name in your WXMAN bulletins,
then WxNerd is for you...............
Designed for use with WXMAN21&22.
Supports ANSI & ASCII files.
It ain't Free...but it's CHEAP
AND it works!
🔎︎ | WXPCB.ZIP | 3.9K | Jan 31, 2003 | WXPCB.PPE, Places reports generated by WXMAN XX in a simpl WXPCB.PPE, Places reports generated
by WXMAN{XX} in a simple menu driven
format that your users will enjoy
using. The Registered version will
allow up to ten (10) different reports
to be placed at your users fingers in
a snap. Registered users will have
the ability to choose from six (6)
different menu screens, included in
the registered package Compiled under
CDC's PPLC V2.00 WXPCB is a fully
configurable Weather Report Generator.
🔎︎ | XCBVHELP.ZIP | 4.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | XCBV help file for Renegade v05-09+. Will allow XCBV to ru Small util to trick XCBV 2.3 into
working with Renegade 5-9exp.
Written by Joel Alt.
🔎︎ | XLT117_A.ZIP | 387.0K | Jan 31, 2003 | Osiris XLT v 1.17 [1/4] BBS program. |
🔎︎ | XLT117_B.ZIP | 371.2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Osiris XLT v 1.17 [2/4] BBS Program. |
🔎︎ | XLT117_C.ZIP | 403.6K | Jan 31, 2003 | Osiris XLT v 1.17 [3/4] BBS Program. |
🔎︎ | XLT117_D.ZIP | 410.8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Osiris XLT v 1.17 [4/4] BBS Program. |
🔎︎ | YANKEE.ZIP | 29.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | YankeeNet Netork Info Packet ------YANKEE NET INTERNATIONAL------
The friendliest mail network in the
world! You'll never be treated better
on any other net. Rules aren't strict
but no adult/profanity allowed.
Some of the conferences are Dieting,
OS/2, Armed Forces, BBS DoorWare,
Parenting, CLEAN Humor, Education,
Health and Diet, Hunting
and Fishing, Photography, Shareware,
Teens, Youth, Chocolate Lovers,
Geneology, For Sale, Horticulture,
🔎︎ | ZIPBR111.ZIP | 43.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | ZIP Brand FAST! v1.11. A (BBS) util to brandZIP files in a ZIP Brand FAST! v1.11. A (BBS) util to
brand .ZIP files in a whole directory
tree SAFELY and QUICKLY with a comment
or banner taken from a file. Typically
processing speed is 20+++ files a sec.
Advanced but very easy to use.Does NOT
use external programs as PKZIP or Info
ZIP. DOS version. US$ 10 Shareware.
🔎︎ | ZNEWS97F.ZIP | 54.3K | Jan 31, 2003 | ZipNews; FAST Usenet News access for PCBoard, Wildcat!, Wa ZipNews; FAST Usenet News access for PCBoard,
Wildcat!, Waffle, & other BBSs; v0.97f BETA.
Can handle news article uploads from the new
ZipNews Reader/Mailer (available separately).
Registered version of the door can handle
Internet E-mail downloads and uploads in
addition to Usenet NEWS. Like the various PCB
gateways, this door only needs Waffle for the
uucp transport & news/mail setup; its primary
advantage is all msgs are in Internet format.
Registration - $19.95, unlimited BBS nodes!
🔎︎ | ZURS1.ZIP | 220.5K | Jan 31, 2003 | ZDCS/ULP REMOTE SHELL v1.0Beta-Automatically create zdcste ZDCS/ULP REMOTE SHELL v1.0Beta - Automatical
ly create zdcstest.chk and verify.ulp files
that allow you to pre-test your uploads.
Quick and easy to use, will run from inside
your terminal program. req VGA.
By: Don Pellegrino reg $10.00
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