Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | | 5.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | A V A L O N - C/C+ Structs=Converted from the Pascalto ANS - A V A L O N -
C/C++ Structs
Converted from the Pascal
to ANSI C. These are
Converted by: Mike Dillon
🔎︎ | | 58.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | BBS KIT FOR C/C+ [BBS4C](BBS4C10.ZIP), May 96, Ver 1.0, BBS KIT FOR C/C++ [BBS4C]
(BBS4C10.ZIP), May 96, Ver 1.0, |
🔎︎ | | 29.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | The BBSC Toolkit for Building BBS's in Portable CThis coll The BBSC Toolkit for Building BBS's
in Portable C
This collection of program source in
C originally came from Unix Systems.
It is intended for people who wish
to roll their own Version of a BBS.
🔎︎ | | 62.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | Nice Comm Library for PDS Easy to use! Free!Freeware Comm Nice Comm Library for PDS Easy to use! Free!
Freeware Comm library for PDS 7.x.
Features Extended ComPort support
with speeds up to 115,200 Baud!
Makes writing BBS Doors a Snap!
Sample Source code included.
QuickBASIC Version Also Avail.
🔎︎ | | 82.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | BBS Onliner Interface 2.00 (Pascal)Write your own online d BBS Onliner Interface 2.00 (Pascal)
Write your own online doors. Source Code
included. 18 different drop files, FOSSIL
and internal com support. ANSI, AVATAR/1,
DESQview, multinode support, too. This is
yet another product from the warped and
highly dangerous mind of Andrew J. Mead.
🔎︎ | | 82.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | The Clans Development Kit v0.10-Information on making NPCs The Clans Development Kit v0.10
Information on making NPCs and
Quests for the popular door game
The Clans.
🔎︎ | | 225.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | CONCERTO 960616: A world-class doordevelopment kit for Tur CONCERTO 960616: A world-class door
development kit for Turbo Pascal 7.0.
Primary features include a built-in
script interpreter, advanced chat-
mode, support for every color system
known to mankind, text macros with
formatting and justification, royalty
free sysop documentation, extended
support for Windows 95 (you can even
change the title of the DOS window!),
and much, much more. Sysops have
never had this kind of power: Imagine
being able to create your own status
lines, functions keys and command-
line parameters. Other features
include slash-commands in chat-mode,
LORD support, EGA/VGA video effects,
formatting codes, and much more.
not download this product unless you
like to be on the bleeding edge of
technology. Updates released on the
New Moon of every month. [960616]
🔎︎ | | 218.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 42.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | Chaos Module Developer's Guide (rev.1)* This is the offici *Chaos Module Developer's Guide (rev.1)*
This is the official guide to making
Chaos Modules for The Land of Chaos
from SD Technologies! Sample source
for the Wishing Well INCLUDED!!
🔎︎ | | 7.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | ComLib v1.00 by Brian Zhou- t/bp 7 code for modem interfac ComLib v1.00 by Brian Zhou
t/bp 7 code for modem
interfacing. supports
asynchronous + fossil
methods. uses oop.
includes abstract obj
for you to write your
own methods.
🔎︎ | | 83.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | COMMIO library v0beta ~DOOR programming library for TP7use »»» COMMIO library v0beta «««
DOOR programming library for TP7
users. 100% Free w/ source. This
is a beta version, please read the
README. file in the archive!
🔎︎ | | 281.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | CONCERTO BETA #3: A world-class doordevelopment kit for Tu CONCERTO BETA #3: A world-class door
development kit for Turbo Pascal 7.0.
This kit is aimed toward people who
want to create new, exciting games
for BBSs. This kit is not intended
for people who want to deal with the
low-level mechanics of communications
programming. Its list of features
will totally blow your mind away; the
limits of your imagination represent
the limits of your door. LIFETIME
REGISTRATION $35 (students $20). This
includes 400k of source code and free
access to all future updates.
🔎︎ | | 49.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | D32 Door Library for DOS and Door32 Doors |+-+| Release 0. .-------------------------------------------.
| D32 Door Library for DOS and Door32 Doors |
| Release 0.1: This is the first release of |
| the D32 programming library. It's free |
| with source code. Compiles DOS fossil |
| doors supporing DORINFO1.DEF, DOOR.SYS, |
| and CHAIN.TXT. Compiles Windows doors |
| supporting the Door32 standard. |
| |
🔎︎ | | 138.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | DD/3 Turbo Pascal 7.0 Door Kit-Supports any drop file that ======================================
DD/3 Turbo Pascal 7.0 Door Kit
Supports any drop file that is text.
Supports non-standard interrupts, comm
1-4, IRQs 0-15, and speeds up to
115,200 baud. Resource Files Like
SRGAME Doors use! Supports INI File
Handling. Full support of timeslicing.
graphics. Includes FULL SOURCE CODE!
Public Domain 1997
🔎︎ | | 204.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 188.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | WiZARD`-'| | Doorcoding dox, shows basics in | coding door :. _/\__ __/\_ _/\__ _/\________ .:
.-_\_ | _/_-_\_ _/_-_\______ _/_-.
||:. / \ |:. |:. _________||
||______| |___ |______ ||
| `------' `---'WiZARD`------'|
| |
| Doorcoding dox, shows basics in |
| coding doors for system/X. |
| Source code and doorkit included! |
| |
learn to write a door using Borland
Turbo Pascal 7.0tm & the doorkit!
🔎︎ | | 52.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | DDIGM 1.01β Lord IGM door Kit - Turbo Pascal.Using the sam DDIGM 1.01β Lord IGM door Kit - Turbo Pascal.
Using the same DDplus door kit Lord is
writtenin. By a DDplus author, Steve Lorenz.
Supports extended Lord colors.
Lord Player.dat access routines.
Live ChatDoor example program.
🔎︎ | | 1.5M | Nov 04, 2022 | DDO-F/X SDK - 1.30 - DDO-F/X Developers Kit.=The DDO-F/X S DDO-F/X SDK - 1.30 - DDO-F/X Developers Kit.
The DDO-F/X SDK is a developers pack that
contains the full specifications to the
DDO-F/X scripting language that can be used
in any BBS system or BBS door. This file has
many helpful utilities for generating a
DDO-F/X application, and also includes a full
Tutorial with example scripts and resources.
========= Requires LI-TERM 1.00+ ============
🔎︎ | | 714.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | DDPLUS 7.1 Turbo Pascal 7.0 Door KitSupports most popular DDPLUS 7.1 Turbo Pascal 7.0 Door Kit
Supports most popular BBS Software
packages, including PCBoard Vers 15.XX
& WildCat 4.XX. With Rip detect.
Supports non-standard interrupts, com
1-4, IRQs 0-15, and speeds up to 115,
200 baud. Fossils to 115,200. Provides
automatic support for most common
multi-taskers. 100% Source. 100% Free.
Comes with complete door writing
tutorial, extensive documentation,
door configuration setup program,
an inter-BBS kit, RipLink for viewing
RIP on local screens and many other
features too numerous to mention!
Provides needed knowledge and
expertise to programmers who have
always dreamed of making their own door
programs, but until now didn't know
🔎︎ | | 180.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | DoorFrame v3.3 Doors development library forBASCOM/PDS 7.1 DoorFrame v3.3 Doors development library for
BASCOM/PDS 7.1. Has direct support for most
BBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, high
score bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI
and ASCII file send. Now supports multi-port
boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M.
Also detects and reports the presence of
RIPscrip on the remote. New Functions added.
🔎︎ | | 185.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | DoorFrame v4.9 Doors development library forQuickBasic 4.x DoorFrame v4.9 Doors development library for
QuickBasic 4.x. Has direct support for most
BBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, high
score bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI
and ASCII file send. Now supports multi-port
boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M.
Also detects and reports the presence of
RIPscrip on the remote. New Functions added.
🔎︎ | | 192.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | DoorFrame v2.1 Doors development library forVisual Basic D DoorFrame v2.1 Doors development library for
Visual Basic DOS. Has direct support for most
BBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, high
score bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI
and ASCII file send. Now supports multi-port
boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M.
Also detects and reports the presence of
RIPscrip on the remote. New Inkey routine.
New routines added on this release...
🔎︎ | | 362.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 303.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 101.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 113.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 86.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | DOOR SKELETON V1.0 * COPYRIGHT (C) 1992 BERNIE GALLAGHER * ****************************************
🔎︎ | | 129.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | DoorRoot Door Library for PowerBasic v1.11 by SaltySoft Ki ┌─ DoorRoot Door Library for PowerBasic ─┐
└─ v1.11 ───────────────── by SaltySoft ─┘
Kit that greatly eases the writing of
BBS doors compatible with virtually
every modern DOS-based BBS software.
It handles all technical matters such
as communicating with the modem,
reading BBS dropfiles, updating the
sysop's statusbar, etc.
■ Simple Installation
■ Full ANSI Graphics Support
■ Extremely Flexible
■ Make ANSI Display Files *Internal*
■ COM 1-4, IRQ 2-15
■ Popular BBS Dropfiles Supported
│ Libraries inside for PB 3.5 and 3.2. │
🔎︎ | | 190.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 216.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 32.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 333.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | The Easy-Door Library v2.80The professional doors developm The Easy-Door Library v2.80
The professional doors development library
for QB/PDS/VBDOS. It features: ANSI/AVATAR,
Supports COM 1 to 8, Fossil/Built-in comm.,
Menu routines, Box drawing, SmartColor (tm),
Multitaskers aware, Chat mode, DOS Shell,
Function keys, Status bar, RIPscrip, etc.
Compatible with QBBS, RA, SBBS, RBBS, GAP
Telegard, Wildcat, PCBoard, Genesis, WWIV,
Spitfire, Osiris, Force!, etc.
** Vagabond Software **
🔎︎ | | 19.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | This door-making kit is designed to letanyone with a basic This door-making kit is designed to let
anyone with a basic knowlege of Turbo
Pascal create doors, whether it be a
door game, or a one liners program! All
you need is Turbo Pascal 7.0 and a
little creativity.
🔎︎ | | 24.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | edoor v.96 for tp7!create doors (onliners)new features and edoor v.96 for tp7!!
create doors (onliners)
new features and bug
fixes, released 5-20-97
🔎︎ | | 89.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | Ele Communications Kit version 1.2A freeware kit for BBS a Ele Communications Kit version 1.2
A freeware kit for BBS and Door Developers
with support for DOS, OS/2, and Win32.
The Win32 com engine includes telnet support.
The com engine is written in Pascal, and will
compile under TurboPascal, VirtualPascal,
Delphi 2-4, and FreePascal. Full Source code
is included, plus compiled .DLL.
🔎︎ | | 21.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | EleBBS C Structures=Converted from theirpascal forms. Also EleBBS C Structures
Converted from their
pascal forms. Also
includes a function
to change Real48
variables to type
Converted by:
Michael Dillon
🔎︎ | | 12.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | FreeDoor v0.9 FreePascal- FreeDoor is a Pascal-based door =========================================
FreeDoor v0.9 FreePascal
FreeDoor is a Pascal-based door kit
designed to be used in conjunction with
Maarten Bekers' EleCom units.
The FP release supports Win32 and
OS/2 modem and socket (ie telnet)
communications, as well as DOS FOSSIL
communications. It also supports the
new DOOR32 dropfile standard being
used by Mystic, EleBBS, and Synchronet.
Tested with EleBBS and Synchronet 3.0.
🔎︎ | | 62.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | File Classes v1. 20 Various C+ classes for binary and text ┌═╦══════════════════════════════╦═┐
│▒║ File Classes v1.
20 ║▒│
│░║ Various C++ classes for ║
│░║ binary and text based i/O. ║
│░║ Includes classes for ║
│░║ ANSi and AVATAR bulletins as ║
│░║ well as InterBBS files. ║
│░║ ║░│
│░║ As used in: HiGHLANDER ║
│░║ ║░│
│░║ * Download Now!! * ║
│░║ ║░│
│░║ The Fonty
Towers BBS ║
🔎︎ | | 99.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | FKFOSSIL v1.02 - Forbidden Knights Fossil &Door Driver rou FKFOSSIL v1.02 - Forbidden Knights Fossil &
Door Driver routines for Turbo Pascal 6.0 &
7.0. Complete documentation and reference
charts. Highly configurable -- all commands
req'd to make online doors/programs, incl
built-in ANSI/Avatar, door dropfiles, "ANSI"
music and much more! Simple and powerful!
🔎︎ | | 30.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 29.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | Rev 5 FOSSIL Interface Library v1.20by David Nugent, 3:632 ------------------------------------
Rev 5 FOSSIL Interface Library v1.20
by David Nugent, 3:632/348@Fidonet
🔎︎ | | 119.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 125.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 24.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | Gateways v. 6/88. DEsign games in C Gateways v. 6/88. DEsign games in C
🔎︎ | | 156.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | INSTA-DOOR V1.0 [Basic PDS Ver] ID is a DOOR development l ┌───── INSTA-DOOR V1.0 [Basic PDS Ver] ─────┐
│ID is a DOOR development library for BASIC │
│compilers. Features include: Dialog Boxes,│
│ANSI/AVATAR 0/0+, saving & restoring │
│screens and Split Screen Chat. Many DOOR │
│formats are supported. │
│ [By: M&J Alliance Software] │
│ [Support Board: 1-602-937-3796] │
🔎︎ | | 1.3M | Nov 04, 2022 | Internet Door Programmers Tool Kit -Ver 1.00 - Designed to Internet Door Programmers Tool Kit -
Ver 1.00 - Designed to help Delphi
5.0 programmers with designing multi-
player capable client/server Win95,
Win98 and WinNT door games for the
Internet using Microsoft's DirectX
DirectPlay API (tm). Includes full
documentation, Delphi components,
example compiled server and client
and all source code.
🔎︎ | | 131.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | IGMDrive 3.08SHARKware presents a door driverfor IGM devel IGMDrive 3.08
SHARKware presents a door driver
for IGM development for LORDs. This
is for Turbo Pascal 7.0. Sample
program included. Multi-BBS aware!
Seth Able's color codes.
🔎︎ | | 18.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | IGM Kit v1.0 for Hackers: the Role Playing Game * This arc *** IGM Kit v1.0 for Hackers: the Role Playing Game **
This archive contains information and souce for
writing your own IGM (Internal Game Modules) for
Hackers: the Role Playing Game! Greatest of all
this kit does not cost the author a THING! How
hard could writing an IGM be with all the source
givin in this archive! Go for it. Distributed
by Talon Software, makers of Hackers: the Role
Playing Game. Copyright 1997 Talon Software.
🔎︎ | | 133.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | IGMKIT3E: Lunatix 5.XX & T-LORD IGM KIT -+| NOW YOU CAN CR +--- IGMKIT3E: Lunatix 5.XX & T-LORD IGM KIT ---+
| Write IGM's for these popular games easily! |
| This kit includes an offline viewing utility |
| so ANYBODY can write and test a Lun/Lord IGM |
| without the need for Worldgroup! Write 'em |
| at home! Also included is a utility to take |
| an ANSI picture and turn it into a Lunatix- |
| style color-coded file you can place into an |
| IGM script! Also included is documentation |
| for the LunScript (Lun/Lord IGM Script) file |
| language which explains the command set you |
| use to write IGM's! *** NEW: Fixed a COLOR |
| CODE problem where KIT did not match Lunatix |
+--------- From: PROWLER PRODUCTIONS!! ---------+
🔎︎ | | 21.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | Pascal Unit that makes writing IGMs for LORD a breeze!FREE Pascal Unit that makes writing IGMs for LORD a breeze!
FREEWARE! From the author of VOTP.
🔎︎ | | 305.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | JPDoor V4.1 Door Writing Toolkit for TurboPascal 5.5/6.0/7 JPDoor V4.1 Door Writing Toolkit for Turbo
Pascal 5.5/6.0/7.0 Supports RA, QBBS,
SuperBBS, ProBoard, and any BBS that can
create a dorinfo1.def or Door.Sys file.
Contains EVERYTHING you need to write a door,
from Beginner to Advanced! Source Code is
🔎︎ | | 210.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | KDrive Kit Addition for Dog World. Allowsdevelopment of Do KDrive Kit Addition for Dog World. Allows
development of Dog World IGMs. Uses Dog World
color codes. Many features include error
checking of Dog World variables for IGMs.
🔎︎ | | 74.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | KLORDKDrive Kit AdditionsKDrive Kit Addition for Lord.Allo KLORD
KDrive Kit Additions
KDrive Kit Addition for Lord.
Allows development of Lord IGMs.
Uses Lord color codes. Many
features include error checking.
Lord variables for IGMs.
Y2k compliant.
Pentium II/III (266+mhz)
Freeware by SHARKware.
🔎︎ | | 318.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | KDriveTurbo Pascal 7.x Door Driverdevelopment kit, by SHAR KDrive
Turbo Pascal 7.x Door Driver
development kit, by SHARKware.
Multi-BBS, multi-node, multi-
asker aware! Includes Uart,
Fossil and Digiboard support.
Kit Additions allow development
with other Door Games that
allow add ons, like Lord and
Dog World. y2k compliant.
Pentium II/III (266+mhz)
Freeware! Not Public Domain.
🔎︎ | | 3.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | LORD II Structures-These are the C formsof the PASCAL stru LORD II Structures
These are the C forms
of the PASCAL structures
for LORD II.
Converted By: GSValore
🔎︎ | | 3.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | Pascal source for all of LORD320.ZIP'splayer and monster r Pascal source for all of LORD320.ZIP's
player and monster record formats.
This is freeware for any 3rd party
LORD developers, from Seth.
🔎︎ | | 332.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | LsDoor SDK For C/C+ Door Programmers For creating your own ┌─────═══────────────────────────────═══──┐
║ LsDoor SDK │
║ For C/C++ Door Programmers ║
For creating your own online BBS doors and
LORD IGMs. Supports: Z-Modem, messages,
Built-in ANSI, chat, multi-node, B-Trees,
non-standard ports/IRQs, LTerm, DesqView,
Windows, and LightSpeed. Registeration
is only $ 35.00. Version 0.9 Wide Beta.
🔎︎ | | 8.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | LORD Structures-Converted to C.Compatible with:v3.55+ANSI LORD Structures
Converted to C.
Compatible with:
ANSI C compliant.
Converted by:
🔎︎ | | 121.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | Pascal Source Code for RemoteAccessUtilitys,menus,and setu Pascal Source Code for RemoteAccess
Utilitys,menus,and setup program.
fully functional RA utils that have been
previously released as freeware.
Included pulldown menu system with popup
windows for a "RA Look and Feel"
access most of the RA structures and
features including user,file and message
Freeware from Martin Woods
🔎︎ | | 288.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | BBS Utiliteez Software The MAX Graphics GUI Kit v2.10 - Al ┌────────────────────────┐
│ BBS Utiliteez Software │
│ The MAX Graphics GUI Kit v2.10 - Allows a │
│ person to write MAX SVGA doors with full │
│ local SVGA Graphics. This kit requires a │
│ copy of the TDK door development kit, and │
│ the FastGraph or FastGraph/Light graphics │
│ library. Fully Borland/Turbo Pascal v7.0 │
│ compatible, and 100% freeware as always. │
🔎︎ | | 100.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | MYDOOR - Write BBS Door Games And OnlineUtilities Using Mi MYDOOR -- Write BBS Door Games And Online
Utilities Using Microsoft Quickbasic v4.x
Based The Generation III Library Used By
Todd Carlton To Write Doors Since 1995!
Fully-Supported, Active Library.
🔎︎ | | 200.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | C/C+ SOURCES for NY2008online bbs gameFREE,Public domain!g C/C++ SOURCES for NY2008
online bbs game
FREE,Public domain!!!!!!
get em hack em ....
🔎︎ | | 641.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | OpenDoors 6.00 C/C+ door programming toolkitOpenDoors is a OpenDoors 6.00 C/C++ door programming toolkit
OpenDoors is an advanced, easy to use library
for writing online software such as BBS doors
OpenDoors transparently interfaces with most
BBS systems, automatically displays output on
both local and remote screens, creates ANSI/
AVATAR/RIP control sequences, and provides a
sysop interface with commands for chat, time
adjustment, disconnecting, etc. Includes both
plain-DOS and native-Win32 versions of the
library. Supports FOSSIL & direct serial I/O.
🔎︎ | | 145.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | OJ SIMPSON door with SOURCE code. Freeware!Learn how to wr OJ SIMPSON door with SOURCE code. Freeware!
Learn how to write doors, or play the game
and see what really happened. Parody lets
you live OJ's life from his football days
to the verdict! Fantastic ANSI screens,
bulletin of Top Ten players. QuickBasic/
DoorFrame SOURCE code is fully commented.
Supports most BBS's, multi-node, COM1-15.
Version 1.2 from ChAoS Online 310-318-5089.
🔎︎ | | 8.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | Operation: Overkill Source Kit library,includes data file Operation: Overkill Source Kit library,
includes data file structures to modify
or create the game's data. This could
be useful for creating external programs
to run in conjunction with the door game
of Operation: Overkill v1.12 (OO112-#.ZIP)
🔎︎ | | 82.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | NAME: Personal Communications Library for CKEYS: LIBRARY C NAME: Personal Communications Library for C
RS232 MODEM 16550 DigiBoard COMM
FILE: PCL4C40.ZIP VER: 4.0 DATE: Oct 93
REG$: MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. --- $55.00
DSCR: Asynch comm. lib supporting COM1-COM10
to 115200 baud, 4 ports concurrently, all
memory models, DigiBoard PC/8, INS16550,
interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control.
Supports Turbo & Borland C, MIX Power C,
Microsoft C, & Quick C. Includes terminal
(PPL4C10.ZIP), Feb 95, Ver 1.0, |
(PPL4P10.ZIP), March 95, Ver 1.0, |
🔎︎ | | 102.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | QWK-IGM programming engine for QB45- !RELEASE 1.4! !NOW ON QWK-IGM programming engine for QB45
Now with a NEW configuration file!!
The premium engine for generating
working IGMs for Legend Of the Red
Dragon, a popular on-line doorgame.
Now includes sample source code for
a complete stand-alone IGM from our
Quality shareware from
Ballistic Labs, Ltd
🔎︎ | | 55.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | QWK-INS Install program for QWK-IGM-!NEW !EXTREMELY SIMPLE QWK-INS Install program for QWK-IGM
Version 0.4
This package contains everything
you need to generate a professional
installation routine for QWK-IGM
generated IGMs! Its use is made
available exclusively to registered
users of the QWK-IGM programming
engine produced by Ballistic Labs.
Quality shareware from
Ballistic Labs, Ltd
🔎︎ | | 11.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | The RemoteAccess 'C' Developers Kit v0.2Currently only inc The RemoteAccess 'C' Developers Kit v0.2
Currently only includes RA 2.50 gamma structure in
'C' format along with Pascal <> C string conversion
and copy macros.
More *FREEWARE* from Envy Technologies.
🔎︎ | | 160.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | LiveSystems RADoor 3.0,Write your own RA, QBBS or SBBS doo LiveSystems RADoor 3.0,
Write your own RA, QBBS or SBBS doors
with multinode, language and bbs support.
This archive contains full pascal source,
little docu and a number of demo's. Give
your doors all the features of the
LiveSystems doors!
🔎︎ | | 324.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | RADU 3.10.gamma-1 ■ RemoteAccess Door Unit for Turbo Pasca ╒═════ RADU 3.10.gamma-1 ════════╕
│ │
│ ■ RemoteAccess Door Unit for │
│ Turbo Pascal 6.0 and 7.0 │
│ ■ Build for RemoteAccess 2.5x │
│ ■ Supports ANSI/AVATAR/RIP │
│ ■ Lots of routines for: │
│ Statuslines, Hotkeys, Paging,│
│ FOSSIL, UserOn, File-sharing,│
│ DESQView, keyboard, language,│
│ and much more. │
│ ■ For registered users only! │
🔎︎ | | 9.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 27.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | RAT - RemoteAccess Tools From * * Andrew Milner Him Self! ** RAT - RemoteAccess Tools From **
** Andrew Milner Him Self! A MUST **
** HAVE For RemoteAccess Programmer!! **
** Source Code Included!! **
** Packed By: Jungleboy **
******** PROGRAMMERS LEECH!!! **********
🔎︎ | | 335.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | RADU v3.00/gamma-3. Excellent door developersToolkit desig RADU v3.00/gamma-3. Excellent door developers
Toolkit designed specificly to make your door
look and feel like RemoteAccess on the sysops
end although it now supports any BBS package.
Includes RA alike Status bars, Fx keys, and
even the same Alt-E user editor.
🔎︎ | | 14.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | Turbo Pascal Door Driver Unit v4.6This is now a FREE Publi Turbo Pascal Door Driver Unit v4.6
This is now a FREE Public Domain
release of the Source Code for RMDOOR
v4.6. Written in Turbo Pascal.
🔎︎ | | 44.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 73.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | Full Source Code To SandBar v1.02-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Full Source Code To SandBar v1.02
As requested, all the SandBar files
and the DDPlus files required to
make SandBar work. Compilable from
TPX/TURBO (All *.PAS and *.OBJ files
included). From Joseph Masters
🔎︎ | | 32.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | Silver Flame Door Driver Mark 2 Version 1.0 Standard Writt Silver Flame Door Driver
Mark 2 Version 1.0 Standard
Written by Andrew Turner
A Public License (with source code)
door driver that supports many door
file formats. ANSI and Avatar support!
Much better then RMDoor or Door
Driver, with smaller output size, and
no registration fees!
Fast, OPTIMIZED ANSI, better then the
output of even TheDraw. Local display
of Avatar files, and non-text file
based config (fully menu driven).
If you've been using something else,
download this now and see what you've
been missing!
🔎︎ | | 9.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | RemoteAccess 2.50 GAMMA Structures and developer notes fro ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ RemoteAccess 2.50 GAMMA Structures and │
│ developer notes from Andrew Milner! │
│ │
│ All RA Utility programmers that use │
│ FILES.RA or MESSAGES.RA needs to │
│ read this to learn about the new │
│ indexed FILES.RDX and MESSAGES.RDX. │
│ │
│ RA 2.50 GAMMA will be released very soon! │
🔎︎ | | 8.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 9.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | Pascal Record Structures Revision 2-Contains the Pascal Re Pascal Record Structures Revision 2
Contains the Pascal Record Structures
for the following Sage data files:
Now includes source code demonstrating
how to read a Sage world and display
the template and map screens, and how
to read the Player file and display
players' names.
🔎︎ | | 156.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | TriBBS 10.0 C/C+ API - This is prereleaseversion 1 of the TriBBS 10.0 C/C++ API - This is prerelease
version 1 of the API. The API is intended
to assist programmers in developing doors
and utilities for TriBBS 10.x.
🔎︎ | | 360.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | TDK is the BBS door development kit byBBS Utiliteez Softwa TDK is the BBS door development kit by
BBS Utiliteez Software that does it all
and then some! Saves you precious time
while writing doors because tons of the
most commonly needed routines are already
written in TDK! This release is by Jon
Parise and is a converted TDK to TDK/2
door kit. FREEWARE!
🔎︎ | | 445.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | BBS Utiliteez Software TDK v2.10 is the BBS door developme ┌────────────────────────┐
│ BBS Utiliteez Software │
│ TDK v2.10 is the BBS door development kit │
│ that does it all and then some! Saves you │
│ precious time while writing doors because │
│ tons of the most commonly needed routines │
│ are already written in TDK! Full support │
│ for MAX Graphics, as well as ANSI, AVATAR │
│ TTY and RIP. Comm routines support Fossil │
│ UART and DigiBoard. Automatic logging and │
│ trapping of expected & unexpected errors. │
│ Simply too many features to list in this │
│ in this small amount of space. All source │
│ code is included, and best of all the kit │
│ is 100% totally FREEWARE! The most you'll │
│ ever spend is your time to download it!!! │
🔎︎ | | 113.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | TDoor 3.0 - Is a library for Borland C+,Microsoft C/C+, Sy TDoor 3.0 - Is a library for Borland C++,
Microsoft C/C++, Symantec C++, Turbo C++,
and Watcom C/C++ for writing doors for such
systems as TriBBS, PCBoard, Gap, Spitfire,
WildCat!, RBBS, WWIV, etc. Now adds
autodection and use of a FOSSIL driver if one
is present. (TDoor has been renamed from
TriDoor due to a name conflict with a library
of Pascal door driver routines by another
shareware company.)
🔎︎ | | 120.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | TDoor/Pro 1.02 - This is the best C/C+ doordriver availabl TDoor/Pro 1.02 - This is the best C/C++ door
driver available. Support a wide variety of
BBS door drop files and features LOCAL
RIPscrip graphics emulation. Other features
include optional FOSSIL driver support,
nonstandard IRQ support, and more. TDoor/Pro
is extremely easy to use and is well
documented. Supports Borland C++ 3.1 and
4.5 and Turbo C++ 3.0. .02 fixes a few ANSI
and RIPscrip emulator bugs.
🔎︎ | | 131.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | Planets: TEOS IGM KIT V1.10 ■Now anyone can build their ow ■ Planets: TEOS IGM KIT V1.10 ■
Now anyone can build their own
TEOS IGM's with Turbo Pascal 7.0!
Kit created by Seth A. Robinson.
🔎︎ | | 24.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | The SPiDER Source Issue #1.5 Fix ■ φ Low Level Fossil Proc ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
: ■ The SPiDER Source Issue #1.5 Fix ■ │
│ φ Low Level Fossil Procs :
│ φ BIOS Timing Procs │
│ φ ANSI Emulation Procs │
│ φ TP TEXT File Sharing Procs :
: Useful Source Code And Examples By │
│ SPiDER On How To Make Generic High │
│ Level Async I/O Procs With The Above │
🔎︎ | | 4.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | Planets: TEOS - Structures-These are the structures usedby Planets: TEOS - Structures
These are the structures used
by Planets: TEOS. They were
converted from their pascal forms
found in the structs.txt file of
the TEOS-Kit. The structs were
converted to C.
Converted By: GSValore
🔎︎ | | 175.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | Doorcoding dox, shows basics in coding doors for system/X. Doorcoding dox, shows basics in
coding doors for system/X.
Source code and doorkit included!
🔎︎ | | 61.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | xtreme doorkit v3.00 % . tp/vp pascal door kit w/source co __________ .________
_______|: |...\__ |..
..|: | |_____| | :
: | | |: ' | .
. | ' ______| , |_
_|_____. | |: |
|: , | | |
| | | | |
| | | ' |
_| |______| ______|
\_______.| %%% \_______.| %%%%%%
. % xtreme doorkit v3.00 % .
tp/vp pascal door kit w/source
compiles native dos/win32/os2
supports the door32 standard
% door32 by g00r00 / demonic %
.. % by natedogg / demonic % ..
] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [
🔎︎ | | 24.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | Galaxy 5 Xport Unit v1.1. For programmers whowrite doors u Galaxy 5 Xport Unit v1.1. For programmers who
write doors using the UrDoor unit from
Kenneth Bledsoe. This unit allows you to
EASILY write Xports for the door game
Galaxy 5. Just call one command,
Init_Xport; then the rest is yours! ;>
Automatically reads the DROPFILE.* file that
Galaxy 5 creates, and reads in the players
info. Fully supports all Galaxy 5 ~ codes!
* Freeware From -Noel Software- *
94 files listed
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