• [VOICENWS] Net: Needing more money for the VOICE browser campaign...

    From feedback@os2voice.org@1:3634/1000 to All on Mon Oct 30 21:01:07 2017

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: roderickkleinDESPAM@DESPAMxs4all.nl

    I started the VOICE browser funding campaign to collect funds for new
    browser to be developed for the OS/2 platform. SO far we have received
    1250 Dollars in funding.

    For people reading http://os2world.com, sorry about the confusion, but we collected 1250 Dollars so far. Not 1500 Dollars.

    See my blog posting for details.
    Note that login is panel is only for editors).

    Follow the link in the article where you can buy a sponsor unit.
    We really need more people to donate to make this happen.



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