Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | | 17.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | A2R v1.00 - Ansi to Rip conversionutility. Converts ANSI s A2R v1.00 - Ansi to Rip conversion
utility. Converts ANSI screens to
RIP format for use with new RIP
standard terminals. Fully functional
user supported software. $20.00 (US)
🔎︎ | | 127.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | AIR 2.02 - Ansi-In-Rip=-Wrap your BBS system messages in g --==AIR 2.02 - Ansi-In-Rip==--
Wrap your BBS system messages in great
looking RIP window frames. Two command
line modes, and an interactive mode.
Configurable Sysop message in frame, 10
pre-drawn frames available.
🔎︎ | | 8.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | This program creates a RIP calendar for eachmonth. Freewar This program creates a RIP calendar for each
month. Freeware
🔎︎ | | 62.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | CNFNRIP Creates ripscripts for CNFNR from theCNAMES file. CNFNRIP Creates ripscripts for CNFNR from the
CNAMES file. A screen or multi screens are
created WITHOUT the need for RIPAINT. With
Ripaint the same screens took several hours
to do what, this does it in Minutes. My users
think it's the greatest! Buttons instead of
entering conference numbers. Now unlimited
🔎︎ | | 5.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | A Batch file that converts PCX files to RIPIcons. A Batch file that converts PCX files to RIP
🔎︎ | | 3.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | CRD v1.12: Will poll your users for Rip andif it is detect CRD v1.12: Will poll your users for Rip and
if it is detected will set a Flag, this will
allow you to implement Rip on your system
without having to resort to painful things
such as language files etc!
🔎︎ | | 112.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | Cheap Rip Paint program with save and editing abilties. Cheap Rip Paint program with save and editing abilties...
🔎︎ | | 16.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIP graphic display file of days Left tillChristmas. RIP graphic display file of days Left till
🔎︎ | | 10.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 1.5M | Nov 04, 2022 | DDO-F/X SDK - 1.30 - DDO-F/X Developers Kit.=The DDO-F/X S DDO-F/X SDK - 1.30 - DDO-F/X Developers Kit.
The DDO-F/X SDK is a developers pack that
contains the full specifications to the
DDO-F/X scripting language that can be used
in any BBS system or BBS door. This file has
many helpful utilities for generating a
DDO-F/X application, and also includes a full
Tutorial with example scripts and resources.
========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
🔎︎ | | 272.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | Dead Paint Ver. 3.0 shareware (=The easy to use and easy t =) Dead Paint Ver. 3.0 shareware (=
The easy to use and easy to own RIP
paint program is back UNCRIPPLED,
and it's packed with features!
≡ Objects Copy/Paste/Delete/Move
≡ All draw tools ≡ Button/Icon
≡ Full buttons styles support
≡ Text import ≡ PCX import
≡ Windows .ICO and more!
nagware...but only $25 reg. fee
includes freeware DeadView 3.1
🔎︎ | | 14.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 87.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | DLRIP v1.2 - Allow Users to DL Rip Iconsand/or FORCED file DLRIP v1.2 - Allow Users to DL Rip Icons
and/or FORCED file.
🔎︎ | | 483.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | Version 4.0· · =) Dead Paint version 4.0 shareware (= The ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ ┬┬──┐ ┌┬──┐ ┌┬──┐ ┬┬──┐ │
│ >┼< ├┤ │ ├┼─ ├┼──┤ ├┤ │ >┼< │
│ ┴┴──┘ └┴──┘ └┘ ┘ ┴┴──┘ │
│┌┬──┐ ┌┬──┐ ┌┐ ┌┬─┐ ┐ ┌─┬┬─┐ ┌┐ ┐ │ │ │
│├┼──┘ ├┼──┤ ├┤ ├┤ │ │ ├┤ └┤ │ └──┼ │
│└┘ └┘ ┘ └┘ └┘ └─┘ └┘ └──┘■ ┴ │
├────────── · ·· Version 4.0· · ──────────┤
│ =) Dead Paint version 4.0 shareware (= │
│ │
│ The easy to use and easy to own RIP │
│ paint program is back uncrippled, │
│ and it's packed with features! │
│ │
│ Save/Load, Objects Copy/Paste/Delete/ │
│ Move, All draw tools, Button/Icon,Full │
│ buttons styles support, Text import, │
│ PCX import, Windows .ICO, and more! │
│ │
🔎︎ | | 94.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | Dead View 3.0 - RIP Graphics Screen Viewer. Dead View 3.0 - RIP Graphics Screen Viewer.
🔎︎ | | 271.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | FlatLine v1.03 - Powerful RIP editor/paintertool. FlatLine v1.03 - Powerful RIP editor/painter
🔎︎ | | 128.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | Freeview 1.2, An awsome command line *.RIP file Viewer! *F Freeview 1.2, An awsome command line *.RIP
file Viewer! **FREEWARE** Supports &
displays every RIP command. Great for
viewing RIPs in messages with an offline mail
reader. It has a trace mode for finding
problems with RIPs. Requires EGA or better
graphics and 300Kb free memory. Supports VGA
and Adlib sound.
🔎︎ | | 77.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | FX RIP v.beta 1=-=-=-=-RIP Users can now have RIP & FXSoun -=-=-=-=FX RIP v.beta 1=-=-=-=-
RIP Users can now have RIP & FX
Sound on Virtually ANY BBS & in
Virtually ANY ANSI\Text Door as
well as Interactive RIP Offline
Both RIP 1.54 and 2.2 formats!
Requires RIPterm 1.54 or 2.2
FREEWARE by Mike Collard
Midnight's Realm (505)831-0797
🔎︎ | | 748.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | Waves for FX Sound System |
🔎︎ | | 6.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | Heartbeat is a free program that displayswhat looks like a Heartbeat is a free program that displays
what looks like a heart/life monitor. Its
animated graphics give a stunning yet
functional display of yours TBBS Systems
performance meters. Heartbeat requires two
things! First, its a RIP Only application
and second, it requires ASR's Monitor TSR
version 1.x or higher.
🔎︎ | | 33.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | Write a companion .RIP file to any .BBS or.SCR file which Write a companion .RIP file to any .BBS or
.SCR file which is constantly changing due to
some programs making a HELLOxx.BBS (SCR) or
BULLxx.BBS (SCR) after they are run.
🔎︎ | | 50.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 555.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | IconUpDater v 2.66 w/RIP Force callers to use RIPgraphics! ░░░▒▒ IconUpDater v 2.66 w/RIP ▒▒░░░
Force callers to use RIPgraphics!!!!!
Supports ANSI & RIP custom screens @-codes.
This is the ULTIMATE Icon UpDater Door! This
thing is so packed with options you wouldn't
believe it. Added new Space Saver feature
for you callers. Menu driven config and
Manual programs making setting up this
highly configurable Door easy! Has a time
function, so user time does't get wasted!
Support for DOS 6.2. Add 2 files of you own
to the main menu to offer your callers, for
offering RIPterm or your Member DOCs.
Forced fill features. No Sysop Maintenance.
over 5 support program include. Great
Icon Maintenacne! MUST use DSZ or GSZ
transfer protocols. Also supports the ANSI
caller, so we can get them switched to RIP!
Call DUOnline for a DEMO Key. 513-860-1191.
🔎︎ | | 476.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | IconUpDater v 3.23 w/RIP This is the ULTIMATE Icon UpDater ░░░▒▒ IconUpDater v 3.23 w/RIP ▒▒░░░
This is the ULTIMATE Icon UpDater Door!
This Door is so packed with options you wouldn't
believe it. This program seems to have everything
Worth every second of download time!!!!
Now CUSTOMIZE IconUpDater to your BBS look by
creating your own .RIP and .BBS screens.
IconUpDater support @-codes.
Supports Wildcat 4.0 & 3.x, DOOR.SYS,
Main Module re-write! Great online
help for those user who are new to BBSing!!
Add 3 files of you own to the main menu to
offer your callers; like offering RIPterm
or your Member DOCs. Forced file features.
No Sysop Maintenance. Over 5 support program
include. Great Icon Maintenance!
MUST use DSZ or GSZ transfer protocols.
Also supports the ANSI and ASCII caller,
so we can get them switched to RIP!
Call DUOnline for a DEMO Key. 513-860-1191.
🔎︎ | | 231.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | JDRAW 4.2 is a RIP based draw program that canbe used for JDRAW 4.2 is a RIP based draw program that can
be used for creating RIP graphics very easily
and quickly.
JDRAW features a "Windows" like interface not
commonly found in DOS programs. Most of its
features are just a mouse click away.
JDRAW even contains powerful features such as
zoom and wizards. These are often missing from
even the more expensive RIP draw programs.
🔎︎ | | 176.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | JDraw Lite v2.1: A RipScrip compatibleeditor. Can be used JDraw Lite v2.1: A RipScrip compatible
editor. Can be used freely for non-profit
use. Contains additional information for
obtaining the professional version of JDRAW.
BONUS: Every registration of JDRAW also
includes a registered copy of JMedia, our RIP
menu maker. Now you can order by credit card,
see ORDER.TXT for details.
🔎︎ | | 388.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | JMedia v1.1: The ultimate graphics programfor creating pre JMedia v1.1: The ultimate graphics program
for creating presentations, demos, magazines,
tutorials, and RIP BBS menu screens. JMedia
is a complete authoring system. It comes
complete with an Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) allowing you to edit,test,
and debug your applications. Now you can
order by credid card, see ORDER.TXT. Full
shareware version, not crippled in any way.
🔎︎ | | 160.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | JScreen v1.0: The easiest program to createRIPScrip menus. JScreen v1.0: The easiest program to create
RIPScrip menus. Requires EGA/VGA and Mouse.
🔎︎ | | 226.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | JView v5.2: A RIP Scrip viewer. Fast andreliable. View fil JView v5.2: A RIP Scrip viewer. Fast and
reliable. View files with the file selector
or by command line. Also views Windows 3 ICO
files. Now even faster and more compatible!!!
Also includes file tagging/viewing and slide
show mode. The best RIP viewer available!!!
Text Window, Ansi Graphics and music! Every
registration of JView includes _REGISTERED_
🔎︎ | | 32.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | LOGINICN v01.00; Download RIP icons at LoginLet your users LOGINICN v01.00; Download RIP icons at Login
Let your users download your RIP icons at
login, without having to search file areas or
bulletins to find the icon file name. Now
works for any BBS system that uses a DOOR.SYS
.ANS/.ASC/.RIP external display file support.
Auto-RIP mode detect. Non-Standard Com Ports.
🔎︎ | | 5.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 40.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | MakeIcn v1.10: RIP Icon Editor MakeIcn v1.10: RIP Icon Editor
🔎︎ | | 58.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | BBS Utiliteez Software MAX'ed v1.10 works with any ANSI BB ┌────────────────────────┐
│ BBS Utiliteez Software │
│ MAX'ed v1.10 works with any ANSI BBS door │
│ and lets it run in a window in MAXterm as │
│ if the door already has MAX capabilities. │
│ Allows you to specify a custom MAX screen │
│ file on the command line, or you may also │
│ use the internally generated screen file. │
│ No configuration files needed at all, the │
│ program is fully command line driven, and │
│ has built in support for UART, DigiBoard, │
│ & Fossil communications, non standard IRQ │
│ & port addresses supported as well. FREE! │
🔎︎ | | 48.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | MegaClip v2.2: Screen Clipping Utility.Supports standard E MegaClip v2.2: Screen Clipping Utility.
Supports standard EGA/VGA and SVGA modes.
Open/Save PCX, BMP, and RIP icon files.
Archive also contains a catalog of the latest
shareware titles from Blueview Software.
Requires EGA/VGA/SVGA and Mouse. From the
makers of NFX and Raster Master
🔎︎ | | 196.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 174.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | MI-RIP Graphics Script Editor 1.05 Edit the RIP scripts be █▒░░ MI-RIP Graphics Script Editor 1.05 ░░▒█
Edit the RIP scripts being used on several
Bulletin Board Systems now. Allows you to
load, edit, and save your script files. The
program is WildCat! smart for some of their
screen @@ variables such as @BBS@ and colors
to better get an idea of what the script will
look like to the users. From John Haro, the
creater of MI-Programs.
🔎︎ | | 19.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | MKSFMENU v1.5; Create Display File Menus ForSpitFire BBS! MKSFMENU v1.5; Create Display File Menus For
SpitFire BBS! Supports ASCII, ANSI and RIP
🔎︎ | | 72.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | MagniPaint V3.8: Commercial quality editorfor creating and MagniPaint V3.8: Commercial quality editor
for creating and manipulating small graphic
images. Read/Write PCX, Windows BMP/ICO and
RIP icons. Features a paint program look with
a number of drawing tools. Features 16 and
256 color support. BONUS PROGRAMS WHEN YOU
REGISTER!!! Requires VGA/SVGA and Mouse. From
the makers of NFX, Nicon, MegaClip, Raster
Master, Marble Guess, and Young Picasso!!!
🔎︎ | | 105.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | MagniPaint v4.0:Commercial quality editorfor creating and MagniPaint v4.0:Commercial quality editor
for creating and manipulating small graphic
images. Read/Write PCX, Windows BMP/ICO and
RIP icons. Features a paint program look with
a number of drawing tools. Features 16 and
256 color support. Order By Credit Card
with PsL. From the makers of NFX and JView.
Fixes video problems encountered with earlier
verions! Registered users also receive a RIP
draw program!!! << BLUEVIEW SOFTWARE >>
🔎︎ | | 319.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | BBS Utiliteez Software The MAX Graphics GUI Kit v2.03 - Al ┌────────────────────────┐
│ BBS Utiliteez Software │
│ The MAX Graphics GUI Kit v2.03 - Allows a │
│ person to write MAX SVGA doors with full │
│ local SVGA Graphics. This kit requires a │
│ copy of the TDK door development kit, and │
│ the FastGraph or FastGraph/Light graphics │
│ library. Fully Borland/Turbo Pascal v7.0 │
│ compatible, and 100% freeware as always. │
🔎︎ | | 542.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | BBS Utiliteez Software MAXpaint v2.10 is "The" MAX screen, ┌────────────────────────┐
│ BBS Utiliteez Software │
│ MAXpaint v2.10 is "The" MAX screen, icon, │
│ image, and mouse cursor designer program. │
│ So many functions that it's impossible to │
│ list them all in this limited space. Main │
│ features include "Full" mouse navigation, │
│ 256 color mouse cursor designer, graphics │
│ image slicer, MIF (MAX Image File) saver, │
│ MAX icon editor, and a high quality MAX │
│ screen editor with intelligent MAX syntax │
│ checking. Now even faster than before, NO │
│ MORE BGI GRAPHICS CODE! Now operates more │
│ like MS Windows or IBM OS/2 complete with │
│ a drag and drop graphical user interface. │
│ Just an all around better paint program!! │
🔎︎ | | 234.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | MAXterm v2.11 source code, written using BP7,FastGraph v5. MAXterm v2.11 source code, written using BP7,
FastGraph v5.01 and Async Professional v2.03.
Copyright 1995-1999 * Larry L Athey (LA-Soft)
All rights reserved, not "Public Domainware"!
🔎︎ | | 403.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | BBS Utiliteez Software MAXterm β2.05 - The way to give any ┌────────────────────────┐
│ BBS Utiliteez Software │
│ MAXterm β2.05 - The way to give any BBS a │
│ 640x480x256 SVGA graphical user interface │
│ complete with full digital sound. No need │
│ to switch to a new BBS package to keep up │
│ with the times! MAX Graphics is a drop in │
│ addition to any BBS that gives your users │
│ capabilities and features IMPOSSIBLE with │
│ other graphical terminal emulations! Best │
│ of all, the MAXscript language is humanly │
│ readable unlike RIPscrip! MAXterm is now │
│ even faster than before, more compact and │
│ uses less memory than ANY other graphical │
│ terminal program! Best of all MAXterm can │
│ be used as an external protocol as well!! │
🔎︎ | | 261.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | BBS Utiliteez Software MAXterm Plug-Ins β2.05 is an archiv ┌────────────────────────┐
│ BBS Utiliteez Software │
│ MAXterm Plug-Ins β2.05 is an archive that │
│ contains plug in modules for use with the │
│ MAXterm SVGA terminal program. Contained │
│ in this archive is a MAX screen viewer, a │
│ MAX icon editor, a MAX v1.XX to MAX v2.XX │
│ screen file convertor, and a complete MAX │
│ tutorial/reference file. Installation is │
│ easy, just copy all of the files in this │
│ archive to the MAXterm program directory. │
🔎︎ | | 265.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | BBS Utiliteez Software MAXterm Plug-Ins v2.10 is an archiv ┌────────────────────────┐
│ BBS Utiliteez Software │
│ MAXterm Plug-Ins v2.10 is an archive that │
│ contains plug in modules for use with the │
│ MAXterm SVGA terminal program. Contained │
│ in this archive is a MAX screen viewer, a │
│ MAX icon editor, a MAX v1.XX to MAX v2.XX │
│ screen file convertor, and a complete MAX │
│ tutorial/reference file. Installation is │
│ easy, just copy all of the files in this │
│ archive to the MAXterm program directory. │
🔎︎ | | 307.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | BBS Utiliteez Software MAXupdate v2.03 - is a FREEWARE doo ┌────────────────────────┐
│ BBS Utiliteez Software │
│ MAXupdate v2.03 - is a FREEWARE door that │
│ automatically updates a caller's MAXterm │
│ terminal program, and graphics resources. │
│ This program eliminates the need for you │
│ to notify users to download new versions │
│ of the terminal program, or to download a │
│ new graphics resource .PKG file when ever │
│ you change your screens or add a new door │
│ to the system. MAX-Update can be run as a │
│ regular door, or can be run in Front End │
│ Mode between your BBS and Mailer. Program │
│ now verifies resource CRC32 values before │
│ updating and TDK source code is included, │
│ as well as a BBS waiting for caller unit. │
🔎︎ | | 31.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | Pcx2Rip v1.1: A true pcx to rip converter.This is NOT a pc Pcx2Rip v1.1: A true pcx to rip converter.
This is NOT a pcx/bmp to rip icon converter.
It converts PCX files to actual rip codes.
You must see it to believe it!!!
🔎︎ | | 65.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | Pcx2Rip v2.0: A true PCX/BMP to RipScripconverter. This is Pcx2Rip v2.0: A true PCX/BMP to RipScrip
converter. This is NOT a PCX/BMP to RipScrip
icon converter. It converts PCX/BMP files to
actual rip codes.NEW! scan types and palette
Also contains info on JDraw v4 (aka Ripaint
killer), an object oriented RipScrip editor.
🔎︎ | | 457.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 145.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | Phripk2-2 ZIP Error fixed !{ Phantom rip kit V 2.0 ) Final Phripk2-2 ZIP Error fixed !
┌──{ Phantom rip kit V 2.0 )───────────────┐
│ Finally a simple way to set up instant │
│ RIP MENUS & rip screens for your BBS. │
│ This is a Complete screen system for your│
│bbs. NO rip editing! just edit .CNF files!│
│*Multi menu, Multi paged, Multi conf's │
│ all in an easy to use format! No mess No │
│ fuss! SHARE WARE $20 NON CRIPPLED!!!!!!! │
🔎︎ | | 145.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | Phripk2-2 ZIP Error fixed !{ Phantom rip kit V 2.0 ) Final Phripk2-2 ZIP Error fixed !
┌──{ Phantom rip kit V 2.0 )───────────────┐
│ Finally a simple way to set up instant │
│ RIP MENUS & rip screens for your BBS. │
│ This is a Complete screen system for your│
│bbs. NO rip editing! just edit .CNF files!│
│*Multi menu, Multi paged, Multi conf's │
│ all in an easy to use format! No mess No │
│ fuss! SHARE WARE $20 NON CRIPPLED!!!!!!! │
🔎︎ | | 16.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 4.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIP interface for Planets TEOSGive Planets a Rip screen fo RIP interface for Planets TEOS
Give Planets a Rip screen for
your RIP users!
🔎︎ | | 108.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | Quik-RIPIT v1.0! The Hottest RIPscreen generator EVER for ░░▒Quik-RIPIT v1.0!▒░░ The Hottest RIP
screen generator EVER for a BBS! It's
quick, easy, and makes awesome screens
for you, either manually or on auto-
pilot! Best of all, it's CHEAP at
only $10.00! Download it and check
it out! Works on almost EVERY BBS!
🔎︎ | | 28.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | Create RIP bordered version of your .BBS and.SCR's! This t Create RIP bordered version of your .BBS and
.SCR's! This takes a lot of the work of
making RIP screens away from you. The
screens it makes will show your Board's name
on top Nicely Centered! Keep those Ansi's or
BBS screens you worked so hard to make and
stop the problem of having your screens
scroll 2 lines at a time in the text window
Does not affect or change the original file
in any way!
🔎︎ | | 6.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIP screens for RemoteAccess 2.0 Created using the registe ╔═════════════════════════════════════════╗
║ RIP screens for RemoteAccess 2.0 ║
║ Created using the registered shareware ║
║ editor FLATVIEW. Feel free to use these ║
║ anyway you wish. D Daniel 1:19/166 ║
🔎︎ | | 74.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | an "UN-REGISTERED" version of Rip Art Galleryand your user an "UN-REGISTERED" version of Rip Art Gallery
and your users can only view 3 lousy pictures
before the the game will return them to the
doors menu.
🔎︎ | | 24.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPC v1.01; Ansi to RIP screen converter RIPC v1.01; Ansi to RIP screen converter
🔎︎ | | 36.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIP CAMOUFLAGE v 1.1: Designed to correctproblems that cer RIP CAMOUFLAGE v 1.1: Designed to correct
problems that certain ANSI Doors have when
RIP graphics are enabled.
🔎︎ | | 346.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | RipPCB Demo allows you to see many of thefeatures of RipPC RipPCB Demo allows you to see many of the
features of RipPCB v1.0;
🔎︎ | | 4.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | BBS to .RIP conversion .BBS to .RIP conversion
🔎︎ | | 4.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIP screen Converter. Reads your ANS screensand adds a RIP RIP screen Converter. Reads your ANS screens
and adds a RIP header, and saves them all as
.RIP screens all using a simple batch file!
🔎︎ | | 237.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPe v1.54 - SHAREWARE EVALUATION VERSION - February 19, 1 RIPe v1.54 - SHAREWARE EVALUATION VERSION - February 19, 1994
The newest addition to the RIP graphics editing scene. This program
will do everything that you want and then some. Includes all of the
popular features of most RIP painting programs and adds a few of
it's own including automatic generation of three dimensional
spheres and polygons, advanced icon editor, the ability to capture
icons from PCX images and much more.
🔎︎ | | 14.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | Convert your ansi files to Rip graphics.07/12/93. Convert your ansi files to Rip graphics.
🔎︎ | | 60.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | RipFast - Ansi To Rip Screen Converter Version 1.3 RipFast RipFast - Ansi To Rip Screen Converter Version 1.3
RipFast Is an Easy Way To Make Them Ansi Files Look A Bit Better!
This Will Alow Up To 235 Lines Of Ansi And Even Let You Select
A 5 Border Colors (Purple , Green, Button Type 1, Blue, Button Type 2)
RIPFAST IS FREE No Registration Cost Or Any Stupid
UnRegistered Things On Your Screens!
Program By : Steve Watkins , DarkSide SoftWare
Please Call DarkSide BBS And Let Me Know How You Like It.
(913) 238-3563 14.4 - 2400 24hr.
🔎︎ | | 8.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPFX: RIP Screens with FX Sound^RIP Screens for Usurper,B RIPFX: RIP Screens with FX Sound
RIP Screens for Usurper,BRE,FE
to be used with RIPPED! that add
RIP and the FX Sound System to
ANSI Games! from Midnight's Realm
FX Sound System (505)831-0797
🔎︎ | | 143.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPIT v2.0! The Hottest RIP screengenerator EVER for a BBS ░░▒RIPIT v2.0!▒░░ The Hottest RIP screen
generator EVER for a BBS! It's quick,
easy, and makes awesome screens for you,
either manually or on auto-pilot! Best
of all, it's CHEAP at only $10.00!
Download it and check it out! Works
with almost ANY BBS!
🔎︎ | | 219.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | 600500400300200100 RIP I.V. The RIP Icon Verifyer 1.01 ┌──────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌──────┐
│ ┌───┐└┐ └──┐ ┌──┘ │ ┌───┐└┐
│ │ ┌┘ │ │ │ │ │ ┌┘ │
│ └──┘ ┌┘ │ │ │ └──┘ ┌┘
│ ┌──┐ └┐ │ │ │ ┌────┘
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└─┘ └─┘└┘└───────┘└┘└─┘└┘
┌─┐ ├─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬┐
│█├──────┤ │ │▒│░░░│░░░│░░░│░░░│░░├─┐
│█│██████│600│500░400░300░200░100░│ ├────────
│█├──────┤ │▒│░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░├─┘
└─┘ ├───┴─┴──────────────────┘
│ RIP I.V. The RIP Icon Verifyer 1.01
🔎︎ | | 157.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | RipKey 3.02 RIP KEY v3.02 Provide A RIPScrip On-Screen Key RipKey 3.02
│ RIP KEY v3.02 │
│ Provide A RIPScrip On-Screen │
│ Keyboard In Any Non-RIP Online │
│ Game! Only Displays To RIP │
│ Callers; Others Don't Even │
│ Know It's There! Finally, RIP │
│ Calles No Longer Have To Be │
│ Penilized By Non-Rip DoorGames │
│ Compiled: December 3, 1996 │
│ Support BBS: 817-794-0126 │
│ Fido: 1:130/319 FREQ: RIPKEY │
│ FTP: │
🔎︎ | | 49.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 48.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPList version 1.0 - RIPList is a utility tohelp debug RI RIPList version 1.0 - RIPList is a utility to
help debug RIP script file. It simply
outputs a file that contains the extented
text description of the commands in each line
and lists there parameters or arguments.
🔎︎ | | 10.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIP'n'RA II [17-05-94]=> REMOTEACCESS SYSOPS <= => THIS IS RIP'n'RA II [17-05-94]
==> THIS IS A MUST <==
Want RIP in RemoteAccess?
Then Download this.
Step by step detail.
Download it today.
🔎︎ | | 51.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIP-News 1.1, Your NEWS files in RIP/ANSI/ASCII. RIP-News RIP-News 1.1, Your NEWS files in
RIP/ANSI/ASCII. RIP-News will create
Multiple page news files with buttons
and smooth RIP. Remote Access 2.01 and
Wildcat ready. Can be configured for
other BBS's software also. A product
from RIP-Soft Europe.
🔎︎ | | 36.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPPED!SHARKware presents a simpleadd on program to make A RIPPED!
SHARKware presents a simple
add on program to make ANY
and ALL BBS Doors RIPable.
Just add it to your BAT file
that calls your door, and it
will display the RIP file you
set on the command line.
RIP screen by Fire!
🔎︎ | | 52.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPPED FX v.10=-=-=-=- FX Sound System RIPs for use with R -=-=-=-=RIPPED FX v.10=-=-=-=-
FX Sound System RIPs for use
with RIPPED! by Sharkware.
RIP and FX Sound for ANY DOOR!
Includes RIPPED!.ZIP with a
selected collection of FX RIPs
Both RIP 1.54 and 2.2 formats!
FREEWARE by Mike Collard
and SHARKware
Midnight's Realm (505)254-9415
🔎︎ | | 13.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPPER! v1.0 RIPPER! v1.0 |
🔎︎ | | 13.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | Converts Most Any screen (*.ans, *.bbs, etc.)to Rip graphi Converts Most Any screen (*.ans, *.bbs, etc.)
to Rip graphics format
🔎︎ | | 43.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification"Remote Imaging Pr RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification
"Remote Imaging Protocol"
🔎︎ | | 154.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIP Sketch v1.10 - Easy to use RIPscripeditor for creating RIP Sketch v1.10 - Easy to use RIPscrip
editor for creating online RIP graphics. Now
with buttons and zoom mode. Requires EGA or
better and a mouse. Supports Adlib sound.
🔎︎ | | 42.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification RIPstands for "Re RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification RIP
stands for "Remote Imaging Protocol" This
graphical standard is the answer to the
graphics needs of the BBS community.
🔎︎ | | 150.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 36.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | RipTools Beta Version 1.0a. If you havebeen looking for a RipTools Beta Version 1.0a. If you have
been looking for a way to include Rip
commands into your Turbo Pascal program
then RipTools is for you. RipTools has
been compiled using Turbo Pascal 6.0 &
7.0. If you are currently using RMDOOR
Version 4.2 or higher I recommend you
that you give this WELL Documented TPU
a try. Now you can have the POWER of
RipScrip Commands in your programs. You
can even manuplate Buttons, Regions for
Mouse only resonces, ALL the Drawing
functions and More. All Commands are
easy to use, and to include into your
🔎︎ | | 209.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIP2 FILE UPDATER A complete RIP 2 filetransfer door for a RIP2 FILE UPDATER A complete RIP 2 file
transfer door for all your callers. The
program keeps all your RIP 2.0 terminal
callers up to date with all your latest
RIP 2.0 files, BMP,BMH,BMM,WAV,JPG and
RIP are handled by the door. The door
also prompts your RIP 1.5x and ANSI
callers to update to a rip termnial
test drive. Shareware by Vince Jacobs.
🔎︎ | | 173.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPVIEW v1.0 ·An Art Gallery of online RIP Mastery ! RipVi ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀··· RIPVIEW v1.0 ···▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄
▌An Art Gallery of online RIP Mastery !!!! ▌
▌RipView The Door, users can view, download ▌
▌and upload .Rip files. Supports PCBoard, ▌
▌RA and any other DOOR.SYS BBS. Com1-15,non ▌
▌standard IRQs, and FOSSIL drivers supported▌
▌Detects Rip terminals for operation. Plus ▌
▌much more. Great for artists! ▌
▌Another Fine Util From MacInnes Industries.▌
🔎︎ | | 290.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | OzarkSoft RIPView door is a door programfor viewing RIP gr OzarkSoft RIPView door is a door program
for viewing RIP graphic screens. RIPView
allows the SysOp to see the graphic screens
at the same time the remote user is viewing
them. You do not have to have a RIP aware
BBS to run this door. The only requirement
is that you must have an EGA or better
monitor attached to your BBS computer. This
door will run on most BBS types. Try it you
and your users will both like it. By
OzarkSoft and Chuck Poynter.
🔎︎ | | 360.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPlink v1.20 - This is a RIP toolkit forTurbo Pascal prog RIPlink v1.20 - This is a RIP toolkit for
Turbo Pascal programmers. It allows doors to
add full support for the RIPscrip graphics
protocol. This includes both sending
RIPscrip codes to the user AND creating the
graphics on the sysop's screen. Support
includes local Mouse, TextWindow, and more!
RIPlink is a MUST GET for ALL door
programmers who use TP. Released 07-07-94
An InterProgramming Product - 1:301/3
🔎︎ | | 48.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 26.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | RBBS RIP Text Window Formatter v1.3; Thislittle gem takes RBBS RIP Text Window Formatter v1.3; This
little gem takes any text file and imports it
into a RIPScript display complete with
configurable icons, mouse field commands,
colors, fonts, text, and more. Great for
creating RIP versions of your BBS Bulletins
🔎︎ | | 117.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPspy 1.01: probably the most comprehensive RIPscrip file RIPspy 1.01: probably the most comprehensive
RIPscrip file viewer around! Has support for
many RIP commands that other viewers don't.
Latest update adds support for WWIV codes and
corrects a few minor bugs.
🔎︎ | | 12.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPTIME v1.00 - Create (.BBS/.RIP) when anyfunction occure RIPTIME v1.00 - Create (.BBS/.RIP) when any
function occured *FREEWARE*
🔎︎ | | 146.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | BBS Utiliteez Software RIPtoMAX v2.03 is designed to conve ┌────────────────────────┐
│ BBS Utiliteez Software │
│ RIPtoMAX v2.03 is designed to convert RIP │
│ screen files to editable MAXscript format │
│ screen files. Keep in mind that there are │
│ vast differences between RIP and MAX so a │
│ converted screen file will require a fair │
│ amount of editing before use. New utility │
│ included to convert RIP icons to a PCX or │
│ MAXGFX MIF image file. Processes one file │
│ at a time, or will process an entire file │
│ path...And as always, it's 100% FREEWARE! │
🔎︎ | | 98.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIPView v1.11 - RIPView is a door that willautomatically d RIPView v1.11 - RIPView is a door that will
automatically detect RIPScrip Graphics and
will show the user up to 1000 screens.
RIPView will display ASCII, ANSI and
RIPScrip screens. RIPView supports
languages, the following drop files: TriBBS,
PCBoard, DOOR.SYS (GAP), SpitFire, WildCat!,
RBBS (DORINFOx.DEF), and WWIV, locked serial
ports, 16550 FIFO buffering, you don't need
ANSI.SYS loaded, aware of DesqView, Windows,
and OS/2, and more! Major bug fix from
Version 1.10. Shareware by Eric Theriault.
🔎︎ | | 183.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | RIP Voting Booth Door! v1.0 - Users votefor their favorite RIP Voting Booth Door! v1.0 -- Users vote
for their favorite RIP graphic screens!
Supports COM0-15, DESQview and Network
ready, fossil drivers, easy setup and
configuration via the RIPUTIL program!
Will run on ANY BBS that supports Doors!
End users must use a RIP compatible com
program. From T&J Software!
🔎︎ | | 25.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | Display RIP icons files without using a paintprogram. Display RIP icons files without using a paint
🔎︎ | | 97.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | ShowRip v3.0; Use to view RIP files. Optionsallow you to: ShowRip v3.0; Use to view RIP files. Options
allow you to: Step thru file; Shows the RIP
command at bottom of screen; Delay for xxx
milliseconds between commands.
🔎︎ | | 6.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | Define/use mouse buttons in Tomcat and textbased bulletins Define/use mouse buttons in Tomcat and text
based bulletins
🔎︎ | | 173.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | Tombstone Artist v 2.0 - RIP Draw/Paint.Tombstone Artist(T Tombstone Artist v 2.0 - RIP Draw/Paint.
Tombstone Artist(TA) is a powerful RIPscrip
paint program, fully featured for creating &
editing RIP graphics. New in this version,
of TA is command line file loading, pie
slices, and a snap-to grid. With TA, a sysop
can easily design high-quality graphics for
their BBS, incl. buttons and mouse regions.
Uncrippled Shareware. Registration: $30
🔎︎ | | 44.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | UNRIP v2.0: Allows the option of changing RIPto GRAPHICS, UNRIP v2.0: Allows the option of changing RIP
to GRAPHICS, for doors that do not support
the RIP graphics. UNRIP also allows use of
the users' ALIAS rather than their real name.
🔎︎ | | 6.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | VICON v2.14 RIP Icon Updater Vscript By MIDIMan :.: VSCRIP ──═ VICON v2.14 RIP Icon Updater Vscript By MIDIMan :.: ═──
VSCRIPT - RIP Icon Updater
This Script will Check Icons and
Local RIPs on users terminal and
Install missing files in correct
directories on users HD. Requires
DSZ/GSZ or Modification of Batch
Files to RUN VXY for VBBS-OS/2
* First Public Release*
*Written Entirely in Vscript*
by Franco 'MIDIMan:.:' Nogarin
The MIDI Machine BBS 1403500
The Dene Information Systems 1403502
🔎︎ | | 119.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | Rip 2.0 Wheather Watch.Display weather realtime while onli Rip 2.0 Wheather Watch....Display weather realtime while online..Excellent!
🔎︎ | | 13.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | WMF to .RIP conversion utility.This handy utility converts .WMF to .RIP conversion utility.
This handy utility converts Windows Meta File
images to RIP standard files. Developed for
in-house use by South African BBS development
company to convert Coreldraw drawings into RIP
files. Extremely useful if you don't feel like
shelling out big bucks for RIPaint.
🔎︎ | | 347.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | WinRIP Lite V1.00 Demonstration Package WinRIP Lite V1.00 Demonstration Package
102 files listed
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