What comprises Internet Services?

Internet Services are available via CRC Net, a telecommunications network operated by Concentric Research Corporation (CRC). The goal of CRC is to provide our customers with convenient access to our rapidly-growing Information Service (CRIS), our full-featured Internet/WWW Gateway, as well as inexpensive connectivity to a range of the best bulletin board systems systems in the country.

If you want to discuss topics from archaeology to sports, listen to music, connect to shops, enter multi-player games, transfer files across the Internet, send and receive electronic mail, explore Gopherspace and the World Wide Web -- for all these and more, CRC Net is your complete communications solution.

Any one of these features would make accessing CRC Services worthwhile. The combination -- BBS Direct, the Internet Gateway, and the Information Service -- let CRC Net connect you to the world like no one else!

What is the CRC Internet Service ?

CRC's Internet Serices provide a standard UNIX-based system, from which you have full access to the Internet. In addition to all of the usual UNIX features, we provide additional software packages to make using the Internet easier for the new user.

The Internet Gateway provides access to the following features, among others:

Each customer is given an individual account space, including a unique Internet electronic mail address and the ability to upload and download files between CRC Net and the local system, whether that is home, business, or educational.

The Internet Gateway also features an on-line hypertext help system, with explanations of the major packages, and provides documentation which can be read or downloaded, covering a variety of topics.

WWW Gateway

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