++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
http://www.os2voice.org ++
Greetings from cefischer and welcome to the OS/2 Headlines #2 of July 2016!
In this issue:
1. »OS/2 Lab Notes, Issue 1« in Stock Again
2. Update of »OS/2 Lab Notes« Website
3. New Subscription Offers for the Lab Notes Magazines
4. Limited Special Subscription Offers for the Lab Notes Magazines
5. Free Access to the »OS/2 Lab Notes« for Former Software Licensees
6. OS/2 Lab Notes, Issue 1: Content Available for Download
1. »OS/2 Lab Notes, Issue 1« in Stock Again
As of 2. July 2016, #1 of the »OS/2 Lab Notes« is available again for immediate delivery. Head on to:
where you can order your copy. Also, we updated Issue 1's catalogue website. See:
where you find a corrected table of contents and synopses of the issue's articles.
2. Update of »OS/2 Lab Notes« Website
The entry site of the »OS/2 Lab Notes« magazine received a complete update:
We added a detailed overview of the magazine and the rationale behind it; several asides giving insights into several important topics such as key products to be developed, access to source code files, etc.
The site also features a new order system and a PDF file with photos of the current issue. The site is available in both an English and German version.
Read the full article on G+:
3. New Subscription Offers for the Lab Notes Magazines
In order to serve requests from several readers, we now offer automatic delivery to reduced subscription prices for both the
»Lab Notes« and »OS/2 Lab Notes« magazines.
Subscriptions allow for comfortable delivery to subscription prices so only one
order is necessary and each new issue then is shipped on availability. Billing remains the same, that is per invoice after receipt of the copy. Delivery by subscription can be cancelled at any time. There are two models, "Regular" subscription to a price of EUR 13.80/ copy and "Student" to a reduced price of EUR 11.80/ copy.
Read the full article on G+:
4. Limited Special Subscription Offers for the Lab Notes Magazines
Before we head on to the next issues, we have some time limited special subscription offers for new readers thinking of supporting the magazine projects by getting their printed copies:
For all orders we receive between 25. July 2016 and 7. August 2016 regular subscriptions are reduced to EUR 11.80/ copy; and for all orders we receive between 8. August 2016 and 14. August 2016 the subscription price is 12.80 EUR/
The offers terminate on the end dates given at 0.00 CEST. From then on, regular
subscriptions cost EUR 13.80 again.
Orders we receive within the specified time frames are granted the the above-mentioned reduces automatically.
Read the full article on G+:
5. Free Access to the »OS/2 Lab Notes« for Former Software Licensees
Licensees of former commercial software products released by cefischer are eligible to receive the »OS/2 Lab Notes« for free as compensation the old products being superset by the ones created in the course of the »OS/2 Lab Notes« which are freely accessible to everyone.
Users who purchased a licence of:
Γûá PAF (Papillon Application Framework) in either its final or preliminary edition,
Γûá Lambda, a PKZip application based on PAF,
Γûá Omikron, an e-mail application based on PAF,
Γûá OWPZip 1.00/ 1.01/ 1.02, a PKZip WPS class
can receive one free copy of each issue of the »OS/2 Lab Notes« thus receiving updates to their products as intended plus getting access to the full
source code and documentation, all at no charge.
Read the full article on G+:
6. OS/2 Lab Notes, Issue 1: Content Available for Download
We made the content of Issue 1 of the »OS/2 Lab Notes« available as PDF file,
complete and unabridged. Access to the PDF is free and it can be used free of charge for private, research, and educational purposes. You can get the file here:
If you like the magazine please support our work and order a copy of the publication in print. Thank you so much!
Read the full article on G+:
Have an inspiring reading experienceΓÇöΓÇöget the ideaΓÇöΓÇöand use it to advantage!
cefischer Buchverlag + Embedded Solutions
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