Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | | 8.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | BGF2MCM version 1.0 FAXIN.LOG to MCMAILx.INH This program ┌───────────────────────────────┐
│ BGF2MCM version 1.0 │
│ This program will put your │
│ received fax with BGFAX in │
│ the last in session from │
│ McMail ! │
│ │
│ (c)1995 Frederic Van De Velde │
🔎︎ | | 35.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | Bgf2Mcm [-A BGFAX to Mcmail(lastuser to lastsession)conver --──══] Bgf2Mcm [══──--
A BGFAX to Mcmail
(lastuser to lastsession)
converter. Freeware!
Very easy to setup!
Only 35k of program!
No CTL or CFG!
Great! another BrancaProduct!
🔎︎ | | 25.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | BinkOut - Version 4.0 #03 ·■·Program: BinkOut for DosVersi ·■· BinkOut - Version 4.0 #03 ·■·
Program: BinkOut for Dos
Version: 4.0 #03
Release: 01.07.1995
·■· creates outboundpath-statistics
of binkleystyleoutboundpaths
·■· output on screen and in
ASCII- & ANSI- Files possible
·■· works with Binkley, Bink/+,
· · McMail, PoP, Xenia, ...
·■· describtion for every aka possible
·■· if no desc. defiened, BinkOut
· · can search in point-/nodelists
·■· magic "BINKOUT" at 2:2457/440
Archive: BINKOU43.ARJ
Author: Patrick Schulte
Registration: DM 10,-
🔎︎ | | 35.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 108.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | V1.02 Conc2McM - The one and only versatile Concord lastca ╔══════════════ V1.02 ══════════════╗
║ Conc2McM - The one and only ║
║ versatile Concord lastcall ║
║ converter. ║
║ ║
║ >> Easy setup << ║
║ >> Good features << ║
║ >> Free registration << ║
║ >> Nice look and feel << ║
║ >> For McMail, InterMail << ║
║ >> and FrontDoor << ║
║ ║
║ Requestware by Lothar Lindinger ║
🔎︎ | | 292.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | CFROUTE 0.93 alpha Binkley-style netmail packer for OS/2, ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
│ CFROUTE 0.93 alpha │
│ Binkley-style netmail packer │
│ for OS/2, DOS and Windows-32 │
- Alternate routing based upon
Destination system, origin system,
day of the week, file attach and
- Extremely flexible parser.
- Very powerful wildcard processor.
- Generates type 2 and 2+ packets.
- Unlimited number of AKAs, passwords,
routes, etc. No hardcoded limits!
- Multiple netmail directories.
- Freeware.
- C++ source code available.
│ This is an alpha release. Try it at │
│ your own risk! │
🔎︎ | | 131.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | CleanOut v. 1.51 A utility to keep your Binkley-stylemaile ╒════════════════════════════════════╕
│ CleanOut v. 1.51 │
│A utility to keep your Binkley-style│
│mailer's outbound clean and kill │
│"forgotten" files. │
│Can also delete old mail/files from │
│your outbound, send netmail to lazy │
│pollers, etc. │
│Replaces O/T-Track's MAINT and NUKE │
│function in Bink-style environments.│
│Works with BinkleyTerm, Xenia, │
│McMail, and probably PoP. │
│ Maintenance Release │
│ BearWare (c) 1995 by Klaus Nitsche │
🔎︎ | | 264.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | Dark McMail v1.42 is THAT tool for McMailv1.0g5 and above. Dark McMail v1.42 is THAT tool for McMail
v1.0g5 and above. Use it instead of a whole
battery of utilities. Dark McMail combines
the functions of most other tools PLUS does
more and a end of the functions is invisible:
- creates a what's on hold ANSI
- creates a flowdata ANSI
- creates a inbound history ANSI
- creates a outbound history ANSI
- creates what's on hold netmails for links
- creates a netmail with the flowdatas
- creates a inbound history netmail
- creates a outbound history netmail
- creates a bad transfer file netmail
- creates a cost per aka netmail
- changes the siteinfo of the MCMAIL.CFG
- changes the location of the MCMAIL.CFG
- changes the ticker of the MCMAIL.CFG
- changes the bbs banner of the MCMAIL.CFG
- changes the in ev. ban. of the MCMAIL.CFG
- deletes files in the special outbounds
- creates none exist special outbounds
- cleanup the normal outbounds
- corrects system time based on the TRANX
- shows the intertask infos on the screen
- packs logfiles (the own and McMail's)
- imports bbs caller into the MCMAIL[x].INH
- create and manage a poll list via mailrobot
- deletes sended netmails in the main folder
- built-in fullscreen setup
- and more ...
If you are running McMail you owe it to
yourself to evaluate Dark McMail!
🔎︎ | | 631.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | EasyERP Compilation Version 2.20a Request-Prozessor & Tool ╔════════════════════════════════════╗
║ EasyERP Compilation Version 2.20a ║
║ Request-Prozessor & Tools fuer ║
║ Frontdoor 2.02 / 2.1x / 2.20 ║
║ Intermail & McMail ║
╟────────[ Bugfixed Version ]────────╢
║ - Versenden von TICs, FILES.BBS ║
║ und 4DOS-Batches nach SRM/RP ║
║ - sehr schneller und kleiner Index ║
║ - Beschreibungen aus FILES.BBS, ║
║ RA-Base, EzyCom und DESCRIPT.ION ║
║ - DLC Update/Failed Request Check ║
║ - Komplexe Suchmoeglichkeiten ║
║ innerhalb von Aliasen ║
║ - Verwaltung beliebig vieler CDs ║
║ & Festplatten (Volumes) ║
║ - Intelligentes CD-ROM-Sharing ║
║ - Frei definierbare Reportmails ║
║ - Userbezogener Request-DupeCheck ║
║ - Konfiguration via SAA-Setup ║
║ - Templates, Replaces, Trashcan ║
║ - Update-Requests, Inbound-Scan, ║
║ ReqMail- & NetMail-Requests ║
║ - Statistiken & viele Utilities ║
║ - unterstuetzt SRIF, V7, u.v.a.m. ║
║ - Protected Cmd-Shell fuer FD 2.02 ║
🔎︎ | | 8.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | EZY2MCM V1.0> Ezycom Todays Callers To McMail History Conv ┌─ |
🔎︎ | | 266.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | V1.23β-1 FDLog - The ultimate Loganalyzer for FrontDoor, I ╔═════════════ V1.23β-1 ════════════╗
║ FDLog - The ultimate Loganalyzer ║
║ for FrontDoor, InterMail, Xenia, ║
║ McMail, Binkley, T-Mail and FIPS. ║
║ ║
║ >> Minor update release << ║
║ >> Some fixes and changes, << ║
║ >> and supporting MCR. << ║
║ ║
║ >> Beta version only for << ║
║ >> registered users! << ║
║ ║
║ FDLog calculates costs, creates ║
║ cost, caller and FREQ statistics, ║
║ writes NetMails to Up- and Down- ║
║ links and much more. FDLog uses ║
║ special techniques to calculate ║
║ the costs more accurate. FDLog is ║
║ so flexible that it will fit on ║
║ every telephone system. ║
║ Shareware by L. "LiLo" Lindinger ║
🔎︎ | | 13.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | FScan v1.0 for McMail - Tool to scan specified directories FScan v1.0 for McMail - Tool to scan specified directories for certain file-patterns, and hatch these files to downlinks, e.g. NODEDIFFs. For McMail/Bink-style mailers (*.FLO). (c) 1995 Martin Danielsson/Regents Soft, shareware DM15,-
🔎︎ | | 9.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | LastMCM v0.2 by T.Writes last McMCallersto a sexy ansi-fil LastMCM v0.2 by T.
Writes last McMCallers
to a sexy ansi-file.
🔎︎ | | 10.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | LRA2LMCM v1.5 BY T.Patches McMail's Inbound-history with R LRA2LMCM v1.5 BY T.
Patches McMail's Inbound-
history with Remote Access
last caller.
You get information about :
- users RealName
- users Handle
- users Location
- users Linespeed
- logOn Time
- minutes used
- number of calls of this
- kilobytes downloaded
! for McMail Gamma 3 !
🔎︎ | | 66.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | Max2Mcm [-A Maximus to Mcmail(lastuser to lastsession)conv --──══] Max2Mcm [══──--
A Maximus to Mcmail
(lastuser to lastsession)
converter. Freeware!
Very easy to setup!
Only 30k of program!
No CTL or CFG!
Great! another BrancaProduct!
German version Max2McmD
by Martin Roggon works
very well with McM 1.0g5.
🔎︎ | | 57.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | Maximus -TO-> McMail Converter ver 2.0-The final solution Maximus --TO--> McMail Converter ver 2.0
The final solution for converting your
LASTUSxx.BBS to MCMAILx.INH. Completely
rewritten version (engine 2). DOS and
OS/2 version. Don't need any config!
------*]]>>>>>> FREEWARE <<<<<<[[*------
🔎︎ | | 27.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | McMCost v0.51γ - Cost Logfile Scanner McMCost v0.51γ - Cost Logfile Scanner
🔎︎ | | 41.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | McMLogd V2.3βb Statistik Tool f. McMail-Das Programm werte McMLogd V2.3βb Statistik Tool f. McMail
Das Programm wertet in uebersichtlicher
Form die Dateien MCMAIL?.INH und .OUH
aus und zeigt diese auf dem Bildschirm
an. Speziell koennen auch nur die Daten
eines Tages angezeigt werden. Hier wird
dann noch eine In-/Outbound Statistik
angezeigt. Aus Frontdoor Zeiten kann
McMLogD auch eine Recent-Aktiviät anz.
Ebenfalls verfügt McMLogD über eine
Alle Anzeigen werden auch in ANSI- und
ASCII Files fuer die Anzeige in der
Mailbox exportiert.
McMLogD stellt auf Wunsch alle Lines
einer Multiline Box auf einen Blick dar.
Ein Muss fuer jeden McMail-Sysop.
McMLogD ist ein weiteres Quick & Dirty
Tool von F.Albuschat 2:2444/5120@Fido
Wie alle dieser Tools ist auch dieses
**** FREEWARE ****
🔎︎ | | 515.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | Version 1.0 FTN-compatible Mailer for DOS Binkleystyle Out ┌───┬───┌────┌───┬───┌─────┌─┌─┐
│ │ │ ┌──│ │ │ ─── │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └──│ │ │ │ ┌─┐ │ │ └┐
└─┴───┴─└────└─┴───┴─└─┘ └─└─└──┘
Version 1.0
│ FTN-compatible Mailer for DOS │
│ Binkleystyle Outbound │
│ Internal Netmailrouting │
│ Outboundmanager │
│ HYDRA-Protocol with Chat │
│ 256 AKAs (in and out) │
│ Flexible Costcalculation │
│ Request-Processor Interface │
│ Up to 99 Lines │
│ Visual LineControl │
│ Internal Faxreceive │
│ IEMSI-Terminal │
│ and much more... │
🔎︎ | | 30.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | McMail History-File 2 ANS/ASC-Converter Version 1.00 [FREE McMail History-File 2 ANS/ASC-Converter
Version 1.00 [FREEWARE]
(c) by (C)atbytes Software 1996
Now Your Downlinks Can See:
- The Node You Call
- What You Get/Send From/To Him
(Never Hear "I Poll, But There Is Nothing")
- The Date
- The Price You Pay For Your Downlinks :-/
🔎︎ | | 43.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | Version 1.09rProBoard-to-MCM-Inbound-ConvertDisplays last ┌───┬───┌────┌───┬───┌─────┌────┐
│ │ │ ┌──│ │ │ ─── │ ── │
│ │ │ │ └──│ │ │ │ ┌───│ ── │
└─┴───┴─└────└─┴───┴─└─┘ └────┘
Version 1.09r
│Displays last ProBoard-User in│
│MCMs Inbound-History, including│
│Logon-,Logoff-Time, Name, City,│
│Baudrate and Number of Yellings│
│ │
│14-10-94 by K.Kettner, FREEWARE│
🔎︎ | | 50.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | Version 1.30rProBoard-to-MCM-Inbound-ConvertZeigt den letz ┌───┬───┌───┌───┬───┐ ┌────┌────┐
│ │ │ ┌─│ │ │ │ ── │ ── │
│ │ │ │ └─│ │ │ │ │ ┌──│ ── │
└─┴───┴─└───└─┴───┴─┘ └─┘ └────┘
Version 1.30r
│Zeigt den letzten ProBoard-User│
│mit allen seinen Aktivitäten in│
│der Mailbox im McMail-Screen an│
│und schreibt die Werte ins MCM-│
│Logfile. 11/94 K.Kettner-FREE!!│
🔎︎ | | 20.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | Collection of sample configuration filesfor McMail 1.0/SW, Collection of sample configuration files
for McMail 1.0/SW, based on the configs
supplied by the authors. Structural and
accessible lay-out. Eliminated English
grammatical errors. (Updated: 22 Jan 1997)
🔎︎ | | 7.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | MCMCOLRA 95 BY T. -·- · · tired of your McMail colorz? use MCMCOLRA 95 BY T. │
┌─────── ── · · ────────┐
│ tired of your McMail colorz? │▌
│ use this! it makes random │▌
│ colorz and write them to the │▌
│ configfile! GREAT!!!!!!! |
🔎︎ | | 11.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | McMColor version 1.00 Change easily your McMail color sett ┌─────────────────────────────────┐
│ McMColor version 1.00 │
│ Change easily your McMail color │
│ settings using arrow keys. │
│ │
│ FREEWARE by : │
│ (c)1995 Frederic Van De Velde │
🔎︎ | | 23.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 3.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | Structures for McMail Structures for McMail
🔎︎ | | 14.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 21.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | MCMHOLD 'What's on hold' for McMail TGM-SOFT Outbound Stat MCMHOLD 'What's on hold' for McMail TGM-SOFT
Outbound Statistic Tool for McMail,
Binkley, Cantaloop, and other Mailer
with Binkley-Style-Outbound concept.
Can handle Zone and Domain Outbound.
Creates ASC File and Netmails for all
the downlinks by some limits in CFG.
- BETA Version without Documentation
- Sample CFG and History including
🔎︎ | | 36.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | MCMINCOM Ver0.01 beta 5/96-MCMINCOM prueft das ERROR.LOG a ------------------------------
MCMINCOM Ver0.01 beta 5/96
auf abbruch einer Mailsession
Fuer den Uplink dessen letztes
Mailpaket nicht vollstaendig
uebertragen wurde, wird sofort
eine neue Poll-Message erzeugt
Unterstuetzung fuer MultiLine
ist eingebaut.
🔎︎ | | 13.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | McMail Log Sessions Analyser - v0.29Helps you analyse your McMail Log Sessions Analyser - v0.29
Helps you analyse your McMail log files,
produces an ANSI, ASCII and TXT file.
Run 'MCMINOUT ?' for details on how to
use this tool.
Please send bugreports and logfiles to
Erik Coolen (2:281/909@fidonet) or
🔎︎ | | 12.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | MCMLOGS v0.4-LogFileShorter for McMail MCMLOGS v0.4-LogFileShorter for McMail
🔎︎ | | 16.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | McMail InterTask Patcher /2 v0.01 Der McMPInt/2 für OS/2 E ╓─────────────────────────────────────╖
║ McMail InterTask Patcher /2 v0.01 ║
║ ─────────────────────────────────── ║
║ Der McMPInt/2 für OS/2 ║
║ Endlich kann man auch aus der OS/2- ║
║ TosserTask heraus die McMail.Int ║
║ patchen. Bitte schön :-) ║
║ ─────────────────────────────────── ║
║ * * * F R E E W A R E * * * ║
║ (c) by Olav Rogall 2:240/4038 ║
╙────────────────────┤Hatched by αƒβ├─╜
🔎︎ | | 171.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | MCMSETUP V1.2 Setupprogramm for McMail 1.0 ! IT'S MAILWARE ╔══════════════════════════════════╗
║ »»» MCMSETUP V1.2 ««« ║
║ Setupprogramm for McMail 1.0 ║
║ ║
║ !! IT'S MAILWARE !! ║
🔎︎ | | 11.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | McMSite version 1.00 Randomly change Site in McMail Suppor ┌────────────────────────────────┐
│ McMSite version 1.00 │
│ Randomly change Site in McMail │
│ Support %TASK?X% variable │
│ (for McMail 1.0g5 and up) │
│ │
│ FREEWARE by : │
│ (c)1996 Frederic Van De Velde │
🔎︎ | | 13.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | McMStat version 1.0 Statistic tools for McMail will append ┌───────────────────────────────┐
│ McMStat version 1.0 │
│ Statistic tools for McMail │
│ will append stats taken from │
│ MCMAILx.FLW and put them to │
│ the log file of your choice │
│ work with .CFG │
│ Try it and tell me your │
│ opinion ! Will also store │
│ Will also store stats for │
│ further demand on many days │
│ │
│ (c)1995 Frederic Van De Velde │
🔎︎ | | 22.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | McMTranx 1.01 -■- Time-Syncronisation for McMail - (c) 199 ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
│ -■- McMTranx 1.01 -■- │
│ Time-Syncronisation for McMail │
│ --------------------------------- │
│ (c) 1995 by Andreas Otto │
🔎︎ | | 169.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | Version 1.0g9 Collection of utilities for McMail+RA2 ■ Net ┌───┬───┌────┌───┬───┌─┐┌─┌─────┌──┌──┐
│ │ │ ┌──│ │ │ ││ └─┐ ┌│ │ │
│ │ │ │ └──│ │ │ │ └┘ │ │ ││ │ └─┐
└─┴───┴─└────└─┴───┴─└────┘ └──┘└──└────┘
│ ─═ Version 1.0g9 ═─ │
│Collection of utilities for McMail+RA2 │
│■ Netmail packer, ATT/REQ converter. │
│■ Cleans your outbounds. │
│■ Renumbers your netmails. │
│■ Changes siteinfo/location randomly. │
│■ DownloadCounter-updating. │
│■ Puts lastcallers to inbound history. │
│■ Creates free def. LASTCALL.ANS/ASC │
│■ Creates free definable WOH.ANS/ASC │
│■ Terminate 1.x to BBSDATA converter │
│■ Easy logfile viewing of the MCM&RA │
│ callers in one list ! │
│ Shareware ($15/20DM) by G.Brockhaus │
│ (c) 1994-95 SkullSoft Group │
🔎︎ | | 47.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | McNice 0.29 for DOS Cost.Log-Aufbereiter fuer McMail. Wert ■═──────────────────────────────────═■
║ McNice 0.29 for DOS ║
│ Cost.Log-Aufbereiter fuer McMail. │
│ Wertet das Cost.Log von McMail aus │
│ und erstellt eine uebersichtliche │
│ Tabelle, welche dann gepostet │
│ werden kann - ... │
║ created by M.Roggon,2:2444/1111.18 ║
🔎︎ | | 33.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | MCQ scans the McMail log file, and will writeto a report o MCQ scans the McMail log file, and will write
to a report occurances of file requests found
within the McMail log.
🔎︎ | | 174.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | Version 1.0g13 Collection of utilities for McMail+RA2 ■ Ne ┌───┬───┌────┌───┬───┌─┐┌─┌─────┌──┌──┐
│ │ │ ┌──│ │ │ ││ └─┐ ┌│ │ │
│ │ │ │ └──│ │ │ │ └┘ │ │ ││ │ └─┐
├─┴───┴─└────└─┴───┴─└────┘ └──┘└──└────┤
│ ─═ Version 1.0g13 ═─ │
│Collection of utilities for McMail+RA2 │
│■ Netmail packer, ATT/REQ converter. │
│■ Cleans your outbounds. │
│■ Renumbers your netmails. │
│■ Changes siteinfo/location randomly. │
│■ DownloadCounter-updating. │
│■ Puts lastcallers to inbound history. │
│■ Moves recieved & sent netmails │
│■ NM notify for systems in nodedata │
│■ Creates Diskpolls. │
│■ Put Infos to multiline window. │
│■ Mailer onlinetime to RA's BusyPerHour│
│■ Terminate 1.x to BBSDATA converter │
│■ OS2 version available: MCU10o13.RAR │
│ Shareware ($15/20DM) │
│ (C)1994-97 G.Brockhaus, 2:2410/1005 │
🔎︎ | | 102.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | 2 Version 1.0g12 for OS/2 This archive only holds the OS/2 ┌───┬───┌────┌───┬───┌─┐┌─┌─────┌──┌──┐/2
│ │ │ ┌──│ │ │ ││ └─┐ ┌│ │ │
│ │ │ │ └──│ │ │ │ └┘ │ │ ││ │ └─┐
├─┴───┴─└────└─┴───┴─└────┘ └──┘└──└────┤
│ ─═ Version 1.0g12 for OS/2 ═─ │
│ This archive only holds the OS/2 EXE. │
│ You'll need the main archive called: │
│ MCU10G12.RAR │
│ Shareware ($15/20DM) │
│ (C)1994-97 G.Brockhaus, 2:2410/1005 │
🔎︎ | | 88.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | Version 0.5 A better replacement for MCMVIEW with many int ┌───┬───┌────┌─┐ ┌─┌──┬──┌─┌────┌─┬───┬─┐
│ │ │ ┌──│ │ │ │ │ │ │ ───│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └──│ └─┘ │ │ │ ───│ │ │
│ ─═ Version 0.5 ═─ │
│A better replacement for MCMVIEW with │
│many interesting features. │
│■ Multinode viewer for MCMAIL's lines │
│■ Internal ViewRA. Online users will │
│ be displayed immidiate, USERDOS supp.│
│■ Faked RA node with the ability to │
│ receive online messages │
│■ Write onlinemessages to online users │
│■ Start the multiline chat localy. │
│■ Outbound manager. │
│■ Busy per hour viewers. │
│■ Enhaced logfileviewer. All connects │
│ of MCM & RA on all lines in one list │
│ Shareware ($15/20DM) │
│ (C) 1997 G.Brockhaus, 2:2410/1005 │
🔎︎ | | 143.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | Version 0.5 ONLY OS/2 EXE. MCUV005.RAR needed ! Shareware ┌───┬───┌────┌─┐ ┌─┌──┬──┌─┌────┌─┬───┬─┐
│ │ │ ┌──│ │ │ │ │ │ │ ───│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └──│ └─┘ │ │ │ ───│ │ │
│ ─═ Version 0.5 ═─ │
│ ONLY OS/2 EXE. MCUV005.RAR needed ! │
│ Shareware ($15/20DM) │
│ (C) 1997 G.Brockhaus, 2:2410/1005 │
🔎︎ | | 91.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | Version 0.6 A better replacement for MCMVIEW with many int ┌───┬───┌────┌─┐ ┌─┌──┬──┌─┌────┌─┬───┬─┐
│ │ │ ┌──│ │ │ │ │ │ │ ───│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └──│ └─┘ │ │ │ ───│ │ │
│ ─═ Version 0.6 ═─ │
│A better replacement for MCMVIEW with │
│many interesting features. │
│■ Multinode viewer for MCMAIL's lines │
│■ Internal ViewRA. Online users will │
│ be displayed immidiate, USERDOS supp.│
│■ Faked RA node with the ability to │
│ receive online messages │
│■ Write onlinemessages to online users │
│■ Start the multiline chat localy. │
│■ Outbound manager. │
│■ Busy per hour viewers. │
│■ Enhaced logfileviewer. All connects │
│ of MCM & RA on all lines in one list │
│ Shareware ($15/20DM) │
│ (C) 1997 G.Brockhaus, 2:2410/1005 │
🔎︎ | | 67.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | McMail Log History:Version 1.0g2It search for McMail's Log McMail Log History:
Version 1.0g2
It search for McMail's Log
and store it in a special
directory optionally
zipping them.
🔎︎ | | 45.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | PRECHEW 0.9 β~-_-~-_-~-_-~.PRECHEW is a tool to make nodel PRECHEW 0.9 β
PRECHEW is a tool to make
nodelist sensitive routing
possible using static
routing facilities such as
McMail's or CF-Route.
It will circumvent the
installation of a netmail
tracker for the sole
purpose of doing
HUB- and HOST-routing.
PRECHEW ist ein Tool, das
nodelistensensitives Routing
mit statischen Routern wie
dem von McMail oder CF-Route
Es erübrigt die Installation
eines Netmailtrackers nur
zum Zwecke der Durchfuehrung
von Hub- und Host-Routing.
Freeware 2000 by IUS
🔎︎ | | 77.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | PRP v1.14a: ProBoard Request Processor (BUGFIX)(supports F PRP v1.14a: ProBoard Request Processor (BUGFIX)
(supports FrontDoor, MainDoor, McMail, Xenia,
Binkley, Cantaloup, InterMail, T-Mail, ...)
Fast! Reads ProBoard file indexes directly.
DOS & 32-bit OS/2 version included.
Fixes bug in OS/2 version of PRP v1.14.
--- FREEWARE! ---
🔎︎ | | 9.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | Ra2Mc convertor - version 0.1b ] Remote Access (2.0x) to M ┌──[ Ra2Mc convertor - version 0.1b ]──┐
│ Remote Access (2.0x) to McMail (1.04g) │
│ last callers to last-inbound convertor │
│ Adds your last caller to the lastinbound │
│ list so you can see who's called that │
│ line! │
│ Multiline aware - Freeware! │
└─────────[ Aaron Brailsford '95 ]─────────┘
🔎︎ | | 8.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | RA2MCM V1.1> RemoteAccess Lastcallers To McMail History Co ┌─ |
🔎︎ | | 18.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | RM_CALL v1.0 * RM_CALL is a combined RemoteAccess and mult ┌───────────────────────────────┐
│ * RM_CALL v1.0 * │
│ RM_CALL is a combined │
│ RemoteAccess and multi-line │
│ McMail lastcallers │
│ generator │
│ Creates one lastcallers file │
│ with the last 10 callers to │
│ your bbs and mailer + files │
│ with todays and yesterdays │
│ callers! Source code incl.! │
│ By Ron Huiskes, 2:281/506 │
🔎︎ | | 246.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | SHOW-LOG 1.1.a * OS/2 and DOS version included -comfortabl ╔════════════════════════════════╗
║ * SHOW-LOG 1.1.a * ║
║ OS/2 and DOS version included ║
║-comfortable Logfile-Viewer for ║
│-comes now with a code-table to │
│ use it with any mailer or bbs │
│-is aware of multiline-systems │
│-simple cost-calculating │
│-creats reports as netmail or │
│ text to different recipients │
│-freely defineable subjects │
│ and report-templates │
│-shows both, mailer- and online-│
│ calls on one screen │
│-by pressing a key you will see │
│ the related logfile-extract │
│-recognices incoming FAX-Calls │
│-able to shorten all logfiles │
│-freely defineable colors │
│-releases timeslices │
│-reads more, freely defineable- │
│ logfiles (max. 50) │
│-able to open logfiles even when│
│ they are in use bye the mailer │
│-and many, many other features │
├─── ────┤
└-- by M.Becker & S.Boettner -─┘
🔎︎ | | 123.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | SITEINFO-multi-mailer-random-siteinfo-system(c) Peter Hamp SITEINFO-multi-mailer-random-siteinfo-system
(c) Peter Hampf & PBS -- maintenance release
========= Shareware version 2.49b ==========
| RSI offers support for FD 2.20, IM 2.29 +|
| 2.50/beta, POP 0.50-0.60γ-0.69β, Binkley,|
| D'Bridge McMail, MainDoor, Xenia, T-Mail.|
| Offers direct access to O/T-Track's setup|
| Inserts randomly a predefined siteinfo |
| in your mailer's config. MANY features! |
| Just give it a try.......................|
🔎︎ | | 1.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | McMail <-> Proboard - SpawnBBS.BAT-Beispieldatei der Spawn McMail <-> Proboard - SpawnBBS.BAT
Beispieldatei der SpawnBBS.BAT für Proboard
v2.0x. Proboard-Fehler mit CONNECT 21600,
CONNECT 26400 wird damit übergangen...
(c) 1995 by Claus Plachetka
🔎︎ | | 10.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | TIMMI v0.2 BY T.>T< .'s>I< mportant>M< essage 2>M< cMail>I TIMMI v0.2 BY T.
>T< .'s
>I< mportant
>M< essage 2
>M< cMail
>I< nboundhistory
Patches McMail's Inbound-
history with Important
Messages from Commandline.
🔎︎ | | 103.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | TMEVENT.EXE V1.12 T-MAIL Utility Displays a list of the da ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
│ T-MAIL Utility │
│ Displays a list of the days │
│ events highlighting the next │
│ event due. Also allows editing │
│ of the EVENTS.CTL file │
│ │
│ │
│ * UK BBS support available * │
│ * Author Colin Birch * │
│ Sysop The Dog House BBS │
│ (01443) 400327 24hrs │
│ Latest files - 01 Jan 2000 │
🔎︎ | | 4.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | Costtable file for McMail g5 mailer.For use in USA and Can
Costtable file for McMail g5 mailer.
For use in USA and Canada.
🔎︎ | | 9.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | VIEWPB - Proboard 2.01 Nodeview Ideal fuer McMail VIEWPB - Proboard 2.01 Nodeview
Ideal fuer McMail |
58 files listed
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