++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
http://www.os2voice.org ++
Good day (morning, afternoon, night, etc. etc. :) )
It has come to our attention that some registrants are having issues when attempting to book rooms and receive the Warpstock rate. Anyone having issues, please contact us at:
and we can work with the hotel to get everything setup correctly.
The dates for Warpstock 2016 are Friday, November 4 through Sunday, November 6,
2016. Country Inn & Suites, Orlando Airport, located at 5440 Forbes Place, Orlando, Florida 32812.
* Note: The hotel has no provision for giving us an online booking
code, so all registrations made to count against our
room block must be made via telephone and the guest must
advise that he or she is with Warpstock. Registering as a
Warpstock attendee keeps costs down for the event as
conference room costs are reduced if we meet projected room
nights. In addition, it is the way to make sure the guaranteed
room rate is applied. Phone numbers are:
Toll Free US: 800-456-4000 Toll: (407) 856-8896
Warpstock Corporation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, chartered in Virginia. The Warpstock annual conference is a gathering of
OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from around the world for the
purpose of education and advocacy. All contributions to Warpstock are
fully tax deductible in the US. Consult your tax adviser for more details.
More information on Warpstock available at:
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