Name | Size | Date | Description | |
🔎︎ | | 286.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | 12_5_UPG.ZIP - Upgrade v12.3 (12.4) to v12.5Fixes OS/2 rel 12_5_UPG.ZIP - Upgrade v12.3 (12.4) to v12.5
Fixes OS/2 related problems with v12.3.
Upgraded THDPRO.EXE and THDPLUS.EXE to fix
problems with ZIP command lines in the OS/2
version and TRAP problems due to FCB use
with the DOS version under WARP 4.
THDINSTL.EXE is NOT included (use the one
distributed with THD?12_3.EXE).
and Renegade 04-05. Replaces 12_4_UPG.ZIP.
🔎︎ | | 20.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | 1.2 ANTI Anti BigBear Scan Removes da BB crap addies. Btw: ┌────────┬────────────────1.2─┐
│ ANTI │ Anti BigBear Scan │
│ ▄ ▄ │ Removes da BB crap │
│ ███▒ │ addies.. │
│ █▀██▀▒ │ │
│ █▀▀▒ │ Btw: This painting │
│ │ on the left site │
│ SCAN │ is a big bear.. ;) │
🔎︎ | | 18.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | AFP v0.9β - (c)1994,95 TWK Productions.Advanced File Proce AFP v0.9β - (c)1994,95 TWK Productions.
Advanced File Processor for bulletin
board systems. Should be activated di-
rectly after a file is uploaded. It can
do the following things:
■ Test archive integrity
■ Delete files from archive
■ Add files to archive
■ Add text to FILE_ID.DIZ
■ Filter MCI codes out of FILE_ID.DIZ
Returns an errorcode when file integrity
check fails, so you can install it in
your CHECK.BAT (PCE, etc) if you wish.
Supports the PKZIP, ARJ and RAR formats.
Can swap to disk for more memory.
'Fokkin' fast, because it does
not do a full dos shell when executing
external commands! June 15th 1995.
🔎︎ | | 171.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | ArchiveLAB v1.26; Utility for RA 1.xx & 2.00sysops to test ArchiveLAB v1.26; Utility for RA 1.xx & 2.00
sysops to test uploaded archive, GIF/JPG, and
TD0 files for errors, and add/remove comment,
add/remove advertisment files, extended
virus-scanning, -AV removal, FILE_ID.DIZ and
DESC.SDI support, and GIF/JPG templating,
swapping, on-line conversion of archive
types, checks uploads against Hack Report.
🔎︎ | | 85.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | AntiAd v1.43a - The ultimate BBS ad detectionand removal u AntiAd v1.43a - The ultimate BBS ad detection
and removal utility. Uses 3 methods to detect
BBS ads: a conventional database algorithm
for static BBS ads, a keyword algorithm for
ads that are changed frequently and filename
detection for tiny BBS ads that are not
mathematically unique. AntiAd's keyword
algorithm can detect extensively modified BBS
ad files that fools other detection schemes!
Includes a native 32-bit OS/2 version!
🔎︎ | | 48.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | Archive Identifier 1.23 - A utility foridentifying ARC ARJ Archive Identifier 1.23 - A utility for
ZOO GIF JPG and BMP files by SIGNATURE, not
extension, including SFX (and WinzipSFX)
archives! Tiny and very fast. Other files
can be filtered based on file extensions. For
use in customized BBS upload batch files and
similar archive testing applications.
Excellent for PCBTEST.BAT or SLOWDRV.BAT use.
Includes both DOS and 32-bit OS/2 versions!
🔎︎ | | 63.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | ARCON.EXE V2.K * ARCON.EXE is an automatic archive format ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
│ ** ARCON.EXE V2.K ** │
│ ARCON.EXE is an automatic archive │
│ format converter with the ability to │
│ add or remove files, virus scan, │
│ auto delete text from FILE_ID.DIZ │
│ and add a banner to the converted │
│ archive. Useful for Sysops who want │
│ all the files on the BBS in the same │
│ format and want to add BBS adverts │
│ to each archive. │
│ Can also be used from RemoteAccess │
│ RAMGR.EXE or RAFT.EXE file manager │
│ ** FREEWARE ** │
│ * UK BBS support available * │
│ Author Colin Birch │
│ Sysop The Dog House BBS │
│ (01443) 400327 24hrs │
│ Latest files - 9 February 1999 │
🔎︎ | | 86.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | ArcTest Archive Processor v2.4B (Demo) Fileupload/download ArcTest Archive Processor v2.4B (Demo) File
upload/download tester, virus scanner, file
commenting, nested archive testing, CRC
checking for GIF and TD0 files, convert
archives, and much more. Designed for use
with Synchronet BBS systems. Support for
fossil and non standard IRQ ports. Automatic
ASCII/ANSI detection display screens.
Extract! will automaticly extract FILE_ID.DIZ
or DESC.SDI file, and create a FILE_ID.DIZ
containing resolution and colors GIF & JPG
🔎︎ | | 19.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | The Atomic Clock v1.1 Dated:07/16/95 The Atomic Clock thro ╒══════════════════════════════════════╕
│ The Atomic Clock v1.1 Dated:07/16/95 │
The Atomic Clock through a ghost event
will set your TBBS System Clock in sync
with the US Atomic Clock in Washington,
DC. The Atomic Clock is the most
acturate computer clock around. The
program will even take into consider-
ation the time it takes in getting the
time to the time to tell TBBS to make
the change the time. The Atomic Clock
needs TBBS v2.3, TDBS v1.2, and
InterChange v1.2 and Sysom v1.1
│This Product is shareware and is FULLY │
│functional but does expire on 08/05/95 │
│Written by: │
│The Beach Board BBS (941) 337-4950 │
🔎︎ | | 36.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 206.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | BOOMLAB v0.62 ≡ COMPLETE Upload Processor for PcBoard. Cod ≡ BOOMLAB v0.62 ≡
COMPLETE Upload Processor for PcBoard.
Coded by Gene Layton (BOOMER) 06/11/95
° Automated PPE to handle failed files
° Age test archive 5 different ways.
° ZAP all BBS ads even random ads using
filelist, CRC value, or text keywords.
° Supports 7 different virus scanners.
Can use 1, multiple, or all scanners!
° 32+ macros to add file stats to desc,
customize ZIP comment, PCBPASS, etc...
° Strip unwanted text from FILE_ID.DIZ's
° Pack uncompressed, Repack non-ZIP's.
(Can be used partially with any BBS)
🔎︎ | | 53.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | CleanOut v1.0 Free utility to keep yourBinkley- style mail CleanOut v1.0 Free utility to keep your
Binkley- style mailer's outbound clean and
kill "forgotten" files. Replaces O/T-Track's
MAINT function in Binkley - style
environments. Works with BinkleyTerm, Xenia,
McMail and probably PoP.
🔎︎ | | 29.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | PM! · ■ ■ · ■ AddCrcCalc v1.o ■ ■ Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X ■ ▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄
▄■▀▀ ■▀▀■▄ ▀▀■▄
▄▒ █ ▄ ■▄ ▒▄
░▌ ▄■▀▀ ■▄▐▌ █ ▐▌ ▐░
░ ▐█ ░ ▐█▌ ▀■ ■▀ ░
░▌ ░ ░▐█░░░░░░█░░░▄■▀■░░ ░ ▐▒
▒▌ █▌ ░ ▐▌ █▒ ▀▄ ▐▒
▀█PM! · ▀■▄▄■▀ ■▀ · ▐▌ █
▐▀ ▄■ AddCrcCalc v1.o ■▀■▄ ▀▌
■└ Jungleboy^DiMeNSioN X ┘■
▄▀ ▀▄
▐▌ This Program Calculates The ▐▌
█ CRC Of All Files In One Dir. █
█ And Puts Them In SKULLCHK.CRC █
▐▌ Takes A Lot Of Work Out Of ▐▌
▀▄ Your Hands When Using ▄▀
■ SkullCheck. And You ■
· Hate BBS Adds ·
▀■▄▄ ▄▄■▀
🔎︎ | | 299.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | CatScan Professional v. 1.0 "The IntelligentFile Processor CatScan Professional v. 1.0 "The Intelligent
File Processor" CSPro is the
state-of-the-art in Upload File Processors.
No other upload file processor provides the
rich feature set that Catscan Professional
provides its users. Such features include,
built in duplicate file CRC checker, internal
messaging system, 100% configurable ANSI
screen, supports DIGI and Uart, supports
RIP Script, speeds up to 115k baud, uses up
to 15 virus scanners at one time, retains
only 3.5k of conventional memory when swapped
to disk or EMS, CSPro is your new "Hired
Hand" that can make your file area appear
like a hard working Sysop is behind all the
🔎︎ | | 225.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | CheckZip (CZip) v2.00β The ULTIMATE Upload Processor PUBLI ╔═══════════════════════════════════════╗
║ CheckZip (CZip) v2.00β ║
║ The ULTIMATE Upload Processor ║
║ Convert from ANY using any converter ║
║ Test uploads for valid CRC's, Viruses ║
║ File dates (4 ways), Dupes. Extract ║
║ archive comments to a logfile, Remove ║
║ comments or add your own. (even ║
║ randomly). Remove BBS ads by filename ║
║ or CRC and add your own. Touch dates. ║
║ Remove -AV tags. Configurable ANSI ║
║ screen, custom comments. Finds archive║
║ type based on signature. Supports non ║
║ standard ports up to 115.2K, Works ║
║ with ANY BBS software. TOTAL MultiNode║
║ support. Plus MUCH MORE! ║
║ Shareware $10 ║
🔎︎ | | 60.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | Download ARchive Converter 2.10 Front end for download pro ╒════════════════════════════════════════╕
│ Download ARchive Converter 2.10 │
│ Front end for download protocols to be │
│ used on BBS's. Allows users to convert │
│ archive files from one format to │
│ another. Can be configured convert │
│ .ZIP to .ARJ, .JPG to .GIF, .ARC to │
│ selfextracting archives, etc. May be │
│ configured to run with any commandline │
│ driven external protocol suze as DSZ, │
│ GSZ, HSLINK, CEXYZ, etc. Totally sysop │
│ configurable. Supports custom ASCII, │
│ ANSI, and RIP menus with built in auto-│
│ detect for both. Runs great under DV │
│ and DOS window in OS/2 or Windows. A │
│ must for any BBS. Requires a FOSSIL │
│ driver.╒═══════════════════════════════╛
🔎︎ | | 9.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | DoFiles: Uses PKZIP.EXE(C) to archive fileextensions of sa DoFiles: Uses PKZIP.EXE(C) to archive file
extensions of same name using original file
names. Erases files after archiving. Write
to current dir or use path to dir. Adds a
FILE_ID.DIZ to most extensions. !Freeware!
🔎︎ | | 78.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | Domain DiceWar v1.51 (UNREGISTERED)A multi-player, interac Domain DiceWar v1.51 (UNREGISTERED)
A multi-player, interactive dice game
written for Synchronet BBS systems.
Supports up to 250 players.
🔎︎ | | 83.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | Domain Upload Tester v2.10 (UNREGISTERED)A file upload tes Domain Upload Tester v2.10 (UNREGISTERED)
A file upload tester and virus scanner
written especially for Synchronet BBS
systems. Supports several virus
scanners and compression types, as well
as GIF testing and multi-level archive
testing. Built in com routines, and
ASCII/ANSI/RIP screens for users.
🔎︎ | | 232.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | DIZCAT v1.0 by SofTech. [07/Apr/95]Creates a file (such as DIZCAT v1.0 by SofTech. [07/Apr/95]
Creates a file (such as an index) from
669,STM,S3M,MTM,FAR,XM. Handles
Converts index to .DBF and to Pc-Board
compatible file-list. Intelligent file
handling, Clean-DIZ feature, VGA
user-friendly interface and mouse support.
A must for great downloaders!
Shareware $25.
🔎︎ | | 19.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | EMPIRE OF DARKNESS]=> Proudly Presents -=[ UNWANTED FILES _________ _____ ________
<=======\ ____/=/ _ \=\_____ \========>
.∙..∙.∙/ __|/\/ |_| \/ |_/ \∙∙..∙.∙
∙.∙∙.∙/ \ \ \∙.∙.∙.
<===========[EMPIRE OF DARKNESS]===========>
Proudly Presents
-=[ UNWANTED FILES 04/95 ]=-
<================[ 1 of 1 ]================>
List of Unwanted Files for your Upload
Checker and a special CRC list (Skull-Check)
🔎︎ | | 28.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | Smart Ring detector for BBS's or stand alone systemsSmart
Smart Ring detector for BBS's or stand alone systems
Smart Ring Front Door V1 by EaglePro.
EPSRFD will work with many different types of BBS's
or as a stand alone unit for recieving FAX-DATA calls. It
was written for use with the Smart Ring features of the phone
line but will work with standard rings and as a ring back
system. For those that don't know about the Smart Ring
it's a feature that the phone company sells so that you can
have two phone numbers for one phone line. It costs around
$5.00 a month and is a great way to run a personal BBS
and-or FAX system. EPSRFD much cheeper than paying 75-80
dollars for one of those boxes that switch lines and
answer on the 2-3-4 ring.
🔎︎ | | 50.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | Ex 1.42; CD-Rom front end for filetransfers; copies files Ex 1.42; CD-Rom front end for file
transfers; copies files located on
CD-Rom to a hard drive or ramdisk
before downloading. DOS and OS/2
versions, works with any BBS program
that supports redirected file download
lists and external file transfer
protocols. Shareware.
🔎︎ | | 27.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | F2READER - Fastecho area-config to msg-readerconverter. v1 F2READER - Fastecho area-config to msg-reader
converter. v1.14 (c) Peter Hampf, pbs-vec.
Including three-level-sort ... !
Requires FASTECHO.CFG revision 6 to run.
🔎︎ | | 24.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | Update yar ZAPFILES.TXT in yar upload processor (eg. Booml ▒▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀█▄▄ ▀▒
▄█████▀█▀▄███▀▀████▄ ███▀▀████▄ ███▀▀████▄
▄██████▄ ████ ░░ █████ █ ░░ █████ █ ░░ ████▒
▒█████▄ ▀███ ▄███▒ ██▒ ▄████ ███ ▄████
░ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ░
░ Update yar ZAPFILES.TXT in yar upload ░
░ processor (eg. Boomlab)... Here's a list ░
░ of hundreds of lame adds just waiting to ░
░ be zapped! :) -Collected by Codeblaster ░
▒▄▌06/10/96▐▄▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄▌1/1▐▄▒
🔎︎ | | 28.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | FeStat creates a file called FeStat.Txt.Have a look at it FeStat creates a file called FeStat.Txt.
Have a look at it and enjoy. FeStat saves
date and time of the last log-entry read,
so you can run it several times on the
same log without getting wrong results.
🔎︎ | | 748.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | Test uploads; block duplicate & pirate files.FWKCS(TM) Con Test uploads; block duplicate & pirate files.
FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, ver 2.05
1996 Apr 26. Shareware. Premier system for
recognizing duplicate files and zipfiles; can
process standard zipfiles made under DOS,
OS/2, UNIX, Windows; zipped paths up to 126
levels deep; long filenames; check individual
current AV stamps; run anti_virus programs.
Estimated typical statistical pairwise error
rate: less than, or of the order of, 1.0E-51.
🔎︎ | | 75.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | GFXCheck v1.23a - Graphics file checkingutility for valida GFXCheck v1.23a - Graphics file checking
utility for validating GIF, JPEG and BMP
graphics files. Great for sysops who receive
graphic files via uploads or other means.
Detects corrupt, incomplete or invalid image
files, dispositions files based upon image
characteristics, trims extraneous bytes,
updates BBS descriptions and inserts GIF and
JPEG comments. Includes both DOS and OS/2
🔎︎ | | 53.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | GIFGate is a High Speed GIF picture tester. Designed prima GIFGate is a High Speed GIF picture tester.
Designed primarily for BBS upload testing,
GIFGate can also be used offline to test GIFs
individually or subdirectories at a time!
Many options! Version 2 now features indepth
integrity checking of GIFs as well as all the
original great options. A must for serious
GIF testing! Shareware!
🔎︎ | | 65.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | GIFLITE 2.10, GIF-to-GIF CompressorGIFLITE is a GIF file c GIFLITE 2.10, GIF-to-GIF Compressor
GIFLITE is a GIF file compressor which
compresses GIF files by an average of 30%
and yet still preserve the same quality
and resolution. The resulting GIF files
are almost identical to the original file.
Human eyes can hardly tell them apart.
Now compatible with GDS's GIF catalog.
🔎︎ | | 383.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | INTEGRITY MASTER V2.61virus scannerand data Integrity! Wor INTEGRITY MASTER V2.61virus scanner
and data Integrity! Works well under OS/2,
Win95, Win/NT. Easy to use but protects
against much more than just viruses! Hardware
glitches, software bugs, even deliberate
sabotage are detected. If a virus strikes,
IM identifies it by name and (unlike other
programs) also indentifies any viral damage.
It will even detect new and unknown viruses
and provides full CMOS protection!
🔎︎ | | 440.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | Labtest 3.4 *Possibly the most complete uploadprocessing s *** Labtest 3.4 ****
Possibly the most complete upload
processing system available! Performs
file conversion, scanning, date testing,
duplicate checking, BBS advertisement
search/removal and more! Tosses
incoming .TIC files to their destination
directories, Online Help system gives
detailed info on every configuration
option. New! Supports RemoteAccess 2.5
Omega Software, Po Box 131,
Imperial Beach, CA 91932-0131
🔎︎ | | 471.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 138.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 6.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | Data file for the Offline BBS Lister!Only needed if the la Data file for the Offline BBS Lister!
Only needed if the last 3 numbers of
the OBBSLXXX.ZIP file are lower than
the last 3 numbers in this data file
(Where XXX are the numbers).
🔎︎ | | 16.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | STRiP/DiZ V1.0 STRiP/DiZ V1.0
🔎︎ | | 128.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | PCBCheck 3.24 Upload processor for PCBoard - easiest to us ========> PCBCheck 3.24
Upload processor for PCBoard - easiest to
use and set up. Fastest upload processing
available! This version talks directly to
OS/2 comm drivers, adds RAR support, greatly
enhances description file processing,
scanner customization abilities, smarter
FILE_ID.DIZ processing (removal of ANSI,
@-codes) and still includes convert archives,
add/remove files, modify comments, etc..
Minor bug fix update.
🔎︎ | | 87.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | PCBULT - v1.43β :by FeatherNet Software, IncAn outstanding PCBULT - v1.43β :by FeatherNet Software, Inc
An outstanding PCBoard Upload Tester & Files
Converter. Tests passing archive *WHILE ON-
Optional convertion of archive to ARJ, ZIP,
or LHA format. Deletes nuisance BBS ads
and inserts archive comment, tests .GIF and
.TD0 files. Swaps to XMS, EMS or Disk.
Includes easy configuration program.
* MUCH MORE * 100% Functional - NOT CRIPPLED
🔎︎ | | 101.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 287.0K | Nov 04, 2022 | PalmScan v2.02 - Archive Conversion Utility* DOS version * PalmScan v2.02 - Archive Conversion Utility
*** DOS version ***
│PalmScan is the conversion utility to║
│convert almost any archive to another║
│format. It can check for viruses ║
│inside the archives while converting ║
│(with up to 20 virus scanners), get ║
│file descriptions, process embedded ║
│archives, remove/add files from/to ║
│archives, full support for GIF ║
│packing, and lots more! PalmScan has ║
│full FileDoor, FILES.BBS and Remote- ║
│Access, Ezycom and Concord file- ║
│database support, works with any ║
│door.sys and dorinfo supporting bbs ║
│system, works great in Allfix and ║
│many other programs, or stand-alone! ║
│Shareware, very low registration fee.║
DITTMER Includes Full BASIC Source Code.
Published 1998 under the terms of the General
Public License
🔎︎ | | 81.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | FTS Corp. - ProView v2.0PROVIEW for TBBS/TDBS:Provides an FTS Corp. -- ProView v2.0
Provides an advanced interface for
ONLINE text databases. The viewer
allows users to browse text files,
scrolling both backward and forward.
Includes RIP interface. Supports
compound searching in text files.
🔎︎ | | 161.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | Qwik-List v1.14 The Ultimate File List Processor (formerly ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗
║ Qwik-List v1.14 ║
║ The Ultimate File List Processor ║
║ (formerly known as Identi-Filer) ║
║ Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI from ║
║ compressed files and creates an ║
║ attractive and useful file list. ║
║ The lists are compatible with most ║
║ BBS's and CD-ROM database doors. ║
║ ** Includes Kwik-Diz v1.1 Diz Editor ** ║
🔎︎ | | 144.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | QReader 3.3. Powerful on-line text readerfor publications, QReader 3.3. Powerful on-line text reader
for publications, tutorials, reports, etc.
Scroll text with PgDn, PgUp, Home and End.
Full featured Find & Repeat-find facility.
Displays entire page around the found text.
Scroll left & right for text over 80 chars.
Download capability. Highly configurable.
Permits grouping of text items by subject.
Uses standard & non-standard COM or FOSSIL.
🔎︎ | | 154.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | Qwik-List v1.11a The Ultimate File List Processor (formerl ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗
║ Qwik-List v1.11a ║
║ The Ultimate File List Processor ║
║ (formerly known as Identi-Filer) ║
║ Extracts FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI from ║
║ compressed files and creates an ║
║ attractive and useful file list. ║
║ The lists are compatible with most ║
║ BBS's and CD-ROM database doors. ║
║ ** Includes Kwik-Diz v1.0 Diz Editor ** ║
║ This file contains bug fixes ║
🔎︎ | | 18.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | RAScan v2.00; An online/offline uploadprocessor for RA 2.0 RAScan v2.00; An online/offline upload
processor for RA 2.00 and higher. Support for
files into the RA Files Data Base. Support
for up to 10 compression programs. Support
for your choice of scanning program. Support
for commenting of archives.
🔎︎ | | 32.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 178.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | REQSCAN 1.04 - File Request Reporter *Scans File Request l ** REQSCAN 1.04 - File Request Reporter **
Scans File Request logs from Request
Processor programs, maintains information.
Currently supports FDRPR,RP,FDFREQ.
Maintains compact database, can create
display screens, has list,search,print
functions. Editing, Hide entries, more
Can execute another program or DOS
command upon completion. EASY to setup and
use! "Cowboy Software!"
🔎︎ | | 139.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | SatPro! v1.00R /SatPro! is a communications |-=-program fo SatPro! v1.00R /
SatPro! is a communications |-=-----
program for use with PageSat | \
Satellite System. Incorporates |
multi-file processing, on screen statistics,
and will handle DOMAIN specific EMAIL!
SatPro! is the ULTIMATE satellite receiver
program! From Compudoc Consulting.
🔎︎ | | 69.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 44.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
🔎︎ | | 473.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | V.4.00 Public GAMMA Release 3 Upload and filebase processo █
▀▀▀█ ▀▀ █ ▀▀ █ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀█ ▀▀ █ ▀▀ █
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██▄▄ ██▄▀ ██ █ ██ ██ ██ ██▄█ ██▄▀
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▌ V.4.00 █ Public GAMMA Release 3 █ █
▌Upload and filebase processor supporting▐
▌RA1, RA2, PB2, SBBS, Ezycom, WME, PCB,▐
▌Concord, TMail, XFD, EFT. Virus/crc chck▐
▌converter of archives/files, description▐
▌im/export with many filters, passthrough▐
▌adder, stamps logo, insert advertising,▐
▌removes unwanted by name/crc/contents,▐
▌*fast* dupechecking, hacklist support,▐
▌abandom old files, -AV support for ZIP/▐
▌ARJ/RAR/SZQ and their SFX, DMS/TD0, GIF▐
▌to JPG, CDROM support, mailer updater,▐
▌20 compresors, 5 VScans, 5 EXE unpacker▐
▌ShareWare: 30,- DM english version▐
▌ (c) G.Brockhaus, SkullSoft Group ▐
🔎︎ | | 123.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | V.4.00 Öffent.GAMMA Release 3 Deutsche Sprach- und Hilfe D █
▀▀▀█ ▀▀ █ ▀▀ █ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀█ ▀▀ █ ▀▀ █
██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ ██ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █
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▄▄ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ ██ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █
██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ ██ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █
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▄▄ ░░▄█ ░░ █ ░░▄█ ░░▄▄ ░░▄▄ ░░▄█ ░░ █ ░░ █
▌ V.4.00 █ Öffent.GAMMA Release 3 █ █
▌Deutsche Sprach- und Hilfe Dateien und ▐
▌Dokumentationen. ▐
▌ShareWare: 30,- DM german version▐
▌ (c) G.Brockhaus, SkullSoft Group ▐
🔎︎ | | 101.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | SKC VOC files Monster VOC's (Kreisch! Boom! :-) ) █
▀▀▀█ ▀▀ █ ▀▀ █ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀█ ▀▀ █ ▀▀ █
██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ ██ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █
██▄▄ ██▄▀ ██ █ ██ ██ ██ ██▄█ ██▄▀
▄▄ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ ██ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █
██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ ██ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █
▒█ █ ▒█ █ ▒█ █ ▒█ ▒█ ▒█ █ ▒█ █ ▒█ █
░▒ █ ░▒ █ ░▒ █ ░▒ ░▒ ░▒ █ ░▒ █ ░▒ █
▄▄ ░░▄█ ░░ █ ░░▄█ ░░▄▄ ░░▄▄ ░░▄█ ░░ █ ░░ █
▌ █ SKC VOC files █ █
▌ Monster VOC's (Kreisch! Boom! :-) ) ▐
🔎︎ | | 123.5K | Nov 04, 2022 | SuperBBS Upload Analyzer v0.82γ Most powerful Upload Check ╔═══════════════════════════════════╗
║ SuperBBS Upload Analyzer v0.82γ ║
║ ║
║ Most powerful Upload Checker ║
║ for SuperBBS and Concord! ║
║ ║
║ ** Public gamma test version ** ║
🔎︎ | | 84.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | RA 2.x KeyMaker Version 3.0 -*-=≡=-=≡=-=≡=-=≡=-*- "They se ╔═════════════════════╗
║ RA 2.x KeyMaker ║
║ Version 3.0 ║
║ "They served us ║
║ well..." SrMn║
🔎︎ | | 15.7K | Nov 04, 2022 | TDCheck - Check A TeleDisk Image File TDCheck - Check A TeleDisk Image File
🔎︎ | | 412.4K | Nov 04, 2022 | THD ProScan File Processor v13.0 [OS/2] File Processor for THD ProScan File Processor v13.0 [OS/2] File
Processor for almost any BBS. Extracts and
tests nested archives. Provides complete
conversion options. Can update many BBS File
bases. Introduces unofficial support for Long
Filenames. Y2K Compliant. Supports testing of
Imagex for testing of Disk Images and many
new features. Freeware or Instantly Register
for additional features.
🔎︎ | | 357.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | THD ProScan File Processor v13.0 [DOS] File Processor for THD ProScan File Processor v13.0 [DOS] File
Processor for almost any BBS. Extracts and
tests nested archives. Provides complete
conversion options. Can update many BBS File
bases. Support testing of the following types
IMAGEX included for testing of Disk Images.
Full Y2K compliance. Freeware or Instantly
Register for additional features like
wildcard support and directory recursion.
🔎︎ | | 264.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | TRANSCAN v4.11 TRANSCAN v4.11 |
🔎︎ | | 42.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | Time Transfer ver 1.0 door foruse with Powerboard(tm) BBSe Time Transfer ver 1.0 door for
use with Powerboard(tm) BBSes.
Allow your users to transfer
their Time Bank account time
to another user's account.
🔎︎ | | 258.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | UpLoadProcessor/2 for OS/2 v2.28b. Now thepremier upload p UpLoadProcessor/2 for OS/2 v2.28b. Now the
premier upload processing system is available
in a multi-threaded 32-bit native OS/2
version! *** NOTE: This archive is not a
complete package; it contains the OS/2 files
only. The general release archive
ULP_228b.ZIP must also be downloaded for
the complete package!!! To install,
simply copy these files to your DOS
ULP 2.x subdirectory.
🔎︎ | | 372.2K | Nov 04, 2022 | UpLoadProcessor v2.28b* Overall Winner *of the 1995 PCBoar UpLoadProcessor v2.28b*** Overall Winner ***
of the 1995 PCBoard Favorite Add-on Contest!
Detects, processes and converts archives,
nested archives and imbedded pathed archives.
Also processes selected uncompressed files.
Three online modes and three event modes of
operation available. Integrated duplication
system, ZDCS supported as well. Extremely
configurable using a menu-driven system
manager. Fixes Y2K Date problem.
🔎︎ | | 172.6K | Nov 04, 2022 | UPCHECK 7.1f Checks uploads for age, virusesand duplicates UPCHECK 7.1f Checks uploads for age, viruses
and duplicates by crc32. Inserts FILE_ID.DIZ/
file listing. It can post messages when files
fail. Custom messages. Direct Hudson/JAM/PCB
msgbase support with the ability to use a 3rd
party package for others. RIP. Can add number
of files/date & GIF/JPG info to descriptions.
ZOO/GIF/JPG/SFX and GUS. No Fossil required.
See FREE-KEY.TXT for FREEWARE registration!!!
🔎︎ | | 80.3K | Nov 04, 2022 | Version .05 of Upload MoverA utility to move uploaded file Version .05 of Upload Mover
A utility to move uploaded files to
Download directories based on catagory
code and maintain FILES.BBS files for
those directories. Works with RBBS-PC
V17.4, V17.5, Cdoor, Maple Street, etc
By Mike McGee, SYSOP of the Dark Tower
49-9721-630387 and 630104. Proudly
running Dan Drinnons Cdoor Mods and
using Brandon Carnahans Utils. :)
🔎︎ | | 86.9K | Nov 04, 2022 | |
Detect dupe files inside ZIP and ARJ files
uploaded to a BBS. Direct interface to
UpLoadProcessor (ULP), ZipLab and ExzTest.
Simple to install, needs no external utils.
LAN & DV friendly. Maintenance update to
ZDCS 2.0x. Fully functional shareware.
🔎︎ | | 94.8K | Nov 04, 2022 | ZIP-ZAP v1.1 Multi-Function ZIP Processor Zap! those unwan ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗
║ZIP-ZAP v1.1 Multi-Function ZIP Processor ║
║Zap! those unwanted files and annoying ZIP ║
║ comments. Reclaim wasted disk space by ║
║ removing the TRASH from your ZIP files. ║
║ ZIP-ZAP will allow you to strip comments ║
║or add your own, strip unwanted files such ║
║as advertisements as well as add your own. ║
║ Has option to update the date/time stamp. ║
║ Will do single files, entire directories, ║
║ and even entire drives! by GadgetSoft ║
🔎︎ | | 76.1K | Nov 04, 2022 | ZIP-Note v1.0 ZIP Commenting UtilityThe fast and easy way ZIP-Note v1.0 ZIP Commenting Utility
The fast and easy way to add and edit
comments in your ZIP files.
Features a 15 line x 65 column internal
editor and access to external editor.
Automatic border drawing plus a box drawing
mode to make your ZIP comments stand out.
Also has left/center/right justification,
copy, paste, etc...
SHAREWARE 30 day DEMO key included.
🔎︎ | | 379.3K | Nov 04, 2022 |
70 files listed
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